FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 33 . NUMBER 236 Thursday, December 5, 1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 18081-18128 Agencies in this issue— The President Agricultural Research Service Agricultural'Stabilization and Conservation Service Air Force Department Civil Aeronautics Board Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Home Loan Bank Board Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Foreign Agricultural Service Housing and Urban Development Department Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price 1 1936 $8 12 1947 $26 23 1958 $36 2 1937 10 13 1948 27 24 1959 4 0 3 1938 9 14 1949 22 25 1960 49 4 1939 14 15 1950 26 26 1961 4 6 5 1940 15 16 1951 43 27 1962 50 6 1941 20 17 1952 35 28 1963 49 7 1942 35 18 1953 32 29 1964 57 8 1943 52 19 1954 39 30 1965 58 9 1944 42 20 1955 36 31 1966 61 10 1945 43 21 1956 38 32 1967 64 11 1946 42 22 1957 38 Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 $ S'ONAl.«/?.m m H F F IC T T F I Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on « w w j * Natj0nal ^ n r l l l > l ■ t f on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal R e g is’ Nationai FEDERAL ¡Mgr Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail acta Area Code 202 SS!‘ Ofl/ITED* 1934 Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contain AdmiB. Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribe 7 erintendent istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. vear, pt.,~ T he F ed er al R e g is t e r will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year,and 5pay cents for advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 Pa®e® T "f Documents, each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money- order, made payable to the Supermtenaen U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. p nder 50 titles, pur" The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the C ode o p F ed er a l R e g u l a t io n s , w h ich is published, uno^ intendent of suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The C ode o p F ed er a l R e g u l a t io n s is sold by the » u p Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ed er a l R e g ist e r issue of each month. regulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ed er al R e g is t e r or the C ode o p F eder Contents CONSUMER AND MARKETING FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL THE PRESIDENT SERVICE SERVICE EXECUTIVE ORDER Rules and Regulations Notices Prescribing procedures governing Oranges: Authority delegation; General interdepartmental cash awards Handling limitation; N avel Sales Manager et al__ _________ 18108 to the members of the armed oranges grown in Arizona and forces____________________ — 18085 C a liforn ia _________ ________ 18087 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Importation __________________ 18088 WELFARE DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE AGENCIES DEFENSE DEPARTMENT See Food and Drug Administra­ See Air Force Department. tion. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE FEDERAL AVIATION HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Texas (splenetic) fever in cattle; Rules and Regulations permitted dips______________ _ 18089 Control zone and transition area; Grants for advance acquisition of alteration; correction_________ _ 18089 land __■__ _____ ______ ________ 18099 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION FEDERAL COM M UNICATIONS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT AND CONSERVATION SERVICE COM M ISSION See Fish and Wildlife Service; Rules and Regulations Notices Land Management Bureau. Continental sugar requirements Common carrier services informa­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE and area quotas; deficits for tion ; domestic public radio serv­ 1968 _____ :________________ 18087 ices applications accepted for COM M ISSION filin g ._______________________ 18111 Notices AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT < FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK Fourth section application for re­ See Agricultural Research Service ; BOARD lief _______g___________________ 18126 Agricultural Stabilization and Motor carrier, broker, water car­ Conservation Service; Commod­ Proposed Rule Making rier and freight forwarder ap­ ity Credit Corporation; Con­ Federal Savings and Loan Insur­ plications _____ ______;_________ 18117 sumer and Marketing Service; ance Corporation; definition of Motor carrier transfer proceed­ Foreign Agricultural Service. scheduled items________________18102 ings ,(2 documents)__ -_______ 18127 AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT FISH A N D WILDLIFE SERVICE LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Notices Enlistment in the Air Force Re­ Hunting; Mark Twain National Florida; filing of plats of survey__ 18103 serve -------- ---------------- ?_______ 18093 Wildlife Refuge, HI. (2 docu­ Idaho; proposed withdrawal and ments) _______ 18100 reservation of lands_____\____ _ 18103 Sport fishing: CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Montana; proposed withdrawal Lake Ho National Wildlife Ref­ and reservation of lands_______ 18103 Notices uge, N. Dak___________________ 18100 Mark Twain National Wildlife Bearings, etc.: Refuge, Illinois, Iowa, and PATENT OFFICE Air Time, Inc________ _ 18108 M issouri______________ .____18100 Notices Aircrews and Maintenance, Inc_ 18109 Notices Study of need for revision of American Airlines, Inc________ 18110 George E. Feener, Jr. ; loan appli­ Trademark Act of 1946; supple­ International Air Transport cation ______________ 18104 mental notice ; request for com­ Association___________ 18110 m e n ts__ _____________________ 18108 Ross Aviation, Inc__ ___________* 18111 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION SECURITIES A N D EXCHANGE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations COM M ISSION see Patent Office. Antibiotic and antibiotic-contain­ Notices ing drugs; biological tests______ 18091 Hearings, etc.: COMMODITY CREDIT Carrots, canned; identity stand­ ard; certain calcium salts as op­ Dumont Corp_______ 18115 CORPORATION tional ingredients______%__ _ 18089 Eastern Utilities Associates et a l ---------------------------------------- 18115 Rules and Regulations Drugs; official names________ 18090 Pesticide chemical tolerances; Majestic Capital Corp_________ 18116 Grams, 1968-crop flaxseed loa diphenam id_______________ 18090 Norton Simon, Inc______________18116 Norton Simon, Inc., and Control an purchase program; suppoi Notices Data Corp. (Delaware)______18116 la s> Premiums, and discounts Food additive petitions: Notices Atomic Energy Commission and TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Department of the Army; Sales of certain commodities; Dì w ithdraw al____________ ____ 18108 See Federal Aviation Administra­ cember sales list__ ___ Fults-Sanko___________ _____ _ 18108 tion. ; 18083 18084 CONTENTS List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today,s issue» A cumulative list of parts affected# covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1# 1968# and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 12 CFR 21 CFR Proposed R ules: 51 _____________ ______________ 18089 Executive Order: ________ 18102 120_ _ ________________ ________ 18090 11438___________ _ 18085 138_ _______________ -________ 18090 18091 14 CFR 141__ _______ ----------------- 7 CFR 71____ _______ ______. ______18089 3 2 CFR 811__________ 18087 8 8 8 b ------ -------------------- .18093 907______________ 18087 944______________ 18088 4 4 CFR 18099 1421_____________ 18088 708______________________ 5 0 CFR 9 CFR 32 (2 documents)------------ . 18100 ......... 18100 72____—-------------- 18089 33 (2 documents)------j----- t Presidential Documents Title 3— THE PRESIDENT Executive Order 11438 PRESCRIBING PROCEDURES GOVERNING INTERDEPARTMENTAL CASH AWARDS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES By virtue of the authority vested in,me by section 1124 (b) and (e) o f title 10, United States Code, and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as President of the United States, it is ordered as follows: S ection 1. Any suggestion, invention, or scientific achievement by a member of the armed forces that contributes to the efficiency, econ­ omy, or other improvement of operations of the Government of the United States through its adoption or use by an executive department or agency other than the executive department having jurisdiction over the armed force of the member concerned may be the basis for honorary recognition or a cash award by the Secretary of Transporta­ tion in the case of a member of the Coast Guard when it is not operat­ ing as a service in the Navy or by the Secretary of Defense in the case of any other member of the .armed forces. S ec. || An executive department or agency that adopts or uses the suggestion, invention, or scientific achievement o f a member of the armed forces who
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