28636 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 98 / Friday, May 21, 2010 / Notices Ft. Worth TX DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Landholding Agency: Navy Fish and Wildlife Service Why do we conduct a 5-year review? Property Number: 77201020012 Status: Unutilized [FWS–R8–ES–2010–N060; 80221–1113– Under the Endangered Species Act 0000–C4] (Act) (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), we Reasons: Secured Area maintain a List of Endangered and Bldg. 1428 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife Threatened Wildlife and Plants at 50 and Plants; Initiation of 5-Year Reviews Naval Air Station CFR 17.11 (for animals) and 17.12 (for of 34 Species in California and Nevada; plants) (List). We amend the List by Ft. Worth TX 76127 Availability of 96 Completed 5-Year publishing final rules in the Federal Landholding Agency: Navy Reviews in California and Nevada Register. Section 4(c)(2)(A) of the Act Property Number: 77201020013 AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, requires that we conduct a review of Status: Unutilized Interior. listed species at least once every 5 years. Reasons: Secured Area and Extensive ACTION: Notice of initiation of 5-year Section 4(c)(2)(B) requires that we deterioration reviews; availability of completed 5-year determine (1) Whether a species no reviews. longer meets the definition of Virginia threatened or endangered and should be SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and 2 Fiberglass Huts removed from the List (delisted); (2) Wildlife Service, are initiating 5-year whether a species listed as endangered USCG Training Center reviews for 34 species under the more properly meets the definition of Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Yorktown VA threatened and should be reclassified to amended (Act). We request any new Landholding Agency: Coast Guard threatened; or (3) whether a species information on these species that may Property Number: 88201020001 have a bearing on their classification as listed as threatened more properly Status: Excess endangered or threatened. Based on the meets the definition of endangered and Reasons: Secured Area results of these 5-year reviews, we will should be reclassified to endangered. make a finding on whether these species Using the best scientific and commercial Land are properly classified under the Act. data available, we will consider a species for delisting if the data California We also announce in this notice 96 completed 5-year reviews for species in substantiate that the species is neither Parcel C–1, Right of Way California and Nevada in Fiscal Year endangered nor threatened for one or APN199064–15 (FY) 2009 and early (FY) 2010. more of the following reasons: (1) The species is considered extinct; (2) the Seal Beach CA DATES: To allow us adequate time to species is considered to be recovered; Landholding Agency: GSA conduct these reviews, we must receive your information no later than July 20, and/or (3) the original data available Property Number: 54201020003 2010. However, we will continue to when the species was listed, or the Status: Surplus accept new information about any listed interpretation of such data, were in GSA Number: 9–N–CA–1508–AD species at any time. error. Any change in Federal Reasons: Other—legal constraints/ ADDRESSES: For instructions on how to classification requires a separate encroachment submit information and review the rulemaking process. We are requesting information that we receive on these submission of any new information Parcel E, Right of Way species, see ‘‘Request for New (best scientific and commercial data) on APN19906615 Information.’’ these species since they were originally listed or since the species’ most recent Seal Beach CA 90740 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For status review. Landholding Agency: GSA species-specific information, contact the Property Number: 54201020004 appropriate person listed under Our regulations in the Code of Federal Status: Surplus ‘‘Request for New Information.’’ For Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 424.21 require that we publish a notice in the GSA Number: 9–N–CA–1508–AE contact information about completed 5- year reviews, see ‘‘Completed 5-Year Federal Register announcing those Reasons: Other—legal constraints/ Reviews.’’ Individuals who are hearing- species currently under review. This encroachment impaired or speech-impaired may call notice announces initiation of our active [FR Doc. 2010–11838 Filed 5–20–10; 8:45 am] the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877– review of 34 species in California, and BILLING CODE 4210–67–P 8337 for TTY assistance. Nevada (Table 1). TABLE 1—SUMMARY OF LISTING INFORMATION, 16 ANIMAL SPECIES AND 18 PLANT SPECIES IN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA Common name Scientific name Status Where listed Final listing rule ANIMALS Buena Vista Lake ornate Sorex ornatus relictus ....... Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 67 FR 10101; 3/6/2002. shrew. California clapper rail ........ Rallus longirostris Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 35 FR 16047; 10/13/1970. obsoletus. California least tern ........... Sternula (Sterna) Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 35 FR 8495; 06/02/1970. antillarum browni. California tiger salamander Ambystoma californiense .. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA—Sonoma FR 63 13497; 3/19/2003. County). Cui-ui ................................. Chasmistes cujus .............. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (NV) ....................... 32 FR 4001; 03/11/1967. VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:40 May 20, 2010 Jkt 220001 PO 00000 Frm 00095 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\21MYN1.SGM 21MYN1 emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 98 / Friday, May 21, 2010 / Notices 28637 TABLE 1—SUMMARY OF LISTING INFORMATION, 16 ANIMAL SPECIES AND 18 PLANT SPECIES IN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA—Continued Common name Scientific name Status Where listed Final listing rule Island night lizard .............. Xantusia riversiana ........... Threatened ........................ U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 42 FR 40685; 08/11/1977. Least Bell’s vireo ............... Vireo bellii pusillus ............ Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 51 FR 16482; 05/02/1986. Little Kern golden trout ...... Oncorhynchus aguabonita Threatened ........................ U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 43 FR 15427; 4/13/1978. whitei. Morro Bay kangaroo rat .... Dipodomys heermanni Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 35 FR 16047, 10/13/1970. morroensis. Mountain yellow-legged Rana muscosa .................. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 67 FR 44382; 07/02/2002. frog. Riparian brush rabbit ......... Sylvilagus bachmani Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 8881; 2/23/2000. riparius. Riparian woodrat (=San Neotoma fuscipes riparia .. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 8881; 2/23/2000. Joaquin Valley). Santa Catalina Island fox .. Urocyon littoralis catalinae Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 69 FR 10335; 3/5/2004. Santa Cruz Island fox ........ Urocyon littoralis Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. santacruzae. San Miguel Island fox ........ Urocyon littoralis littoralis .. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. Santa Rosa Island fox ....... Urocyon littoralis Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 69 FR 10335, 3/5/2004. santarosae. PLANTS Ash Meadows sunray ........ Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. Threatened ........................ U.S.A. (NV) ....................... 50 FR 20777 20794; 05/ corrugata. 20/1985. Baker’s larkspur ................. Delphinium bakeri ............. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 4162; 1/26/2000. Hidden Lake bluecurls ....... Trichostema Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 63 FR 49006; 09/14/1998. austromontanum ssp. compactum. Gaviota tarplant ................. Deinandra increscens ssp. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000. villosa. Island malacothrix ............. Malacothrix squalida ......... Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 61 FR 40954, 7/31/1997. La Graciosa thistle ............ Cirsium loncholepis ........... Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000. Lompoc yerba santa .......... Eriodictyon capitatum ........ Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 65 FR 14888, 3/20/2000. Presidio manzanita ............ Arctostaphylos hookeri var. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 44 FR 61911; 11/26/1979. ravenii. San Clemente Island bush Malacothamnus Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 42 FR 40682; 08/11/1977. mallow. clementinus. San Clemente Island In- Castilleja grisea ................. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 42 FR 40682; 08/11/1977. dian paintbrush. San Clemente Island lark- Delphinium variegatum Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ....................... 42 FR 40682; 08/11/1977. spur. ssp. kinkiense. San Clemente Island lotus Lotus dendroideus var. Endangered ....................... U.S.A. (CA) ......................
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