QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 347] Friday 18 January 2008 You can advertise in the Gazette! ADVERTISING RATE FOR A QUARTER PAGE $500+gst (casual) Contact your nearest representative to fi nd out more about the placement of your advertisement in the weekly Queensland Government Gazette Qld : Liz McKenzie - mobile: 0408 014 591 - email: [email protected] NSW : Jonathon Tremain - phone: 02 9499 4599 - email: [email protected] [103] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 347] Thursday 17 January 2008 [No. 6 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 17 January 2008 Her Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, she has appointed the Honourable Andrew Peter Fraser MP, Treasurer, to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Deputy Premier and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning from 17 January 2008 until the Honourable Paul Thomas Lucas MP returns to Queensland. ROBERT SCHWARTEN MP ACTING PREMIER OF QUEENSLAND © The State of Queensland (SDS Publications) 2008 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo DC, Qld, 4151. _____________________________ BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 17 January 2008 [105] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Water PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 347] Friday 18 January 2008 [No. 7 Land Act 1994 for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD NOTICE SCHEDULE (No 02) 2008 PERMANENT CLOSURE Short title &HQWUDO:HVW5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Closed Road 1 An area of about 5334 m2 abutting the northern boundary of Lot 12 Notice (No 02) 2008. on RP841834 (parish of Dryander, locality of Cannonvale) as shown on Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] Drawing 3734-RC-01 Rev B. (2007/009282) 2. It is declared that the land comprised in the former Road Licence mentioned &HQWUDO:HVW5HJLRQ5RFNKDPSWRQ2I¿FH in the Schedule is reopened as road. 2 An area of about 1000 m2 abutting the northern boundaries of Lots SCHEDULE 507 and 508 on HT596 (parish of Blackwater, locality of Blackwater) as North Region, Townsville Office shown on Drawing 07/077/CEN. (2007/007834) An area of about 7335 m2 shown as Lot 1 on RL635, being the land contained 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH within former Road Licence No. 635, (parish of Cordelia) (2007/006239). 3 An area of about 600 m2 being part of Wilson Street abutting the ENDNOTES southern boundary of Lot 3 on H25330 (parish of Herberton) and shown 1. Published in the Gazette on 18 January 2008. as Lot 1 on Drawing CNS07/083. (2007/002156) 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ%HHQOHLJK2I¿FH 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and 4 An area of about 154 m2 being the pathway separating Lot 163 from Water. Lot 164 on RP222678 (parish of Beaudesert, locality of Beaudesert) as shown on Drawing 07/066. (2006/013166) Land Act 1994 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ*\PSLH2I¿FH OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE 5 An area of about 1050 m2 being the road abutting the eastern boundary (No 02) 2008 of Lot 24 on A42816 (parish of Childers, locality of Apple Tree Creek) as Short title shown on Drawing 06/030. (2005/108776) 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Closure 6RXWK:HVW5HJLRQ'DOE\2I¿FH Notice (No 02) 2008. 6 An area of about 683 m2 being the road abutting the south-eastern Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] boundary of Lot 3 on RP2105 (parish of Dalby, locality of Dalby) as shown 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary closure on Drawing DD2007/215. (2007/008766) of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. *7 An area of about 3.149 ha being the road intersecting Lot 2 on Objections SP174068 (parish of Hunter, locality of Brigalow) as shown on Drawing 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure mentioned in DD2007_134. (2007/006188) the Schedule may be lodged with the Regional Service Director, Department 6RXWK:HVW5HJLRQ7RRZRRPED2I¿FH RI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG:DWHUDWWKHUHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFK 8 An area of about 190 m2 being part of Bridge Street and Ruthven the road is situated. Street abutting the south-eastern boundaries of Lots 3, 4 and 14 on AG3593 (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 28 February 2008. (parish of Drayton, locality of North Toowoomba) as shown on Drawing (3)Any objections received may be viewed by other parties interested in DD2007_203. (2007/008476) the proposed road closure