SECTION 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT SECTION 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT This section presents relevant information about existing resources and other values that may be affected by the Proposed Project and alternatives. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) implementing guidelines (59 IAM 3- H), the existing conditions described herein provide the base line for determining the environmental effects identified in Section 4.0. Descriptions include the following resource and issue areas: Land Resources Water Resources Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Socioeconomic Conditions / Environmental Justice Transportation and Circulation Land Use Public Services Noise Hazardous Materials Visual Resources 3.1 LAND RESOURCES 3.1.1 GEOLOGICAL SETTING The project site is located within the California Coast Range geologic region. Extensive folding and thrust faulting during the late Cretaceous through early Tertiary geologic time created the geologically complex region consisting of northwest-trending faults and mountain ranges that characterize the California Coast Range. The property is underlain by quaternary age Pleistocene alluvial fan deposits comprised of materials that include claystone, siltstone, lithic sandstone, and pebbly mudstone and sandstone (RGH, 2008). 3.1.2 TOPOGRAPHY The topography of the project site consists of rolling hills covered with grasses and is characterized by mixed oak woodland habitat. Slopes within the project site range between five and thirty percent. The eastern half of the property has a moderately sloped terrain, while the western half consists of steep hills which flatten out in the northwest corner of the site. Analytical Environmental Services 3-1 Lytton Property Residential Development 207513 Environmental Assessment 3.0 Affected Environment Elevations on the project site range between approximately 100 and 200 feet above mean sea level (amsl). A topographic map of the project site is provided in Figure 1-2. 3.1.3 SEISMIC CONDITIONS Three fault zones classified by the California Division of Mines and Geology transect the general region of the Town of Windsor. These include the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek Fault, the San Andreas Fault, and the Maacama Fault. The closest of the three faults to the project site is the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek Fault, which runs in a general north-south direction, approximately two and a half miles east of the project site. Figure 3-1 shows regionally active faults and their relative distances to the project site. As shown in Figure 3-2, a portion of the project site is within the area associated with the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek Fault Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) rating of VIII. This MMI rating indicates the potential for slight damage to specially designed structures; considerable damage to ordinary substantial buildings; immense damage to poorly built structures; the collapse of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, and walls; and the overturning of heavy furniture (USGS, 1989). 3.1.4 SOIL TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS The 92-acre project site contains six well drained soils that are derived from either a form of alluvium or residuum (NRCS, 2008a). Table 3-1 summarizes the characteristics for each soil type, while Figure 3-3 shows the location of each soil type on the project site. TABLE 3-1 PROJECT SITE SOILS Map Percent of Map Unit Hydraulic Erosion Unit Slope Range Project Name Conductivity Class Hazard Symbol Site Alluval Land, AeA 0-2% Very High Slight 3% Clayey Arbuckle AgE gravelly sandy 15-30% Moderately High Moderate 13% loam Felta very FaD 5-15% Moderately High Slight 36% gravelly loam Felta very FaF 30-50% Moderately High Severe 4% gravelly loam HtC Huichica loam 2-9% Moderately High Slight 15% SkD Spreckels loam 9-15% Moderately High Moderate 29% Source: NCRS, 2008a Analytical Environmental Services 3-2 Lytton Property Residential Development 207513 Environmental Assessment C r o s s S p r i n g f a B u ig l t V M al z le o a y fa n a ult e c a m a f a Hu u ntin l g t C r z ee o k B Clearlake - n B i e e r g ry , V e LEGEND s Clearlake