Public .Library Belmar, N.J The Coast advertiser Forty-Seventh Year, No. 12. BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST II, 1939 Single Copy 4c THE Outside Column Beach Rulings By Tom Tighe Politics . Stiffened After rjD BALENTINE, former Freehold f . mu newspaper compositor, is being boomed by his Irvington friends as a ’ *e§i 1 Democratic candidate for governor ... rjg T t :fm Ed left Freehold after the demise of ..jjpui Lengthy Debate the old Monmouth Inquirer a decade ago and has since been head man in M'z the Irvington fire and police depart­ ments, of which he is commissioner, Mayor Abbott's Ex­ as well as a former assemblyman, Mayor's Charity Fund leading the Essex county ticket in Benefits by Marriage periment Leads to. 1931 . he also finds time to hold down the job of secretary to the Es­ Wedding bells this week swelled New Resolution. sex county tax board . whether he WALL FIRE COMPANY NO. 1—receives its new combination 500-gaHon pumper and hook and led- the coffers of the mayor’s unem­ can get the nod from Jersey City is a der. Carrying complete equipment for 24 men, a 250-gallon booster tank and 800 feet of hose the new ployment relief fund which is to Belmar beach regulations were clari­ question which his many friends engine shown above is stationed at the H street firehouse in West Belmar. Fire underwriters will soon aid the needy who fall without fied Tuesday as the borough commis­ inspect the apparatus for final approval. would like to have answered before the scope of regular relief chan­ sion passed a resolution to support the: many moons. nels. signs on the beachfront calling foir Buss Woolley’s candidacy for the At Friday’s meeting of the com­ payment of a beach fee or possession county clerkship in Monmouth this Legion Proposes mittee Mayor Leon T. Abbott pro­ of a tag by those who would go upon, fall has given strength to the off-year Postmaster Assists Charity Baseball duced two dollars, which he gave the beach clad in slacks, sun suits, play suits or shorts. ticket, since it made possible the can­ Bewildered Visitor to the treasurer, William H. Hur­ didacy of Dorman McFaddin for Free­ To Give Medals Set fo r Aug. 18 ley, revealing that as mayor he This action was spurred by Mayor holder . both will poll strong votes Leon T. Abbott who experimented Charles Eberl, 426 East Second had recently performed a mar­ in the Long Branch sector, where avenue, Roselle, is grateful to Post­ riage. The gratuity therefrom the from Aug. 1 to 8 with collecting from Democrats have shown their greatest Committee Would Honor Mayor's Unemployment Re­ master Everett H. Antonides. mayor dedicated to the cause of all who wished to use the beach on a power. Howard Height and George Outstanding Grammar Wednesday Mr. Eberl started out lief Committee Distri­ charity. basis that it was discriminatory to Roberts are expected to start the by train to visit his friend, Wil­ charge some for the use of the beach Democratic ticket but reports are School Pupils. liam Rieke in Belmar but as the butes Tickets. and to allow others on it without current that Height may change his locomotive drew into the station charge when the only difference was mind and decline to be a candidate___ The Americanization committee of The mayor’s unemployment relief Mr. Eberl realized with dismay a debatable purpose of attire. The the Herbert-Worthington-White post, committee Friday worked on the final Paving Contract that he had left Mr. Rieke’s ad­ mayor sought to charge all for use o f 151, American Legion, is contemplat­ details of the charity baseball game dress home. The visitor went to the beach saying that whether attired Motels . .. ing the award of a medal to the out­ Aug. 18 at Memorial park. The Bel­ the postoffice to see if someone Let by Committee in bathing suit or dinner jacket, all APPRO VED motels, a fancy name standing boy and girl in the Belmar mar Braves, through the cooperation knew his friend’s whereabouts. required that the beach be kept po­ * * for cabin colonies, are gaining in grammar school class, it was revealed of the Belmar first aid squad, will bat­ The postmaster, being on his day liced and cleaned. popularity among the current crop today by William Koerbel, chairman tle the Racharach Giants of Atlantic off and being good-natured in his Glendola-Manasquan Road Commissioners George G. Titus and" of tourists . having gone modern of the committee. City. The proceeds will be distributed, own car took the visitor about Carl W. Schroeder refused to sub­ with hot water, baths, showers, in- Mr. Koerbel said an offer had been on the advice of the local