Route Map 5 Ä H339 Æ

Route Map 5 Ä H339 Æ

ASTORIA Oregon Department of Transportation Warrenton H104 Svensen Approved routes for Mayger 30 Westport ¤£ Clatskanie Æ 101 Olney Ä Rainier ¤£ H105 Triples Combinations. Æ Gearhart C L A T S O PÄ 47 Prescott SEASIDE Goble H332 202 Mist 73300 Movement is authorized 395 Umapine Necanicum Cold ¤£2 Jewell ¤£ Springs Jct. C O L U M B I A Æ Ä MP 9.76 Umatilla Jct. Milton-Freewater Flora Ä Æ Æ Cannon Beach Route Map 5 Ä H339 Æ H103 Pittsburg Irrigon Ä only under authority of an Columbia City Æ Over-Dimension Permit Unit Ä Elsie 47 730 Holdman 53 ST. HELENS ¤£ Helix 11 Vernonia Boardman 0 207 26 7 30 82 Athena Æ ¤£ Ä Over-Dimension Permit. ¤£ Revised March 2020 HERMISTON 3 ¨¦§ H Heppner Jct. Æ Ä H334 Weston Scappoose Stanfield 3 Nehalem 3 Adams 204 Manzanita HOOD Permission not granted to 5 RIVER cross RR crossing at MP 102.40 30 37 Æ 84 30 Echo Ä Wheeler Buxton £ in Hood River 84 ¤£ Arlington H W A L L O W A ¤ 3 Cascade ¨¦§ Biggs § MP 13.22 ¨¦ 26 Locks Jct. Rufus 3 Æ Rockaway Celilo Blalock Ä H320 1 Æ T I L L A M O O K ¤£ Mosier Ä 82 Beach Banks North H281 PENDLETON Plains PORTLAND Æ Ä Minam Imnaha Odell Wallowa Æ Ä 74 Garibaldi Wasco 207 W A S H I N G T O N The Elgin . Bay City Troutdale Multnomah Æ CorneliusÄ Fairview Dalles t Forest HILLSBORO H O O D H282 206 i 6 Grove Falls G I L L I A M Wood 84 Oceanside Beaverton R I V E R U M A T I L L A Summerville m H131 Village Ione r 8 ¨¦§ Lostine Æ Parkdale 197 Ä Gresham Moro 0 e Tillamook M U L T N O M A H MP 83.00 ¤£ 30 Imbler 5 Netarts ENTERPRISE Æ Ä Pilot 3 Æ Ä £ Æ Ä ¤ p Æ Ä Rock H Gaston Tigard Happy Dufur Lexington Æ Lake Valley Ä 19 Ä Æ Æ s 219 Ä i Oswego Timberline Tualatin Damascus Sandy 26 97 74 h Gladstone Lodge 101 47 Sherwood 35 t West Linn ¤£ Joseph ¤£ Hilgard £ 240 MP 0.00 ¤ Æ Yamhill 206 Ä Island City Æ Ä 237 OREGON Eagle Grass n Newberg Creek i Valley Heppner Æ H173 Ä CITY Zigzag 395 H351 a Carlton Wilsonville LA GRANDE t Dundee 206 ¤£ Cove Wallowa Lake Æ 551 Estacada Ä b 5 Government Æ Lafayette Ä 216 Æ Hebo Ä Æ Ä Camp o McMINNVILLE Canby Wallowa Lake Dayton Barlow Tygh State Park Æ Ä Donald Condon 244 o Aurora Valley Union t MP 6.94 St. Paul 211 Æ 18 224 Ä S H E R M A N y H130 5 Hubbard M O R R O W U N I O N l 22 Ä Æ Æ Y A M H I L L Ä p ¨¦§ Maupin Neskowin Amity Woodburn Molalla Æ Ä 216 p Sheridan Æ Willamina Gervais Ä a Ukiah Dolph Æ Butler H153 Ä 213 Lonerock 203 Æ Ä Wapinitia s 99E Marquam Ripplebrook North Æ Otis Ä Valley Mt. Angel 207 n Scotts Mills Powder Cornucopia Jct. Brooks Medical Springs o 221 i Ä Æ Æ KEIZER Ä t LINCOLN CITY 22 Æ SILVERTON C L A C K A M A S Ä 18 Oxbow a Æ Shaniko Ä H 197 4 c Æ MP 45.89 W A S C O Fossil Ä i £ 1 DALLAS 214 ¤ 86 f (Astoria St.) 3 l Kernville 218 Ä Æ Æ Rickreall SALEM to Jct. I-5 is a 218 Ä a P O L K black route Haines Antelope 19 Halfway u 551 3 395 q H194 9 86 Æ Ä Falls City Turner Silver Creek 2 £ Æ Ä 30 Æ Ä 26 ¤ l H Depoe Bay Independence Falls ¤£ ¤£ Approved routes for Sublimity Spray a Æ MONMOUTHÄ Aumsville i Service 2 Monument H Stayton 40 c 229 Mehama Creek H 223 1 22 M A R I O N BAKER e Otter Rock 6 Richland CITY 99W 4 Gates Sumpter H410 p Æ Ä triples combinations Lyons Long Æ Siletz Ä 84 Detroit Kimberly Creek MP 25.23 S Scio Mill City B A K E R Jefferson 30 Æ Ä ¨¦§ . Idanha Hamilton £ Æ Ä 7 ¤ y H Millersburg 97 207 Greenhorn l 1 Adair Village 20 ¤£ 8 Salisbury n £ Newport ¤ 226 Eddyville 0 Toledo 19 o MP Albany Crabtree t W H E E L E R 7.60 20 J E F F E R S O N Durkee Æ i £ Blodgett Corvallis MADRAS G R A N T Bates Ä Routes shown in red Æ ¤ Ä 101 Metolius Æ Ä 20 m ¤£ r Tangent ¤£ Lebanon Æ Philomath Ä L I N N H361 Mitchell 245 e L I N C O L N 22 not authorized 34 Waterloo Culver 26 p Æ Ä £ ¤ Æ Ä 26 99E Sodaville 26 Dayville y £ ¤£ Waldport ¤ Unity B E N T O N Santiam John b Æ 34 Ä SWEET Jct. 20 HOME 20 £ 126 Mt. Vernon Day Prairie 7 Brownsville ¤ Cascadia City s 97 Marks Creek Lodge 30 Æ Ä £ Halsey ¤ Æ Ä Foster £ Alsea £ MP 45.43 ¤ n ¤ 99W Huntington Æ Ä Canyon Æ o Ä City Ironside i Yachats t 501 Monroe 228 Holiday restricted H200 O'Neil 95 a 126 Sisters 126 PRINEVILLE 26 S9P5USR r Weiser Æ Ä REDMOND £ Æ Ä H370 ¤£ ¤ Harrisburg e Æ MP Ä p 36 Junction 29.00 O City 242 Jamieson Æ Ä Powell 84 Ä Æ Æ Ä OR126 from . 395 Goldson Butte C R O O K £ 201 Æ Ä Pioneer Pkwy to I-5 ¤ n ¨¦§ Coburg Payette Greenleaf is a black route. Vida o Post Jct. i 99 5569 126 20 30 t Æ Deadwood Blue River ¤£ Ä H 3 Seneca ¤£ 528 80 a Paulina r Elmira EUGENE H457 Holiday/weekend SPRINGFIELD e ONTARIO Æ Ä BEND Mapleton Swisshome Noti 27 Æ p Ä Veneta 20 o McVay Hwy (OR225) 26 Cairo H451 £ FLORENCE ¤ f 105 H228 225 is a black route. restricted 126 105 Goshen o Vale ¨¦§ s y Æ CresweÄ ll Lowell H372 Dunes City Nyssa a Æ d Ä Æ 99 L A N E Ä d e 58 201 z D E S C H U T E S 20 i r 20 ¤£ COTTAGE Æ Ä £ Gardiner ¤ o GROVE Westfir Brothers Adrian h 101 Reedsport Oakridge t ¤£ Anlauf 97 Juntura H453 u 38 ¤£ a Drain H454 La Pine d Scottsburg Elkton n a Lakeside Yoncalla s Burns e t Hines Æ Ä Riley 20 u MP 232.65 ¤£ 395 9 ¤£ o 2 Æ Ä 4 r H North 138 5 s Bend ¨¦§ Crescent e 540 Lake Crescent l 41 Oakland 2 Crane p Charleston H i Æ Sutherlin Ä r COOS BAY T Cape Arago l Wilbur 138 a Æ New Ä u Princeton n Narrows n C O O S M A L H E U R Æ Ä ROSEBURG 78 a Coquille Chemult s D O U G L A S Æ y Bandon 42 Ä Ä Æ Æ Ä Winston a l Æ p 42 Ä Myrtle s 42S Dillard 138 i Æ Point 230 Silver Ä D MP Lake - 71.48 Myrtle Creek CRATER 