![Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-03-24](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1943 -:::: I I ges I Ration Calendar Warmer A, 0 and C blue Ila'Dpl uplre ~I.r.h 31: ors 11'( tL 01/, .0UpOII expire. April II, OOI'I'EI u.pon 28 •• plr.. April ,11 IOWA: ODIewbat 'warm!'r 111 01\8 "A" •• "~ ••• ~ .. pi,. MIY t i l cuteI'D perilOD toclay IIh IItJOAB ".pOD 11 •• ,.... May III: THE DAILY IOWAN er 8HOES .oupon 17 ..plr.. J.D. U, Iowa City's Morning Newspaper dlmlnl.bl~ wbuIs. Idame reading fIVE CENTS 'lUI ASSOCIATED PRUI IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1943 VOLUME X1llI NUMBER 152 'I rlldio IIY, d(!.. I shoUld Ilthel'e(1 only in e's oWn no goOd r;t lady u.s ., British" Flan~ing Movements Peril l5S Pt'C. IS meet. d that t it may e might Ie shall ives ranspOl't Axis Trqops, as Mareth Li"ne 9 Way II forces IeI' Ilide greedy, BOUNDARIES LOOM ALREADY AS POST-WAR HEADACHE I rescue ~~v-'---l Soviets Stabilize Lines South nent, 10 Appalachian (oal Operators Urge Immediate nd that he four Of Kharkoy With Nazis Shifting ull thal Submission of Wage Dispute to Labor Board sUpporl ~ Atlan· ve that Advance to Area West of Kursk :nntalize Accept President's Request for Continued Austrian Unit Trains eh peo. B, BICUAIlD McltlURR Y nce nor 110 laird Pr War Editor lecesslty Bituminous ,Production During Settlement At Camp in Indiana the mo­ Til British hroke the IIlareth line at i llIlchor aIter 're can. NEW YORK (AP) - Soutlicl'I1 Appalarhian soft coal oPol'at'1 3 Brothers of Royal out!lanking it from th real' and th Va Iy JIl ul d axi arm,' \\'8 in th!' p ri! of double enlrapml'nt I t night by till' Eighth d based 01'S re~tel'day uI'ged immediate submisr,ion of the clifl'erenccs be, family of Hapsburgs rinciples tw~ell Appalachian area operators and the Ullited !\filiI' Workel's lIrm~' Ilda ·!tlll 'ut that hndwun~ ar und th lin t th plain " of AlIICI'ica to the WIU' labol' board" for heat'ing alld final deter. Serving as Privates Ileal' Unb" 6l1d tlt(' American 'ho captured :\[0 no y and mjnotion . " piling d on to" it hin :n mile of tb a. Acceptiug PI'~ ' idel1t Roo, cvell's proposals 1'01' cuntillued bitlUJI, CAMP ATTERBURY, Ind. (AP) 'fh thick COl'lification gave wily n r Znrat. 'ix mil north t of town . 1art·tll. and llontgolllrry's 'iup<'l'b d ert \' rs illous ('oal pt'oduction clUJ'iug !lIe scttlement of the CIIl'I'ent dis, -The Austrian battalion, organ­ the of CiM. t· crnn. werll pOlll'ing thl'lIugh tht j(llp 11'1\ IIrd lall(.> , 22 mil away. )Jutc, the southem opel.'atol'S uuded in !L statemellt that "the issue8 ized as a United States army unit in hi"h hopI'S of catching l\Ja~bol Bl"dn Romrnpi nd chopping ng at tJli,.; coufel'ollee cannot be composed by the pl'OCC'S of co llect· in December at the urging of i\'e blll'gain in g. " hi armored fore 10 bit in a "rl'st buttle of Ll h'uction. Archduke Otto, is getting the ~\ II ~tl'l'l t i~h VI' \)OllliJ<l . memo Jl[call wh ile, meetiJlg sepamtcly, llol'UJeJ'Jl op<,mtOI'H 1I11110UIlCed ....... Flnt World War rui of from n ri Ill,till ry allll pIt) i from same basic combat trainil)g as w n V (' buttling 1 School tltey would acecpt the presid!'nt's ~ lI gg-cst i o ll to cUIlI iUlI e 0PI']'U, ndll"o or. any other group at this midwest­ Illull(, pulY1'l'iz( <l I h(' hOMY· confer· tion lIUdCl' all lIIH](JI'standing I haL all~ ' wagc a'l'cclilent I'eaclll'd be e111 cantonment. (lomb of gl\l1 mpl I' menl , m - eta high l'etroacUye to April 1. The pt'f'sent 'ontract, expil'ill" Marclt 31, Included in the ranks as pri­ Plan to Raise Salary COl'el'S 450,000 miucrh WllO, John h JJcwis, Ul\1W pl'csidcnt, has vCltes in Company A are Otto's "hilll' ~1111 1I1'~I, lllJl'lwd wir' iOn, di. aill , would not Il'cspas-' Oll mine properties aftel' Apl'il 1 if a three brothcl's, Felix, Charles '·ntallgll'llwllt. c u \' (' and :S, will Louis and Rudolph Hapsburg. 