Ablation, 132, 134 Absorption Cross-Sections, 173, 179–180, 182

Ablation, 132, 134 Absorption Cross-Sections, 173, 179–180, 182

Index ablation, 132, 134 Atacama Large Millimeter Array, 309 absorption cross-sections, 173, 179–180, average stresses, 110 182, 183 abundances, 151, 155 body forces, 113 accretion luminosity, 5 brittle material, 123 accretion rate, 8 brown dwarf, 316 active disks, 5 Brownian motion, 20 adaptive optics, 311 capture aggregates, 22, 119 3-Body, 280 AKARI, 251 gas drag, 279 albedo, 75, 76, 234, 238, 241, 247–249 pull down, 279 albedo, dust, 203 catastrophic collisions, 45 albedo, geometric, 75, 76 catastrophic disruption, 71, 118 amorphous ice, 272, 275 Centaurs, 74, 261, 275 amorphous silicate, 218–221 charge coupled device (CCD), 231, 237, angle of friction, 103 249 asteroid families, 71, 74, 89, 119, 239 CHON, 155 asteroid: 2003 EH1, 143, 153 chondrite, 77, 88, 90 asteroid: 2005 UD, 143 chondrite, carbonaceous, 76, 77, 81 asteroid: 3200 Phaethon, 143, 151, 153, chondrite, ordinary, 76, 79, 81, 83, 84, 157 90 asteroid:243 Ida, 71, 77, 89 circumbinary disk, 316 asteroid:25143 Itokawa, 71–74, 76, 77, circumstellar, 243 89–92 circumstellar disk, 298 asteroid:253 Mathilde, 77, 89 cluster-cluster aggregation (CCA), 22 asteroid:433 Eros, 71, 76, 77, 89, 90 COBE, 244–246, 251 asteroid:951 Gaspra, 71, 89 cohesion, 103 asteroidal meteoroids, 143 cohesionless, 102 astrometry, 305 collision dominated, 49 astrophysics, 167 collisional cascade, 45 astrosphere, 193 comet 109P/Swift–Tuttle, 143, 153, 157 asymmetric libration, 57 comet 1P/Halley, 151, 153, 155 asymmetry parameter, 172 comet 21P/Giacobini–Zinner, 141, 143 326 Index comet 2P/Encke, 130, 143, 153, 157 Doppler shift, 299 comet 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdusakova, drag coefficient, 12 143 Drucker-Prager criterion, 103 comet 55P/Tempel–Tuttle, 130, 131, Drude model, 175, 176 143, 153, 157, 158 dust bands, 231, 238–240 comet 8P/Tuttle, 153 dust layer, 15 comet C/1861 I Thatcher, 143 dust tail, 236 comet C/1911N1 Kiess, 143 dust trails, 130, 131, 142, 143, 231, 236 comet-asteroid transition object (CAT), dust, acting forces, 198 153 dust, albedo, 203 comet: dormant comet, 142, 143, 149, dust, circumstellar, 190 153 dust, Doppler shift, 248 comet: extinct comet, 143, 149 dust, effect of, 167–168 comet: Halley-type comet, 143, 148, 151 dust, equilibrium temperature, 203 comet: Jupiter-family comet, 141, 143, dust, lifetime, 213, 233 148 dust, material compositions, 221 comet: long-period comets, 143 dust: rings, 215 comet: short-period comet, 130, 143 dynamic strength, 107 cometary dust, 168 cometary meteoroids, 143 Echelle spectrograph, 299 comets, 168 edge-on disk, 313 composition, 150 Einstein radius, 307 compressive strength, 102 elastic limit, 102 contact binary, 265 elastic wave, 120 corona, 232 electromagnetic radiation, 167, 169, 182 coronagraph, 314 electrostatic charging, 282 cosmic dust, 168–169, 182, 183 Eos, 240 cosmic ray exposure age, CRE age, 79 Epstein drag law, 12 cosmic ray irradiation, 273 equation of state, 122 cosmic rays: anomalous, 193 European Fireball Network, 144 cosmic rays: galactic, 193 extinction cross-section, 172, 177, 183 cosmology, 181 extrasolar planet, 297 β critical grains, 49 extraterrestrial meteor showers, 148 