'"cftSii > OF tLUUOtS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/internationala198186univ ')i4 __ International Agriculture Newsletter I. College of Agriculture & College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ThHinrarc ofthe August 1981 No. 51 1982 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES ects in Burma and Thailand with staff Uinveisiiy Ul Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Economics, Colo- Carl N. Hittle , INTSOY Agronomy, will rado State University. become Project Supervisor on the IADS (International Agricultural Develop- Participating in the Second Interna- ment Service) Integrated Cereals tional Maize Virus Disease Colloquim Project in Nepal, beginning in Sep- and Workshop, Ohio Agricultural Re- tember. In his UIUC Professor emeri- search and Development Center (OAR- tus status, he will continue his ded- DC), Wooster, Ohio, August 2 to 6, icated service in international agri- will be: Richard E. Ford and Jacque - cultural development. line Fletcher , Plant Pathology, Cath- Dr. Hittle recently donated most erine E. Eastman , Economic Entomolo- of his professional library to the gy, and Michael E. Irwin , Agricultur- library of the newly created Post al Entomology. Graduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lloyd E. Davis , Clinical Pharmacol- Lanka. ogy, is the only veterinarian among 30 pharmacologists visiting the Peo- James E. Corbin , Animal Science, was ple's Republic of China in September. in Brazil from June 12 to 24 to dis- The delegation was formed at the in- cuss pet food nutrition research with vitation of the China Pharmaceutical University of Campinas researchers, Association. The team will meet with kennel groups in Sao Paulo and Rio de government leaders, physicians, and Janeiro, and pet owners. His trip professional workers involved in the was sponsored by the Brazilian pet research, development, manufacture, industry and feed manufacturers. regulation, and distribution of phar- maceuticals. They will also visit Marlowe D. Thorne , Agronomy, reviewed hospitals and clinics, evaluate Chi- the MUCIA (Midwest Universities Con- nese pharmacologic techniques, and sortium for International Activities) observe drug manufacturing and re- program at the Institute of Agricul- search. ture and Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Rampur, Nepal, from July Harold E. Kauffman , INTSOY Director, 6 to 29. discussed INTSOY activities with staff at the International Develop- Sam H. Johnson , Agricultural Econom- ment Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, ics, will present a paper entitled "A Canada, on July 23. Simulation Approach to Economic Eval- uation of Modifications in Pakistan's William N. Thompson and Earl D. Kel - Irrigation System Operating Proce- logg , Office of International Agri- dures" at the American Agricultural culture, and Sam H. Johnson , Agricul- Economics Association meetings, Au- tural Economics, discussed how uni- gust 1 to 4, Utah State University. versities can support USAID's farming He will also discuss research proj- systems work in developing countries . with Agency for International Devel- researcher in Food Science who is opment and Board for International working with Fred A. Kummerow until Food and Agriculture Development (BI- MarcH 1984 on fats and oils problems. FAD) staff, Washington, D.C., July 22 Dr. Hassan can be reached at the and 23. Burnsides Research Laboratory, 333- 1874. John T. Scott, Jr. , Agricultural Eco- nomics, will discuss factor analysis Paulo de Morres Barros , University of with D. N. Lawley, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is a visiting re- Edinburgh, Scotland, in late August. searcher in Veterinary Medicine's Ophthalmology Section in July and Au- Jean M. Due , Agricultural Economics, gust. Contact him c/o Ophthalmology will participate in the International Section, Small Animal Clinic, 333- Association of Agricultural Econo- 5300. mists meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, August 24 to September 2. Dr. Due will then conduct research VISITORS RECENTLY ON CAMPUS in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Tanzania un- til early December on allocation of Mujahid Al-Fayadh , Faculty of Food credit to small farm families and on Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq, women in development. While in Tan- visited Food Science and discussed zania, Dr. Due will also work on the the ripening of buffalo milk cheddar Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research cheese with Robert M. Whitney, June Support Program (CRSP). 