STUDIES ON THE ECO BIOLOGY OF THE INDIAN PEARL OYSTER, Pinctada fucata (GOULD) THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNDER THE FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCE By T. S. VELAYUDHAN Dept. Of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry School of Marine Sciences Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin-682 016 AUGUST 2003 QDEQDICJZITQZQD T O THE /‘4L9\4Ig7{‘1”’Y/’L7\f@ my Q3T]LO”(/954) Q’/l9\’_£W7T5 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "STUDIES ON THE ECO ­ BIOLOGY OF THE INDIAN PEARL OYSTER, Pinctada fucata (GOULD)" is an authentic record of research work carried out by Shri. T. S. Velayudhan under our supervision and guidance in the Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Cochin University of Science and Technology, and that no part there of has been presented before for the award of any other degree, diploma or associateship in any University (saw (Prof. Dr. N. R. Menon) Supervising guide Director (Retired) &/Ii’//’______,... 3? School of MarineCUSAT, Sciences Cochin 682 016 (Dr. V. K. Pillai) Co-guide Principal Scientist (Retired) CMFRI, Cochin — 682 014 DECLARATION I, Shri. T.S. Velayudhan, do hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Studies on the Eco - biology of the Indian Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata (GOULD)” is a genuine record of research work done by me under the supervision and guidance of Prof. (Dr.) N. R. Menon, Director (Retired), School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin — 16 and has not been previously formed the basis of the award of any degree, diploma or associateship in any University. Cochin - 682016 (T. S. Velavudha l JICKS-V0‘!/V[.(E(lDQ(E9\/l£9VT9 I consider it a great pm/ifege to work under tfie guidance of (Prof {(Dr.) N (R, Merton, Retired Q)irect0r, Scfioof of 5Vlari.':e Sciences, Cocfiin ‘University of Science ('55 Tecfinofogy (C’US/1'1), I ta/E3: tfiis opportunity to express deep sense of gratitude for suggesting tfiis pro6[em and for fiis 'ua[ua6[e guidance, constant encouragement and for scrutinizing tfie tfiesis. I am deepfy inde6ted to (Dr. ‘V. (Piflai, co—guide and (Principaf Scientist (Retired), Tis/iery ‘Environment and 91/lanagement (Division, C$M‘F(R1, Cocfiin — 14 for /iis va[ua5le suggestions and encouragements. I acflnowflzdge my sincere t/ian/is to (ProJ". ('Dr.) Wlofian _’/oespfi Modayifl (Director, Centraf 17l/larine Tisfieries (Kesearcfi Institute (C_‘M‘F(i{I), Coc/iin — 14 and fomier (Directors Q)r. Wt. (Devaraj, (Dr. ‘V. 9V. (Pi[&1i for providing necessary facifities at tfie institute for my researcfi wor/{I on part time 6asis. I also express my sincere gratitude to Sfiri. ‘K. Wagappan Wair, (former OIC, C9‘»N'(1{1, (futiconn), (Dr. K. /1. Warasimfiam fomier ?-[O(D, 9WF(D, C91/l‘1-‘(R1, Coc/ii.-i - 14) and (Dr. ‘IQ. flflzgarswami, former Jfead and retired (Director, C!