assistance To Be Surfaced by Belmar for an hour until he locat­ scribe to this plan, the latter declar­ nerspring mattresses and optional made to school authorities and nego­ board, to supplement the regular re­ ed Mr. Reike at 411 Fifth avenue. Barrett Firm. ing that he stood for the free use of breakfasts, they promise to become tiations were under way to expand lief fund. serious competition for established the beach by those in “street” clothing. the idea to the Wall township schools. The Rev. Alan N. Nettlenlan, pastor Paving of the Glendola-Manasquan hotel trade . a nationwide system The commissioners debated the ques­ Aside from the medals a button of Calvary Baptist church, is chair­ road, from the Belmar-Glendola road makes it possible for one to plan tion at length—even to calling upon will be given to the boy and a brooch man of the local assistance board; to route 35, with state aid was au­ reservations far in advance from here Miss Wilhelmina Weindorf, daughter to the girl to wear. A placque will be Rescuer Loses Mrs. Bertha Haberstick, overseer of thorized Wednesday night by the Wall to Florida or the west coast . only of Charles Weindorf of 400 Twelfth obtained -so the name of the winner the poor, is secretary, and Commis­ township committee. The contract motels set up thus far in this area avenue, Belmar, to give an “expert” ' may be inscribed each year. The boys’ sioner Carl W. Schroeder and Mrs. was to be awarded to the Barrett Pav­ are at Wanamassa and near Glendola. Shirt on Beach opinion on just how some of the award will be made on the basis of John Cubbon are members. ing company of Trenton, low bidder, modern types of female dress were honor, courage, scholarship, leader­ More than a score of persons at the pending the approval of the state designated. ship and service. The girls’ award will highway commissioner, E. Donald Barnegat Duck . Recovers Pants, Wallet Af­ meeting chose Mayor Leon T. Abbott Mayor Abbott opened the discussion be based on courage, companionship, Sterner. TJETE VREDENBURG, who does a chairman of the committee which re­ when he reported that arguments and character, service and scholarship. ter Long Search. Saves *■ column in the late Will Fischer’s ceived the wholehearted support and There were five bidders of which arrests on the beachfront had been Faculties and classmates will be con­ Courier at Toms River, supplies the Two Men. cooperation of Albert Isola, chairman the Trenton concern was low with eliminated during the week the ex­ sulted before awards are made. recipe for roasted fish as follows: of the first aid squad’s baseball com­ $1,188.90. The unsuccessful concerns periment was in force. He said the split the fish down the back, nail the Further nominations for officers to Climaxing a weekend with more mittee. , Many suggestions offered at were Charles J. Hess of Belford; Tar plan to make a blanket charge for the halves on shingles or short boards; be elected Aug. 23 were made Wed­ than a dozen rescues from the surf the meeting were helpful to the com­ Asphalt Service, Inc., of New Bruns­ use of the beach was suggested by stick them in the sand round a large nesday night at the legion meeting. by Belmar’s lifeguards, a Newark mittee and the support pledged will wick; Fred McDowell of Neptune and men in direct charge of the beach­ fire and as soon as they are well James Fiske declined the nomination youth Sunday night pulled two men assure the success of the worthy Frank Sindlinger. front who were familiar with condi­ browned serve with whatever you as vice commander because he is also to safety at the foot of Tenth avenue charitable affair. Mrs. Haberstick is On recommendation of Tax Assessor tions over several years. The sugges­ have . reminds you of the famous nominated for commander. Jack only to find his clothes missing after secretary and ticket chairman of the John E. Cherel the committee “clari­ tion was investigated personally, the recipe for Barnegat duck . old tim­ Berry and Frank Casaburi were nom­ the excitement. The names of the mayor’s committee; William H. Hurley fied” the West Belmar district by set­ mayor said, and the step taken with ers would tell you to put the duck on inated as finance officer; Earl Nelson two rescued men were not learned. was reelected treasurer and the audit ting its limit at the south boundary the realization that all would not be a thick plank, roast until the plank was nominated to the post of execu­ The hero was Terry Fox, lifeguard of his books for the last year was of Route 35. Mr. Cherel said four pleased.
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