: kmm HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, KKPRESENTINQ THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES' VOL. 33. NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 6. 1881. NO. 864. Ftnancial. Financial. Financial. John Pokdir. EotrABD Mkbtins. ado. Nathan. R. Kimball & Co., Pondir & Co., J. Phelps, Stokes & Co., BANKERS AND BROKKR.>«, stocks. Bonds & Inrestment Securities, No. 36 Nassau Street, New York. I. N. PHKI.PS. JAMBS ^TOKKa, 30 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Thirteen Years' Membership in New York Stock I'UKI.PS 8TOKR8, BAi^a.I.n.a,BAVWRU ExohanKe. ANSON Orders executed on the London and European C P. 01.COTT. Markeu. R. J. BUHBAUs a. B. LotntSBBBT. F. B. BALLABD 46 4c 47 Wall Street, New York, Member* of N. Y. Stock Exchanxe. 1 S S U K H. Latham & Co., TRAVBLEHS' CREDITS, J. Hatch & Foote, HMVESTMENT SECURITIES, CIRCULAR NOTES, BANKERS, No. li WALL STREET, New York City, Chlcaaro, Cincinnati. St COBinERClAL CREDITS. Louie, District of Colainbla, and Birr AVD BILL Government Hecurttlen. LONDON C011RK8P0NDENT3 OOYEBNMBNT BONDS. STOCKS AND MI8CML. FOREIGN EXCHANGE LANEOD8 SRCURITIB8. The U>loa Bank of Loadon. Messrs. C J Hunliro * 80D. 2 WALL STB££r. J. H. Latbah. F. W. Pirbt. W. A. Anderson, Banque GWynne & Day, BROKER, Dealer In Money, S locks and Bonds, rEstsbUslied 1854.] No. 46 Wall Street Centrale Anversoise, MOBILE, AL.A. Transact a Keueral banklnK and brokerage busi- ness In Railway Shares and Bonds and QoTemment Special attention given to purchase and sale of Alabama State and Mobile City Bonds. Antwerp. seoarltles. Interest allowed on deposits. WH. L. FBEKSE, WM. P. SMITH, Inrestments carefully attended to. Memoers of New York Stock Exchange. PaldCp Capital, - • 9,000,000 Franes. Breese & Smith, BOARD OF DISBOTOSa C. E. Jackson & Co., Fklix Grisar, President. BROKERS, ALrBiu MAyi'i.VAV (Uraff & Maqulnar}< Vlce-Pree jniDDLBTOlVN, GONNm Ne. -.19 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. J. B. Von DEii BECKC (Vou der uecke It MarellT). and sell 9tate. Manlcipal OTTO GUNTUBR(CorneUle-U»Tld). Bay GoTernment, and Qovemment Bonds. Stocks and all Inveetmeat Kmilk lie Uuttal. Batlroad Bonds and Stocks. Inrestments for Bar- Senurltles bought and sold on commission. Aj>. Frank (Frank. Model & Cle.> NUTTKUUUM (Noltebohm »ere8). Aco. Ingfl Banks a spedaltj. Correspondence solicited. Ftu Dhanim (Michlels Loos). I JOH. Dan. Flhkmann. Jr. (Joh.Dan. Fuhrmann.) C. Hudson & Co., Lons WEBEBiKd. Weber A k le.) 3 EXCHANGE COURT, NEW YORK, JCLC8 Kal'tknsiraucu (O. Schmld A Cle.) Car Trust Bonds. Branch OfBce and Private Wire TRANSACTS A MAKB at the "CCHBERLAND," Broadway and 22d Street. WB A SPBCIALTT OF THBSB VERY Buy and sell on commission, for investment or on SAFE SBCCRITIBS.ANO BUY AND SELL SAMK marKln. all securities dealt In at the New York GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. AT MARKET PRICE. Stock ExchanKC. WB OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT OF DESIR- R. R. Liar C. I. Hitdson, T. H Citbtu. ASA P. POTTCR. Prest. J. J. BDDT, Cashier. Member N.Y. Exob. ABLE CAR TRUST ISSUES, ADDITIONALLV Stock National Bank, 8BCLRBO BY THE DIRECT OBLIGATION OF Maverick THE RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY. Oilman, Son & Co., BOSTON, CLARK, POST~ A MARTIK, BANKERS, CAPITAL, »400,000 «3 CEDAR STREET. SURPLUS, 400,000 34 PINE STREET. In addition to a Genera] Banking BnslneBB,bri Aocoonts of Banks and Bankers solicited. Collections mane upon favorable terms. Lummis & Day, and sell Oovemment Bonds and Investment ?ecan. Strictly flrBt-ctass Investment