WESTCHESTER September 2017 -- Elul 5777 - Tishri 5778, Volume 23, Issue 9 JewishWESTCHESTER COUNTY’S ONLY MONTHLY JEWISHLife NEWSPAPER For Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Lester Bronstein will Reference Tikkun Olam at Bet Am Shalom Synagogue BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN and the occupied ter- this is it… rabbis in August, ‘What are you started over. ritories. “On August 16 going to speak about tomor- “You have to talk about the Bet Am Shalom Syna- “This idea will White Plains interfaith row,’ if he/she is honest, they same thing every year—what gogue’s Rabbi Lester Bron- resonate this year, be- clergy wrote a letter of would say that they were going are the big values that kept us stein, revealed that his Rosh cause all people from gratitude to Republi- to talk about Charlottesville. over the years and how do they Hashana Theme in his sermon the Right to the Left can Senators who stood But a month from now, there apply to each crisis coming at to his White Plains congrega- and Middle are feeling up even at the risk might be new cataclysmic us? We have to speak out…You tion, will be T’ruah, “the bro- broken. It is not the of standing up to the events. We are in quicker news must deal with congregants’ ken shofar call, part panic and old concept of ‘broken,’ President of the United cycles, the reflection of a larger pain, letting people know how part call to action, leading to because people do not States, to call for moral cataclysm.” you feel about them and shar- T’Kiah Godolah, the final long agree or talk to each equivalency between Bronstein cited an exam- ing their anxiety,” Bronstein Shofar blast, ultimately getting other. You are seeing hate groups and the ple of those rabbis who wrote concluded. to Tikkun Olam, ‘repair of the a re-emergence of out- people who protested their High Holiday Sermons Bet Am Shalom, 295 world.’” rageous hate-inspired them; everyone from before 9/11, one and a half Soundview Avenue, White Rabbi Bronstein co-inci- voices getting their John McCain, the Left weeks before Rosh Hashana. Plains, is a Reconstructionist dentally is a board member of day…If there was ever side of the Republicans “Some Rabbis who wanted Synagogue, comprised of 425 “T’ruah,” a New York City or- anything to bring the to Ted Cruz on the Far to discuss Teshuva (repen- households. Rabbi Bronstein ganization of 1800 rabbis and Republican and Demo- Right. They all spoke as tance) were roundly criticized has led the congregation for 28 cantors advocating Human cratic Jews together, one voice. by their congregants; others years. Rights in North America, Israel [Charlottesville, VA], “If you say to some threw out their sermons and Rabbi Lester Bronstein Cuomo Signs Legislation Making Attacks on U.S. Conference of Mayors and ADL Join on Action Community Centers a Hate Crime Plan to Combat Bigotry, Extremism & Discrimination The U.S. Conference of their population’s cultural On Monday, August 14, “Hate Crimes”. Although many Mayors (USCM) and The Anti- and ethnic diversity; and Governor Cuomo signed into public places are currently Defamation League recently ensure civil rights laws law legislation adding Commu- covered by the law, community announced a new joint plan to are aggressively enforced nity Centers to the definition centers are not. fight extremism and bigotry and hate crimes laws are of “public places”, allowing for By prosecuting these and promote justice and equal- as strong as possible. identity-related attacks and charges as hate crimes, the ity in response to the disturb- “Terrorism by white threats to be treated as hate punishment is made more se- ing hate and violence seen in supremacists, like what crimes under New York State’s vere. If a hate crime is alleged, Charlottesville, Va. More than took place in Charlottes- criminal law. the district attorney is able to 200 mayors from across the ville, is a clear and pres- The legislation, increase the charge one level country representing USCM ent danger to America’s (A.7198A/S.5512) was intro- higher, so a low misdemeanor so far have pledged to imple- cities,” said Austin Mayor duced in April 2017 by West- becomes a high one, and a high ment the plan. Locally, Noam Steve Adler. “Mayors are chester Assemblywoman Amy misdemeanor can be prosecut- Bramson, Mayor of New Ro- eager to join with the Paulin and State Senator Pat- ed as a hate crime felony. chelle and Bill de Blasio, Mayor Anti-Defamation League rick Gallivan. In March, Sena- Senator Latimer said, of New York have signed. New Rochelle Mayor Noam Bramson to fight hate, and I’m tor Latimer introduced similar Governor Andrew Cuomo “I applaud my colleagues for USCM partnered with honored that Mayor Landrieu legislation in the State Senate. Jewish community centers moving this bill through the ADL to develop the 10-point ously speak out against all