CENSUS OF INDIA, 1951 VILLAGE-WISE MOTHER-TONGUE DATA lor Certain Selected Border T1l.anas of MIDNAPUR, MALDA, WEST DINAJPUR & DARJEELING DISTRICTS WEST BENGAL 315.414 1951 MOT TON Omca Of THE SUPERlNTllNDBNT OF CSNSUS OpsRAnONs. WEST BENGAL NOTE THIS compilation is part of an all-India study undertaken at the instance of the Government of Ind.ia, aimed at ascertaining the extent of mixture of mother-tongues in a few selected border. thanas .. For West Bengal, fifteen bordering thanas were selected and all their census slips were re-sorted to find out how much ingress mother­ tongues of adjoining States had made into each yillage of the thanas so selected. Thus, for Midnapur district our ,sort was mainly for Bengali, Oriya and Santali, while for Darjeeling it was Bengali, Hindi and Oraon. The Government of India are in possession of the results of this .compilation. The tables are now being released for general infor­ mation. Each table also contains an analysis of the numerical strength of each mother-tongue taking the total· population as hundred. Tinted maps were prepared for each thana so analysed, ,but as the cost of printing them was prohibitive it was decided to publish this volume without them. Calcutta A. Mitra, 15 July 1956 Superintendent of Census Operations, West Bengal CONTENTS t"AGE MIDNAPUR DISTRICT SADAR SUB-DIvISION Dantan 3 Mohanpur . 11 CONTAI SUB-DIVISION Ramnagar 15 Egra 23 JHARGRAM SUB-DIVISION Gopiballavpur 31 Nayagram 47 MALDA DISTRICT '" SADAR SUB-DIVISION Kaliachak 59 Ratua 65 Manikchak 71 Kharba 75 Harishchandrapur 81 WEST DINAJPUR DISTRICT RAIGANJ SUB-DIVISION Raiganj 89 Itahar 95 DARJEELING DISTRICT SILIGURI SUB-DIVISION Kharibari 105 Phansidewa 109 MIDNAPUR DISTRICT SUB-DIVISION THANA (Dantan SADAR • • • -< lMohanpnr (Ramnagar CONTAI • • • • -< - lEgra GOPiballavpur JHARGRAM { Nayagram STATEMENT SHOWING THE VILLAGE-WISE LANGUAGE DATA District: MIDNAPUR Sub-division: SADAR Thana: DANTAN 3 Censu/55 3 STATEMENT SHOWING THE VILLAGE-WISE LANGUAGE DATA District: MIDNAPUR Thana: DANTAN MOTHER-ToNG1JE Absolute Figures Percentage to total population Total ,-- 1 Code Number and Na.me Popu- Bengali Oriya Santali Others Bengali Oriya Santali Others lation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1 Praharajpur 16 16 -- 100-00 2 Mukundapur 130 34 96 26·15 73·85 3 Rautarapur . 202 202 100·00 4 Bahalia 175 77 97 44·00 55·43 0·57' 5 Hari Chak (U) " 6 Antri . 312 312 100·00 7 Kantapal 296 292 4 98·65 1·35 8 Harki Sol (U) 9 Bara 913 902 11 98·80 1-20 10 Maheshpnr 480 310 3 167 64·58 (l·63 34·79 11 Rajna!!ar 525 444 3 78 81-57 0·57 14-86 12 Dhunria 312 99 2}3 31·73 68·27 13 Deoli 26 26 100·00 " 14 Jethia . 