Securities Nego- ties. Noa. 84 and 3S DREXEL BULLDWa, Cor. WALL LIWU H. TATLOR, JB. LINDLIY HAINI8 and BROAD STREETS, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS. Lansdale Boardman, L. H. Taylor Co., WlIXIAH LUMUia, HKSRT DAT. STOCK BROKER, & Members of New York Stoek EzobanK*. No. S9 BROADWAY, Roome 37 dc 3.H. Bankers and BroKers, Bbanch Orrici, Tboy, N. Y., 140 SOUTH THIRD 8TBEBT» Taintor & Holt, Connected by Private Wire. FHILADBLPHIA. ALL seonrltleb dealt In at the New York Steak Uepoftiu recelve<l subiect to check at slsht, and BANKERS, Exchange bought and sold on commission and oa^ interest tillow<!d on daily balances. rted on a fair margin. dtocka. Bunds, Xc, buuKbt and sold on oommlMlon INTEREST allowed on credit balances. In PhUadelptiltt and other cities. No. 10 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Paitloalar attentiun Klreo to InformatlOD r«Rmnl- TRANSACT a OBNBKAL BANKING bnslnees. Hff iDTeatment i*ecuriuo8. A. H. Brown & Co., DEPOSITS received and INTEREST allowed on BANKERS AND BROKERS, Aug. T. Post, Banker, balances. Buy and sell OOYERNMENT, MUNICIPAL and t Wall St., «'or. New, New York. S3 NASSAU STREET, bonds. RAILROAD INVESTMENT SECURITIES. BUYS AND SELLS Private telegraph wires to Providence and Boston Special attention to buslnras of conntry banks. B. OBO. H. Mate, Ctty and County Securitiei. O. TAINTOR. HOLT CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. D. Probst Co., Simon B org. J. & Samuel M. Smith, He. a WALL STREET. NEW YORK. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS 40 WALL STREET. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF No. H ZCHANOB PLACE, NEW YORK. DEALER IN Ballroad and Inrestment Securities. STOCKS, RAIUtOAD BUNDS, OOVaBKICXim ANU Oltr KallWHT 8ecnrtitea, Gaa and Baak MISCKIXilBKODS HBCtlBITIU BODSBT AMD 80U> Htadu, laearaaoa Herip. SODIBBSN SaOUBITOM A SPBOIALTT. ALBX. 8. CLABX H. B. BA0O> ; : u THE CHKONJ(LE [Tol.. XXXIII. Foreign Exchange. Forelgfu Exctaauge. Foreign Exchange. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont ik Co., J. H. GOADBY & B. E. WALKER, WALL STRBBT, BANKERS, JOINT AGENTS Canadian Banl< of Commerce, CORNER OP BROAD, NEW YORK. Nob. 19 dc 21 Nassau Street, 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, Issue Travelers' Credits, available In all parts of the Erexel Co., Drexel, Harjes & C« & world, through the BUY AND SELL STERLING EXCHANGE, CABLE TRANSFERS, ETC. >i-. 34 SotiTH THlED St. 31 Boulevard Haossman^ MESSRS. DE ROTHSCHII.D ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS, AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE PtalladeJpbla. Paris. aod their correspondents. WORLD. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Also Commercial Credits and Transfers of Money on Foreign Banlters. Deposila received subject to Draft. Secunt'.es. Gola, California, Europe and Havana. 4c., Dought andeold on Commission. Interest allowec on Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Tra^alen, Nederlandsche Available in all parts of the world. Morton, Bliss & Co., Attoe-nbts akd Asints or 23 NASSAU ST., COR. OF CEDAR, Handel-Maatschappijj inessrs. J. S. inORRAN & CO., NEW YORK. The No. 88 OLD BROAD ST., LONDON Metherland Trading Society Issue Circular Notes and Letters of Credit for OF HO I. I. AN B, Travelers ; also, Commercial Credits, available in aU Brown Brothers & Co., parts of the world. Negotiate first-class Railway, BSTABLI8KD 1824. No. fi9 DTA!.!. SX., N. V., City and State Loans; malce tftiegraphtc transfers Paid-up Capital, 36,000,000 Florins. BPY AND SKLL of money and draw Exchange on ($1 4,400,000, Gold.) MORTON, ROSE & CO., LONDON. Execute orders lor the purchase or sale of Merchan- BIL.L,$ OF KXCHANOE dlse. Bonds, Stocks, and other securities. In the HOTTINGUER & CO., - - ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE, („.