January 12, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E29 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING KAMALA HARRIS, College of Law. It is an honor and a joy to call HONORING THE LIFE OF ROSE AMERICA’S FIRST FEMALE, our vice president my Alpha Kappa Alpha so- MATSUI OCHI BLACK, AND ASIAN-AMERICAN rority sister and dear friend. VICE PRESIDENT f HON. JUDY CHU HON. FREDERICA S. WILSON OF CALIFORNIA HONORING BRUCE HAMMOCK OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Tuesday, January 12, 2021 HON. JOHN GARAMENDI Ms. CHU. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Ms. WILSON of Florida. Madam Speaker, I OF CALIFORNIA honor the life of Rose Matsui Ochi, who rise to congratulate KAMALA HARRIS on becom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed away on December 13, 2020, at the ing vice president of the United States when age of 81. Rose was a dedicated public serv- she will be sworn into office on January 20, Tuesday, January 12, 2021 ant, a longtime constituent of mine in Mon- 2021, on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Her terey Park, California, and a dear friend. Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, I rise journey to the White House is a path of many Rose was born on December 15, 1938, in historic firsts. today to honor Bruce Hammock and his exem- plary interdisciplinary career. He has been a East Los Angeles, but her early childhood was She is the first woman; the first black spent imprisoned at Rohwer concentration woman; the first Asian-American woman; and legendary figure in his field for over four dec- ades and his efforts have made critical ad- camp in Arkansas along with countless other the first graduate of an historically black uni- Japanese Americans during World War II. This versity and member of the black Greek- letter vancements in our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases, non-addictive so- childhood experience with systemic racism organization, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, In- helped forge her passion for social justice and corporated, to serve as vice president. She lutions to managing chronic pain, and environ- mental conservation. solidified her determination to break barriers. also was the first black woman to be elected At a time when people of color were not ex- district attorney in California and the state’s Dr. Hammock’s recent research on regu- pected or encouraged to seek higher edu- first woman to serve as attorney general. In latory enzyme inhibitors and their effect on cation, Rose graduated from UCLA in 1959 addition, she is the second black woman to neuroinflammation has reshaped the way we and received her graduate degree in edu- win election to the U.S. Senate. understand both the cause and cure of the de- cation from Cal State Los Angeles in 1967. Her motto, ‘‘You may be the first, but make generative disease. Alongside his UC Davis After witnessing the 1968 East L.A. walkouts sure you’re not the last,’’ are words of wisdom team, Dr. Hammock partnered with Baylor by Latino students demanding equal condi- passed down from her mother that helped University as well as other researchers across tions in schools, Rose was inspired to pursue mold her into a role model who is inspiring the globe to study soluble epoxide hydrolase a career in law to create a more just and equi- girls and women around the globe to shatter (sEH) and its effect on the brains of mice. Dr. table society. She graduated from Loyola Law glass ceilings of their own. Hammock’s study found that inhibiting sEH School in 1972 and was admitted to the Cali- The vice president will, however, be both may offer a new pathway to reduce fornia Bar that year. ‘‘the first and last in the room’’ as she and neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration; Seen by many as a rising star who pos- President Joe Biden address the converging leading to a breakthrough in recognizing the sessed an incredible legal mind, Rose quickly crises our nation is currently facing: COVID– potential benefits of sEH inhibitors in Alz- became involved in public policy at the federal 19, an economic downturn, and racial injus- heimer’s treatment. tice. level. In 1979, she was appointed to President Groundbreaking research is nothing new in Carter’s Select Commission on Immigration Vice President HARRIS’s commitment to the world of Dr. Hammock. He is currently a leveraging every aspect of the federal govern- and Refugee Policy, where she pushed for im- distinguished professor at UC Davis in the De- migration reform and helped secure a pathway ment to improve outcomes for men and boys partment of Entomology and Nematology and of color also is commendable. to citizenship for thousands of undocumented part of the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer immigrants. She then took from her childhood During the 116th Congress, we joined Center. During his time at the university Ham- forces to pass an historic, bipartisan piece of experiences and helped secure a federal apol- mock has been at the helm of the Superfund ogy and redress for Japanese American de- legislation that created the Commission on the Research Program for over three decades—a Social Status of Black Men and Boys. I look tention camp survivors in 1988. And in 1997, government-funded program focused on find- Rose was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be forward to working with her to enact this legis- ing solutions to the complex health and envi- lation and form a thriving commission that will the director of the Community Relations Serv- ronmental issues linked with the nation’s haz- ice at the Department of Justice, becoming the address pressing racial inequities and shape ardous waste sites. landmark legislation. first Asian-American woman to serve as an She will be honored for being a champion In addition to his invaluable contributions to assistant attorney general. for boys and men of color at the 5000 Role science, Dr. Hammock has taken up another She also had incredible achievements in her Models of Excellence Project’s 28th Annual admirable charge—to make science and learn- service to Los Angeles communities. She Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Break- ing fun. Every year he and his lab organize a served for two decades as the director of the fast on January 18, 2021. The 5000 Role water balloon fight between faculty and stu- City’s criminal justice office, where she helped Models of Excellence Project is an in-school, dents on the lawn of UC Davis’ Briggs Hall reduce gang violence by supporting programs dropout prevention and mentoring program where other labs and bystanders join in on the for at-risk youth, designed successful commu- serving thousands of boys of color. action. This event is a small glimpse into nity policing methods, and increased the num- Vice President HARRIS’s career in public Hammock’s unique character—one described ber of women and officers of color within the service began long before she was elected to by colleagues as enthusiastic, creative, and Los Angeles Police Department. And in 2001, office. Thirteen-year-old KAMALA successfully hard-working. she broke yet another barrier by becoming the organized the children at her apartment com- Dr. Hammock’s limitless drive and curiosity first Asian American woman to serve on the plex to protest not being allowed to play in the contribute both to the stellar reputation of UC Los Angeles Police Commission. building’s grassy courtyard. She turned this Davis as an esteemed research institute and On top of her long list of accomplishments, burgeoning passion into a thriving career after California’s 3rd Congressional District as a Rose Ochi paved the way for people like me. earning a bachelor’s degree in political whole. We wish him all the best in his endeav- There were so few Asian-American women in science at Howard University and a law de- ors and look forward to seeing all that he ac- leadership positions as I was growing up that gree at the University of California’s Hastings complishes in the future. I never dreamed I could be an elected official, ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Jan 13, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12JA8.001 E12JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS E30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 12, 2021 let alone a Congressmember. But Rose’s spir- of all skill levels were set up for future suc- ness by dedicating a large part of his practice it, determination, and boldness were an inspi- cess. After receiving an Observer-Reponer to pro bono cases, leaving low-income clients ration to me. She was passionate and com- Person of the Year award, Ms. Ellis best without debt. Because he is such an inspira- passionate, and always had a word of encour- summed up her approach, ‘‘I really feel I was tional role model, Mr. Crump will be inducted agement for me. I was lucky to have her as put on this planet to help people become bet- into the 5000 Role Models of Excellence my constituent and I was lucky to have known ter, and upon doing so, I become better.’’ Project at its 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther her. I ask my colleagues to join me in com- At the height of her career, Ms.
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