North Carolina Radio Charlotte Adult Contemporary Album Rock Cherry

North Carolina Radio Charlotte Adult Contemporary Album Rock Cherry

North Carolina Radio dir; Russ Dubuc, news dir; Jack Davidson, chief engr. versity. Net: MBS. Format: Top -40. Spec prog: Classi- Rates: $ 8; 8; 8; 8. cal 10 hrs. jazz 4 hrs wkly. John Daviin, advisor; Mike Wix, gen mgr. WROO(FM)- Listing follows WAYS(AM). Dallas WQCC(AM) -May 7, 1964: 1540 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WXYC(FM) -March 18. 1977: 89.3 mhz; 400 w. Ant 4458, 1402 E. Morehead St. (28204). (704) 372-1540 *New FM on air, target date unknown: 91.7 mhz; 280 ft. Carolina Union, Box 51 (27514). Student Edu- -Not Voice of Charlotte Bcstg Co. Group owner: Lyon. Net: ft. cational Bcstg Inc. Format: Progsv. Timothy Maloney, 3 kw. Ant 140 Gaston College (28034). Gaston Col- ABC /C. Format: Disco. Spec prog: Jazz 3 hrs wkly. gen mgr. lege Bd of Trustees. Risdon Lyon. pres; Bob Barnett, gen mgr; Sue Ro- maine, coml mgr; Ben Ball, prog dir; Larry Denard, WAAK(AM) -Jan 1, 1963: 960 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 477 Charlotte mus dir; Fred McCune, chief engr Rates: $13; 13; (28034). (704) 922 -3411. WAAK Inc. (acq 11- 21 -77). 13; -. Rep: W.O. Jones. Format: Top -40. Gerald Marlow, WAME(AM) -Jan 18, 1955: 1480 khz; 5 kw -U. DA -2. pres; Richard Marlow, gen mgr; Dave Hedrick, prog Box 32068 (28232). (704) 377 -5916. Sonlife Bcstg WSOC(AM) -Oct 14, 1933: 930 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- dir; Bill James, mus dir; Stuart Albert, chief engr. (acq 1- 1 -79). Group owner: Jimmy Swaggert Evan- N, DA -N. Box 2536 (28234). (704) 372 -0930. Carolina Rates: S6; 6; 6; 6. gelistic Assn. Net: APR. Format: Rel. Spec progs: Bcstg Co. (acq 5- 14 -59). Group owner: Cox. Net: NBC, Black 20 hrs, farm 2 hrs wkly. Jimmy Swaggert, MBS. Rep: Christal. Format: News /info /talk. Clifford pres; Bob Magee, gen mgr; Steve Smith, prog dir; Bill M. Kirtland, pres; Lee Morris, VP & gen mgr; Roger Davidson Stevenson, news dir; Jim Beatty, chief engr. Rates: Matney, gen sls mgr; Don Bell, prog dir; Brian $16; 14; 13; 11. Thompson, news dir; Bill Huffstetler, chief engr WDAV(FM) -Sept 1, 1973: 89.9 mhz; 18.5 w. Ant Rates: $34; 24; 29; 17. 302 ft. Stereo. Davidson College (28036). (704) 892 -2000. Trustees of Davidson College. Net: ABC/ WSOC -FM -1947: 103.7 mhz; 98 kw. Ant 1040 ft. FM. Format: Class. Spec prog: Jazz 12 hrs wkly. Ed WAYS Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: MBS. Format: Mod McIntyre, dir. Adult Contemporary country. Spec prog: Bluegrass 1 hr wkly. Bob Call, mgr WSOC opns -TV affil. Rates: $74; 58; 66: 46. Dobson WAYS(AM) -1941: 610 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -2. Cherry Point 400 Radio Rd. (28216). (704) 392 -6191. 394 -6385. WYZD(AM) -Oct 10, 1978: 1560 khz; 1 kw -D. 131 1/2 Atkin St., SIS Radio Inc. (group owner; acq 5- 18 -65). Rep: East- WCPO(AM) -See Havelock. Box 797 (27017). (919) 386 -8134. Dob- son Bcstg Inc. Net: man. Format: Contemp. Stanley N. Kaplan, pres; APR. Format: C &W, top -40. Spec prog: Farm George Francis, gen mgr; Ben F Mann, nati sls mgr; WMSO(FM) -See Havelock. 