eq lq ðL RELATIONSHIPS OF SOUTH-EAST AUSTR.ALTAN SPECIES OF SENECIo(CoMPoSITAE)DEDUCEDFRoMSTUDIESoF MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND CYTOGENETICS by Margaret Elizabeth Lawrence, B.Sc. (Hons') Department of Botany, University of Adelaide ii Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Adelaide Mayr 1981 l \t l ûr¿a.,"lto( ? 4t ' "'-' 'l-" "l TABLE OF CONTENTS ?\lLlg',|- Volume 2 205 CHAPTER 4 ReProductive BiologY 206 4.1 Introduction 208 4.2 Materials and methods 209 4.2.L Glasshouse trials 2LL 4.2.2 Pollen-ovule ratios 2LL 4.2.3 Seed size and number 2L2 4.2.4 Seedling establishment 2L2 4.2.5 LongevitY 2L2 4.3 Results and observations 4.3.1 Direct and indirect evidence of breeding 2L2 sYstems 2r8 4.3.2 Observations of floral biology 2L9 4.3.3 Pollen vectors 220 4.4 Discussion 220 4.4.1 Mode of reProduction 220 4.4.2 Breeding sYstems 22L 4.4.3 Breeding systems and generation length 223 4.4.4 Seed size and number 225 4.4.5 DisPersal Potential 226 4.4. 6 Seedllng establishment 4.4.7 Combinations of reproductive traits: 228 r- and K-selection 235 4.5 Conclusions 237 CHAPTER 5 Recombination in Senecio 5.1 Introduction 238 5.2 Materials and methods 240 5.3 Results and discussion 24L 5. 3.1 Chromosome numbers 24l. Ploidy distributions in Senecio 24L 5.3.L.2 Polyploidy and recombination 249 Polyploidy and speciation 25L 5.3.2 Effects of chiasma frequency and position 253 5.3.3 Effects of breeding sYstems 255 5.3.4 Effects of generation lengths 257 5.3.5 Pair-wise associations of regulatory factors 258 Breeding system and generation length 259 Breeding system and chromosome number 26L Breeding system and chiasma frequency 26L Generation length and ChrOmOsome numbers 264 Generation length and chiasma frequency 264 Chiasma frequency and chromosome number the "Recombination Index" 265 5.3.6 Recombination systems in Senecio 267 5.4 Conclusions 272 CHAPTER 6 Nuclear DNA Amounts 277 6.1 Introduction 278 6.2 Materials and methods 280 6.2.L Source of material 280 6.2.2 Feulgen stain and SOZ water 28r 6.2.3 Cultivation 28L 6.2.4 Preparation of slides 28L 6.2.5 Lfeasurement of DNA amount 283 6.2.6 Analysis of results 284 6.2.7 Hydrolysis 'times and root tip sizes 284 6.2.8 Selection of a calibration standard 286 6.2.9 CeII volumes 287 6.3 Results and discussion 287 6.3.1 TerminologY 287 6.3.2 Comparison of calibration standards 288 6.3.3ReliabilityofDNAestimatesandsizeof signif Ícant diff erences 290 6.3.4 Interspecific differences in DNA amounts 292 6.3.5 Intraspecific differences in DNA amounts 296 6.3. 6 NucleotyPic effects 298 6.3.6.I Size of structures 299 CeII cYcle times 3 00 Minfunum generation times 302 6.3.7 Nature of changes in DNA amounts 304 6.3.Sspeculationsonthedirectionofchangesin DNA amounts 3 06 6.4 Conclusions 3L2 314 CHAPTER 7 KarYotYPes 7.L fntroducÈion 315 316 7 .2 MaEerials and methods 316 7 .2.I KarYotYPe construction 318 7 .2.2 IntersPecific comParisons 7.3 Results and discussion 325 7.3.1 Illustration of karYotYPes 325 7.3.2 ComParison of karYotYPes 326 7.3.2.I Síze of. significant differences 326 InterPretation of data 326 7 .3.2.3 Relationships deduced from percentage similarities 327 331 7 .3.2.4 Satellite chromosomes 7.3.3 Karyotype symmetry and evolutionary advancement 334 7.3.4 Changes in absolute chromosome síze 339 7.3.5 The basic chromosome number of Senecio 340 7.3'5'1 Karyotype symmetry and absorute chromosome size 342 The number of satellite chromosomes 343 7.4 Conclusions 345 347 CHAPTER B Natural and Synthetic Hybrids 8.1 Introduction 348 8.2 l[ateríats and methods 349 8.3 Results and discussion 350 8.3.I Natural hYbrids 350 S.3.I.ICharacteristicsofhybridandparentplants 350 E.3.l.2Evidenceusedtodetermineparentspecies 36r Pollen and seed development 363 3 65 8. 3. 2 Crossing Programs Program I 367 370 8 ,3.2.2 Program 2 8.3.3 Extended studies of S. ero rus x 370 9.. leucus Frequency of natural hybridization 37L S.3.3.2Likelihoodoffertitehybridformation 373 Evidence of additive gene effects 374 8.3.4 The rayed, gene complex in Senecio 375 8.3.5 Origins of decaploid species 377 8.3.6 Hybridization and polyploidy in Senecio and Senecioneae 379 CHAPTER 9 General Conclusions 383 9.1 Systematics of Senecioneae in Australia 384 9.1.1 The generic status of species examined 384 g.L.2 Subdivísions of Australian species of senecio 387 g.2 The application of current evolutionary theories 38 9 9.2.L r- and K-selection 3B 9 9.2.2 Recombinatíon sYstems 390 9.2.3 The C-value Paradox 392 9.2. 4 KaryotYPe evolution 393 9.3 Polyploid evolution in senecioneae and seneciq 394 9.4 The size of Senecio 398 REFERENCES 400 .APPENDIX I 420 APPENDTX 2 434 APPENDIX 3 446 CFIAPTER 4 Reproductive BioIogY 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Materials and Methods 4.2.! Glasshouse trials 4.2.2 Pollen-ovule ratios 4.2.3 Seed size and number 4.2.4 Seedling establishment 4 .2.5 LongevitY 4.3 Results and Observations 4.3.lllirectandind'irectevidenceofbreedingsystems 4.3.2 observations of floral biology 4 . 