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In March, she Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Agenda Grant Program. The economic and employment Cyan Marie Butera Marie Butera Huntington Avenue in Mission took over for Richard Rouse, who Revere arm of The Neigh- base by utilizing large-scale Revere arm of The Neigh- base by utilizing large-scale Richard Buttiglieri Hill, taking note of a new pothole retiredand after high a valuenine-year assets tenure. includ- Richard Buttiglieri borhood Developers (TND) and high value assets includ- borhood Developers (TND) Magenta that needs wasto beone fixed, group givenhelping $50,000 “Richard ing Suffolk built Downs,a really Wonder strong- Theresa Conte Theresa Conte was one group given $50,000 ing Suffolk Downs, Wonder- in funding to help establish land, a soon-to-close NECCO local businessin funding owners to helpsecure establish foundation land, a soon-to-closehere which NECCO I’m Dr. Adrian Costanza Dr. Adrian Costanza workforce development ser- plant, and the MassDevelop- a permit, orworkforce working development to drive sergrateful- plant, for,” and Walker the MassDevelop said. “He- vices in Revere to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. Yellow Dorothy Cordaro Dorothy Cordaro vices in Revere to support lo- ment TDI Waterfront District. tourism to the neighborhood's connected with individuals, cal residents to acquire newly The program seeks to un- restaurantscal or residents shops. to acquire newlycommunity The programgroups, seeksdevelopers to un- Gerardo Iannuzzi Gerardo Iannuzzi created jobs. lock community-driven re- “I have acreated passion jobs. for working and smalllock businessescommunity-driven within there- Patricia Muse Patricia Muse Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito along sponses to local obstacles, within the community,”Lt. Gov. Karyn Walker Polito alongneighborhood. sponses toHe local leaves obstacles, a very Black Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Ann Houston of The Neighborhood Developers, State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Ann Houston of The Neighborhood Developers, State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, and promote economic devel- with Housing and Economic and promote economic devel- said. “I havewith been Housing away and from Economic big legacy behind.” Paul Penta, Jr. Bob O' Brien of Revere Economic Department, Mayor Brian ArrigoPaul and Penta,Secretary Jr. of Housing and Bob O' Brien of Revere Economic Department, Mayor Brian Arrigo and Secretary of Housing and Development Secretary Jay opment opportunities through EcomonicDevelopment Development Secretary Jay AshJay at theopment announcement opportunities of thethrough Urban Agenda Grant ProgramMission on Hill for a few years MHMS is a 22-year-old non- Ecomonic Development Jay Ash at the announcement of the UrbanAntonetta Agenda SalamoneGrant Program on Ash came to Revere City Hall partnership-building, problem Antonetta Salamone MondayAsh came morning to Revere in the City Revere Hall City partnership-building,Council Chambers. problem and I came back here to see all profit with a mission “to attract Monday morning in the Revere City Council Chambers. solving, and shared account- to present the check to the solving, and shared account- to present the check to the the positive changes that have and enhance public and private Neighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The Neighborhood Developers. ability in urban centers. The Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 Obituaries Pages 8 + 9 happened and it’s exciting. It investment in the commercial “Our administration under- competitive awards offer flex- “Our administration under- competitive awards offer flex- Realstands theestate importance values of local iblecontinue funding for localto beefforts strong in Reveremakes everydaystands theworthwhile importance for of localdistrict ible and funding foster for communitylocal efforts Real estate values continue to be strong in Revere me, to helpleadership the neighborhood and its impact on that bring together commu- leadership and its impact on that bring together commu- Continued on page 7 INDEPENDENT days on the market in 2016. INDEPENDENT“2017 was a fantastic year By Sue Ellen Woodcock days on the market in 2016. “2017 was a fantastic year the lives of residents,” said nity stakeholders to pursue NEWSPAPER GROUP By Sue Ellen Woodcock NEWSPAPER GROUP the lives of residents,” said nity stakeholders to pursue The number of listings in to be in real estate,” said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economicThe number development of listings iniin - to be in real estate,” said Joe Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. economic development ini- The Revere real estate mar- 2017 also dropped to 265, “The Urban Agenda Grant tiatives. These awards will The Revere real estate mar- 2017 also dropped to 265, Mario of Century 21 Ma- “The Urban Agenda Grant tiatives. These awards will Mario of Century 21 Ma- ket in 2017 was definitely a 10.8fund percent projects down in Boston, from 297Clin - ZakimProgram not relies seekingon the strong fund re-election, projects in Boston, Clin - ket in 2017 was definitely a 10.8 percent down from 297 rio Real Estate. “There’s a Program relies on the strong rio Real Estate. “There’s a good one with higher prices in 2016. The good news for goodpartnerships one with higherbetween prices local in 2016. The good news for partnerships between local $1.5lot ofMILLION confidence FOR and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 lot of confidence and equity See TND GRANT , Page 3 $1.5 MILLION FOR for homes than in 2016, but sellers is that the original list- forgovernment, homes than non-profitsin 2016, but and sellers is that the originalPhoto list- by Keiko Hiromi government, non-profits and NORTHERNin homes. For STRAND 35 years now a drop in the number of new ing price was matched 100 in homes. For 35 yearsfour now candidates seeking seat NORTHERN STRAND a drop in the number of new ing price was matched 100 New Executive Director Ellen Walker with outgoing DirectorCouncillor Richard Robert Rouse Haas during Jr. the Farewell By Sue Ellen Woodcock Councillor Robert Haas Jr. listings, Bymaking Sue Ellen home-buying Woodcock percent of the time. it’s been positive. Now is the listings, making home-buying percent of the time. COMMUNITYPartyit’s been for positive. Mission TRAIL Now Hill is Main the Streets Director Rouse and thetried welcoming to get barriers of newinstalled Executive Director tried to get barriers installed COMMUNITY TRAIL an adventure. The condominium mar- time to sell. Revere isB Ygetting LAUREN BENNETT every turn,” the post stated. “I an adventure. The condominium mar- TheEllentime toExecutive Walker sell. Revere onOffice Tuesday, is getting of MarchFor 26,years at thethe abutters Puddingstone of in 2011 Tavern. and receivedSee Pages no re4- and 5 for more For years the abutters of in 2011 and received no re- The Executive Office of “These are the highest pric- ket saw similar trends with am immensely proud of all that “These are the highest pric- ket saw similar trends withEnergy photos.the overflow and Environmental from the Boston Route 1 have put up with the sponse. the overflow from the Boston Route 1 have put up with the sponse. Energy and Environmental es we’ve seen in the last eight the median sales price at City Councilor Josh Zakim has we have accomplished in three es we’ve seen in the last eight the median sales price atAffairs has approved a $1.5 noise from millions of cars, “We should get more re- market and people are moving noise from millions of cars, “We should get more re- Affairs has approved a $1.5 market and people are moving years,” said Maureen Celata, $315,000, up 16.7 percent announced he is not seeking re- terms on the Council. As chair of years,” said Maureen Celata, $315,000, up 16.7 percentmillion grant regarding the and now some city councillors spect from the state and fed- to Revere. and now some city councillors spect from the state and fed- million grant regarding the to Revere. owner/broker of MCelata Real over 2016.
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