crystalline ice, 272, 274 extreme ultraviolet photons, 8 crystalline silicate, 218–222 F-corona, 232 D/H ratio, 283 failure criterion, 102 Damocloids, 262, 288 flaring passive disks, 4 dark flight, 134 forced eccentricity, 52 debris disk, 298 forced inclination, 55 density, 71, 72, 77, 80–84, 86, 88–90, 92, forces: Lorentz force, 205 266, 267 forces: radiation pressure force, 198 deviatoric stress tensor, 121 fractal dimension, 22 differential ablation, 152, 156 fragmentation phase, 120 discrete dipole approximation (DDA), 184 Galileo, 89 disk dynamical theory, 44 gas drag, 12 disk, debris, 190 gas, circumstellar, 212 disk, second generation, 190 gas, interstellar, 193 Index 327 gas, protoplanetary disk, 191 limit states, 109 Gegenschein, 231, 232, 248, 250, 252 long period comets, 260 geometric albedo, 248 Lorentz force, 234 Grady-Kipp model, 123 Lorentz harmonic oscillator, 174 gravitational instability, 15 lunar impact flash, 148 gravitational lensing, 307 gravitational radius, 9 magnetic field, circumstellar, 190 gravitational reaccumulation, 119 magnetic field, interplanetary, 196, 197 growth timescale, 20 magnetic field, interstellar, 196 magneto-rotational instability, 6 Halley family comets, 260 main asteroid belt, MB, 71–74, 76, Hayabusa, 71, 73, 90, 144, 158 78–80, 87, 89 heliosphere, 193 main-belt comets, 261, 281, 282, 285 Henyey–Greenstein, 172 Marsden and Kracht group, 157 Hill sphere, 278 mass range, 132, 148, 149 Hooke’s law, 122 mean motion resonance, 246 hot Jupiter, 300 mean motion resonances, 56, 73–75 hydrocode, 120 meteor, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, 137 meteor networks, 144, 146, 147 incipient flaws, 106 meteor persistent train, 139, 140, 156 influx, 148–150 meteor shower: Geminids, 130, 143, 151, infrasound, 137 153, 157 interplanetary dust (IDPs), 71, 132, meteor shower: Leonids, 130, 131, 133, 167, 231–235, 237, 239, 241, 249, 135, 136, 138, 140, 142, 148, 251, 252 150–152, 155–158 interstellar dust, 143, 240 meteor shower: Orionids, 135, 153 interstellar medium (ISM), 168 meteor shower: Perseids, 130, 134, 135, interstellar meteoroids, 142 148, 153, 157 IRAS, 130, 235–238 meteor shower: Quadrantids, 130, 143, irregular satellites, 278, 279, 281 153, 157 ISOCAM, 130 meteor showers, 129, 130, 143, 148, 149, Itokawa, 143 237 meteor stream parent, 289, 290 Jean’s problem, 115 meteor wake, 135–137, 150 Jupiter family comets, 235, 237, 262 meteoric dust cloud, 136 meteorite, 71, 72, 75–77, 79, 81, 83, 84, K-corona, 232 133, 144 Karin, 240 meteorite: Innisfree, 146 Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, 16 meteorite: Lost City, 146 Kuiper belt, 72, 240, 260, 273, 281 meteorite: Mor´avka, 146 Kuiper belt objects, 72, 74, 93, 267 meteorite: Neuschwanstein, 146, 147 meteorite: orbits, 146 Leonid MAC, 131 meteorite: Pˇr´ıbram, 146, 147 light, scattering of meteorite: Park Forest, 146 analytic solutions, 178–183 meteorite: Peekskill, 146 definitions, 170–173 meteorite: Tagish Lake, 146 dielectric functions, 174–178 meteorite: Villalbeto de la Pe˜na, 146 numerical techniques, 183–184 meteoroid, 129, 130, 133 lightcurves, 262, 264 β meteoroid grains, 49 328 Index Methanoids, 275, 277 Poynting–Robertson drag, 234, 240 microlens event, 307 Poynting-Robertson (P-R) drag, 46 micrometeorite, 132 Poynting-Robertson