
CONTRIBUTIOSS FROM THE JIUSEUM OF PALEOSTOLOGP UXIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. VI, NO. 10, pp. 319-336 APRIL 15, 1947 CATALOGUE OF THE TYPE AND FIGURED SPECIMEKS OF VERTEBRATE FOSSILS I?; THE MUSEUlI OF PALEOSTOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF htICHIGAN BY E. C. CASE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS ANN ARBOR CONTRLBUTIOKS FROM THE lIUSEUJ1 OF P,1LEOSTOLOGY USIVERSITY OF liICIIIGA4X Editor: EUGEXES. SICCARTSEY The series of contributions from the 3Iuseum of Paleontology is a medium for the publication of papers based entirely or prin- cipally upon the collections in the Afuseum. TYhen the number of pages issued is sufficient to make a volume, a title page and a table of contents will be sent to libraries on the mailing list, and also to individuals upon request. Correspontlence should be di- rected to the University of liichigan Press. .A list of the separate papers in Yolumes 11-VI will be sent upon request. YOL. I. The Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Hackberry Stage of the Upper Devonian, by C. L. Fenton and hf. A. Fenton. Pages xi + 260. Cloth. $2.75. T--- 1 UL. 11. Fvurteerl papers. rages ix + 210. Cloth. $3.00. Parts sold separately in paper covers. YOL. 111. Thirteen papers. Pages viii + 275. Cloth. $3.50. Parts sold separately in paper covers. VOL. IV. Eighteen papers. Pages viii $- 295. Cloth. $3.50. Parts sold separately in paper covers. VOL. V. Twelve papers. Pages viii + 318. Cloth. $3.50. Parts sold separately in paper covers. VOL. VI. Ten papers. Pages viii + 336. Paper covers. $3.00. Parts sold separately. T'o~uar~V1 1. A Nearly Complete Turtle Skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana, by E. C. Case. Pages 1-19, with 18 text figures. Price $.40. a. Lepidodendron Johnsonii, sp. nov., from the Lower Pennsyl- vanian of Central Colorado, by Chester A. Arnold. Pages 21-58, with 11 plates and 4 test figures. Price $.GO. 3. Observations on Fossil Plants from the Devonian of Eastern North America. V. Hyenia Banksii, sp. nov., by Chester A. Arnold. Pages 53-57, with 1 plate. Price $.20. 4. Some Paleozoic Plants from Central Colorado and Their Strati- graphic Significance, by Chester 9. Arnold. Pages 59-70, with 3 plates. Price $.23. 5. An Tnterpretation of the Skull of Bztettneria. with Special Ref- erence to the Cartilages and Soft Parts, by John Andrew Wilson. Pages 71-111, with 14 text figures. Price $.60. (Continued on inside of back cover) VOL.VI, No. 10 (pp. 319-336) APRIL15, 1947 CATALOGUX OF THE TYPE AND FIGURED SPECIMENS OF VERTEBRATE FOSSILS IN THE MUSEUM' OF PALEONTOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN By E. C. CASE HE catalogue of type and figured specimens of vertebrate T fossils in the Museum of Paleontology of the University of Michigan lists all descriptions of new material and the location of all figures of material described since 1907, together with a few specimens that were in the possession of the University Museum prior to that date. The genera are arranged alphabetically under the proper Order for convenience in locating. Two abbreviations for publications frequently referred to have been adopted : C.M.P. = Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology of the University of Michigan. P.C.I. = Publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. PISCES ARTHRODIRA 13048. Dinichthys (Holonema?). A. plate. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 175, P1. V, fig. 1. ' 12974. Dimmylostoma? sp. nov. Lower gnathal element. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 175, figs. 7-8. 13041. Dimmylostoma (Holonema?). Gnathal elements. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 177, figs. 11-13; P1. V, fig. 2 319 320 E. C. Case 13042. Dinomylostoma (Holonema?). Gnathal element. Case, C.M.P., Tol. 111, 1931, p. 177, P1. V, fig. 2. 13040. Holonema? A plate. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 173, P1. IV, fig. 1. 13043. Hblonema. A plate. , Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 173,.~1.IV, fig. 2. 12976. Protitanichthys rockportensis Case. Skull, Paratype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 168, fig. 4. 12977. Protitanichthys rockportensis Case. Median dorsal plate. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 171, fig. 6; P1. 11, fig. 1. 12978. Protitanichthys rockportensis Case. Skull. Paratype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 164, P1. 111, fig. 1. 12979. Protitanichthys rockportensis Case. Skull. Paratype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 170, fig. 5; PI. I, fig. 2. 12980. Protitanichthv rockportensis Case. Skull. Holotype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 165, fig. 1; P1. I. 13046. Protitanichthys rockportensis? Case. Spine. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 172, P1. 111, fig. 2. 13049. Protitanichthys rockportensis Case. Dorsal shield. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 171, P1. 