31 395 Æ 5 Ä ¤£ H A R N E Y LAKE Jordan p Riddle Valley a Æ 542 Canyonville L A K E Ä Cape 95 M £ To Astoria Blanco ¤ Powers Union To e 205 t Creek Sixes NATIONAL Rome Seattle PORTLAND AND VICINITY u 5 o H250 Æ Ä PARK ¨¦§ Æ Ä Frenchglen R ¤£30 307 To Port Burns Jct. Æ Glendale 62 Ä Seattle Orford 62 30BY W A Prospect 306B 205 S ¤£ 99E H I PORTLAND ¨¦§ N G Wolf T O H422 Paisley 30BY N Creek Ft. Klamath ¤£ 23 ¤£97 N. Argyle St. Trail 305 Roaring Springs Ranch To Shady Cove Klamath Seaside 30BY Agency 302C ¤£ Æ Ä J A C K S O N K L A M A T H ¤£30 22 MP 14.76 C U R R Y Chiloquin 26 Æ Ä ¤£ ¨¦§5 6 ¨¦§84 ¤£30 234 Butte Falls Æ Ä 301 GRANTS 3 84 9 To 260 PASS Rogue ¨¦§ 14 Æ Eagle Point Ä 16 Hood River 405 21 Gold Beach White City 95 ¨¦§ 5 River Æ 140 Ä Beatty Valley Falls £ 26 J O S E P H I N E Modoc ¤ Æ To Ä ¤£ Gold MP 8.00 140 Point Basque Station 213 GRESHAM Æ Hill Hillsboro Ä MP 8.81 Bly 8 26 1D ¤£ 26 Depot St. Central Point 10 ¤£ MP 9.96 Jacksonville Algoma Æ MEDFORD MP 5.88 Ä Æ Ä 19 Æ 199 Ä Quartz Mountain Ä Æ Æ £ Provolt Ä 217 MP 14.22 Æ Ä ¤ Phoenix 99E OR66 Jct. OR140 MP 7.38 26 Æ Ä Talent KLAMATH 213 £ 99 MP 58.56 10 ¤ Ruch FALLS Dairy Ä Æ Æ 101 255 BEAVERTON Ä Æ Jct. of 5 Ä Æ Cave Ä Æ ¤£ Ä 238 ¨¦§ 205 Æ Junction Ä Ashland Weyerhaeuser Rd. Bonanza Æ Adel Ä 210 99W ¨¦§ Æ 295 43 Ä To Lakeview HAPPY Sandy Æ 66 Ä 70 46 140 TIGARD 294 224 VALLEY DAMASCUS Æ Midland Ä To Oregon Caves Keno Æ 13 Ä BROOKINGS Sandy National Monument Siskiyou H273 39 212 1 4 MP 292 224 1 Æ 19 7.69 Ä H Æ 97 Merrill 395 McDermitt Ä ¤£ Malin ¤£ 99E 1 Æ 212 Ä MP 7.07 4 1 LAKE Æ H OSWEGO Ä 12 224 43 Æ Ä MP 8.91 205 ¨¦§ 10 99W 288 8 To Estacada Æ 5 Ä MP12.47 ¨¦§ 9 Æ 0 50 100 Miles 286 Ä 213 H141 0 2 4 Miles To 99E McMinnville WILSONVILLE OREGON CITY To Salem To Canby To Mollala Form #735-8102 (3-20) STK # 300542 Route Map 5 Route Map 5 Triple Trailer Permit Hauling Hour and Weekend Restrictions Grades Exempt From Minimum Speed Requirements These exemptions apply to both directions of travel These exemptions apply to both directions of travel Holidays, Weekend Posted Route Area Name Milepoint Route Starting at: Ending at: Holiday Movement area from area to Weekends Interstate 5 Rice Hill 150.08 147.33 US 101 Junction of US 30 in Astoria Junction of US 26 at Cannon Beach Not Allowed Not Allowed Interstate 5 Roseburg 117.74 114.82 US 101 Junction of OR 18 at Otis Junction of US 20 at Newport Not Allowed Not Allowed Interstate 5 Canyon Creek 95.82 90.20 Interstate 5 Smith Hill 71.39 75.69 US 20 Junction of US 101 at Newport Junction of old US 20 Business in Toledo Not Allowed Not Allowed Interstate 5 Stage Road 78.11 80.80 Interstate 5 Sexton Mt.

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