acts asked me to help lead a coor- The legislation was across the country, including legislature so quickly, and I Mayors’ Compact to Combat of hate; punish bias-motivated dinated campaign across this prompted by bomb threats at threats made in Westchester deeply appreciate Governor Hate, Extremism and Bigotry. violence to the fullest extent of country to promote the May- County. Cuomo signing it with such This is part of the Alliance the law; encourage more anti- ors’ Compact to Combat Hate, Under existing law, cer- expediency. Our prosecutors Against Hate, a new ADL ini- bias and anti-hate education in Extremism and Bigotry. Only tain crimes, if perpetrated need to have the appropriate tiative that will work with the schools and police forces, us- the Statute of Liberty should specifically because of beliefs tools to deal with these terrible public and private sectors to ing ADL experts and resources be carrying a torch these days, regarding race, gender, reli- crimes.” reject hate. Under the Com- for both; encourage commu- and her message of respect gion, disability or sexual ori- The Latimer bill, S.5065- pact, mayors commit to vigor- nity activities that celebrate entation, can be prosecuted as continued on page 7 continued on page 7 Visit www.westchesterjewishlife.com 2 • September 2017 • Elul 5777 - Tishri 5778 • Westchester Jewish Life www.westchesterjewishlife.com A Meeting of a Lifetime, Holocaust Survivor Meets two surviving brothers were His Liberator marched to Gunskirchen. Born in Englewood, NJ on BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN The event was presented no and Board of Legislators to May 30, 1926, Alan was drafted by Westchester Jewish Com- Katz and Moskin. at the age of 18 in Septem- For the first time in 72 munity Services (WJCS) coun- “Part of my job at WJCS ber 1944 and served as a Staff years, Holocaust survivor Nan- selor Halina Rosenkranz in is to run a monthly support Sergeant in the 66th Infantry, dor Katz, 91, Mount Kisco met cooperation with Tracey Bil- group of survivors,” Rosen- 71st Division, part of General Alan Moskin, Nanuet, also 91, ski and Sheilah Kesatie from kranz noted. George S. Patton’s 3rd Army. the man that helped liberate MKHC. “Mr. Katz’s Temple Entering Gunskirchen, him from Gunskirchen La- An estimated 100 citizens [MKHC]…wanted to give him a Moskin encountered “an of- ger, a sub camp of Mau- witnessed the reunion along 90th birthday party. Because fensive, nauseating stench… thausen concentration camp with Mt. Kisco Mayor Michael they don’t speak Yiddish… We found piles of skeleton- in Austria on May 4, 1945 at a Cindrich and Westchester they had difficulty finding out like bodies with no flesh… program, “A Meeting of a County Legislator Francis anything about his past. One Those poor souls still alive Lifetime,” held at Mount Kisco Corcoran, who presented of the WJCS social workers were so emaciated, their arms Hebrew Congregation (MKHC) Proclamations from Mt. Kisco, suggested calling him… were like broomsticks. Their on Friday, August 11th. County Executive Rob Astori- “Actually, Katz reached cheeks were sunken, eyes hol- low, sores all over their bod- ies with lice crawling all over them…” As Nandor lit six Yartz- Ben’s Rosh Hashanah Dinner For 10! heit (memorial) candles, Bilski Left to right: Liberator Alan Moskin; Mt. Kisco Mayor Michael Cindrich; remarked, “We must bear wit- Holocaust Survivor Nandor Katz. ness…to forget is to kill them Order Early & Get 3 FREE Meals! again…” out to me about German res- sen concentration camp in Order your Rosh Hashanah Dinner for 10 by titution and that’s when he Austria. In early 1945 he and $ 99 Friday, September 15, 2017* and get 3 Ben’s told me that he was liberated Friends on-card BUY-1-GET-1 FREE meal from Gunskirchen. I said, 349 coupons for future use. ‘I know a Gunskirchen lib- erator whom I brought to our APPETIZER Holocaust Education Pro- 12 Mini Stuffed Cabbage gram from the Holocaust and Plus Choice of One 1 qt. Chopped Liver Human Rights Education 10 pieces of Gefilte Fish Center (HHREC) Speakers Bureau…’ I contacted Alan…” SOUP Nandor was born in 4 qts. Chicken Noodle Soup Czechoslovakia on Decem- with 12 Matzo Balls ber 30, 1925. His youngest ENTREE (Choose One) brother and oldest sister 5 Roast Chickens perished in Auschwitz along Whole Roast Turkey (15 lb. avg.) - Add $10 with his parents, one sister’s 4 lbs. Sliced Brisket husband and four-year-old ACCOMPANIMENTS (All Included) son. 1 qt. Cranberry-Pineapple Compote Katz was deported 1 qt. Fresh-Cut Cole Slaw from Budapest to Mauthau- 1 qt. Carrot Tsimmes Round Challah Holocaust Survivor Nandor Katz SIDES (Choose Two) lights 6 Yartzeit (Memorial) String Beans Almondine Candles in memory of the 6 Egg Barley & Mushrooms millions Jews who perished in the Kasha Varnishkes Holocaust.
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