F’ \ ’_, _ __ f_ __ ' ;Jm15;12uw — ' Juluma 25, mus J J5.U.'J / F -— 9; Tl ~’_.-.1'}r|CW r""l/371!‘-G /-mericen Viieiers As$';':i21iGn / / Fexruna _,A Z1 X;_'J_U'JJJ ;;uJu-Jliy :lJ_iJ1_'9"' Ari: "'-n .1311 J11} 3' 1' g.f_. , [_>' , 'f.Jll.§J Dilimlpj 9.11 _',:_Im ll U1; Krre Hmom J_/iii liiiiif _I< i‘ ‘ Julia; IJLJJJ ills J11 KAP'nous iisuii ' }..-4’ 3 \\?\ \ K \Q 0 3 0 2 6 ‘ 1‘ A L ° ‘ r , ('i()_r»)\/\/1'! .\.‘ () 9. he flight home from Dayton started AKA annual election results were announced a smaller Twith plane that was loaded in Dayton. Todd Little, Brian Champie, and with happy kitefliers. Easily half your Sharon Musto were re-elected to the Board. Board of Directors were onboard. Doc Counce will be joining us in Region 9, Marla Miller in 10, and Jim McNulty in Just after take-off, the pilot introduced him- Region 12. New to the Executive Committee self on the intercom. ‘We're pleased to have are Barbara Meyer as the new chair of the so many members of the AKA with us today. Kitemaking Committee, and Rick lossi, who And we want you to know that we're going to leads our kiteboarding contingency. beextracareu.flW'eve gotbththP'0 e resi- dent and the Vice President onboard and l want to recognize and thank Rod Thrall, we're not going to leave you with Second Vice Mary Bos, and Glen Rothstein who served l President Phil Broder in charge ' their regions well but chose to retire this year. And l particularly want to thank Kevin Shan- parks or municipalities consider flying restric- lf you missed our convention in Dayton, you non, our second Vice President who, after 12 tions for safety reasons. missed a good one. From the fantastic wel- years of service has decided to take a break come party on Monday hosted by Region from the board. Our other transition was Bob So far in 2003, your president has logged Five, to the awards banquet Saturday in the Hogan, a wonderful contributor to kiting and 117,000 air miles attending about 30 festi- Air Force Museum, our annual gathering gave the Executive Committee who sadly passed vals, workshops, and kite meetings. I've cov- members surprises, fun, good friends, and away earlier this year. ered 12 of our 13 regions and traveled from plenty to be proud of. sunny China to windy France to frigid Canada We enjoyed record participation in the elec- and back and forth across the USA. ln case A few of the highlights?? 420 registrants — tion and I appreciate all of you who returned you worry about who is paying, 99 l hasten to contestants in kitemaking competition — ballots. I was re-elected as president, but add that I've done it with just $1,000 com- indoor flying among the giant aircraft — aspir- ‘Puff Cow‘ of Washington State ran a spir- mitted to a presidential travel account. The ited auction that raised nearly $30,000 in ited write-in campaign earning seven votes. rest came from events and, well, the under three hours — incredible contests on the Thanks for your support for another year! Gombergs. It has been really great seeing all sport kite field that included 11 teams — mass of you and l look forward to doing it again ascensions that filled the sky each day — and During our annual membership meeting, l next year! our largest fighter kite event in many years. announced that we have concluded fiscal year 2003 roughly $30,000 to the good. This is a As l write this, AKA is staffing a booth at the Lam Hoac and Pete Dolphin actually tied in result of a strong auction and large conven- National Recreation & points Parks Association for the Grand National Kitemaking tion attendance in Ocean City, and careful Expo. This is a new outreach for us, placing Champion. Lam led on financial management the Association among professional sports craftsmanship and Pete "I’d like to ask you by your board. I'm organizations and hobbyist groups like the on flight and appearance I to makeI pleased to report that PGA, US Tennis Association, and National in the sky. Eventually, with pm :‘.:‘b'n::;n tr we now have roughly Bicycle League. OK, the American Associa- scores extended several $50,000 "' in cash reserves tion for Nude Recreation is there too, but we decimal points, the trophy — that's the minimum didn't look in their booth went to Lam. And a few minutes later, a ballot amount we feel comfortable with to address count from fliers gave the Members‘ Choice any future contingencies. Our hope was to network with park districts, award to Pete. lt doesn't get better than that! recreation media, and potential sponsors. Despite our aggressive efforts, membership AKA volunteers met with AKA's thousands of atten- most prestigious award, the Steve growth is stagnant. Bad weather; the economy, dees, distributed magazines and manuals, and Edeiken Trophy, was presented to veteran Don and global politics have hampered the kite in many cases referred them to local kite Tabor who formed Top of the Line back in world over the past 12 months but we look clubs or their Regional Director. 