(B/I for tfieir sincere advise and va[ua6[e suggestions and (Dr. K, ‘K, jlppufiuttan, J{O(D, WM-'(D, CiM‘F(R1, Cocfiin-14, for [us criticaf comments in improving tfie tfiesis. I am gratcfuf to my doctoraf committee mem6ers, Q’rof ((Dr.) @a6u @fii[i ,formerJ{ead, Marine @io[ogy, 9L/licrofliofingy and (Biocfiemistry, G’rqfl ((Dr.) IN R, :Menon, (Prof {®r. )‘1(. _7. josepfi and Dr. ‘V. '/(V, (Pifflzi for tfieir sincere fiefp ofi‘ered to 1ne and for t/ieir unfaifing suggestions during my work I am indefited to (Prof ((Dr.) (Damodaran, former (Director and ®ean, (Dr. C. ‘K, Radfia/{ns/inan, (Reader and flead), (Prof ((Dr.) ‘K, ‘K .5'a[ifi, (Prof ((Dr.) Kuttiamma, (Dr. fl. ‘V. Saramma (Reader), (Dr. Rosamma (Pfiifip {5enior Iecturer), (Department of 9Vlan'ne Qiobgy, EMicro6io[ogy ani (Biocfiemistry, C‘U.S'/'47 for tfieir wfiofe fieartezf cooperation, suggestions and /ielp for tfie timefy compfetion of tfze work. I nave tfie cfeepest sense of ‘qratituzfe to (Dr. R (Pauf Raj, Jfeatf G9/(PD c>Z OIC, (P_C,‘(PM, (Dr. C. S uslieeflzn, former O] C, Q’g‘(P9'l4, .5Tiri. DW. flofin anc{.5‘/in". ‘V. ‘K. Surencfran, private secretary, Q’(J‘(P9\/I for tficir unfaifing lien) in a[[ matters C01lC€T‘713L{'LUl't/‘i. my @/i. 4.) work, I am gratefuf to (Dr. /'1. C. C. ‘Victor, OIC, (Tuticorin Researcfi Centre of CMTRI anc{.Sfiri. (D. C. ‘V. ‘Easterson, former O! C, Tuticorin (Researcfz Centre of CMTRI, (Dr. 7(_a[iaperuma[, 01 C Mamfapain (1{cgi'oria[Cciztre ofC9WFQ{1, (Dr. /71. (P. Lipton, OIC, ’Vizfiinjam Researcfi Centre of C9WF(R_1, (Dr. (P. Q’. (Pi[&1i, (Dr. Q’. )4. '17iomas, Q)r. ‘K, (Pra5fal{_aran Wair, (Principaf scientists (Retired) anif former O1C's ‘Viz/iinjam Researcfi Centre of C91/(‘F021, forgiving necessary facifities for tfie co[[ection of oysters. I wisfi to accorcf my sincere tfian/Q: to .5‘/in". Tota, (Researcfi Oflicer, gujarat State (Fisfieries (Department anzf Mr. .5‘. (P771/{£15/ttllt, flssistant (Director, (Fisfieries (Pearf amf Cfianfl ‘Tuticorin, ’1”a1ni[_‘7\/'ad'u respecti'ue[y for prowling [ive pearf oyster anJ [i5raryfaci[ities. I am gratefuf to my cofflzagues Jinn". /1. C/iefflim, Sfir. i 5. Qfiarmaraj, (Dr. Q3. Mat/iaifi, (Dr. N (llajamani, 51in". (D. .S'fii"ua[i'rigai2i (fletireifj, Sfinfl ‘IQ. Ramacfoss {(R_etired), (Dr. (D. (B. James (Retired), (Principaf scientists, CWRC of C9Vl‘FC'{I, Q)r. K. gopa/iumar, (Dr. W Ramacfiantfran, (Dr. Tliiagarajaii ((l{etired), (Pnncipaf scientists, ‘Viz/iinjam RC of C9Vl(FQ{[, Sfiri. ‘K, (Bafan, (Dr. 9‘. 9V'anc{al{umar, (Dr. /1. fl. Jayaprakasli, (Dr. L. ’1(risfinan, ®r. 51/laiy ’l{9‘l/lanissery, 5firi.. (P.'£ 5ampson 9Wanil{arn (Retired), ®r. (Mrs) gracce Wlatfiew, (Dr. C.‘(P. gopinatfian, (Pnncipaf Scientists, C91/ITRI, for tfieir Kimf Help in co[[ection of 6io[oUica[ sampfi:s, excfia/ige of [iterature and necessary encouragement for carrying out tfiis worfl I am tf.tlIl:€fll[ to (Dr. 914. _$'rinatfi, amf (Dr. T (V. Satfiyananifan for tfieir Rind/ie[p in statisticaf treatment anrf interpretation of tfata. I am filgfify z'nJe6tec{ to my coffeagues (Dr. (Mrs) ‘V. ‘lfinpa, (Dr. ’I\’. S. Wloflarrzed; (Dr. (91/lrs).S‘/zoji josepfi, (Dr. 0.’. Laflsfunillzt/Ia, .8’/Ln". WI. 51"uaz{as, (Dr. (P. flsokart, Sfiri. (Plii[1'ppose,.S'/iri. 1. jagcfis, Sfirt. (B06)! Ignatius, (Dr. an. ‘K. /'Im'f. srm‘. <2). ‘I/g'jayagopa[, Smt. Sujitfia ’IT1omas, (Dr. ‘Unnitfian of C91/(‘MU anzf (Dr. /1. _C,‘opalZz@n's/inan of W33‘!