Technician North Carolina State University '3 Student Newspaper Since 1920 yard I Volume [2%, Number 33 Monday, August 29, t988 Raleigh, North Carolina ltlitortal “5" NH .*\(i\’t‘fil\lng 7&7 302‘) TRACS to make registration process easier improved since PM? when he stain-ti .ii the 12!‘t\t't‘-ti\ it» By Hunter George The day is a finale for .i university old tradition, and the was told I couldn't do anything because I didn't have a said the lines were pist as lone Assistant News Editor signs and posters rtieari a new. easier process of bubble sheet. I was there for over two hours and didn‘t ""(ienerally. lht: Prttccss til (ilidgzé'g [My .gnti 't yrstt.’ registration is on the way. according to officials With the get what I want " Has been a lengthy and lone, unc Islitli~i-'“. s -..i l i~ The line ol people waiting to get iii la/ily wraps around Department of Registration and Records. Change Day never has been a pleasant experience for here when they brought in trimptiterutn: ~. hudtiliny .w .3 the building. Hundreds of people are standing outside Friday, Aug. 26. 1988 will go down in NC. State history most NCSli students. that created a lot ot inninw,“ ;.., a “Vt-‘1}, p” -. .. .. 3. despite the oppressive heat. And they all know that once as the last Registration/(‘hange Day ever. An equally John Hauser. a professor in electrical and computer improvements hatt- 'x-lpttl maku ilti‘ . a w‘ I ey get in the doors they Will have to wait in even rtiore historic day Will he Oct *0, when students Will begin to engineering and a I960 graduate of NCSU, said he does over the years " lines Yet. they are still there. use a state of the art telephonic method of registration. not remember ever attending a Change Day but he said (‘hancellor Brute l’o.i".-~i said it No. it‘s not a crowd of loyal fans otitside a Bruce Most students appear to be YCIICVCd. there was no preregislratiori and all 8,000 students had to frustrating it was \ltttttlllit! in i*::c\ tor lle .i' It Springsteen concert. It's just another Registration/Change ”"I stood iti line for two hours anddidri‘t get anything wait in long lines in the coliseum to register for classes l'niversity Day iii Reynolds (‘olrsetirn at N.(‘. State IlriiVersity. ()r is done," said freshman Anthony Fisher. ""EVerybody was there and it was qurte a mess," Hauser ""It was a bullpen, l’otiitor» said \\e do» ; kin it? "”lt's a bit confusing about what to do." added freshman said. books and got our shots liieri: wa t lllltt lllti o' i And what do all those signs and T shirts that Sit) Phil Bryant. ""They just let you in and don't tell you David Johnston. a professor in cth engineering and an said that was the only \Ady to lt.rt‘.li. .i, ... "'"l‘RAFS is coming" mean'.’ anything. I went all the way through one of the lines and NCSU alumnus, said the process of registration has been Sec l)I-\I.. [)(IL‘i' ‘ l North Triples try patience speaks in of trapped freshmen By Hunter George each school year Iltc s....tt'lll\ Iitt not Assistant News Editor live that way all year Raleigh While some NC. State freshmen However, she \Jltl the severity ot are starting off the year With ice the situation this year res 'lt. d .i machines and maid servrce, others are many students livnig in triples in the Endorsement speech sleeping three to a West (‘ampus (‘ arid D rooms of the suites In some draws vocal dorm room. cases, these back rooms are .tliiittl to crowd Ninety women and 200 men were in square lcct smaller than the trout By Carla Hague triples and 104 rtien were staying in rooms. Staff Writer Mission Valley Inn as of Friday "When we rcali/etl ts hat is .is If conservatives don't lead morning, said Cynthia Bonner, happening, we knew we were going America, America won't have a director of the Department of to need more roortisf Bonner said leader, Lt. Col Oliver North told Housing and Residence Lite. She said "We had to those lutk rooms or ‘-\t' a crowd of about 1,000 people another 50 to 75 men were expected would hate had to plain ‘r "lllin'll in Reynold's Coliseum Saturday to check irito the hotel by Sunday triples ttl rooms. Witt. to.” night. iippcrt lassnicri who » t‘ll.‘tl tltt Across Dunn Avenue, about night. 100 protestors were shouting ”We had an unexpectedly large knot-sing they «sit-Vt .