COLLEOTIOlSrS OF TItE $m $iiftk %$tnml $mtUf FOR THE YEARS 1879-80. VOLUME IL HALIFAX, N. S. PRINTED AT THE MORNING HERALD OFFICE. 1881. 80 FEB 14 1931 ,^ 7 %/C LIB^^?^ INTRODUCTORY. The Committee of Publication take pleasure in being able to present the Society with the second volume of the Collect- ions. For the reasons mentioned in the preface to the first volume, they regret their inability to annotate as they would wish, the text of the documents herewith submitted. Judici- ous notes add much to the value of documentary works of all kinds, but to be of value they can only be prepared in a large reference library, which we regret to say is only in process of formation. However, difficulties from this source are not to be apprehended in the future, and the completion of the pro- gramme of the Society, will give us, we trust, a library really worthy of the Province. This volume contains a variety of papers, the first relating to events in Nova Scotia, growing out of the American Revo- lution ; the next on the First Council by T. B. Akin, the Record Commissioner ; a continuation of the Rev. George W. Hill's paper on St. Paul's Church ; the Journal of John Witherspoon, a paper throwing much side light on the condi- tion of this Province, as well as the closing acts in the struofale between France and England for supremacy in North America ; a memoir of the Rev. James Murdoch, by Miss Eliza Frame, of Shubenacadie ; and the papers on the Acadians obtained from the Rev. Dr. Andrew Brown collection in the British Museum, through the kindness of our Record Commis- sioner. We venture to say that no papers ever given to the public on the Acadian Expulsion will surpass in interest those herewith submitted. They give the story of the expulsion as told by the men who both witnessed it, and helped to carry 4 NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. it out. More than that we have under their own hands their vindication. In printing this volume the orthography of the original documents has been adhered to, and the notes of Dr. Brown and Dr. Cochran have their initials ; those of the committee have no mark to designate them. The Annual Keport of the Corresponding Secretary as to the condition, accessions and work of the Society during the past two years, will be submitted at the annual meeting in February next. In the future, the " Collections," as in this volume, will be printed as a separate work. The committee in conclusion beg to call the attention of the members to the mass of papers still on hand awaiting publica- tion, and to suggest the formation of a publication fund. OBJECT OF COLLECTION. 1. Manuscript statements and narratives of pioneer settlers, old letters and journals relative to the early history and settle- ment of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, and the war of 1776 and 1812 ; bio- graphical notes of our pioneers and of eminent citizens deceased, and facts illustrative of our Indian tribes, their history, characteristics, sketches of their prominent chiefs, orators and warriors, together with contributions of Indian implements?^ dress, ornaments and curiosities. 2. Diaries, narratives and documents relative to the Loyalists, their expulsion from the old colonies and their settlement in the Maritime Provinces. 3. Files of newspapers, books, pamphlets, college catalogues, minutes of ecclesiastical conventions, associations, conferences and synods, and all other publications relating to this Province, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. 4. Drawings and descriptions of our ancient mounds and fortifications, their size, representation and locality. 5. Information respecting articles of Pre-Historic Antiqui- ties, especially implements of copper, stone, or ancient coin or other curiosities found in any of the Maritime Provinces, together with the locality and condition of their discovery. The contribution of all such articles to the cabinet of the society is most earnestly desired. 6. Indian geograpl lical names of streams and localities with their signification and all information generally, respecting the condition, language and history of the Micmac, Malicetes and Bethucks. 7. Books of all kinds, especially such as relate to Canadian history, travels, and biography in general, and Lower Canada, 6 NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. or Quebec in particular, family genealogies, old magazines, pamphlets, files of newspapers, maps, historical manuscripts, autographs of distinguished persons, coins, medals, paintings, portraits, statuary and engravings. 8. We solicit from Historical Societies and other learned bodies that interchange of books and other materials by which the usefulness of institutions of this nature is so essentially enhanced,— pledging ourselves to repay such contributions by acts in kind to the best of our ability. 9. The Society particularly begs the favor and compliments of authors and publishers, to present with their autographs, copies of their respective works for its library. 