74 52 22 70·27 29·73 15 Manikara 300 74 226 24·67 75·33 16 Maljamuna 192 U8 43 77·08 22·40 0-52 17 Alikasa 282 261 21 92·55 7045 18 Talda . 257 127 130 49·42 50·58 19 Kamia 8 8 100'00 20 Bamanda 419 164, 255 39·14 60·86 21 Markundapur . 191 8!J 102 46·60 53·4,0 22 Srikrishnapur (U) . .. 23 Chak ,Jalpalnia . 95 95 100'00 24 Uttar Amaria 146 9 137 6'16 93·84 25 Nilpura 217 213 4 98·16 1·84 26 Dakshin Amria 450 450 100·00 " 27 Kotpada 376 284 7 85 75·53 1·86 22·61 28 Palashia 370 366 4 98·92 1-08 29 Chaturapal 115 115 100·00 30 Lalpur . 33 33 100·00 1H Sariphabad (U) 32 Dahuka (U) . 33 Palania 87 87 100·00 34 Kharakhal 168 102 66 60·71 39·29 35 Uchdiha 422 341 81 80·81 19·19 36 Charda 260 20] 59 77·31 22·69 37 Jot.idoberia . 144 95 49 65·97 34·03 38 Tarrui 864 538 6 320 62·27 0·69 37·04 39 Nibhaipur Patna 153 153 100·00 40 Baulkandi 51 51 100·00 4 [ Bakurpada. 295 252 43 85·42 14·58 42 Palsandapur 34,6 187 159 54,·05 45·95 43 Sind a . 290 290 100·00 44 ShatrughIl~bar (U) i. 40 Pundra 44,3 443 100·00 46 Kusturia J4.3 138 2 3 96·50 1-40 2-10 47 Upar Pundra 30 30 100·00 48 Keshabpur (U) (U) = Uninhabited. 4 STATEMENT SHOWING THE VILLAGE-WISE LANGUAGE DATA District: MIDNAPUR Thana: DANTAN MOTHER-TONGUE Absolute Figures Percentage to total population Total --. Code Number and Name Popu- Bengali Oriya Santali Others Bengali Oriya SantaJi Others lation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 49 Mangobindapur (U) 50 PORhulia Chak (U) . , .. 51 Karakpur 125 100 25 80·00 20'00 52 Khanipul' 182 142 5 35 78·02 2·75 19'23 53 Gopalbar 129 113 4 12 87·60 3·10 9·30 64 Sa.ripur 109 75 6 28 68-81 5·50 25·69 55 Chunaganja. (U) 56 Pansala . 328 327 1 99·70 0·30 67 Belmula 341 341 100·00 58 Bddangri . 205 168 I 36 81·95 0·49 17-56 59 Naikul Baicha 256 216 21 19 84-38 8·20 7·42 60 Kunjabaghra 221 197 4- 20 89·14 1·81 9·05 61 Manikadangar 298 159 139 53·36 46·64. 62 J\fakmalpur . 235 102 133 43·40 56'60 63 Jhinuk Palasia 309 216 93 69-90 30·10 64 Sa,~tanagar 369 358 11 97·02 2·98 65 Bhabanipur . 1,0do 740 17 89 154 74·00 1·70 9·90 ]5·40 66 Krishnapur _ ' 383 210 161 12 54·83 42·04 3'13 67 Dhalhara III 78 33 70·27 29'73 68 Doyasti 190 145 45 76·32 23'68 69 Chak Jayram 91 91 100·00 70 Palasia. 36 36 100'00 71 Jayramlmr . 364 220 144 60·41 r39'56 72 Punja . 268 236 /) 27 88·06 1·87 110'07 73 SimuJia Uttar urj 307 Il5 29 155 8 37-46 9'45 50·4Q. 2·60 Mogalmari 74 Monoharpur 1,015 804 46 129 36 79·21 4·53 12'71 3·55 75 Panchrol 21 21 100·00 76 Benadubi 131 124 7 94·66 5·34 77 Sijua • 77 35 42 45·45 54'55 78 Gopinathpur 337 218 2 117 64·69 0'59 34'72 79 Kajipara . 235 198 37 84·26 15'74 80 Kakrajit 1,181 990 2 189 83·83 0'17 16·00 81 Maliara Sundarpur 389 372 17 95·63 4'37 82 Ganpada . 