•• •\r ' ■< • •^'•; •••/'V.i*rH-i\ M-";' ' -'. /•'• | '•’ ' .■"'*• * . • ‘ .......^ . ,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, lpB8 PAGE th th ty-t w o liattrbPBtpr lEoi^nhtg H|miU> Manch^!^r Stores Open Nights Until 9 o *Clock Through Tuesday About Town g '; M»nche*t«*T Lodge of Elks will Average Daily Net Press Run rhe Weather hold It* *nnu»l Chnetmas party For Om Weak driHag foraesst of 0. 8. Weathar Baivaa for jrnembera only Friday right at Dee. Uth, US8 7:30“ at the Elka Home on Blenell Incraaalng 'loodlneM, Httla St. All are reminded to bring a change In temperature tonight. dollar gift and a gift for needy 12,849 Ix>w lO-IM. Friday cloudy, o©- children. Member ef the Audit lEuputtm ranlonal light mow I'kaly. High The Edith Cowlea Strickland j Mareaa at OIrealstloa in S(K h ’ Group of the Second Congrega- ■ Manchester— A City of Village Charm tlonal Church will hold Ita annual ^ Christmaa party tomorrow night j at 8 o’clock at the home of Mra. j DOUBLE VOL. LXXVin, NO. 67 (THIRTY-TWO PAG^8—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 (Olaaaiflad AdeartlalBg on Pnga M| PRICE FIVE CENTS IJonel Nadeau, lOP Coleman ltd. | Green HERE’S A CHRISTMAS OHT THAT REALLY SHINES! Stamps Bus Strike THURS., DECEMBER 18th ■pVe Vote A fter NATO to Use N-Force WITH ALL CASH SALES! January 6 O' New Haven, Dec. 18 (4*)— The State Conference Board, representing Connecticut Co. To Repel egression I OPEN EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK UNTIL 9:00. INCLUDING SAT. bus drivers, today decided to hold off any strike vote until sometime after next Jan. 6. The board met here today In the (ih e a SHOE SHINE KIT For That •Somoono Greeling.s, Judge, Alan Shoe Wall lloldrra wake of the company’s rejection of Spociol— Givo A Levtiy a union counter-propoaalj and a .1. Hale Shoo Hepair proniiae that no strike vote wotild — From Aleutraz Surprise War fianFi™ l ae Oak SI. Entrance be taken until after Christmaa. • We Do Orthopedic nrk • ROBE or Fh-lor to the meeting, .Joseph Bfiston. Dec. 18 Kedpr- Fahey, International repreaentatlve rI Cnurl Judg^ Franris J. \V. of the union, said the cjlimpany’a Ford received a (TiriAtmaA Talk Total Failure^': DUSTER action "leaves ua no choice except carl yeaterdi.y fiYim Teddy AT HALE'S FABULOUS to take a strike vote.” Green. Boston bank robber Keich Unity For that apecial someone on The board consists of repreaent- Reiving 25 years in Alcatraz. Geneva, Di'c. 18 (.(I’)- -ThC'l oslnvakln. Itumtona and Alhanin your shopping list, see our atives of employes from New Judge Ford hajidoi out the 25-year term to Green aix lO-nation conference on 're- the Siiviot hloi I’aris. Dec. 18 (>T>)—NATO C k m fim Housewares Dept. selector, of robes and dust­ Haven, Hartford, Norwich, New The ennferenee npone.l Nuv . 10, London, Middletown, Meriden and years ago. vention of Surpri.se Attacks;^ , ,01.1 heeame boKRed dmvn from thol •'"'••''tTn ministers affirmed to­ Onr Hoiisewarcs Department is just l)ri.m- ers, nylon and cotton quilts, Stamford. The bank robi>er 8 cart! ar­ ended todav rn complete fail- at.o t m prure.imiii .iiRumeru.s, da.v their ’’manifest will to I'ull of huiiflred.s III' wonderful gift ideas. smartl.v fashioned, lace, rib­ The bus drivers union asked for rived during a jury Inal at lire. from rthh )! ii iiev.'i- melted Use iiiu lj'ar I'etaliatory forces bon and jeweled trimmed a 10-cent-an-hour wage hike retro­ which Judge Ford waa pic- FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY FROM .Many are as low as on'\ $1.00. active to Oct. 1 in its proposal for aiding Me read the card to the Tlie talks never cot dmvn to h Tlie wes'eni .sjile siihmilteU iiuin- to repel aggression ’’ Sizes 10-20. Price a new one-year contract for I.ISO jury, with 's'eddy’8 greeting ■lermiis diseiission of a surprise at- .-nius let hiiical pmpo.siils in the In a ,'iOO-ivord communique Is- HALE'S BOOK DEPT., OAK ST., ANNEX drivers and mechanica. wishing the ji (tgo A Meirv liirk (ilei t system heeaiise F.asI ami luqie tlie Soviet hlor « ouM agree .,ued at the end o f a 3-day N orth A company spokesman said the Chriatmas.” • West were In total disapieemenl to di.si u.ss Iliese without hrinRlng Atlantic Treaty Organization min­ The Baby. Linen Monk.H .............. 30<-$1.00 union asked for another five cents on tlie very purpose of the confer- up pol.liral issiie.^ To underline the isterial meeling, the diplomats .