-"QR! for tfieir wfiofe fieartccf cooperation ancf fielp rencferecf cfuring my work. My speciaf tfianfls to (Dr. W 9‘. ‘K. (Pi[[ai, 7{O(D, (P1-'(D, (Dr. ‘E. ‘V. ‘Rac{/1a.Qn'.sfinan, 3‘[O(D, C‘F(D, (Dr. SW. (Rajagopaf, J{O(D, "I-“lj91'l(D, (Dr. ‘I/. 3. (R. Wlunfiy, former?-[O(D, (D4-"(D amf (Dr. Satfuazfas, }[O(D, .5‘E‘£’I’FD for tfleir we[[ wisfies. It is my great pn'w'[ege to wgpress my sincere tfianfis to Sfiri. Q’. q{arffia.{rL's/inarz, Sfiri. _’l. X Rozfngo, 5 mt. C. (P. Suja, .5/in". ‘J1/latfiew josepfi, 3/in". josepft jlmfrews, Sfiri. K, T ’ITzomas, Smt. _’]enniSfu1rma, ,5‘fin'. /'1. Wamfafiutnar, Sfin. (Bastin (Fernando (’1”ecfi1zz'ca[O_fj9ters), .5‘fin'. flntony G’itc/Ear, §fir1'. /I. (Dasman ‘fernanzfo, 5fzn‘. (F. Soosai, Sfiri. ‘V. Rayen, Sfm. N jesuraj, _5‘fin'. (P. 9Vlutflul{n'sfznarz, .5‘mt. Sefifuzr ‘I/. Rayetz, Sftri. K. .5‘/ianmugasund‘aram, Sfznl ‘K. _5‘n'm"uasaganz (T3 ancfflzuncfi crew of (RC of Tuticofln), Sfiri. (P. 5. jlfflnycious, Sfinl W1. QV. ,5'atfiyan (7?:cfuu'ca[ /'1ss1'stants), Mrs. j?lru'@unzan', 1Mrs. Leena (Ravi, Miss ‘R, Sree/kzya, Miss /In/aim, WI r. ]1jz"’Ilionzas, L’1~‘l1'ss _'/ugunu (Reaseacfi scfiofizrs of Vt/l‘F(D). My speciaf t/tanks are zfue to (Dr. §Vlanoj7Vaz'r, Mr. M. ‘I/inozf ((Researcfi /lssociates) am{_‘Mr. (Rgmafnlga {G’/z.(D Scfiollzr) for tfieir asszstance in computer typing amf manuscript preparation. My sincere tfianfls are a£so Jae to Mrs. W /"1 nz61'@a for Jraft typing, Sfinl (I3. Sainucf/ieen, 91/trs. (Prasanna ‘l(uman' for t/ie fie[p renJereJ in tfu: preparation of tflesis. CONTENTS Page No CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 TAXONOMIC STATUS AND ECOLOGY 6 CHAPTER 3 BIOLOGY OF PEARL OYSTER Pinctada fucata 27 (GOULD) CHAPTER 4 STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY, ANATOMY, 51 HISTOLOGY OF MANTLE AND PEARL-SAC OF SUMMARYPEARL OYSTER Pinctada fucata (GOULD) 73 REFERENCES 78 LIST OF PUBLICATONS APPENDIX CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCT I ON CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Aquaculture can be defined as culturing aquatic organisms and harvesting them for human benefits. An important branch of aquaculture is mariculture. Mariculture, the organized culture of marine organisms in the sea has a very long history. :1 is believed that the first attempted mariculture was that of molluscs. Japanese farmed oysters on intertidal stretches of the shore around 2000 B.C. Aristotle mentions the cultivation of oysters in Greece while Pliny gave details of Roman oyster farming from 100 B.C. The total world Fish and Shellfish aquaculture production in 1999 was provisionally put at 32.9 million metric tonnes (mmt). In 1998 fish and shellfish through maricultute accounted for 35 % of the total aquaculture production with the molluscs contributing 9143 thousand tonnes, (47 %) valuing US $ 8479 million (FAO, 2000). Total food fish supply is growing at a rate of 3 — 6% per annum since 1961 and protein derived from fish, crustaceans and molluscs account for between 13.5 — 16.5 % of animal protein intake of the human population.
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