National Priorities Get Nixon's Prime Attention SEE STORY BELOW Cold to Ease THEBAIU Sunny and cold today. Clear Red Bulk, Freehold and becoming milder tonight Long Brandt EDITION and again tomorrow. I 7 (8» Eelilli, Pin ]) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Yearn VOL. 93, NO. 145 Mil) BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUAKY 22, 1970 32 PAGES 10 CENTS i IIJ 11111 ininmt! in IEBIUI n iiiiauuujiuiii NiuuaarawHiinauauufljntiaiaBiiiuuuuBuimniRnti cwtutsuuiti tumuiuui] Police Zero in on Shore's Drug Trade By ED WALSH adjacent to the minimum security annex to receive their FREEHOLD — Thirty-eight teams of state, county and instructions. local police officers fanned out through the county early They were broken up into teams of three and four men this morning in an attempt to arrest 63 known narcotics and were given a portfolio containing the arrest warrant, sellers. a picture of the person whom they were about to arrest and By 6:30, approximately 24 persons including three girls a detailed map indicating where the accused was believed were in custody at the county jail annex. However, sev- to be living. eral teams returned to the jail complex that is serving as a RAIDS STARTED command post without their predesignated prisoners which At 5:30 a.m., the raids began simultaneously. At 5:50 quickly led to speculation that arrests will not top the 50 a.m. the first team arrived with a prisoner from Neptune mark. Township. By 8:30 a.m. teams were returning at five min- The task force of arresting officers included 95 state ute intervals. troopers, five county detectives and 50 local police officers As the prisoners arrived, they were immediately taken from Red Bank, Asbury Park, New Shrewsbury, Belmar, into the adjacent room where they were fingerprinted and Bradley Beach, Long Branch and Neptune Township. mugged. All were scheduled to be arraigned before Su- Detective Sgt. Frank Licitra who headed the 10-month perior Court Judge Francis X. Crahay at 10 a.m. investigation for the state police narcotics bureau said Shortly before midnight, Sgt. Licitra headed a raiding those arrested were all "street sellers engaged mostly in party at the New Castaways Mote] in Long Branch where the sale of heroin and cocaine." two men and a woman were arrested. A quantity of hero- "These are the hard core addicts who are supporting a in was confiscated. $50 to $100 a day habit," Sgt. Licitra said. "There is very Those arrested were identified as Gary Tawler, James little marijuana being used and sold by this group." Fentress and Julia Betlis. Ages and addresses were not im- Capt. George Kell, who heads the state police narcotics mediately available. squad, said undercover agents had infiltrated the groups Both Sgt. Licitra and Capt. Kell were quick to praise "and were able to purchase approximately $5,000 worth of the local police agencies for their cooperation. narcotics during the investigation." "Without them we would have missed quite a few of ORGANIZED SELLING these arrests," Capt. Kell said. "Sometimes we will only He ruled out organized selling. "These people all oper- know a pusher by his first name but the locals will know ate alone," he stated. him, his habits and hangouts. This information makes our At 4 a.m. the raiding party assembled in a large room investigation all the easier," he stated. National Priorities Given 9 SUSPECTED PUSHER — A suspected heroin seller is questioned by Detective Dale Cordy of State Police Nar- Nixon s Primary Attention cotics Squad after he was arrested in pre-dawn raid. Warrants for 63 persons were issued by state police and WASHINGTON (AP) - closely to this is the presiden- arrests simultaneously made in seven Monmouth County communities this morning. lists of legislative requests. "In order to maintain a SUP President Nixon built his first tial effort to hold down fed- In addition to departing from plus in the budget, I have cm (Register Staff Photo by Larry Perna) State of the Union message eral spending under his forth- this formula, the White House federal spending to the mini- today around broad national coming budget for. the 1971 had made it clear ahead of mum possible levels this priorities, with many details fiscal year that begins July 1. time Nixon would not delve year and next. Some needed left to be spelled out later. Marking his first anniver- deeply into foreign affairs. federal programs simply will Inflation, crime, federal sary in office Tuesday, Nixon Foreign policy questions have to be postponed, so thai spending and pollution were said the budget would be "one will be discussed more fully we live within our means." Alleged Mafia Trio Plans major concerns of the. admin- of the major subjects dis- in a precedent • setting "state With Congress about to take istration as Nixon prepared cussed, but