200 176 17 6 88·00 0'50 8'/)0 3·00 83 Bejda _ 390 187 200 3 47·95 51'28 0·77 84 Krishna Maitibar 388 239 6 131 12 61·60 1'55 33·76 3'09 85 Rodanpur . 72 72 100·00 86 Raybar Uttar 636 481 124 31 75·63 19'50 4'87 87.paikbar U8 107 II 90·68 9'32 SS Chaulia 2,251 1,361 18 701 171 60·46 0'80 31'14 7-60 89 Jaypur 777 733 5 1 38 94·34 0'64 0'13 4'89 90 Ektarpur Takinllgar 715 663 17 29 6 92·73 2'38 4'05 0'84 91 Barahaghra . • 616 593 22 I 96·27 3'57 0'16 92 Pantunia 295 5 283 7 1·70 95',93 2',37 93 Barasati 234 234 100'00 94 Garadpur 205 131 74 63'90 36'10 95 J... alitapur 242 25 143 74 10·33 59'09 30'58 96 Palasia 234 10 224 4·21 95'73 (U)= Uninhabited. 5 STATEMENT SHO\VING THE VILLAGE-WISE LANGUAGE DATA District: MIDNAPUR Thana: DANTAN MOTHER:ToNGUE ,-- Absolute Figures Percentnge to total population Total ,--- -... ,--------~---------... Code Number and Name Popu. Bengali Oriya Santali Others Bengali Oriya Saniali Others lation (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (IO) 97 Moyarui 275 6 269 2-18 97-82 98 l\blpara 299 299 100-00 99 Hansimpur _ 93 81 12 87-10 12-90 100 Rl1mdi Chak (U) lU1 Angua '- M6 707 74: 63 2 83-57 8-75 7-45 0-23 102 Mahammadabad (U) -- 103 Parajbhetia . 89 89 100-00 104 Banskuni 260 222 38-- 85-38 14-62 105 Pakharbar 264 261 3 98-86 1-14 106 Jagannathpara 16 14 2 -- 87-50 12-50 107 Chak Pansi _ 39 39 100·00 108 Jamua 94- 90 4 \)5·74 4-26 109 Jamuyapati _ lID 102 8 92-73 7-27 110 Balbhadrapur 301 296 3 2 98-34 1-00 0-66 III Nayabasan Madhabhar . 13 13 100·00 112 Durgapur 116 92 6 18 79·31 5·17 15-52'- 113 Patbanda 178 161 6 11 90·45 3-37 6-18 114 Bheti Amla 134- 116 5 13 86·57 3-73 9·70 U5 Asti llS 118 100·00 116 Nandakapasia (U) 117 Kunjapur 175 146 4 25 83-43 2-28 14-29 118 Nagpara 49 29 20 5!H8 40·82 119 Paikbar 568 511 56 1 89-96 9·86 0'18 120 Sharashanka_ 125 120 5 96·00 4·00 121 Karanji '" 71 66 5 92·96 7-04- 122 Kuhura 464 431 24 9 92·89 5·17 1'94 123 Ekamalipur _ 84 S4 100-00 124 Nekbatia 91 68 23 74-73 25-27 125 Mirjapur 161 155 6 96-27 3-73 126 Raisima Uttar 132 U8 14 89-39 10·61 127 Shalikota 1,021 648 2 201 170 63-47 0·19 19-69 16-65 128 J3ulakipur 153 118 I 34 77-13 0-65 22-22 129 Taldaratan Chak 861 768 93 89·20 10·80 130 Baicha 125 91 34 72-80 27·20 131 Keshrambhi III 97 14 87·39 12-61 132 Sirni 224- 152 71 67-86 0-44 31-70 133 Keshramhha, 447 317 4- lIS 8 70·92 0-89 26-40 1-79 134 Urepara 53 43 10 S1-13 .- lS-8.7 135 Sahania 145 144 99·31 0-69 136 Nandakurya 347 347 100·00 137 Kalyanpur • 310 235 75 75·81 24'19 138 Goplnathpur 200 190 10 95·00 5·00 139 Bardaltitia .
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