24 and 25 and July 2 to 6. Davindar S. Wadhwa , College of Agri- VISITING RESEARCHERS cultural Engineering, Punjab Agricul- tural University, Ludhiana, India, Motoki Ikeda , Laboratory of Plant discussed UIUC research in soil me- Nutrition, Kyushu University, will be chanics with John C. Siemens, Agri- working with Richard H. Hagemen, cultural Engineering, on July 1 and Agronomy, from July 1982 to February 2. Dr. Wadhwa ' s visit was part of a 1983. Sponsored by a fellowship from UNESCO fellowship to the USDA Nation- the Japanese Society for the Promo- al Tillage Machinery Laboratory, Au- tion of Sciences, he will investigate burn, Alabama. nitrogen metabolism in the corn leaf during grain development, and photo- Forty young farmers, alumni of Land - synthesis and photorespiration in wirtschaf tskammer Schleswig-Hol stein rice and corn. Dr. Ikeda can be con- in Rendsburg, Germany, visited the tacted at S-334 Turner Hall, 333- College of Agriculture on July 6. A 1278. program on the role and functions of the College of Agriculture was pre- Kenji Horiguchi , Associate Professor pared for them. of Agricultural Economics at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan, M. P. Rajan , Managing Director, and will spend his sabbatical year (Sep- A. K. Banerjee , Director of the Board tember 1982 to August 1983) in the of the Madhya Pradesh Oilseed Grow- Agricultural Economics Department. er's Federation, India, visited UIUC He will study land utilization and on July 8. They met with Dean Or- land tenure in U.S. agriculture, and ville G. Bentley, and staff in Agron- international and domestic distribu- omy, Agricultural Engineering, Food tion of primary U.S. agricultural Science, INTSOY, and International products Agriculture. Their trip was sponsor- ed by the Cooperative League of the Neima A. Hassan , Egypt, is a visiting U.S.A. (CLUSA). UNIVERSITY OF It.; Sgriculture library Maheswar Prasad Bharati , soybean Agronomist, stationed at Kabwe; agronomist with the Department of Jagmohan Joshi , University of Mary- Agriculture, Kathmandu, Nepal, and land-Eastern Shore, Soybean Breeder, currently a graduate student in stationed at Magoye; and William W. agronomy at Iowa State University, Roath , USDA, Sunflower Agronomist, met with INTSOY, Agronomy, Plant stationed at Mt. Makulu. They can be Pathology, and Food Science staff contacted in care of the ZAMARE Proj- from July 19 to 21. ect, P. 0. Box 50955, Lusaka, Zambia. Among the recent visitors to Dairy Putteho M. Ngonda , Ambassador of the Science were: R. D. Politiek , Neth- Republic of Zambia to the U.S., and erlands, July 21 and 22, to meet with Tens Kapoma , First Secretary, visited the genetics division; James F. D. UIUC on July 23 and 24 to discuss the Greenhalgh , Chairman of Animal Pro- Zambia Agricultural Research and Ex- duction and Health Group, University tension Project (ZAMARE). of Aberdeen, Scotland, on July 19; J. M. Forbes , Department of Animal Phys- iology and Nutrition, University of VISITORS COMING TO CAMPUS Leeds, England, July 9, who presented a seminar on the control of food in- Nabih Ibrahim Ashour , National Re- take in ruminants; Constantino della search Centre, Cairo, Egypt, will vi- Bruna , microbiologist with Farmita- sit the College of Agriculture on Au- lia, Italy, to discuss rumen and gas- gust 5 and 6. He is sponsored by the trointestinal microbiology with Mar- Applied Science and Technology Re- vin P. Bryant and R. S. Wolfe, Micro- search Program, a joint program on biology, June 22; and Mr. and Mrs. the U.S. National Academy of Science Rob Little , Carlisle, Scotland, July and the Egyptian Academy of Scientif- 8, who met with W. Reginald Gomes and ic Research and Technology. Dr. Ash- Michael F. Hutjens. They were ac- our will study the application of new companied by Rich Vetter, Division of advances in plant physiology and pho- Research, Harvestore Systems. tosysthesis to field production of corn and soybeans. Malisa Tosic , maize virologist, and Duska Tosic , entomologist, University Wang Bin Ru , Wu He Li , Wang Chin- of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, visited ling , and Hong Liang , Heilongjiang Plant Pathology and Agricultural En- Academy of Agricultural Sciences, tomology from July 23 to 31. Harbin, People's Republic of China, will visit UIUC from August 23 to 25. James F. Ragin , team leader on the Sponsored by an FAO study tour pro- ZAMARE (Zambia Agricultural Research gram, they will discuss soybean pro- and Extension) Project, was at UIUC duction and processing with USDA and from July 6 to 16 to confer with INTSOY staff. staff before traveling to Zambia to begin his long-term assignment. The Samir Mohamed Younis , Agricultural remainder of the team will begin Engineering Department, University of their assignments in August and Sep- Alexandria, Egypt, and Ahmed Farid tember: Ronald G. Dedert , UIUC, Re- El-Sahrigui , Agricultural Mechaniza- search Liaison Extension Officer, tion Project Director, Egyptian Min- stationed at Kabwe; Paul T. Gibson , istry of Agriculture,
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