I am not going of the world" message he will up anti-crime measures, the for his speech to a joint ses- into any detail." submit in writing early timing of today's message sion of Congress at 12:30 p.m. Fine print of the adminis- in February. was ideal for Nixon to plug EST today. tration's 1970 proposals will The fiscal 1971 budget will once again for proposals he High Court Appeal on SICNixon served notice ahead be spelled out more fully in top the current spending level made last year. of time his speech would not the new budget, due in late by several billion dollars. But In the area of innovations, be traditional — it would not January or early February, it will be lower than adminis- Nixon promised in advance By JAMES H. RUBIN ings next month in its probe Brennan has jurisdiction "Joe Bayonne" Zicarelli, be a "laundry list of every- and in subsequent special tration officials had anticipat- to emphasize proposals to of organized crime in New over the, application for a Robert "Bobby Basile" Oc- TRENTON (AP) - The thing that I will be submitting messages on specific problem ed just two weeks ago. combat all forms of pollution, Jersey. stay of the execution of the chipinti and Anthony "Little U.S. Supreme Court will be . to Congress later on." areas. In' a statement yesterday and to promote a clean, heal- The State Supreme Court prison sentences because he Pussy" Russo. asked to decide if the State The battle against rising . In the past, presidents cus- on the plight of the recession- thy .environment. But even granted the three alleged has responsibility for such The State Supreme Court Investigation Commission has prices is one top priority item tomarily filled their State of hit housing industry, Nixon here the budget pinch will be Mafia members seven days appeals in the New Jersey ruled Tuesday that the SIC the power to seek prison on the Nixon 1970- agenda.. Tied the Union messages with long said: felt. ' . terms for witnesses who re- to file appeals to the U.S. Su- area. had the power to seek jail fuse to testify. preme Court and said they If Brennan refuses to grant terms for reluctant witnesses Three reputed underworld could remain out of prison un- the extension, the defendants until they agree to talk. figures disclosed plans yes- til then. must appeal to all nine mem- Lawyers for the SIC dis- bers of the nation's highest closed they directed the State Welfare terday to appeal a ruling l)y In hopes of staying out of the New Jersey Supreme prison, the three alleged Ma- court to allow them to remain Police to arrest the three Court upholding indetermin- fia members will ask U.S. free until the U.S. Supreme men. But the plans were ate prison terms for their re- Supreme Court Justice Wil- Court rules on the constitu- called off when attorneys for Employes fusal to testify before the SIC. liam J. Brennan Jr. to per- tionality of the State Inves- the defendants notified the Meanwhile, the SIC an- mit them to remain free un- tigation Commission. SIC of their intent to appeal nounced that it will begin til the court decides their ap- The three reputed Cosa the State Supreme Court rul- holding limited public hear- peal. Nostra figures are Joseph ing to the U.S. Supreme Court. InDispute FREEHOLD - The Mon- mouth County Welfare Board Employes Association has Report Says Democratic Party charged the Welfare Board with unfair labor practices and the state Public Em- ployes Relations Commission is awaiting a statement of the Is Leaderless, Chaotic Coalition board's position. The employes' organization By DAVID M. GOLDBERG The report, entitled "Re- paign working for Meyner Meyner, Sarasohn quotes Joel filed the unfair labor prac- TRENTON (AP) - A spe- port on the 1M9 Elections and and who has been compiling H. Sterns, Meyner's campaign tices charges with PERC on cial report has been submit- the Conditions of the Demo- data since November. He was manager and the counsel to Jan. 5. In a Jan. 8 letter to ted to the Democratic State cratic Party in New Jersey," given time off from Trinity former Gov. Richard J. county Welfare Director Rob- Committee that portrays the consists in large measure of College in Hartford, Conn., to Hughes. ert C. Wells, PERC asked party In New Jersey as a comments made by about 40 work on the project. "There was no on.e on the for a statement of the board's leaderless, chaotic coalition of party leaders from through- Meyner Depleted staff who could speak frankly position within 10 days. out the state. PREDAWN RAID — Long Branch Detective Gregory Bova, right, escorts Wake- once powerful county bosses Sarasohn depicts Meyner as The board's statement was to the candidate," Sterns is field Wanca of 192 Belmon* Ave., into county jail annex shortly after 6 o'clock this and says former Gov.
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