Highlands ss o a a l u l e fa t h y u e lt f s r a y n u s l t s t e e m Historic Wight Way fault , c W Mendocino t Lower Lake i i o ls n o n C se <1C5,o00u0n - tlaytest Quaternary o c l t la io y n o m i fa <100,000 - late Quaternary u l t zo n <1.600,000 Quaternary e C h Lake ia n t i Hobergs Other Faults fa u Cobb County lt M a Other Quaternary Faults a c a m a Hidden Valley Lake Cloverdalefa u lt z Miles o n e Ge , y 29 s ser o Pea u k fa th ult e zone r n 0 3 6 s C e h c ia t n io Middletown A t n l i M e fa G x u a e a l a y nd t c s e a er P r- m eak Hu R a fa nt ed u ing w fa lt C o u z re o l o ek d t n - H z e B ill f o er au n ry lt zo Geyserville e e H ne , ss e s a a o ld u fa sb th u u e lt rg r s n y fa s s u e te lt c m t io , n W ils o n Lytton s ec tio n 101 128 H Healdsburg e Pope Valley a ld Napa s M b R a u o a r d c g g a f e m County a a u rs l fa Sonoma t C ul r t e zo Project Site e n Calistoga k e Angwin , s County fa o u u l th es t e il rn M s 9 s e 0 le c . i t 1. i 73 2 M o M 5 n ile 2.6 s Deer Park s Windsor e l i M 1 2 . Saint Helena Guerneville 3 s ile M 2 .5 17 S Forestville an A Monte Rio nd re as f a S Jenner ul a t z n on A Santa Rosa e n Graton , N d o re r a 12 th s C fa Roseland 29 oa u s lt t z se o 1 116 c n Occidental t e South Santa Rosa io Sebastopol B n , e N n o n rt e h tt C J V o a o y l a W le s o y t o s ds fa e fa u c u lt ti lt z Glen Ellen o o n n e Rohnert Park Bl Eldridge oom fie Cotati ld Agua Caliente Bodega Bay fa u lt Boyes Hot Springs A me 1 ric El Verano an o C Sonoma re ek Marin fa ul County t Temelec Dillon Beach R o d Petaluma g e r s C r e e k fa u lt Lytton Residential Development EA / 207513 SOURCE: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, 2007; AES 2009 Figure 3-1 Regional Fault Map Rodg ers Creek fault Healdsburg fault LEGEND Property Boundary Rodgers C reek fa ult Feet 0 1,500 3,000 Lytton Residential Development EA / 207513 SOURCE: Town of Windsor, 1995; AES, 2009 Figure 3-2 Ground Shaking Intensities Along the Healdsburg-Rodgers Creek Faults Windsor River Rd HtC FaF AgE AeA SkD d R HtC e d i s SkD t s a FaD E AgE AgE FaF SOIL TYPES Feet Property Boundary Soil Types 0 250 500 PROJECT AREA SOILS AeA - ALLUVIAL LAND, CLAYEY AgE - ARBUCKLE GRAVELLY SANDY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES FaD - FELTA VERY GRAVELLY LOAM, 5 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES FaF - FELTA VERY GRAVELLY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES HtC - HUICHICA LOAM, 2 TO 9 PERCENT SLOPES SkD - SPRECKELS LOAM, 9 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES Lytton Residential Development EA / 207513 SOURCE:USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 12/13/2006; Sonoma County GIS; DigitalGlobe Aerial Photograph, 9/20/2003; AES, 2009 Figure 3-3 Soils Map 3.0 Affected Environment A description of the six soil types is included below: Alluvial land, clayey soils (AeA) – These soils are found at elevations between 200 to 800 feet. AeA has moderate shrink-swell potential. No information on the depth to restrictive feature or water table is reported by NRCS; however, the landform is classified as floodplains. Although not corrosive to concrete, AeA is highly corrosive to steel (NRCS, 2008a) Arbuckle gravelly sandy loam (AgE) – This soil type commonly occurs in elevations between 100 and 1,600 feet amsl and is located on both hills and terraces. Parent material for AgE is alluvium derived from sedimentary rock. The depth restrictive feature and water table for this soil is more than 80 inches. AgE is characterized as moderately corrosive to concrete and steel (NRCS, 2008a). Two types of Felta loams are found within the project site: FaD and FaF - Both Felta soils typically occur in elevations between 100 and 1,500 feet amsl and are commonly found on terraces. The parent material for Felta soils is alluvium derived from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock. The depth to restrictive feature and water table of this type of soil is more than 80 inches. Both FaD and FaF are characterized as moderately corrosive to concrete and steel (NRCS, 2008a). Huichica loam (HtC) - occurs in elevations between 100 and 300 feet amsl and is found on terraces.
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