USO09593053B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,593,053 B1 McFarland et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 14, 2017 (54) PHOTOELECTROSYNTHETICALLY ACTIVE (56) References Cited HETEROSTRUCTURES U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (71) Applicant: HYPERSOLAR, INC., Santa Barbara, 3,924, 139 A 12/1975 Hirose et al. CA (US) 3,925,212 A 12/1975 Tchernev 3,998,659 A 12/1976 Wakefield (72) Inventors: Eric McFarland, Santa Barbara, CA 4,011, 149 A 3, 1977 Nozik (US); Tim Young, Santa Barbara, CA 4,021,323 A 5/1977 Kilby et al. (US); Nirala Singh, Santa Barbara, CA 4,069,120 A 1/1978 Meyerand et al. (US); Syed Mubeen Jawahar 4,090,933 A 5, 1978 Nozik Hussaini, Iowa City, IA (US) (Continued) (73) Assignee: HYPERSOLAR, INC., Santa Barbara, OTHER PUBLICATIONS CA (US) US 4,802,963, 02/1989, Khan et al. (withdrawn) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 608 days. Primary Examiner — Allen Parker Assistant Examiner — Stephen Bradley (21) Appl. No.: 13/676,901 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Workman Nydegger (22) Filed: Nov. 14, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data A two-step process, consisting of a photoelectrosynthetic process combined with a thermochemical process, is con (60) Provisional application No. 61/559,717, filed on Nov. figured to produce a reduction product (e.g., methane gas, 14, 2011. methanol, or carbon monoxide) from carbon dioxide and liquid waste streams. In a first step, photoelectrosyntheti (51) Int. Cl. cally active heterostructures (PAHs) and sunlight are used to HOIL 3L/18 (2006.01) drive oxidation/reduction reactions in which one primary CD7C I/04 (2006.01) product is hydrogen gas. In the second step, hydrogen C25B I/O (2006.01) generated in the first step is thermally catalytically reacted HOIG 9/20 (2006.01) with carbon dioxide to form a reduction product from carbon (52) U.S. Cl. dioxide (e.g., CO, formaldehyde, methane, or methanol). CPC ............ C07C I/0495 (2013.01); C25B I/003 Synthesis gas (CO and H) can be further reacted to form (2013.01); HOIG 9/20 (2013.01): HOIL alkanes. The methods and systems may employ PAHs 3 1/186 (2013.01) known in the art or improved PAHs having lower costs, (58) Field of Classification Search improved Stability, Solar energy conversion efficiency, and/ CPC ........... H01L 31/022466; H01L 31/184: CO7C or other desired attributes as disclosed herein. 1/0495; C25B 1/003 See application file for complete search history. 20 Claims, 28 Drawing Sheets 940 948 Y Apply Protective ...?.S. 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Sheet 6 of 28 US 9,593,053 B1 Process For Production Of Useful Products From Organic Waste Stream Or Other Hydrogen Y-300 Source And Carbon Dioxide Photoelectrochemically Oxidizing Organic Waste Stream Or Other Hydrogen Source 302 To Produce Hydrogen Gas And Oxidized Coproduct Separating And Collecting Hydrogen -304 Gas From The Reaction Mixture Catalytically Reducing Carbon Dioxide With - 306 Hydrogen Gas To Produce Reduction Product(s) - Of Carbon Dioxide Collecting Reduction Product(s) Of Carbon L-30 Dioxide For Further Processing Or Use Optionally Reacting The Reduction Product(s).
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