„,„PAB18. United States, Europe and the East ; make ColIectlonB, GBRMA2?Y, BELGIUM AND HOLLAND. CREDIT LYONNAIS i buy and sell Foreign Exchange, and give advances upon Merchandise for Export. AMSTERDAMSCHE BANK, - - AMSTERDAM. Isgne Commercial and Trayelers' Credits OLIVER S. CARTER, 1 AgenM IN SJERLINO, STANTON BLAKE, 5 for HENRY E. HAVVLUY. ) Ameilc. ATAILABLE IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. New York, January 1, 1879. And in Francs, in Martinique and Guadaloupe. RIAKE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS Office, 142 Pearl Street, New York. OF MONEY Jesup, Paton & Co., Between this and other countries, through London Boissevain and Paris BANKERS, Adolph & Co. ICake OoUections of Drafts drawn abroad on all 53 William Street, New VorK. points in the United States and Canada, and BANKERS of Drafts drawn in the United States AND on Foreign Countries. Accounts and Agency of Banks, Corporations, C o ITf n I!«MI ON nERCHANTS, arms and individuals received upon favorable terms. "S. G. & G. C. Ward7 Dividends and interest collected and remitted. AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Act as agents for corporations in paying coupons AeSNTS FOB and dividends'; also as transfer agents. N. Y. Correspondents—Messrs. Blake Bros. * Oo. BARING BROTHERS Ic COISPANV, Bonds, stocks and securities bought and sold on 63 WALL STREET. NEW YORK, commission. Sound railroad and municipal bonds negotiated. Hong Kong & Shanghai 38 STATE STREET, BOSTON. Sterling exchange bought and sold. Brafts on BANKING CORPORATION. Union Bank of London. CAPITAL (paid-up) $5,000,000 &W. Seligman& Co., RESERVE FUND 1,900,000 J. BEAD OFFICE, BONO KONO. Kidder, Peabody & Co., The Corporation grant Drafts, issue Letters of BANKERS, Credit for use of Travelers, and negotiate or collect Bills payable at Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore. Saigon No. 94 BROADTVAi^, BOSTON, MASS., Manila, Hong Kong, Foochow, Amoy, Nlngpo. Shanghai, Hankow, Yokohama, Hiogo, San Francis- NEW YORK. Cor. Wall and Nassau Sts., New York. CO and London. A. m. TOWNSEND, Agent, 47 William St. Issne Letters of Credit for Trarelers, FOREIGN BANKERS. Payable n any part of Europe, Asia, Africa, Ans- tralta and America. CABLE TRANSFERS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE Nederlandsch Indische Draw Bills of Exchange and make telegraphic AND transfers of money on Europe and California. COMHEKCIAL AND TSAVELBBS' 0BBD1T8. Handelsbank, AinSTERDAin, HOLIiAND. John Munroe & Co., CORRESPONDENTS : BgTABLISHED IN 1883. 8 Wall Street, <& No. New York, BARING BROTHERS CO., London. Pald'Up Capital, 12,000,000 Gnlldem, No. 4 Post Office Square, Boston. PERIER FRERES <& CO., Farts. ($4,800,000 Gold.) CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON MENDELSSOHN &. CO., Berlin. HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. niVNROE & CO., PARIS. Agencies ii> Batavia, Soerabaya and Samaranu Correspondents in Padane. BTKRLINe CHEQUES AND BILLS AT SIXTY NEW YORK LONDON: William Heath, issue commercial credits, make advances on ship DATS' SIGHT ON CHAKLKS B. QniNOET. Wm. R088BLL Wise' ments of staple merchandise, and transact other ALEXANDERS ic CO., LONDON. business of a financial character In connection with William Heath & Co., the trade with the Dutch East Indies.
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