SECTION ONE ANK GISTER SECTION ONE VOLUME LXV, NO. 14. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1942. PAGES 1 TO 12 Auchincloss Opdns His Red Bank Stores Atlantic Highlands United Nations Unity May Be Kept Open PROCLAMATION Properties Have WHEREAS, October 1 and 2 have been set aside u county- Campaign For Congress wide registration day for all nursei, a 100 per cent response Is AAUWProgram Theme Wednesday Nights Vital. New Owners WHEREAS, due to the movement of nurses into war services Marl Cliff and A. E. t •••••'.., Chamber of Commerce at the front, In camps and in offices, a serious shortage exists in Says Sutphin Did Not Want To Offend the nurses staff and in general and special hospitals. It is abso- University Women Plan Sessions Taking a Poll Vote lutely necessary that in order to provide adequate nursing care Hagameier House Are for the people of Monmouth county, all registered, graduate and Japs In Opposing Guam Fortification Among Retail* Members practical nurses must register with the Monmouth County Nurs- Sold by A. E. Dennett For The Public And Members ing Council for War Service in their districts or at the office.of With unity of the United Nation* Mayor James C. Auchlncloii. of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Service, 131 Pearl Marl Cliff, the summer residence A poll vote Is being taken from 47 i a general theme the Monmauth Rjunson, Republican candidate for street, Red Bank, , for many years of the late Edward To Return To Council retail merchant members of the Red ounty branch of the American As- Congress In the Third New Jersey Bank Community'Chamber of Com- Jansen and formerly one of the Names Sought For WHEREAS, the present war conditions present manifold ociatlon of University Women has district, opened his campaign Tues- merce regarding opening of their show places along Ocean boulevard, problems to both local and county health authorities* it Is lUilt its fall and winter program day night with speeches before the respective stores Wednesday night Atlantis Highlands,. overlooking Local Honor Roll absolutely necessary that all nurses register, to enable our hos- round this subject, and meetings county committees of Ocean, Mon- of each week, as welt as keeping Sandy Hook bay and Atlantic ocean, pitals ' and authorities to carry oh their flrBt class service and or members and the public have D mouth and Middlesex counties at has been purchased by James Blu- Erection of [the Red Bank their stores open Saturday night. ieen arranged. Announcements of Forked Elvor, in which his declared good health standards, I, Charles R.. English, Mayor of Red rnettl of 239 Summit avenuo, Jersey borough honor'roll of service- Several merchants of Red Bank are :omlng activities wero, mado at an that the only legislation of national Bank, do hereby call upon all registered, graduate and practical City. men on Bed Bank high school convinced there should be a change ixecutive board meeting Monday at importance introduced by his oppo- nurses to support the War Service council's drive for registra- The new owner will nave the spa- property at Harding road and of habit regarding retail business :bc home of Mre. Emlllo . FanJUl, nent In Congress, Representative tion of nursei, October 1 and 2. clous three-story and basement Branch avenuo Is to take place duo to changing conditions, ranch president, of Fair Haven, , William H. Sutphin, Democrat, house, which has been vacant for shortly; it was announced by There are three outstanding rea- Dated Red Bank, New Jersey, In order to conserve gasoline and "served to stop the fortification of the last few yearn, thoroughly reno- Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll sons for a desire for Immediate tires the branch will hold three Guam." September 24th, w£ vated. New plumbing and.electrical at the council meeting Monday change. One is- there Is a definite \ meetings between now and June. fixtures will be Installed and other Mayor Auchincloss declared Sut- night, Mr, Gopslll last Friday loss of business In Red Bank due CHARLKS R. ENGLISH, The first' session will be Moh- Improvements will be made beforo phin opposed fortification of Guam night conferred with Harry to the stores being open In neighbor- Mayor. ay, October 12,' at tho Methodist Mr. Blumettl and family take oc- because "It would offend the sensi- Southall, who la to erect tho ing places Wednesday evening; sec- ifcurch fellowship hall on Broad cupancy. tive, nature of the Japanese." The plaque; Charles Gallagher, a ondly, hundreds of military and ci- itreet, and will be open to the pub- There" are eight bedrooms, each Sutphin amendment in 1939 defeat- member of