11, fig. 2. - DIPNOI 7324. Ceratodus dorotheae Case. Palatal tooth. Holotype. Case, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 101, 1921, 1 fig. 9634. Ceratodus crosbiensis Warthin. Palatal tooth. Holotype. Warthin, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1928, p. 15, P1. I, fig. 1. 3039. Sagenodus pertenuis Eastman. Palatal tooth. Holotype. Eastman, Amer. Nat., Vol. 37, 1903, p. 493, 2 figs. Broili, Paleontographica, Vol. 51, 1904, p. 105. Eastman, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ., Vol. 50, 1906, p. 8. Case, Journ. Geol., Vol. 5, 1908, p. 579. Hussakof (synonym? of Gnathorhiza pusilla (Cope)), Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. 25, 1908, p. 53. Hussakof (synonym of Gnathorhiza pusilla (Cope)), P.C.I., Publ. 146, 1911, p. 167. CROSSOPTERYGI1 9630. Macropoma sp. nov., Warthin. Quadrate and pterygoid. Warthin, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1928, p. 17, P1. I, figs. 2-3. Catalogue of Vertebrate Fossils 321 CHONDROSTEII 11663. Eurylepidoides sodis Case. Fragments used in a restoration. Holotype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1935, .p. 276, fig. 1. 22206. Pakopsephurus wiboni MacAlpin. Skull and part of skeleton. Holotype. MacAlpin, C.M.P., Vol. VI, 1946, p. 167, Pls. I-IT, figs. 1-3, 5, 7-10, 19-20. 22207. Paleopsephum wilsoni MacAlpin. Scales. MacAlpin, C.M.P., Vol. VI, 1946, p. 167, fig. 11. PROTOSPONDYLI 7506. Colognathus (Xenognuthus) obscum Case. Fragment of jaw with teeth. Holotype. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 84, fig. 33E. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1928, p. 5, P1. I, figs. 6-8. Case, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., Vol. 23, 1933, p. 65. ColognaUlus proposed for Xenognathus preoccupied. 7506. Xenognathus preoccupied = Colognathus. 14356. Colognathus obscurus Case. Fragment of jaw with two teeth and . an isolated tooth. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 89, figs. 12-15. Incertue sedis 18565. Paleoniscid fish. Various specimens from which the skdl waa restored. Case, Proc. her. Phil. Soc., Vol. 78, 1937, p. 1, P1. I, figs. 1-3. 18567. Paleoniscid fish. Various casts from which the skull was restored. Case, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. 78, 1937, p. 1, P1. I, figs. 1-3. Associated with 18565 and 18567 is a natural endocranial cast not numbered because it is on permanent loan. Described and figured by Case, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. 78,1937, p. 1, P1.2, figs. 1-3. 7253. Undetermined fish. Coprolites. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 84, figs. 33a-b. E. C. Case AMPHIBIA STEGOCEPHALIA 3246. Archeria robinsoni Case. Humerus. Holotype. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 207, 1915, p. 107, figs. 44a-b; P1.23, figs. 7-8. Romer, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. 46, 1922, p. 556, PI. 37, fig. Archeria. 7364. Buettneria (Metaposaurus). Posterior half of interclavicle. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 25, fig. 5H (numbered 7374 in error); P1. 4, fig. C. 7265. Buettneria. Interclavicle. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 25, fig. 5E (numbered 7266 in error); P1. 3, fig. A. 7366. Buettneria. Interclavicle. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 25, fig. 5G; P1. 4, fig. B. 7367. Buettneria. Interclavicle. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 25, fig. 5F; P1. 4, fig. A. 7448. Buettneria. Interclavicle. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 25, fig. 5B. 7368. Buettneria. Interclavicle. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 39, P1. VII, fig. 1. 13972. Buettneria. Section of a tooth. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 26, PI. 111, figs. 1-2. ' 13819. Buettneria. Exoccipital. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 15, fig. 12. 7469. Buettneria. Lower jaw. Case, P.C.I., Publ. 321, 1922, p. 22, figs. 4A-B: 13055. Buettneria bakeri Case. Skull. Holotype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 187, figs. 1-2; P1. I, figs. 1-2. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 6, figs. 2, 6; P1. I, figs. 1, 3. 14154. Buettneria bakeri Case. Posterior portion of skull. Paratype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, p. 196, figs. 4, 6; PI. 11, figs. 1-2. Case, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. 72, 1933, p. 281, fig. 11. 14098. Buettneria bakeri Case. Posterior portion of skull. Paratype. Case, C.M.P., Vol. 111, 1931, pp. 198,201, figs. 5, 7. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 20, fig. 20. 13822. Buettneria bakeri Case. Left half of skull. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 6, figs. 5, 10; P1. 11, fig. 4. 13820. Buettneria bakeri Case. Skull. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 7, figs. 3, 8; Pl. I, fig. 2. Catalogue of Vertebrate Fossils 323 13823. Buettneria bakeri Case. Skull and jaws. Case, C.M.P., Vol. IV, 1932, p. 7, fig. 7; P1. I, figs. 4, 21-22; P1. 11, figs. 2 (numbered 13283 in error), 5. 13947. Buettneria balceri Case. Lower jaw. Case, C.M.P., Vol.
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