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A recombinant humanized anti U.S. Provisional Application 60/799,772, filed May 12, 2006. ErbB2 (anti-HER2) monoclonal antibody (HerceptinTM, The entire disclosures of the foregoing applications are incor Genentech, Inc.) has been Successfully used to treat patients porated by reference herein. with ErbB2-overexpressing metastatic breast cancer. (Baselga et al., J. Clin. Oncol., 14:737-744 (1996). REFERENCE TO ASEQUENCE LISTING 10 A continuing need exists for compositions and methods that target amplified genes and the products of those genes in The instant application contains a Sequence Listing which the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. has been submitted in ASCII format via EFS-Web and is A continuing need also exists for compositions and meth hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Said ASCII ods for the diagnosis and/or treatment of colorectal cancer. copy, created on Nov. 8, 2008, is named 15 Over 56,000 people died of colorectal cancer in the year 2000. P2364R1 sequence.txt and is 14328 bytes in size. See Holen and Kemeny (2002) “Colorectal Cancer: Epide miology and Treatment, in Encyclopedia of Cancer, Vol. 2 FIELD OF THE INVENTION (Elsevier Sciences, USA), pages 1-8. There are approxi mately 110,000 new cases of colon cancer diagnosed in the The present invention relates to methods and compositions United States each year, accounting for approximately 15% for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers associated with of all cancer cases. Id. There are approximately 45,000 new gene amplification. cases of rectal cancer diagnosed in the United States each year, accounting for approximately 30% of all colorectal BACKGROUND cancers. Id. 25 The invention described herein meets the above-described Cancer is characterized by an increase in the number of needs and provides other benefits. abnormal, or neoplastic, cells derived from a normal tissue that proliferate and, under certain circumstances, invade adja SUMMARY cent tissues and eventually metastasize via the blood or lym phatic system. Alteration of gene expression is intimately 30 In one aspect, methods and compositions are provided for related to uncontrolled cell growth and de-differentiation, the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancers associated which are common features of cancer. Certain cancers are with amplification and/or overexpression of the FGFR2 gene. characterized by overexpression of certain genes, e.g., onco In one aspect, a method of diagnosing the presence of a genes.
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