under the provisions of the Freedom of Information TEMPORARY CLOSURE Act 1992 (the FOI Act). If you lodge an objection, please include in your 6RXWK(DVW5HJLRQ%XQGDEHUJ2I¿FH objection letter whether you would like to be consulted if this issue becomes 9 An area of about 5975 m2 abutting the western boundary of Lot 1 on the subject of an access request under the FOI Act. 53 SDULVKRI*LQ*LQORFDOLW\RI0DURRQGDQ DQGVKRZQDVURDG Plans proposed to be temporarily closed on Drawing 07/257. (2007/009890) 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may be made at- *The proposed closure of this road is in conjunction with the proposed D WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG:DWHU2I¿FHVDW0DFND\ opening of another road. Rockhampton, Innisfail, Beenleigh, Gympie, Dalby, Toowoomba ENDNOTES and Bundaberg; and 1. Published in the Gazette on 18 January 2008. (b) the Local Government Offices of Whitsunday, Duaringa, 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. Herberton, Beaudesert, Isis, Dalby, Chinchilla, Toowoomba and 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Kolan; Water. 106 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 7 [18 January 2008 Water Act 2000 REGISTER OF SERVICE PROVIDERS NOTICE (No 01) 2008 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Register of Service Providers Notice (No 01) 2008. Register of service providers [s.516.(5) of the Act] 2. Notice is given that the service providers registered as at 1 January 2008 are as set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Aramac Shire Council Cooloola Shire Council Kubin Island Council Atherton Shire Council Coreen Water Board Laidley Shire Council Aurukun Shire Council Council of the Shire of Esk Livingstone Shire Council Avondale Water Board Cowley Drainage Board Lockhart River Aboriginal Council Babinda Swamp Drainage Board CPPA Ltd Lockyer View Water Pty Ltd Badu Island Council Crowley Vale Water Board Logan City Council Balonne Shire Council Crows Nest Shire Council Longreach Shire Council Bamaga Island Council Croydon Shire Council /RZHU +HUEHUW :DWHU 0DQDJHPHQW Banana Shire Council Dalby Town Council Authority Barcaldine Shire Council Dalrymple Shire Council 0DEXLDJ,VODQG&RXQFLO Barcoo Shire Council Dauan Island Council 0DFND\&LW\&RXQFLO Bauhinia Shire Council Diamantina Shire Council 0DSRRQ$ERULJLQDO&RXQFLO Beaudesert Shire Council Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council 0DUDWKRQ%RUH:DWHU6XSSO\%RDUG Belyando Shire Council Douglas Shire Council 0DUHHED6KLUH&RXQFLO Bendemere Shire Council Duaringa Shire Council 0DURRFK\6KLUH&RXQFLO Benleith Water Board Dumaresq-Barwon Border Rivers 0DU\ERURXJK&LW\&RXQFLO %+3%LOOLWRQ0LQHUDOV3W\/WGDQG%+3 Commission 0DWWKHZV5RDG'UDLQDJH%RDUG Queensland Coal Investments Pty Ltd and Dundowran-Nikenbah Water Board 0F.LQOD\6KLUH&RXQFLO 0LWVXELVKL'HYHORSPHQW3W\/WGDQG4&7 Eacham Shire Council 0HU,VODQG&RXQFLO ,QYHVWPHQW3W\/WGDQG4&70LQLQJ3W\ East Deeral Drainage Board 0HUOZRRG:DWHU%RDUG Ltd and QCT Resources Pty Ltd known as East Euramo Drainage Board 0LGGOH3DUN%RUH:DWHU6XSSO\%RDUG the Gregory Joint Venturers Econova Pty Ltd 0LOOPHUUDQ6KLUH&RXQFLO BHP Coal Pty Ltd and Umal Consolidated Eidsvold Shire Council 0LUDQL6KLUH&RXQFLO Pty Ltd and BHP Queensland Coal Emerald Shire Council 0LULDP9DOH6KLUH&RXQFLO ,QYHVWPHQWV3W\/WGDQG0LWVXELVKL Erub Island Council 0RQWR6KLUH&RXQFLO Development Pty Ltd and QCT Investment Esk, Gatton & Laidley Water Board 0RUQLQJWRQ6KLUH&RXQFLO 3W\/WGDQG4&70LQLQJ3W\/WGDQG4&7 Etgold Pty Ltd 0RXQW,VD&LW\&RXQFLO Resources Pty Ltd known as the Central Etheridge Shire Council 0RXQW,VD:DWHU%RDUG Queensland Coal Associates Joint Eugun Bore Water Authority 0RXQW0RUJDQ6KLUH&RXQFLO %+30LWVXL&RDO3W\/WG Eungella Water Pipeline Pty Ltd 0RXULO\DQ'UDLQDJH%RDUG Biggenden Shire Council Fernlee Water Authority 0XOJLOGLH:DWHU%RDUG Blackall Shire Council Fitzroy Shire Council 0XQGXEEHUD6KLUH&RXQFLO Boigu Island Council Flinders Shire Council 0XUJRQ6KLUH&RXQFLO Bollon South Water Authority Gatton Shire Council 0XULOOD6KLUH&RXQFLO Bollon West Water Authority Gayndah Shire Council 0XUZHK6KLUH&RXQFLO Bones Knob Water Board Gladstone Area Water Board 0\DOO3ODLQV:DWHU$XWKRULW\ Boonah Shire Council Gladstone City Council Nanango Shire Council Boondooma Water Board Glamorgan Vale Water Board Napranum Aboriginal Council Booringa Shire Council Gold Coast City Council Nebo Shire Council Boulia Shire Council Goondiwindi Town Council 1HZ0DSRRQ$ERULJLQDO6KLUH&RXQFLO Bowen Shire Council Grevillea Water Board Noosa Shire Council Bradley Dull Hammond Island Council North Burdekin Water Board
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