FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER Sport is a significant part of any nation’s culture, health, education, economy and social upliftment, and South Africa is no exception. It touches people at an emotional and personal level that gives meaning to everyday lives. Due to its profile, sport enjoys immense media attention and captures the hearts of our nation. It appeals to people from all walks of life – from the most remote village where people gather around an open field to watch a local soccer game, to mega international events hosted in our world class sport stadia. The impact of sport, in all its facets, places a considerable responsibility on the national Department to ensure that sport and recreation from a national perspective are administered and governed in the best interests of all participants and stakeholders. A few generations ago, physical activity was an integral part of daily life. Unfortunately, in the name of progress, we have chipped away at it so thoroughly that physical inactivity actually seems normal. Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) are making it a priority to break the cycles of inactivity where they are already deeply entrenched, and prevent them in our emerging economy while we still have time. In the best interest of our country, and to assist with the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals, we need to create early positive experiences for children and to integrate physical activity into everyday life. Special emphasis is being placed on the youth. The benefits of participation are immeasurable and the Department is committed to supporting a variety of implementation modalities to encourage and support inclusive participation to capitalise on this. Citizens require facilities that are easily accessible and programmes that are stimulating enough to be sustainable. ‘If we can succeed in motivating and inspiring people; parents, teachers and children; to live a healthier and better lifestyle, more young people will be able to chase their dreams in future.’ (Wayde van Niekerk, 2016). The Department is passionate about transformation and provides resources and initiates projects to transform the sector. These are premised on capacity building; transformative procurement policies and the introduction of responsive entrepreneurship programmes. Youth, women and people with disabilities are prioritised. Access to facilities that enable regular inclusive participation are key. Grassroots development programmes to ensure sustainable transformation; transformed administration at national, provincial and local levels as well as programmes to address under-representation in identified “exclusive codes” remain non-negotiable. Our focus remains the transformation of sport at all levels and we are committed to: • Increase the access of South African citizens to sport and recreation facilities; • Provide mass participation opportunities; • Ensure transformation in sport and recreation; • Develop talented athletes by providing them with opportunities to excel; • Support high performance athletes to achieve success in international sport; and • Build a pipeline of athletes through grassroots development programmes, to ensure sustainable transformation in sport. I feel especially passionate about fulfilling the gender specific policy directives to which South Africa has been a signatory. These include: • Fair and equitable representation of men and women in all events and activities. • Capacity building of women in leadership positions, such as coaching, administration and officiating. • Collaborative training, advocacy and awareness programs to educate the media on gender sensitive reporting. • The implementation of rewards and recognition initiatives that promote women empowerment and visibility. The Department’s unwavering support for Caster Semenya as she challenges a female classification rule imposed by the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is but one example of the significance we have assigned this strategic imperative. Being a winning nation has very favourable spinoffs for nation building and social cohesion. To encourage this the Department provides services and an environment to develop talented athletes and to support elite athletes. Industry challenges such as doping, have seen the participation of some countries and athletes, at international level, being jeopardised. As a country, we cannot afford to be seen to be on the wrong side of the world’s anti-doping requirements. We therefore must do our best to maintain our global status as one of the countries that subscribe to high values and conduct our sport in an ethical manner. It gives me immense pleasure to present to you the 2019/2020 Annual Performance Plan (APP). This document is a culmination of an effort to ensure that sport and recreation is placed at the highest level of our Country’s developmental agenda. The sport and recreation sector has committed to transform the delivery of sport and recreation by ensuring equitable access, development and excellence at all levels of participation and to harness the socio-economic contributions that can create a better life for all South Africans. The Department has a key role to play in overseeing the achievement thereof. The clean audit opinions that the Department has achieved over the years, give me confidence that as the political leader of the Department, I am surrounded by a committed team of administrators, who respect the controls and work processes that have been MTEF MEDIUM TERM EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS MTSF MEDIUM TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK M&E MONITORING & EVALUATION A-G AUDITOR-GENERAL NCOP NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PROVINCES AU AFRICAN UNION NDP NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AUSC AFRICAN UNION SPORTS COUNCIL NDMP NATIONAL DRUG MASTER PLAN BRICS BRAZIL, RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA & SOUTH AFRICA NF NATIONAL FEDERATION BSA BOXING SOUTH AFRICA NSRA NATIONAL SPORT AND RECREATION ACT CATHSSETA CULTURE, ARTS, TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & SPORTS SECTOR NSRP NATIONAL SPORT AND RECREATION PLAN EDUCATION & TRAINING AUTHORITY NT NATIONAL TREASURY CDA CENTRAL DRUG AUTHORITY NTC NATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE CIGEPS INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND QSRM QUARTERLY STATUS REVIEW MEETING SPORT RADO REGIONAL ANTI-DOPING ORGANISATION CIP COMPULSORY INDUCTION PROGRAMME SAIDS SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR DRUG-FREE SPORT COSSASA CONFEDERATION OF SCHOOL SPORT ASSOCIATIONS OF SOUTHERN SALGA SOUTH AFRICAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION AFRICA SAPS SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICES DPSA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION SASCOC SOUTH AFRICAN SPORTS CONFEDERATION AND OLYMPIC COMMITTEE EPG EMINENT PERSONS GROUP SCM SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT HEADCOM HEADS OF DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE SDP IWG SPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE INTERNATIONAL HIV & AIDS HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS & ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY WORKING GROUP SYNDROME SGB SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY HRD HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SLA SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT IBSA INDIA,BRAZIL,SOUTH AFRICA SWOT STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS ICT INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SRSA SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA IMC INTER-MINISTERIAL COMMITTEE TAFISA THE ASSOCIATION FOR INTERNATIONAL SPORT FOR ALL MACRe MINISTERIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RECREATION UN UNITED NATIONS MIG MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT UNESCO UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND MINEPS MINISTERS AND SENIOR OFFICIALS RESPONSIBLE CULTURAL ORGANISATION FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT WADA WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY MINMEC MINISTERS & MECS WHO WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MOU MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING MPAT MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TOOL MPP MASS PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER 2 OFFICIAL SIGN-OFF 5 PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 9 LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 19 OVERVIEW OF THE 2019/20 BUDGET AND MTEF ESTIMATES 20 STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS OF THE INSTITUTION 23 PART B: PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS Vision for programme 1: Administration 26 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2019/20 RECONCILING PERFORMANCE TARGETS WITH THE BUDGET AND MTEF Vision for programme 2: Active Nation 38 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2019/20 RECONCILING PERFORMANCE TARGETS WITH THE BUDGET AND MTEF Vision for programme 3: Winning Nation 56 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA 2019-2020 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN 7 | P a g e PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2019/20 RECONCILING PERFORMANCE TARGETS WITH THE BUDGET AND MTEF Vision for programme 4: Sport Support 74 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2019/20 RECONCILING PERFORMANCE TARGETS WITH THE BUDGET AND MTEF Vision for programme 5: Sport Infrastructure Support 89 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2019/20 PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2019/20 RECONCILING PERFORMANCE TARGETS WITH THE BUDGET AND MTEF PART C: LINKS TO OTHER PLANS OUTCOME 14 – 2019/20 97 ESTIMATES
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