1984. The Ingraham Award for service to the forward to better times. In the meanwhile, l'd Association was presented to Al Sparling. like to ask you to make an extra effort to So don't be surprised if your local parks Gayle Woodul was named Regional Director promote membership between now and the department calls looking for help with a small of the Year and Charles Stewart the Volunteer end of the year. Tell your friends and flying kite festival. Or perhaps you can use this of the Year for his great work during National partners about the benefits of joining the opportunity to call them and offer to help with Kite Month. And Charlie Sotich was pre- AKA — and remember that a membership a new kite event. Tell them about Kite Month sented with the Lee Toy Award for contribu- makes a wonderful holiday gift! in April. Sign them up as a new memberll tions to Kite Art. One other major concern is insurance. Our And remember to have fun out there! But mostly it was a week of good friendship insurance policy is solid, offering $2 million and good flying. lf you missed it, well, there coverage to events and $25,000 to individu- _ is time to start planning now for Seaside. als. But two claims this year have us watch- Dates are set for October 11-16, 2004 on the ing premiums for the future. And we remain Oregon coast. very mindful of ongoing situations where 7- features aka committees american kltefllers association 1614, ll , 99362 . P0 9 Book Review ediicabwandnublicservioe 8°“ sisg>§'i§.Yie.Zr;“ The Kite Runner Web/Iiiternetoutreach Cnucii SIGAL (510) 524-3459 rgwigkfig Natioml lte Month PHIL Biiooea (319) 753-3436 1 2 Convenuon Wrap'Up Hm T°°° Um‘ (717) 9754852 aka executive director times in Dayton Aerial Photoorqihy Ciu1oWii_son (we) 113145770 Mn "low Great PO Box 1614, Walla Walla, WA 99362 . Kitelrt R G - . _ 20 History: Weather Kites . °‘ Scientific Kites of the Industrial Revolution °°""°m'°“s Fiitterltites Ton BRAILEY (016) 53aoo44 -i-i-iKn-‘N6 22 Voices frorn the Vault |(jw||*'mg gem“ Mme (763) 424-2571 MIKE GILLARD, Editor/Publisher Glla d Commu t' ' . H50 Fu|:en'Rd_'e°|u|:::'%n: Gm’ Franus R°9alIo Competition Rules Biiizwu Mme (763)424-2571 i 24 ans Kitemaking Competition STEVE Fzmt (610)395-3560 (614)5e54-9352/(614)B484967 Regional Events KEVIN Siuinnon (717) 243-7913 mmg'ed@aka'me'o'g 5-foot banners lqtggpng R|(;)( I055) (561)734-5711 Susan Snmwo, Creative Director l *'""@-="@***-*"*-"" 26 An Austin Tradition Hansen (804) 748-3731 _ Sport KI: DAVID The longesprunnlng Us fest“/al International Rules Delegate Diivio Hmscn (aoa) 748-3731 nnnjftmu _Assis'am' M’: :3“ IS lllatly Nillal 31 and Gupp|eS International Rules Delegate Rt)4GMllAllO (203) 881-9315 A story of friendship IMOOI’ iverits Jonn RUGGIEIID (617) 631-1438 "wm"'*'cmua$5‘“'L9“E¢w§ ‘°"w~nsm""“"_'“mm” SCUOKQQOIIIQ “I00 060 (732) 2495557 an hi‘ qnaqm we “Q 338'“ N Pt'Ofl|€ Conlereiicedeiir Tiw.1Emn (925)228-1983 "“""s':n'°°'l°*°""'°'¢'l"‘5'°°°°"‘l""l""'1 32 a -addressed. stained unveil»!- . .. Kite Society of Wisconsin and Illinois World Sport Kite Clarmionships orivio Gonna (541) mm 33 Chat with the Champion ‘WW “M Mom "“°°"""'“°" "‘"“*°"'°"‘ Lam Hoac, Grand Champion kitemaker Iilwiil um ,,,,,§M“,,'Evl,,5“H 5'“ WIlliIll$Il.IlG(6ZII)369-9682 POBiI410,(Xis,(It9736B 34 Tales of a mes.” mm.“ (aso)as+55zo °‘"”“”? "'"°‘.1’”"“" Convention First-Timer Siqllrliniioe SmizSAnros (4o1)iisaow ....."‘”."¢.¢......1...,...t""""'@“"""".,...' Why you NEED to go to the convention uoiniiyiueiuinee KEVIISNAIIIII (717)243-7913 —-—-—-ii'—— . .. Q-bIs1mMniai1n(71o)a:mo79 ‘k'°“'°"""d 36 Avoiding Kite Bans Mmmmh mm“ WWW ¢*¢¢""'¢°°""""*=¢ words to the wise Bedlam Beiivtmisuuiinii (oo9)as4552o m 39 More Convention Coverage "°"*""°"' '"°"""“"' m§§%'m departments Iuilnnhb omwww (ioiisw-1414 643.|adisniiSt..AInir|,tA woo imsuyootreeeti vium <51"! ""459 v1@"="'="v 1 President's Page was“hum mum“ “mugs” 5“,:my|,p,‘,|-¢ 3 AKA News cimieim lAiiizDnma(215)7z24o92 1114$W§~=~'-IMIIWI 4 Member Merchants liiriuioinl snmnniiism (zoozssosoi cm mam’! '| E ' I 6 Letters to the Editor Illllmdliii M. '*"'*m_"'“°""'c||i| mm 8 Empty Places in the Sky gum” ‘mwm "5°"5“5'° """"'@""“""' Field0perations VKJII Tm AmtSnnnis |°'i$ Workshops Buuuzvai (7o3)424-571 M7 _ mum‘ _ lam 18 Sport Kites Huspitity gmemme (srnomm (mama: vmrvéhhbhuv 39 Fromm’ Woitos: Convention Results WWW R°""'""' l°3°l°”'m° I |;,,,,,,“"':m,,"'" 1()3¢11|mni|_n;;eo,|p|§g¢9 28 I b Auction M1|iEDnma,oo-ou(215)722-4192 Cu S Rmcanursi.moui(51z)5s4sm "‘3m"75'1"""@""“'-“' Z9 Events siieriuootioo Riowiooaina (4os)3mi1z7 ml 43 RD Reports Louilludion oevmsounrm (5a1mo3m (niii)ss4-a:iw.ins@uanieuy cssiiacerry Tmllnann (z1z)5Hio:II Rnilosi 52 People, Places, Things eoaomn,ao)mooaeooiii=i33tz4 llassAseensions AtSwuuni;(m)3sH6s2 (5o1)417-5eai,uo@uz.|ii'|e.om On THE covert: “Skymaster,” the AKA Grand Champion kite by Lam Hoac.
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