^-'1 Years, MoUiei' (loose.................... $1.00 ZIPPERED BUN HUT $295 $0.98 an hour starting April 1, 1959. enre. ] iveslern view that all politiral dis- stres-sed that a aeti’p in Soviet Miiiit^ Kncr>'Mi'>iii 'Dll III ihiM ni»u- And dlff#»rFnt Bun Hut Hot Roll to Tlie Soviet bloe made a vain ef- cussion was lahoo, the westefn annamenls means NATO must 4- .'), Seven Womlerfiil Cal.a....... $1.00 The present wage for drivers - 1 Srrvri Wnvrn in Mnrlcirn with a ninrli'-ln-AniFrlrA Alpp^rrd top of fln« averages 32.15<i cents an hour. fort at the 4>.,.-houi' final meetui);| negoluiiors ,lid mil have delegate ' sii-staln w it limit rela.xation" ef­ 5- 6, Stories Around Tlie 1'ear . .$1.00 Diner Owner to have ,Ian, or any other ilatei status, Imt weie -ift'iri illv de- itillDii 111 H.«iHOilrfl pw.str) .shfi'ii'A Simpiv hAAt inlijs, pop Into V/ The union also asked for a con­ forts to boost the defensive power flxed lor resumption of tlie talksd srrilied as experts 7- 8, l‘'avorite S'nries 'I'ti Hend Alioiit . $3.95 Hill zip clfmrti 111 UrTp ilinn piping Imt until ready to Arrvf. ComcA in >W tract clause that provides that all of the alliance. cliorUncfl ginglwnn. This Party Was No Bust The western uroup. led ti\- Wil-i ''aslern iir^olialors had the The ininisters. the comrouniqu* ' 8- tl, The Happy ll(dli.sters.........$1.00 For The Young Mias contract dlspiitea be submitted to Hurt, Robbed an arbitrator whose decision is Count down: Vive I. Four 1 Three! Two! One! ZERO!!! This bit of suspense was part of the fun liaiii ('. Fo.slor of tlie I'mted i status of delepatrs at a poli- said, reaffiimed their fundamental O-Ki. Cliildren Around Tlie World........ $2.50 $1 0 -9 8 at a Chriatmas party at the Newingtofi Home for Crippled Children who don’t seem too handicapped 10- 11. Landmtirk Rooks (Alionl IVsiple) $1.95 binding on both sides. Stales. flnnlv toUl the Soviet hlor ; tu al coMfereiire Thew were led hy belief "that NATO d.-fenaive atrat- BUUY KNIT This compulsory arbitration in their .capacity to. get something out of life. (Herald Photo by Pinto i. In Glastonbury it was iiseleas to reconvene unless ‘ ilu-’^sia s Ameru-an-eduraled Dep- egy continues to he based on th* 11- 12. World We Live I n ............. $4.95 Dunking Permitted — Ctiip-n-Dip Bowi $2 50 clause has been a key issue in the an agreed bases for the dlaeussioiis otp Foreign .Minister Vassili V. existence of effective shield force* GIRLS' DEPARTMENT 12 1.1, Teenage Lilnnry ...................... $1.50 A cnini’fn) nilflition to Buffrt serving Ia thiA " ( ’hip*n*l up ” howl nf negotiations. The company op­ could be estahtislied in direct .-on-j i^uznetsov, wtio outi-anked the and on the manifest wdll to UM SECOND nXIOR. GIsstonbury, Der. 18 oTi I'oataa Teenage tllamor .......................... $2.00 higli qiiAlitv Atyrrnr, m Stflriight rryAtfll Sunvr. fh>»1 metivr* nnd rrally SWEATERS poses the clause, which has been Ribicoff Wants;^ ^ Confuses Dispute tarts between Ihe gnverntnents ! wr.steni experts like a rnlnnel out- nuclear retnlialory forces to re­ ii'^nfiil lilrnl fro Iuha rroruvrcH. clilpn. Aulnd.s «ml fnnl. A wclromr Arc- /part of the Connecticut Company's Nlchols. proprietor of the Glas- enneerned, ' | ranks a .sergenni pel aggression" Mother-Cook Rooks.......................... $1.00 $4.95 ftiilf* compniimn for 'I'V muwUa. .Smart holiday fashions for contracts for the past 52 years. tonbury Diner, was held up, knifed' qq.^ conference agreed, however, Kuznetsov and Ihe other ea.st- The communique pledged tha Dad--Retler Homes and (liirden the young miss, bulky knit A company oBicial said the State C ontrol nd robbed earlv this morning lo reconvene "as early as possible " crti delegalrs Insiste.l that terlini- l.% NATO nations to work hard Handyman ..........'......... ...............$3.95 sweaters in slip-ons and union w’aa Informed at a meeting Police Chief' Terrenrc J. Mr- F.a.sl and We.«t apparently had i <»l '> (« .surprise al- for a solution to the over-all (5er- cardigans, lOO'r turbo or- here yesterday that the company Engineers on Jets\,Kaig said that Nichols .•itiimbled ' very different ideas of when this lafk a|ert system • must he pi o- i.ian question, lumping it together The Home Hictionnnes ., ........ 75< $6.00 GYMAC 3-TIER SERVING TRAY $298 lon. .'iires 7 to M. Preteen CHRISTMAS GIFTS plana to stick to its original pro­ River Bridges I into tlie police station at 6 30 and might be. I ceded hy disriission of ttie raiises with other Cold War Issues, In­ Bible Stories .................. 25< $2.95 size* IP to 14 Prlre posals. 1 reported to Polieenian C. James ’T'lie Dnited States, Hritain ! of the \ioild .s fear of surpilse at cluding European security and SiiiHitlv .•»l\l«'(| In nrr\> vnur giirslA Indonrn «nd oMldnorA Afadr of lark.
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