tho board of educa- vilian buyers who are now engaged lic. A. round table discussion on the with a fireplace and balconies ex- ed an appropriation of (5,900,000 for tion, and Kenneth Smith of the In direct military activities or In de- ubject, "The Unity of the United tending from four of the rooms, The Guam. ' Red Bank American Legion fense work are employed dally un- Nations," will be conducted, Thcfo Replies To Register main reception Imll on the first floor Mayor Auchlncloss suggested that post, and agreed on tho loca- til 5:30 p. m.. and thereby have prac- County WCTU will be special speakers on Norway, has an Italian, marble floor. There • at all Republican rallies during the tion. • . tically no time to visit the retail England and China to be secured by "Ad" Swamps Seller aro also a Turkish room, a billiard campaign" a few pounds of scrap Mr. Gopsill stated that the stores during the daytime, and third- Mrs. Howard Q. Hymer, Following room, dining room, laundry, butler's no the admission requirement for committee in charge is now ly, the approach of the holiday sea- Convention To Be Quick results, such as Karl Davis he lectures an open discussion will pantry and kitchen. The front win- each member." At Freehold It was eeeklng the names of ail Red son buying period, which this year of Atlantic Highlands experienced, be held, A business meeting for tho dows are of large plate glass and announced that the Auchincloss Bank men in servlCB. These will start at least one month ahead are a common occurrence with .those members will precede the publlo Held Here Friday broad verandoe extend from three campaign committee .had offered a should be left with tho borough of normal times, Even now holiday who use the classified want ad de- meeting at 7:30 o'clock. - ' sidea of the house. There are five prize of {60 in war bond to the clerk, Mrs. Amy Shlnn, at the display* are being made In New partment of The Register. The music, dance's and folk songs baths in the residence and a heating Republican unit which contributes borough hall, or given to Mr. Ycrk stores for the convenience of Mr. Davis won a new bicycle >t the United -Nations will be dli- Annual Meeting at plant In the cement basement. the most, scrap metal during the GopBlU or Mr. Smith. those who are buying holiday pres- awarded'by Independent fire com- LOUIS M. HAGUE ussed at the January 11 meeting to Mr. Jansen waB a New York man- campaign. Mayor Auchincloss spoke , It Is estimated that more than ents to send to the boys in the ser- pany of Red Bank, and he inserted be held at Deal conservatoire. No- Methodist Hail- ufacturer of wicker goods and had as follows: 1,000 names will be on the vice who are at distant points. an advertisement In The. Register The appointment of Louis M. ives of the United Nations will en- an exhibit in the World's fair at scroll, An appropriate dedica- ottering the bicycle for sale, It was Hague to the Rumson borough coun- ertaln with the music and dancing ' "During the primary election I 1 It has been proposed by a number To Elect Officers Chicago In 1896. He was planning tory program is being arranged. eold to Councilman Kenneth L. cil, to fill the vacancy caused by tho t>f their respective countries, The gave considerable time to studying of retail merchants that tlie retail to build a summer home at Atlantic Walker of Little Silver shortly after death of James P. Bruce, will be meeting Is In charge of Mra. Herbert Mr. Sutphln's record for this past 11 stores bo kept open until 9 o'clock Highlands at that time and mado The annual convention of Mon- the paper was on the street. Mr. made at tonight's meeting* by Mayor Werner, Mrs. William G. Herman years, and all anyone can say is Wednesday night In order to meet arrangements with his architect to mouth county Women'6 Christian Walker's call was the first of many James C. Auchincloss. and Mrs, Maurice Coleman. that he Is our representative. I the above specified situations. have the exhibit shipped to ths bay- Temperance Union will be held to- that Mr. Davis received. In fact, c Mr. Hague served as a member of The. final session will be a dinner have gone over' his record and find Report Sale Of Harold V. B. Voorhls, executive shoro town to be used later In tho morrow at the Methodist church on the calls became so numerous that the council in 1937,1938 and 1939, and meeting in May at the Rosevelt tea, . that while he has introduce! a num- secretary of the Red Bank Commun- dining room of the house. Broad street. The meeting will be Mr. Davis put a large sign on hie as chairman of the police commit- room at Asbury Park.
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