drag, 233 microporosity, 124 Poynting-Robertson effect, 141, 149 Mie theory, 182, 184 Poynting-Robertson effect, Photon-, Milky Way, 168 201, 213 Mohr-Coulomb criterion, 103 Poynting-Robertson effect, Plasma-, 202, 213 NEAR, 77, 89 Prairie Network, 146 near Earth object, NEO, 73, 74, 87, 89, proper eccentricity, 52 90 protoplanetary disks, 1 near-Earth asteroids, NEA, 83 needle disk, 43 Q∗, 86, 87 Nice model, 281 radar, 138 Oort cloud, 260, 281 radiation pressure, 46, 141, 173, 181, optical colors, 270 184, 237 optical constants, 174 (radiation pressure) blow-out limit, 47 orbital evolution of meteoroids, 141 radiation pressure force, 234 organics, 155, 158 Rayleigh limit, 173, 182 origin of meteoroids, 142 regular satellites, 278 resonance overlap, 60 P-R drag affected grains, 49 resonance ring, 246 particle-cluster aggregation (PCA), 22 resonant argument, 57 particle: energetic electrons and ions, resonant perturbations, 51 193 resonant ring, 64 particles: anomalous cosmic ray, 196 resonant trapping, 58 particles: cosmic ray, 197 Roche density, 15 particles: energetic particles, 196 Roche limit, 112 particles: galactic cosmic ray, 196 particles: solar wind, 193 scattering angle, 171 particles: stellar wind, 193 scattering cross-section Csca, 171 passive disks, 4 scattering function, 241 pericentre glow, 54 scattering phase function, 242, 248 persistent meteor train, 135 scattering plane, 171 photoevaporation, 8 scattering, process of, 169–170 Pioneer 10, 232, 240 Schmidt number, 16 Pioneer 11, 240 second transit event, 305 Planet-C, 251 secular perturbations, 51 planetary disks, 1 secular resonance, 73, 75 planetary perturbation, 234 sedimentation, 14 planetary perturbations, 141, 241 shear modulus, 122 planetary-mass object, 313 shear strength, 102 plastic wave, 120 shock wave, 78, 80, 81, 86, 89, 120 point spread function, 306 singly charged silicon nanoparticles polarization, 169, 175, 180, 184 (SNPs), 177 porosity, 71, 72, 77, 82–84, 87–90, size distribution, 73, 149, 235, 237, 241, 268–270 248, 249 porous material, 124 size distribution, asteroids, 75, 78, 79 Index 329 size distribution, boulders, 91 Tillotson equation, 122 size distribution, dust, 88, 208 Tisserand parameter, 262, 281 size distribution, fragments, 88, 91 trailing wake, 64 SMEI, 250 trans-Neptunian object, TNO, 74 Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics, 121 transit event, 303 solar wind, 234 Transition objects, 262, 286, 288 space weathering, 76, 79, 89, 247 Tresca criterion, 102 speckle, 311 triangulation, 138, 144 spectral energy distribution, 308 Trojan asteroids, 261 spheroids, 180 turbulence, 26 spin limits, 108 turbulent diffusion, 16 spin-locked, 115 turbulent viscosity, 6 Spitzer Space Telescope, 237, 251 Spitzer space telescope, 251 Ultrared matter, 271, 281 sporadic meteor, 130, 151, 155, 157 sputtering, 133 Vega-like stars, 2, 298 Stardust, 168 Veritas, 240 static strength, 106 VIEF (volume integration of electric static theory, 115 fields), 184 stellar wind forces, 50 viscous evolution timescale, 7 sticking probability, 20 α-viscous model, 6 Stokes drag law, 12 von Mises criterion, 102 stopping time, 12 vortex, 27 strain rate tensor, 122 stray body, 115 warp, 41 streaming instability,

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