6 hrs wkly. John W. Comer, pres & gen mgr; Jack Collins, local sls mgr, Claire Russell Shaffner, Ted Underwood, prog dir; L.V. Wood, chief engr. gen sls mgr; Beau Matthews, prog dir; John Kilgo, Cherryville Rates: $3.50; 3.50; 3.50; - news dir; Don Strawn, chief engr WCSL.(AM) -June 28. 1967: 1590 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 307 (28021). (704) 435 -3297. Mark Media Inc. (acq Dunn WROQ 12- 31 -70). Group owner: Sink Stns. Net: ABC/C. Rep: David Carpenter; Mark Group Sls. Format: Contemp WCKB(AM) -Dec 6, 1946: 780 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Album Rock 431 (28334). (919) 892 -3133. North Carolina Central country. Spec prog: Gospel 5 hrs, farm 1 hr wkly. J. i Bcstrs Inc. APR. Ardell Sink, pres; Remelle K. Sink, exec VP; Larry Net: Format: MOR, oldies. Spec prog: Black 6 hrs, Farm hrs wkly. Roble WROO(FM) -Co -owned with WAYS(AM). July 21, Douglas Cox, gen mgr; Michael Sink, prog mgr; Holly 6 S. Butler, pres & gen, coml & prom mgr; Ron Tart, prog & mus dir; John 1962: 95.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 570 ft. SIS Radio Inc. Sink, off mgr & mus dir; Ralph T. Connor Jr., sls & prom G. Thomas, (acq 10-75). Format: Adult rock. Larry Sprinkle, opns mgr; Stan Woodward, prod & news dir; Jobie Sprinkle, news dir; Bob Jenkins, coml mgr; Toby Johnson, chief engr. Rates: mgr. chief engr. Rates: $6; 5; 5.50; - $3; 3; 3; .3. 17, 1971: 103.1 WBT(AM) -April 10, 1922: 1110 khz; 50 kw-U, DA- WOTI(FM) -May mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Box 1330 N. One Julian Price Place (28208). (704) 374.3751. (28334). (919) 892 -1212. Cum- Clayton berland A &A (acq Jefferson -Pilot Bcstg Co. (group owner; acq 9 -45). Corp. 11- 24 -76). Rep: David Car- penter; Carolina Spot Sales. Format: Btfl mus. Rep: Blair. Format: MOR, C &W. Wally Jorgenson, WHPY(AM) 1590 khz; 5 kw -D, DA -D. Box -1974: Rates: $6; 7; 7; 6. pres; Cullie Tarleton, VP & gen mgr; Andy Bickel, asst 628 (27520). (919) 553-6136. Clayton Bcstg Co. Net: VR asst gen mgr & opns mgr; Larry Rouse, asst gen ABC /C. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs, gospel mgr & gen sls mgr; Scott White, news dir; Richard 13 hrs wkly. Dr. John Denning, pres; Carl Travis Durham Mertz, chief engr. Lamm, gen mgr; Larry Denning, stn mgr; James Crawford, coml mgr; Dave Galloway, news dir; 'WAFR(FM) -Sept 20, 1971: 90.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant WBCY(FM) -Co -owned with WBT(AM). Aug 15, Howard Sugg, chief engr. Rates: $5; 5; 5; -. 150 ft. Box 1166 (27701). (919) 688 -2371. N.C. 1962: 107.9 mhz; 97 kw. Ant ft. Prog from 970 sep AM. Central Univ. Community Radio Workshop Inc. Net: Stereo. Format: AOR. John Lambis, prog dir. NPR. Format: Educl, black. Robert Spruill, pres; WBTV(TV) affil. Clinton Obataiye Akinwole, dir of bcstg. WCOC(AM) -See Belmont. WCLN(AM) -Sept 27, 1975: 1170 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 89 (28328). (919) 592 -6403. Sampson Bcstg Co. Net: WDBS(FM) -May 15, 1971: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 295 ft. Stereo. Box D.S. WEZC(FM) -1972: 104.