01 Governor Spiked tr nch that wu th Mar ih Une. nbly on wage agreement \I' l' not reuched. Proposals by the opcrators counl crell un olTer signell by Lewis Lieut. Col. Vincent J. Conrad, Rip 11 ure Gap lis topic L unchln, the battle for south­ Oppor. and mell1b 1'8 of the MW negotiation committcc, to continue commanding the battalion, de­ Move Automatically work for 30 days from April J, pending an agreemcnt, thus fiXing sCI'ibed these sons or the Empress ern Tunisia, the rrack Ell/hth army School Zita yesterday as "good soldiers, Shelved for Current ripped a, p in th pow rCul Mar­ a definite time limit OD the talks. making their own friends on thoir eth fortifications from the coaMl director Gaell side voted down tlJC otllet's Pl'opo.'lll, II0WCI'CI, own merits." Term of Legislation to II po itlon two mUCII inland. lent of· Ezra VUH Horn, chairman of tIle l1ol'them ,juint cullicl'cllct? Emphasis on IdC'ntily , Id A oclated PI'CflS correspond­ m "Our ~aiil ut the end of the aiterllOOlJ session tliat thr UiHW declined ling Sit· Activation of the will last Dec. DES MOJNE (AP)- iowa s n· ent Don Whitehead, who w with to accept tbe operator " proposal fOI' el iminati ng the time,limit , 15 drew congressional criticism. the Brit! h troops. ! lunch. alors yesterdoy spiked tor the cur­ and that tile opel'atol's, in tUt'll, Officers of the group make no rent sos ion a move to rat the The breuklhroueh wo won t rejected th(' 30.day limit to ne· comment on the policy that led to 3 a, m. y .t l'tIIlY morn in, aftcr gotiaLions. its formation, but thcy emphasize salary or the govc1'll0r 1,500 11 Ie s than 30 hOUI or lavage 111/ht­ and that its identity wlll be main­ Meanwhile, 'J'lIomas KCllllCdy, GQvernment year. illi-tlghtlna thill 811 rp' In tained. Those now in the battalion ferocity th baltle at EI Alameln topic ot eel' tal'r-tl'ea llrer of the l\1W, who are not Austrian are to be 'The sen t voted down 23 to 17 last tall-by troops ~h t plullied mcasler, replied, in auswcl' to n dh ct , transferred ~o othel' units. It own measur to ral the chief ;0 memo question whether thc union had Nearly all members of the bat­ ('xe 'uti •. plal'Y fr m 7,:\00 10 thro~lI/h th precipitous Wadi l tomor· an werect President Roosevelt's Indicts Viereck talion arc native Austrians, and ZiJ(wu and clam\) 'rC<i liP Its far tClcgl'am: $t2,OOO oftcr the nam or Hurry wall to cnltk th axl (.'oncretg c. Melll· :no:t of them have allplied 10J' [ethodis\ "No-not as [til' as I kllOw." United States citizenship. 1l0pkinll, executi\'e w;' tant to fortifications. Then the>, eslab­ Another ullion spokesman said Ii. h d a brid,c.hcad 1,000 yard. Atte;"pts to Sidestep Vacancie~ in the battalion l'snks President Roo evell, had been = there probably would be an an­ are being lilled by volunteers who brought Into the d bale and there deep, I)pllllcement today, howevcr. 2nd Supreme Court - trunsier from other army units. had been discussion ot the Politlcol Ytl dr. pit tit dim ult or Reversal of Charges 42 Pereent Jewish th OP raUon, .111 d uaJU The religious make-up of the aspirations of . nat01'l who did were l't')1ort d to be lI,hL Truman Committee battalion at present is 46 percent WASHINGTON (AP)-The gov- not vote. In other lale war d velopmenUJ, Catholic, 8 percent Protestant and Th s nate's action has U1C elI ct the Russians reported the repulie Subpoenas Lewil ernment sought to bulwark its 42 percent Jewish, most of the of killine such a proposal for the of Gennan (orces that had driven WASHINGTON (AP) - Refus· charges against George Sylvestcr latter group being refugees from E current session inee the hous aealn t the Moscow - ryan. k ing to take a "maybe" answer Viereck o( New York yesterday the Nazi regime instituted in lheir native country. will not eel the upper chamber's ralLI'oad north or Zhlzdra, and from John L. Lewis, the senate's with a new indictment designed to ETERNAL QUESTION of settling Illtermdional boundaries already Is being ral cd lollowlnr RuSsian dec­ allied headqUtll'iers In Au tralla Lieut. Col. Conrad believes larations that tlle U. S, S. R. expects to retain tho e territoriI' which It took artl'r Germany's occupa· Truman committee issued a sub- avoid another supreme court 1'e- tbere has been ,a lot of mlsin- bill and there Is no such measure told of powerful r id on Rabaul, tton of Poland in 1939. These Include Latvia, Lithuania. E tonia. Be larable. and part of Paland. The pending in. the hou • in New Britain, in whirh 1i4 to.u poena yesterday to make sure that versal such as freed the alleged 10rmation given thc public con­ maps above show tlle boundaries that exl ted before 1914, after 811"111nl' of Ute Versaille 'realy and Ihe United Mine Workel's presi- pro-German propagandist three ceming his group.
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