Advertisements appearing for First Time GLADDEN, HIS WIFE BY DEED FROM LORETTA JOHNSON, NOW, BY MARRIAGE, Miscellaneous Notices LORETTA GLADDEN DATED 8/28/2002 RECORDED 8/30/2002 IN DEED BOOK 4512 PAGE 159. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of James SHERIFF SALE! W. Gladden under Judgment Number 17224-CV- By virtue of certain writs of Execution issued 2008. out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans’ BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. Court of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me 09-024-072. directed, I will expose at Public Sale or Outcry, at NOTICE is further given to all parties in the Dauphin County Administration Building in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., on distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 10:00 A.M., the Dauphin County, on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 following real estate, to wit: and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. SALE No. 1 MARK J. UDREN, Esq. Judgment Amount: $53,455.76 SALE No. 2 ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF CHRISTINE A. PINTO, Esq. LAND SITUATE IN THE NINTH WARD OF Judgment Amount: $67,652.32 THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, BOUNDED AND ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO WIT: situate in the Ninth Ward of the city of BEGINNING ON THE WESTERN SIDE OF Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET, NINETY- more particularly bounded and described as fol- TWO (92) FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH- lows: WEST CORNER OF WALNUT AND BEGINNING at a point on the southern side of SEVENTEENTH STREETS AND AT OR Chestnut Street, which point is 57 feet west of the OPPOSITE THE CENTER OF THE PARTI- southwestern corner of Chestnut Street and TION WALL BETWEEN HOUSES NOW Honey Avenue; thence in a southerly direction KNOWN AS NOS. 86 AND 88 NORTH SEV- through the center of a partition wall dividing ENTEENTH STREET AND RUNNING property 1207 Chestnut Street from the property THENCE WESTWARDLY THROUGH THE described herein, 77 feet to a three foot wide pri- CENTER OF SAID PARTITION WALL AND vate alley; thence in a westerly direction along BEYOND IN ALL EIGHTY (80) FEET TO A the alley aforesaid, 14 feet to a point; thence in an TEN (10) FEET WIDE ALLEY, KNOWN AS northerly direction and for a part of the distance FOHL ALLEY; THENCE SOUTHWARDLY through the center of a partition wall between the ALONG THE EASTERN SIDE OF SAID house herein described and property known as ALLEY, FOURTEEN (14) FEET TO A POINT; 1203 Chestnut Street, 77 feet to a point on the THENCE EASTWARDLY THROUGH THE southern side of Chestnut Street; and thence in an CENTER OF THE PARTITION WALL easterly direction on the southern side of BETWEEN HOUSES NOW KNOWN AS NOS. Chestnut Street, 14 feet to a point, the place of 84 AND 86 NORTH SEVENTEENTH STREET, BEGINNING. EIGHTY (80) FEET TO THE WEST SIDE OF TOGETHER WITH the right to the use of the SAID SEVENTEENTH STREET; AND three foot wide private alley in the rear of the said THENCE NORTHWARDLY ALONG THE property for the purposes of ingress, regress and WEST SIDE OF SIDE SEVENTEENTH egress in common with the owners and occupiers STREET, FOURTEEN (14) FEET TO THE of the premises abutting thereon. PLACE OF BEGINNING. KNOWN and numbered as 1205 Chestnut HAVING THEREON ERECTED A Street, Harrisburg, PA. DWELLING HOUSE KNOWN AND NUM- BEING the same premises which Bedrock BERED AS 86 NORTH 17TH STREET, HAR- Capital Management, Inc., a Pennsylvania RISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA 17103. Corporation by Deed dated 4/5/07, recorded HAVING thereon erected a dwelling house. 4/6/07 as Instrument No. 20070013861 conveyed BEING KNOWN AS: 86 North 17th Street, unto William Schlott. Harrisburg, PA 17103. SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN William Schlott under Judgment Number 07287- JAMES W. GLADDEN AND LORETTA E. CV-2009. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING part of Lot No. 30 on the plan of the town of Middletown and having thereon erected Miscellaneous Notices and now being a frame dwelling house known as 47 East Water Street, Middletown, PA 17057. BEING the same premises which Middletown Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a Pennsylvania BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. Non-Profit Corporation, by its deed dated 09-046-011. 