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1230 ft. ABC /E. Rep: Southern Spot Sales. Format: MOR. 4742 (27706). (919) 684 -3686. WDBS Inc. (acq 5 -71). Format: Prog. Stereo. 137 S. Kings Dr. (28204). (704) 372 -1106. E.Z. Lawrence B. Carr, pres -gen mgr. Rates: $3.75; 3.75; Spec 3.75; 3.75. progs: Class 5 hrs, jazz 7 hrs wkly. Robert Conroy, Communications Inc. (group owner: acq 4- 1 -72). Rep: pres; Kathy Torbet. Format: Easy Lstng -btfl mus. Art Kellar, ores; Cheatwood, gen mgr; Dewitt Long, prog WRRZ(AM) 4, 1947: 880 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 378 dir; Steve Naughton, mus Bob Lee, gen mgr; Jerry White, opns mgr; David Taylor, -May dir; Chris Bruning, coml mgr; chief engr. (28328). (919) 592 -2165. WRRZ Radio Co. (acq James Davis, chief engr. Rates: $17; 14; 17; 14. 6-1-55). Net: NC News, APR. Rep: Tobacco. Format: WDCG(FM)- Listing follows WFAE(FM) -April 18, 1977: 90.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Variety. Spec prog: Farm 10 hrs wkly. George S. WDNC(AM). 240 ft. UNCC Station (28223). (704) 597 -2555. Uni- Walston, gen mgr; David Denton, prog dir; Don Smith, WDNC(AM) -April 9, 1934: 620 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- versity of N.C. at Charlotte. Net: NPR. Format: Classi- prom mgr; Don Smith, news dir; Leah Henry, coml mgr; N, DA -2. Box 2126 (27702). (919) 682 -0318. Durham cal, educ, jazz. Robert Pittman, gen mgr; Paul Strib- Delma Patrick Dixon, chief engr. Rates: $4.50; 4.50; Radio Corp. Net: CBS. Rep: Torbet. Format: MOR. ling, opns dir. 4.50; 4.50. Spec prog: Farm 10 hrs wkly. E.T. Rollins Jr., pres; WRRZ -FM -June 11, 1967: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Howard Wilcox, gen mgr; Joe Nuckols, stn mgr; Ed WGIV(AM) -Dec 13, 1947: 1600 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 Ward, w -N, DA -N. Box 3856 (28203). (704) 333 -0131. New 300 ft. Dups AM 25%. Rates same as AM. coml mgr; Jim Sackett, prog dir; Sam Taylor, news dir; GIV Inc. (acq 9 -74). Net: Nat. Black, APR. Rep: Selcom Barry Hayes, chief engr. Rates: S25; 18; 25; 18. Inc. Format: Black. Ken Goldblatt, gen mgr; Hal Har- Concord rill, coml mgr; Chris Turner, prog dir -mus dir; Bill Ward, news dir; S.K. Lineberger, chief engr Rates: $33; 28; WEGO(AM) -March 5, 1943: 1410 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WDCG(FM) -Co -owned with WDNC(AM). Feb 28, 33; 28. 128 (28025). (704) 786 -9112. Concord -Kannapolis 1948: 105.1 mhz; 36 kw. Ant 380 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 4 %. Bcstg Co. (acq 7- 1 -57). Group owner: Suburban. Net: Stereo. Format: Top -40. Bill James, coml mgr; Don West, WHVN(AM) -Aug 23, 1958: 1310 khz; 1 kw -D, DA- NC News. Rep: Southern Spot Sls. Format: Top 40. prog dir. Rates: $28; 20; 28; 20. D. 5732 N. Tryon St. (704) 596 -1310. WKTC Corp. Robert R. Hilker, pres; Charles A. Hicks, VP & gen mgr; WDUR(AM) -1947: 1 (acq 8- 1 -71). Net: UPI. Format: Christian. George H. Nancy Cooper, coml mgr; Shane Atwell, prog & mus 1490 khz; kw -D, 250 w -N.

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