10. Editors and publishers of newspapers, magazines, and reviews will confer a lasting favor on the Society, by con- tributing their publications regularly for its library where they may be expected to be found always on file and carefully pre- served. We aim to obtain and preserve for those who shall come after us, a perfect copy of every book, pamphlet, or paper ever printed in or about Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. 11. Nova Scotians residing abroad have it in their power to render their native province great service by making donations to our library of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, &c., bearing on any of the Provinces of the Dominion, or Newfoundland. To the relatives, descendants, &c., of our colonial governors, judges and military ofiicers, we especially appeal on behalf of our society for all papers, books, pamphleta, letters, fee, which may throw light on the history of any of the Provinces of the Dominion^ .. INDEX OF PAPERS. Page Introductory , . 3 Object of Collection 5 Index of Papers 7 List of Officers 8 " Members 9 Act of Amalgamation, &c 10 Proposals for attack on Nova Scotia in 1776-7 11 The First Council .' 17 Journal of Witlierspoou , . 31 History of St. Paul's Church 63 Memoir of the Rev. James Murdoch 100 " of Sir Alexander Croke 110 Papers relating to the Acadian French 129 OFFICERS OF THE NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ELECTEi) March 14th, 1881. President. KEY. GEORGE W. HILL, D. C. L. Vice-President. DAVID ALLISON, L.L. D. Corresponding Secretary. JOHN T. BULMER, Esq. Recording Secretary. SYDENHAM HOWE, Esq. Treasurer. HON. J. S. MACDONALD. Council. Hon. W. J. Almon, George E. Morton, Esq. John J. Stewart, Esq. Joseph Austen, Esq. Committee of Publication. Rev. George W. Hill, D. C. L. Hon. William J. Almon. John T. Bulmer, Esq., Sec'y. RESIDENT MEMBERS. David Allison, LL. D. John S. McLean, Esq. Augustus Allison, Esq. D. McLean, M. D. Shubenacadie. Hon. W. J. Almon. Hon. James McDonald. Thomas R. Almcn, M. D. Most Rev. Ronald McDonald, B.A., His Honor Adams G. Archibald, C.M.G. Harbor Grace, Nfld. Rev. John Ambrose, M.A., Digby. Roderick MacDonald, Esq. Joseph Austen, Esq. C. J. Macdonald, Esq. .Thomas Bayne, Esq. Hon. J. S. Macdonald. Hon. L. E. Baker, Yarmouth. John Macnab, Esq. John T. Bulmer, Esq. Rev. P. G. MacGregor, D.D. Adam Burns, Esq. J. G. MacGregor, D. Sc. William Compton, Esq. Robert Morrow, Esq- Hon. Samuel Creelman. George E. Morton, Esq. Benjamin Curren, D.C.L. Robert T. Murray, Esq. Rev. T. J. Daly, M.A., Windsor. Rev. Robert Murray. William Dennis, Esq. Rev. E. E. B. Nichols, D.D., Liverpool. M. B. DesBrisay, Esq., Bridgewater. Rev. Geo. Patterson, D.D., N. Glasgow. Arnold Doane, Esq. John Y. Payzant, M. A. Rev. Thomas Duncan. J. G. Pyke, Esq., Liverpool. T. B. Flint, B. A., Yarmouth. Hon. J. W. Ritchie. William Ford, Esq., Milton. Thomas A. Ritchie, Esq. Rev. John Forrest. Peter Ross, Esq. D. C. Eraser, B.A., New Glasgow. J. Seymour Scott, Esq., New York. William Gossip, Esq. Robert Sedgewick, M.A. Alpin Gram, Esq. Hon. S. L. Shannon, D.C.L. G. M. Greer, B.A. Edward Smith, Esq. His Grace The Most Reverend Michael Rev. T. Watson Smith. Hannan, D.D. F. St. George Smithers, Esq. W. D. Harrington, Esq. R. W. Starr, Esq., Cornwallis. Rev. George W. Hill, D.C.L. Robie L. Sterns, Esq., Liverpool. P. Carteret Hill, D.C.L. J. J. Stewart, Esq. P. Carteret Hill, Jr., Esq. F. C. Sumichrast, Esq. Hon. S. H. Holmes. Hon. J. S. D. Thompson. Sydenham Howe, Esq. Stephen Tobin, Esq. Peter Jack, Esq. J. J. Tuffts, A. M., Wolfvilla. H. W. Johnston, Esq. Hon. R. L. Weatherbe. J. E. Jones, M. D., Digby. R. J. Wilson, Esq. Rev. Robert Laing, M. A. J. Taylor Wood, Esq. Israel Longworth, Esq., Truro. Hon. Chas. Young, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Peter Lynch, Esq. Sir WiUiam Young, Kt. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Martin J. Griffln, Esq., Toronto. William Tobin, Esq., London. G. E. Fenety, Esq., Fredericton. James Hannay, Esq., St. John, N. B. Robert Ward, Esq., Bermuda. HONORARY MEMBERS. B. Thomas Akin, D.C.L. | Francis Parkman, LL.D., Boston, Mass-, H. W. Longfellow, LL.D., Cambridge, Mass. : AN ACT To provide for the Amalgamation of the Library of the Nova Scotia Historical Society with the Legislative Library and the Management of the Joint Collection. [Passed the 10th day of April, A. D. 1881.] Be it enacted by the Governor, Counsel and Assembly as follows 1. The Library of the Nova Scotia Historical Society shall be amalgamated with the Legislative Society of Nova Scotia, and the regulation and management of the Joint Collection and any additions that may be made thereto is hereby vested in a commission of nine persons to be called the Nova Scotia Library Commission, of whom the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province for the time being shall ex officio be one, and the remainder of whom shall be appointed a,nnually, one half by the Nova Scotia Historical Society and the other half by the Governor in Council.
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