- ,. "()llie out of Raleigh." But number of tipperclassmen aucpl our lreshiitari in lltt'tt' inside the coliseum, spectators offers to come back through the "\Nc \sill be isstt-tw .' li' cheered North and the state's Random Selection Process," Bonner tripling rooms (tow the sum air- Republican candidates. said. "So when we went through the out ol the hotcl, we still int-2c the Some people wore small fall room sign up, we had to go into students out \II the back toottt‘ and American flags in their hair and the number of rooms that were then the ones from the front rooms." others wavcd them as North assigned to freshmen." Bonner said sortie students may be took the podium to endorse Bonner said about 1,600 in triples for much of the semester. Thomas Fctzcr for fourth district upperclassmcn have room She said anyone living in a triple or congressman. assignments. in the hotel after Sept, 19 Will receive Fetzer will run against David She said the students in the Mission a guaranteed winner status in this Price in the November election. Valley Inn have the first priority to be year's Random Selection Process, North and Winston Churchill placed in rooms on campus, and the plus a $l00 credit on lltt'll spring had their similarities, Fetzer told department will do a "no show" check housing bill. the crowd as signs saying today, meaning students who have In addition, Bonner said the "Hooray for Ollie" were raised not yet checked in lose their roorn department makes offers to more into the air. assignments. Those rooms will then freshmen than the school has room "Both attended their country's be given to students in the hotel and for. knowrng sortie of them Will not military schools, both were triple rtmms. accept. heroes in unpopular wars, both "The students in the hotel will be "The cutoff number depends on the were put in the right place at the moved first because we. are right time by providence," he concerned number of returning students we said. about them being too far removed have, the .sr/e of the freshmen class ”I will support freedom from campus," Bonner said. and the expected response rate," fighters anywhere in the world. I In addition, she said it's costly for Bonner said ”It is hard to do ltt‘cdtlst‘ the university to house students in the of the unknown fac tors will work with my last ounce of hotel. energy to see that the Daniel SCOTT JACKSON/STAFF Because some students arc ll\tll).! in ()rtcgas of the world do not The students in triples are in become the Hitlers of the world, Cover-up Bragaw, Lee and Sullivan halls on triples iii the back rooms ol \llllt‘s‘ on especially while the cost is still West Campus. West Campus. Bonner said the Tony Petrocelli and Jon Keller unload carpets on item with students, particularly in the winter when Bonner said the A and D rooms are departriient is going to reassess the low." Tucker Beach. The carpets. for sale to students the university‘s unpredictable heating system placement ot triples and possibly North told the crowd that moving into the residence halls, are a popular kicksin. permanent triple rooms. Permanent Fetzcr would fight for the triple rooms have three students consider movrng some to dorms on Monroe Doctrine. living in them at the beginning of (‘eritral (‘ampiis in the future North brings out supporters and protesters in name of patriotism By Paul Woolverton honors the democratic process." A prorNortli When North 101d a lie children. killed the cousin. News Editor sign read: “We love Ollie!" Reagan knew just Why North supporters had the opposite View. With chants of ~“Ollie out of Raleigh!" and Pro—North protesters lcd their rally by And Bush went and hid Rallicr Mohammad Punnul, who works for the son was charged With the murder, ant “North deals drugsl," about 100 protesters stepping out iti front of the groups and Because of what he did. the UNC Chapel Hill budget office, said no one knew he killed to protect his lather gathered across the street from Reynolds shouting “North is a great American hero!" Some anti—North protesters were against any North is a hero for doing what is necessary to coliseum Saturday night, protesting Lt. Col. through rnegaphoiies. involvement in Nicaragua, but not all were. keep communism out of Nicaragua. l‘iiriiicl said North is lie tl'v' Oliver North's policies and his visit to NC. Some called out to the anti North group, ”I‘m protesting because I‘m against North's ()n the charges that North acted illegally. State University. questioning their patriotism. taking things into his own hands," said Bill Punticl compared the colonel's actions to that But a scant 20 yards away, North rallicrs Anti North campaigners answered Willi Reiss, a graduate student in chemistry.
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