EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 1 – 2020 Eastern Mediterranean La Revue de Santé de la Health Journal Méditerranée orientale Editorial Full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the Eastern Mediterranean Region is the responsibility of all Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Asmus Hammerich, Fatimah El-Awa, Douglas Bettcher and Ahmed Mandil .............................................................................................4 Commentary Tobacco control in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: the urgent requirement for action Jawad A. Al-Lawati and Judith Mackay ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Research articles Quantitative comparison of WHO tobacco control measures: lessons from the Eastern Mediterranean Region Gholamreza Heydari .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Self-reported addiction to and perceived behavioural control of waterpipe tobacco smoking and its patterns in Egypt: policy implications Aya Mostafa ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Socioeconomic inequality in smoking and its determinants in the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Hassan Emamian, Mansooreh Fateh and Akbar Fotouhi................................................................................................................................................. 29 Smoking behaviour after enforcement of a 100% tax on tobacco products in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study Abdulrahman Alghamdi, Anas Fallatah, Fahad Okal, Taher Felemban, Mohamed Eldigire and Hind Almodaimegh ...........................................................39 Factors associated with dual use of waterpipe tobacco and cigarettes among adults in Pakistan Mohammed Jawad, Omara Dogar, Mona Kanaan, Jasjit Ahluwalia and Kamran Siddiqi .............................................................................................................. 47 Every year Cigarette affordability in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Miriam R.P. Gordon, Anne-Marie Perucic and Robert Angelo P. Totanes .............................................................................................................................................55 Factors contributing to the initiation of waterpipe tobacco smoking among Iranian women Shirin Shahbazi Sighaldeh, Abdurrahman Charkazi, Mahnaz Amani, Tayyebeh Ostovan and Elmira Manglizadeh ...........................................................61 8 million Tobacco use and its associated factors among older people: a community-based study in Egypt Doaa Abdel-Hady and Abdel-Hady El-Gilany ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 Prevalence of tobacco use among young adults in Palestine people from Rania Abu Seir, Akram Kharroubi and Ibrahim Ghannam.........................................................................................................................................................................75 die Reviews Oral health and tobacco research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region in relation to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: a scoping review tobacco Maha El Tantawi, Passent Ellakany, Nourhan M. Aly and Hana Moussa ............................................................................................................................................ 85 Smoking prevalence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Journal Health Mediterranean Eastern Heba Fouad, Alison Commar, Randah R. Hamadeh, Fatimah El-Awa, Ze Shen and Charles P. Fraser ....................................................................................... 94 The status of tobacco control in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: progress in the implementation of the MPOWER measures. Fatimah El-Awa, Douglas Bettcher, Jawad A. Al-Lawati, Raouf Alebshehy, Hebe Gouda and Charles P. Fraser .....................................................................102 Report Smoking cessation services in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: highlights and findings from the WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2019 Ahmad AlMulla, Norr Hassan-Yassoub, Dongbo Fu, Fatimah El-Awa, Raouf Alebshehy, Mahmoud Ismail and Charles P. Fraser .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 110 Vol. 26 No. 1 No. 26 Vol. Short research communications Evidence from the Lebanon Global School-based Student Health Survey on midwakh tobacco smoking in school students: a harbinger of the next global tobacco pandemic? – Cigarettes Waterpipe e-Cigarettes Smokeless tobacco Other tobacco products Rima Afifi, Monisa Saravanan, Noura El Salibi, Rima Nakkash, Alossar Rady, Scott Sherman and Lilian Ghandour ........................................................ 116 2020 Tobacco use in school students in Afghanistan, Oman and Kuwait and association with parental monitoring: analysis of data from Global School-based Student Health surveys Masood A. Shaikh ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................122 WHO events addressing public health priorities Regional consultation on novel tobacco products: health effects, research needs and provisional Special issue on tobacco use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region recommended actions for regulators ..................................................................................................................................................... 129 Appendix املجلد السادس والعرشون / عدد Regional Framework for Action on Tobacco Control......................................................................................................................... 131 Volume 26 / No. 1 2020 1 يناير/كانون الثاين January/Janvier Cover 26-01.indd 1-3 28/01/2020 14:15:49 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal Members of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean IS the official health journal published by the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization. It is a forum for Afghanistan . Bahrain . Djibouti . Egypt . Islamic Republic of Iran . Iraq . Jordan . Kuwait . Lebanon the presentation and promotion of new policies and initiatives in public health and health services; and for the exchange of ideas, concepts, Libya . Morocco . Oman . Pakistan . Palestine . Qatar . Saudi Arabia . Somalia . Sudan . Syrian Arab Republic epidemiological data, research findings and other information, with special reference to the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It addresses Tunisia . United Arab Emirates . Yemen all members of the health profession, medical and other health educational institutes, interested NGOs, WHO Collaborating Centres and individuals within and outside the Region. البلدان أعضاء اللجنة اﻹقليمية ملنظمة الصحة العاملية لرشق املتوسط املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط اﻷردن . أفغانستان . اﻹمارات العربية املتحدة . باكستان . البحرين . تونس . ليبيا . مجهورية إيران اﻹسﻻمية هى املجلة الرسمية التى تصدر عن املكتب اﻹقليمى لرشق املتوسط بمنظمة الصحة العاملية. وهى منرب لتقديم السياسات واملبادرات اجلديدة يف الصحة العامة . اجلمهورية العربية السورية جيبويت السودان الصومال العراق عُ امن فلسطني قطر الكويت لبنان مرص املغرب واخلدمات الصحية والرتويج هلا، ولتبادل اﻵراء واملفاهيم واملعطيات الوبائية ونتائج اﻷبحاث وغري ذلك من املعلومات، وخاصة ما يتعلق منها بإقليم رشق اململكة العربية السعودية . اليمن املتوسط. وهى موجهة إىل كل أعضاء املهن الصحية، والكليات الطبية وسائر املعاهد التعليمية، وكذا املنظامت غري احلكومية املعنية، واملراكز املتعاونة مع منظمة الصحة العاملية واﻷفراد املهتمني بالصحة ىف اﻹقليم وخارجه. Membres du Comité régional de l’OMS pour la Méditerranée orientale La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée Orientale Afghanistan . Arabie saoudite . Bahreïn . Djibouti . Égypte . Émirats arabes unis . République islamique d’Iran EST une revue de santé officielle publiée par le Bureau régional de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé pour la Méditerranée orientale. Elle Iraq . Libye . Jordanie . Koweït . Liban . Maroc . Oman . Pakistan . Palestine . Qatar . République arabe syrienne offre une tribune pour la présentation et la promotion de nouvelles politiques et initiatives dans le domaine de la santé publique et des Somalie . Soudan . Tunisie . Yémen services de santé ainsi qu’à l’échange d’idées, de concepts, de données épidémiologiques, de résultats de recherches et d’autres informa- tions, se rapportant plus particulièrement à la Région de la Méditerranée orientale. Elle s’adresse à tous les professionnels de la santé, aux membres des instituts médicaux et autres instituts de formation médico-sanitaire, aux ONG, Centres collaborateurs de l’OMS et personnes concernés au sein et hors de la Région. EMHJ is a trilingual, peer reviewed, open
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