3. 3 Poll-en veetors 4.4 Discussíon 4.4.I Mode of reProduction 4 .4 .2 Breed.ing sYsterns 4.4.3 Breeding systems and generation length 4.4.4 Seed size and nu¡nber 4.4.5 DisPersal Potential 4.4.6 Seedling establishment 4.4.7 CombinatíonS of reproductÍve traits: r- and K-selection 4.5 Conclusions 4.L Introduction The term "reproductive biology" is often equated with breeding or mating systems, but I have adopted the mo::e general interpre- tation of events from anthesis to the establishment of the next generation. Five characteristics are therefore considerecl: (1) breeding systemsr or factors controlling the parentage of seeds, (21 seed size and number, (3) dispersal potential, (4) seedlÍng establishment and (5) generation length' Chromosome numbers and. chiasma frequencies are also of relevance, but as they are extensive topics I have discussed them in the next chapter. rnterspecific hybridization is considered in chapter 8 as meiotic configurations and karyotype morphologies are an integral part of the eviclenee. The effects of differing modes of reproduction are cliverse. Ornduff (1969) discussed the relationship between reproductive biology and systematics, commenting that "systernatists should be fully aware of the morphological patterns that are associated with different reproductíve systems." For example, convergent evolution in species adapted to the same potlinator or in species possessing similar breeding systems may lead to the erroneous grouping of distantly related taxa. Sirnilarly, the evolution of autogamy in one of two closely related taxa may lead to rapid morphological divergence and subsequent misclassification- Errors of this kind are often avoided if a range of microcharacters, not influenced by selection for different reproductive strategies t are included in the study. Differing reproductive systems affect not only the direction. of rnorphological change, but also the patterns of variability found within and between populations. Oblígate selfing wí11 207 increase the chances of genetic homozygosity and the phenotypic expression of locally different forms. outcrossing, by prornoting inter-population gene-flow, will recluce the chance of localizecl differentiation. As taxonomie delimitation of speeies relies on the presence of discontinuities in variation, breeding systems will strongly affect the final form of a classification' Baker (1959) illustrated the effects of breeding systems using the orchid genus EpiPactis as an example. very locaI, more or less cleistogamous forms have been described as species on the basis of differences in floral characters while the smaller number of outbreeding species are acknowledged to be extremely variable. Although morphological expression may be increased by homo- zygosity in autogamous populations, the overall genetic variation wÍthin such populations rnay be less. Harnrick et al' (1979) reviewed evidence of genetic variation in plants determined by studies of enzyme polymorphisms. They compared overall genetic varíation with a range of life history characteristics and con- cluded that, in the ease of breeding systems, genetie variation bras generally less in primarily selfing species. Thus breeding systems, and other aspects of reproductive biology, will affecÈ both the extent of genotypic variation and its expression in the PhenotYPe. The idea that the amount of genetíc variation within a popu- Iation might be regulated by differing reproductÍve strategies was considered in detaíl by Grant (1958). Grant discussed the influence of a range of plant features including longevity, breeding system, dispersal- potential and population size - on the amount of genetic recombination expressecl per unit of chronologícal time. Cornbínations of factors promoting recombina- tion, sueh as short generations, cross pollination, wide dispersal 208 and large populations characterize "open" recomtrination systerns whereas long generation times, autogamy, restricted dispersal and smalt populations characteríze "restrieted" ::ecornbination systems. "Closedn systems are assocíated wíth asexual reproduc- tion. According to Grant (1958) and Stebbins (1958) clifferent recombination systems are selectecl for rvhen environmental eon- ditions favour genetic uniformity or genetic diversity. Although the factors listed by Grant have not met with oPposítíonr the concept of "group' setection of these factors has been strongly opposed by t.taynard Smith (1964) , füítliarns (1966) and Lloycì.
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