AUS Print on Demand Stocklist

AUS Print on Demand Stocklist

ALLEN & UNWIN AUS POD NOV 16 FICTION NOVEMBER 2016 Southern Steel 17.99 A FICTION Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbcdai! Murder at Mansfield Park 22.99 B The Sun in Exile 17.99 Z Shepherd,Lynn ,!7IB7E2-dhgbba! Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbciij! Popular Fiction A Bough in Hell 19.99 B Cusack,Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbcijg! The Summer Psychic 23.99 B Adams,Jessica ,!7IB7E1-hfbcbf! Monkeys in the Dark 19.99 Z d'Alpuget, Blanche ,!7IB7E3-dbccfe! Vintage Alice 23.99 B Adams, Jessica ,!7IB7E1-hficja! Turtle Beach 19.99 B d'Alpuget, Blanche ,!7IB7E3-dbccgb! The French Tutor 19.99 C Armstrong, Judith ,!7IB7E3-dbceef! White Eye 24.99 C d'Alpuget, Blanche ,!7IB7E3-dbcceh! The Provence Cure for the 23.99 B Brokenhearted Asher, Bridget ,!7IB7E3-dbaede! Winter in Jerusalem 19.99 B d'Alpuget, Blanche ,!7IB7E3-dbccda! Coda 17.99 B Astley, Thea ,!7IB7E3-dbcdie! Lantana Lane 19.99 B Dark, Eleanor ,!7IB7E3-dbddgh! The Blind Eye 19.99 B Blain, Georgia ,!7IB7E3-dbdiig! The Little Company 19.99 B Dark, Eleanor ,!7IB7E3-dbdjif! Closed for Winter 19.99 B Blain, Georgia ,!7IB7E3-dbddhe! Return to Coolami 19.99 Z Dark, Eleanor ,!7IB7E3-dbcadc! Names for Nothingness 24.99 C Blain, Georgia ,!7IB7E3-dbedge! Amandine 23.99 B de Blasi, Marlena ,!7IB7E2-dhhffb! Candelo 19.99 B Blain,Georgia ,!7IB7E3-dbdbcb! The Last Days of Dogtown 22.99 B Diamant, Anita ,!7IB7E1-bejihg! Nice Shootin', Cowboy 19.99 B Cameron, Anson ,!7IB7E3-dbdhgd! Green 19.99 B Earls, Nick ,!7IB7E3-dbfhfa! Silences Long Gone 24.99 B Cameron, Anson ,!7IB7E3-dbdjfe! Making Laws for Clouds 17.99 B Earls, Nick ,!7IB7E3-dbdbdi! Hollywood Tough 35.00 C Cannell, Stephen J ,!7IB7E1-beacig! Monica Bloom 17.99 B Earls, Nick ,!7IB7E3-dbchhd! Viking Funeral 35.00 C Cannell, Stephen ,!7IB8G5-aihbfd! Perfect Skin 19.99 C Earls, Nick ,!7IB7E3-dbccaj! The River Baptists 23.99 B Castles,Belinda ,!7IB7E1-hfbjdc! The Thompson Gunner 19.99 B Earls, Nick ,!7IB7E3-dbcjhb! Such is Life 19.99 B Collins, Tom ,!7IB7E3-dbchdf! The Little Shadows 22.99 B Endicott, Marina ,!7IB7E3-dbeafa! Frill-Necked Frenzy 19.99 B Cook, Kenneth ,!7IB7E3-dbejfb! Dracula in Love 24.99 C Essex, Karen ,!7IB7E2-dhgbde! Tuna 17.99 A Cook, Kenneth ,!7IB7E3-dbedii! The Memory Tree 27.99 Z Evans, Tess ,!7IB7E2-dhhijg! Wanted Dead 19.99 A Cook, Kenneth ,!7IB7E3-dbfghf! Things Without a Name 24.99 B Fedler,Joanne ,!7IB7E2-dhfihi! The Winning Side 24.99 Z Corris,Peter ,!7IA8G8-gbhiff! My Brilliant Career 14.99 B Franklin, Miles ,!7IB7E3-dbcebe! Black Lightning 17.99 A Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbcdcc! My Career Goes Bung 14.99 B Franklin, Miles ,!7IB7E3-dbcecb! The Half-Burnt Tree 17.99 A Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbcdbf! The Prosperous Thief 27.99 B Goldsmith, Andrea ,!7IB7E1-beegjh! Jungfrau 19.99 B Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbeeab! Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter 24.99 B Grahame-Smith, Seth ,!7IB7E2-dhcidj! Picnic Races 17.99 A Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbcddj! Unholy Night 24.99 B Grahame-Smith, Seth ,!7IB7E3-dbafbj! Say No to Death 19.99 A Cusack, Dymphna ,!7IB7E3-dbfdhi! Flying Changes 19.99 B Gruen,Sara ,!7IB7E3-dbbhbe! ALLEN & UNWIN STOCKLIST 2016 Page 1 FICTION ALLEN & UNWIN AUS POD NOV 16 FICTION NOVEMBER 2016 Riding Lessons 19.99 B How Beautiful Are Thy Feet 17.99 A Gruen,Sara ,!7IB7E3-dbbhah! Marshall, Alan ,!7IB7E3-dbdjda! Just Relations 24.99 B Buddhaland Brooklyn 22.99 B Hall, Rodney ,!7IB7E3-dbchia! Morais,Richard C ,!7IB7E3-dbhecg! Roadside Sisters 19.99 B The Rest of Her Life 23.99 B Harmer,Wendy ,!7IB7E2-dhcdba! Moriarty, Laura ,!7IB7E1-hfeiad! Farewell My Ovaries 19.99 B Freeing Grace 23.99 B Harmer, Wendy ,!7IB7E2-dhchda! Norman,Charity ,!7IB7E2-dhgeaa! Love and Punishment 19.99 B Second Chances 19.99 B Harmer, Wendy ,!7IB7E2-dhcheh! Norman,Charity ,!7IB7E3-dbfhhe! Balloonist 19.99 B The Black Opal 17.99 A Harris, MacDonald ,!7IB7E3-dbdegg! Prichard, Katharine Susannah ,!7IB7E3-dbdbef! Lucy Springer Gets Even 19.99 B Golden Miles 19.99 B Heidke,Lisa ,!7IB7E1-hffidb! Prichard, Katharine Susannah ,!7IB7E3-dbcaha! Stella Makes Good 19.99 B Winged Seeds 19.99 B Heidke,Lisa ,!7IB7E3-dbbidh! Prichard, Katharine Susannah ,!7IB7E3-dbcagd! What Kate Did Next 19.99 B The Fortunes of Richard Mahony 35.00 B Heidke,Lisa ,!7IB7E2-dhficd! Richardson, Henry Handel ,!7IB7E3-dbcdjb! Claudia's Big Break 22.99 B The Getting of Wisdom 17.99 A Heidke, Lisa ,!7IB7E3-dbaddf! Richardson, Henry Handel ,!7IB7E3-dbcdhh! Larger Than Life 19.99 B Disreputable People 19.99 B Herbert, Xavier ,!7IB7E3-dbejgi! Rowe,Penelope ,!7IB7E3-dbdjeh! Seven Emus 17.99 B Unacceptable Behaviour 17.99 B Herbert, Xavier ,!7IB7E3-dbccif! Rowe, Penelope ,!7IB7E3-dbeihg! Soldiers' Women 24.99 B The Cross 19.99 B Herbert, Xavier ,!7IB7E3-dbccjc! Sayer, Mandy ,!7IB7E3-dbfdjc! The Accomplice 19.99 B Jimmy Brockett 19.99 B Heyman, Kathryn ,!7IB7E3-dbedfh! Stivens, Dal ,!7IB7E3-dbeifc! The Breaking 19.99 B Grace Grows 29.99 C Heyman, Kathryn ,!7IB7E3-dbejee! Sumners, Shelle ,!7IB7E3-dbdjcd! Captain Starlight's Apprentice 19.99 B The Man on the Headland 17.99 A Heyman, Kathryn ,!7IB7E3-dbdjhi! Tennant, Kylie ,!7IB7E3-dbdgcg! Keep Your Hands on the Wheel 19.99 B Fugitive Blue 23.99 B Heyman, Kathryn ,!7IB7E3-dbfdfe! Thomas,Claire ,!7IB7E2-dhcdch! The Proper Care and Maintenance 22.99 B The Cure for Modern Life 27.99 C of Friendship Higgins, Lisa Verge ,!7IB7E3-dbafac! Tucker, Lisa ,!7IB7E1-hfejdd! In Hovering Flight 32.99 C Cool Water 27.99 Z Hinnefeld, Joyce ,!7IB7E1-hfhfid! Warren, Dianne ,!7IB7E2-dhibbe! One Dangerous Lady 35.00 Z Vampire Zero 23.99 Z Hitchcock, Jane Stanton ,!7IB7E1-beibja! Wellington, David ,!7IB7E1-hfgbci! The Road 35.00 C 23 Hours 23.99 B Jinks, Catherine ,!7IB7E1-bedfga! Wellington,David ,!7IB7E2-dhcjhg! The Custodians 24.99 Z Overseas 29.99 C Jose, Nicholas ,!7IB7E3-dbciad! Williams,Beatriz ,!7IB7E3-dbahig! Ulterior Motives 32.99 C Alif the Unseen 29.99 C Joy,Lucienne ,!7IB7E1-hfebaa! Wilson, G Willow ,!7IB7E2-dhijcd! After the Fall 22.99 B Literary Fiction Ladd,Kylie ,!7IB7E2-dhcdad! Drown them in the Sea 23.99 B I Dream of Magda 22.99 B Angel,Nicholas ,!7IB7E1-bedejc! Laszczuk,Stefan ,!7IB7E1-hffabf! Salt Rain 23.99 B What Remains 29.99 C Armstrong, Sarah ,!7IB7E1-bedgja! Leith,Denise ,!7IB7E2-dhgjcj! A Boat Load of Home Folk 19.99 B The Complete Stories of Alan 24.99 D Astley, Thea ,!7IB7E3-dbfgca! Marshall Marshall, Alan ,!7IB7E3-dbfdif! ALLEN & UNWIN STOCKLIST 2016 Page 2 FICTION ALLEN & UNWIN AUS POD NOV 16 FICTION NOVEMBER 2016 Girl with a Monkey 14.99 A The Town that Drowned 29.99 C Astley, Thea ,!7IB7E3-dbfggi! Nason,Riel ,!7IB7E3-dbegaj! The Slow Natives 19.99 B Death of a Whaler 23.99 B Astley, Thea ,!7IB7E3-dbfgdh! Newton, Nerida ,!7IB7E1-behjbj! Musk & Byrne 27.99 Z Attempts to Draw Jesus 27.99 B Capp, Fiona ,!7IB7E1-hfdjdg! Orr, Stephen ,!7IB8G5-aigbih! For the Term of His Natural Life 19.99 A Sibyl's Cave 23.99 B Clarke, Marcus ,!7IB7E3-dbchec! Padmore,Catherine ,!7IB8G5-aijfcc! When We Have Wings 32.99 C The River Wife 19.99 A Corbett,Claire ,!7IB7E2-dhffge! Rose,Heather ,!7IB7E2-dhehjg! Prelude to Christopher 19.99 C A Case of Knives 32.99 B Dark, Eleanor ,!7IB7E3-dbfgic! Rose, Peter ,!7IB7E1-befdgg! God of Speed 22.99 B Behind the Moon 23.99 B Davies, Luke ,!7IB7E1-hfhgag! Teo,Hsu-Ming ,!7IB7E1-becedd! Isabelle the Navigator 22.99 B Love and Vertigo 23.99 B Davies, Luke ,!7IB7E1-hffcgi! Teo,Hsu-Ming ,!7IB8G5-aichid! The Sea Bed 27.99 Z Snake Bite 24.99 C Day, Marele ,!7IB7E1-hfiebc! Thompson,Christie ,!7IB7E3-dbgigd! The Artist is a Thief 23.99 B Road Story 27.99 B Gray,Stephen ,!7IB8G5-aifddd! van Loon,Julienne ,!7IB7E1-begcbj! The Fog Garden 23.99 B Beneath the Bloodwood Tree 22.99 B Halligan, Marion ,!7IB8G5-aihgjg! Van Loon, Julienne ,!7IB7E1-hfcdae! The Great Arch 22.99 B My Name is Will 32.99 C Hastrich, Vicki ,!7IB7E1-hfibjb! Winfield, Jess ,!7IB7E1-hfgacj! Skins 22.99 B Crime & mystery Hay,Sarah ,!7IB8G5-aiiahf! Arctic Floor 19.99 B Texas 22.99 B Aitken,Mark ,!7IB7E3-dbagih! Hay,Sarah ,!7IB7E1-hfdjed! Star Witness 35.00 C The Broken Book 22.99 B Buffa, D ,!7IB7E1-beahfa! Johnson,Susan ,!7IB7E1-beggeg! Breach of Trust 35.00 A Watch Out For Me 29.99 C Buffa, D.W. ,!7IB7E1-begdih! Johnson, Sylvia ,!7IB7E2-dhghah! The Evangeline 27.99 A Notorious 23.99 B Buffa, D.W. ,!7IB7E1-beiajb! Lowing, Roberta ,!7IB7E2-dhjdii! Judgment 19.99 A Love Like Water 19.99 B Buffa, D.W. ,!7IB8G5-aighgh! McDonald, Meme ,!7IB7E1-hfgdii! Trial by Fire 27.99 A 1988 22.99 B Buffa, D.W. ,!7IB7E1-beiaie! McGahan, Andrew ,!7IB7E1-behhdf! Blindside 29.99 B Last Drinks 22.99 B Carroll,JR ,!7IB7E1-becagi! McGahan, Andrew ,!7IB7E1-behhec! Aftershock 19.99 B Wonders of a Godless World 22.99 B Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbabeh! McGahan,Andrew ,!7IB7E2-dhdghg! Appeal Denied 22.99 B Deception 22.99 B Corris,Peter ,!7IB7E1-hfajgg! Meehan,Michael ,!7IB7E2-dhcgei! Beware of the Dog 19.99 B Below the Styx 29.99 Z Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbabfe! Meehan, Michael ,!7IB7E1-hfhiae! The Big Drop 19.99 B Prochownik's Dream 22.99 B Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbdjac! Miller,Alex ,!7IB7E1-hfabdd! The Big Score 19.99 B The Sitters 22.99 B Corris,Peter ,!7IB7E1-hfccdg! Miller,Alex ,!7IB7E1-becchd! The Black Prince 19.99 B Currawalli Street 19.99 B Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbabhi! Morgan, Christopher ,!7IB7E3-dbeaji! Burn, and Other Stories 19.99 B The Nature of Ice 26.99 D Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbabgb! Mundy,Robyn ,!7IB7E1-hffhgd! ALLEN & UNWIN STOCKLIST 2016 Page 3 FICTION ALLEN & UNWIN AUS POD NOV 16 FICTION NOVEMBER 2016 Casino 19.99 B The Case of the Chinese Boxes 29.99 A Corris,Peter ,!7IB7G0-bbacai! Day, Marele ,!7IB8G4-eighbb! The Coast Road 19.99 B The Disappearances of Madalena 29.99 A Corris,Peter ,!7IB7E1-bedied!

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