2120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. SENATE. memorial of the legislature of Wisconsin refers to this bill, which is a nake{l extension of time for the benefit' of ·those employed in · TUESDAY, February 23, 1897. the construction of the brid5e, or-to the original bill, which in­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. volves a dispute as to certain conditions imposed upon the bridge On motion of Mr. QUAY, and by unanimous consent, the read­ company when it.accepted its charter? ing of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed with. Mr. VILAS. The memorial relates to this bill, and the tele­ gram was in answer to a letter which I sent advising the parties EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. interested of the fact that this bill had been introduced. I con­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ cei~e that i~ can m~k~ no differenc~ in _reality to t~e company in tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in compli­ whwh the Senator 1s mterested, whwh 1s constructmg the bridO'e ance with the provisions of the act of March 2, 1895, the report whether the bill passes or not. :::. ' and accompanying letter of Mr. Philip C. Garrett, of Philadel­ Mr. QUAY. If it makes no difference; then the Senator from phia, Pa., a member of the Board of Indian Commissioners, on the Wisconsin ought not to object to its passage. result of the negotiations with the Ogden Land Company for the Mr. VILAS. Perhaps there may be some force in that sug~es­ purchase of the interest of that company in the Cattaraugus and tion, but I certainly am obliged to object to it under the instruc­ Allegany Indian reservations in the State of New York, etc.; tion of the legislaturE; of the State. I am quite sure the Senate whJCh, with the aceompanying papers, was referred to the Com­ would not insist upon passing it when the legislature of the State mittee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. has memorialized Congress against it, at least not without hear­ The VICE-PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate a communi­ ing what the objection is. I know in general what the basis of cation from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter that objection is. I have the documents and papers in my desk from the.Secretary of State of the 19th instant, as referred by the which well support the objection, at least to the first bill that was Commissioner of Navigation, relating to the claim of the mast.er introduced. of the Swedish bark Adele against the United States, and recom­ Mr. QUA. Y. There is no trouble about the first bill. I have no mending that an appropriation of $295.64 be inserted in the gen­ desire to do anything in this bill except to extend the time. eral deticiency appropriation bill for payment of that claim; Mr. VILAS. I hope the Senator will permit the bill to lie over which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Com­ fo1· the present, for I shall be obliged to contest it. mittee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Mr. QUAY. I have no objection to the bill going over until ST. LOUIS RIVER BRIDGE. to-morrow, but the Senator from Wisconsin and the Senate must _ Mr. QUAY. I believe, according to the r-qle of· the Senate understand that, being a Senate bill, it must pass very promptly adopted upon the suggestion of the Senator from Massachusetts to be of any use to the constructors of the bridge. If that course [Mr. HOAR] yesterday, petitions and memorials may.be filed with is satisfactory, we will allow the bill to go over until to-morrow at the clerks at the desk without a formal presentation upon the the conclusion of the morning business. Mr. VILAS. I shall be glad to have it go over. floor. ~ The VICE-PRESIDENT. That is the order. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The request of the Senator from Penn· Mr. QUAY. I move that the Senate proceed to the considera­ sylvania will be complied with, if no objection is interposed. tion of the bill (S. 3690) to amend an act entitled "An act to Mr. VILAS. Let us have no misunderstanding. Of course the authorize the construction of a steel bridge over the St. Louis Senator from Pennsylvania can not expect me to consent to take River between the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota," approved it up until I have received the papers, but I do not ask any more April 24, 1894, as amended by an act approved August 4, 1894, of him now than that the bill shall go over until to-mon-ow, reserv· entitled "An act to amend an act to authorize the construction of ing any rights that I may have in regard to it. a steel bridge over the St. Louis River between the States of Min­ Mr. QUAY. If there is an intention out in Wisconsin to deal nesota and Wisconsin." fairly with this bill, and I have no doubt there is, the memorial The VICE-PRESIDENT. The bill will be read for information. should be here by to-morrow. The Secretary read the bill. Mr. VILAS. I think so. I hope it will be here. Mr. VILAS. I should be glad to have that bill laid aside for Mr. QUAY. I will move to take the bill up to-morrow, then. the present. I have received, by telegraph, information that the The VICE-PRESIDENT. In the absence of objection, the bill legislature .pf Wiscom;in has passed a memorial to Congress re­ will be· passed over until to-morrow. monstrating against the passage of the bill. I have not yet INDEPENDENCE OF CUBA. received the document itself. I hope the Senator· from Pennsyl­ Mr. MORRILL. I desire to give notice that I shall ask the vania will not seek to have the bill pressed until I receive it. I indulgence of the Senate on Thursday morning to submft some am sorry that I should be obliged to object to the consideration remarks upon the resolution reported by the Co~mittee on For· of the bill, but I am under the instruction of the legislature. eign Relations in relation to the recognition of the independence Mr. QUAY. The Senator from Wisconsin is, I think, perfectly of Cuba. satisfied that the bill ought to pass. He must also know that if it MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. does not pass immediately the extreme probability is that it will A message from the House of Represent.atives, by Mr. W. J. not pass at all at the present session. The condition of affairs BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed concerning the bridge, communicated to me to-day by the presi­ to the amendments of the Senate to the following bills: dent of the Pennsylvania St.eel Company, is this: A bill (H. R. 1515) for the relief of Hugh McLaughlin; and [Telegram.] A bill (H. R. 4424) to correct the military 1·ecord of G~orge I. The Duluth bridge is being built by us for local company, and all material Spangler. is at bridge. Site and bridge is about one-third erected. Act of Congress The _message also announced that tlle House had agreed to the authorizing const ruct ion of bridge r equires completion by April28, which is impossible owing to severity of weather this winter at Duluth; an extension report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of of time, say to July 1, would answer every purpose. the tw<;> Rouses on the amendments of the House to the bill (S. I certainly think that the Senate ought not to sustain the Sena­ 3614-) to aid in the improvement of the navigable channel of the tor from Wisconsin in asking for a further postponement of the South Pass by closing the existing crevasse in Pass a Loutre, in bill. I think the Senator from Wisconsin fully appreciates and the Mississippi River. properly estimates the equity of the claim of the men who are The message further announced that the House had agreed to constructing the bridge, who are not interested in the controversy the report of the committee of conference on the disagreein~ votes between the State of Wisconsin and the State of Minnesota. of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to tne bill Mr. VILAS. I have been here, I suppose, every moment ready to (H. R. 6834) to prevent the'Purchasing of or speculating in the object to the taking up of the bill until I could receive the memorial claims against the-Federal Government by United States officers. of the legislatur~ that I mentioned to the Senator from Pennsyl­ The message also announced that the House had passed the fol­ vania when I got the telegram. There is considerable contro­ lowing bills and joint resolution; in which it requested the con­ versy. I do not know, when the papers shall have. been received currence of the Senate: here, what effect they will produce upon me or what duty will be A bill (H. R. 6038) to increase the pension of Joseph M. Donohue; laid upon me by them with reference to it, but I certainly can not A bill (H. R. 9184) for the relief of Thomas W. Scott, late United consent to the bill being considered until I have received the States marshal; memorial of the legislat ure on the subject. A bill (H.
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