9/29/06 and recorded 10/18/06 in the Recorder of NOTICE is further given to all parties in Deeds Office of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed in Instrument #20060043087 granted and con- distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of veyed unto Thomas A. Meise. Dauphin County, on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of and distributions will be made in accordance with Thomas A. Meise under Judgment Number the said schedule unless exceptions are filed 07640-CV-2008. thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 42-037-034. NOTICE is further given to all parties in SALE No. 3 interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed LOUIS P. VITTI, Esq. distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Judgment Amount: $104,186.72 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 and distributions will be made in accordance with ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground the said schedule unless exceptions are filed situate in the Third Ward (formerly the North thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. Ward) of the Borough of Middletown, County of Dauphin, State of Pennsylvania aforesaid, bound- ed and described as follows, to wit: SALE No. 4 BEGINNING at a point on the North side of Water Street Twenty-eight and five tenths feet MICHAEL T. MCKEEVER, Esq. Eastward from Lot No. 29; thence by other perch Judgment Amount: $135,062.47 of Lot of which this is part, North Twenty-one ALL THAT CERTAIN UNIT, BEING UNIT degrees West One hundred and twenty (120) feet NO. 314 (THE “UNIT”), OF CHERRINGTON, to the line of Lot No. 32; thence along the same A CONDOMINIUM (THE “CONDOMINI- North sixty-nine degrees East Twenty-eight and UM”), LOCATED SUSQUEHANNA TOWN- five tenth (28.5) feet to a stake; thence along the SHIP, DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, three feet wide strip of ground as a private alley WHICH UNIT IS DESIGNATED IN THE DEC- (part of the hereby conveyed lot) South twenty- LARATION OF CONDOMINIUM OF CHER- one degrees East one hundred and twenty (120) RINGTON. A CONDOMINIUM (THE feet to Water Street aforesaid; thence along the “DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM”) AND same South sixty-nine degrees West twenty-eight DECLARATION PLATS AND PLANS AS and five tenths (28.5) feet to the place of BEGIN- RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE NING. RECORDER OF DEEDS OF DAUPHIN ALL THAT CERTAIN tract or parcel of land COUNTY IN RECORD BOOK 2371, PAGE with the improvements thereon erected located in 529, AS AMENDED IN RECORD BOOK 2414, the Borough of Middletown, Dauphin County, PAGE 546, 2456, PAGE 517; 2500, PAGE 592; Pennsylvania more particularly bounded and AND 2514, PAGE 599. described as follow, to wit: TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED 1.4028 BEGINNING at a point on the Northern side INTEREST IN COMMON ELEMENTS AS of Water Street, at a corner of Lot No. 29 on the MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN THE plan hereinafter mentioned; thence by the same AFORESAID DECLARATION OF CONDO- north twenty-one (21) degrees West one hundred MINIUM AND DECLARATION PLATS AND twenty (120) feet to Lot No. 32 on said plan; PLANS. thence the same North (69) degrees East twenty- TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO USE eight and five-tenths (28.5) feet to a point; thence THE LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS by the other part of this lot South twenty-one (21) APPLICABLE TO THE UNIT BEING CON- degrees East one hundred twenty (120) feet to VEYED HEREIN PURSUANT TO THE DEC- Water Street aforesaid and thence by the same LARATION OF CONDOMINIUM AND South sixty-nine (69) degrees West twenty-eight DECLARATION PLATS AND PLANS. and five-tenths (28.5) perches to the place of PROPERTY ADDRESS: 314 CHERRING- BEGINNING. TON DRIVE, HARRISBURG, PA 17110. Advertisements appearing for First Time BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. 63-010-041. Miscellaneous Notices NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 SEIZED AND SOLD as the property of Steve and distributions will be made in accordance with Moyer under Judgment Number 3927-CV-2007. the said schedule unless exceptions are filed BEING DESIGNATED AS TAX PARCEL No. thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. 62-073-063. NOTICE is further given to all parties in interest and claimants. Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of SALE No. 6 Dauphin County, on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 MICHAEL T. MCKEEVER, Esq. and distributions will be made in accordance with Judgment Amount: $98,544.34 the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter. ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land with the building and improvements thereon erected situate in Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and SALE No. 5 described as follows, to wit: MICHAEL T. MCKEEVER, Esq. BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line Judgment Amount: $110,105.09 of Clarendon Street which point is 267 feet East of the southeasterly corner of Fairfield and ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel of land Clarendon Streets; thence along the southerly line situate in Swatara Township, Dauphin County, of Clarendon Street, North 87 degrees East 50 Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: feet to a point; thence South 03 degrees East 150 BEGINNING at a point on the said side of feet to a point; thence South 87 degrees West 50 48th (King) Street, 121.4 feet south of the south- feet to a point; thence North 03 degrees West 150 east corner of 48th Street and Arney Road; thence feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING.
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