Bibliography 1 ANNEX TO 3.2. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PROCEEDINGS EDITED (including a broad range of contributions for all sub-projects, listed individually under project numbers ) M, BIETAK (ed.), 2000, The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millenium BC. Proceedings of an International Symposium at Schloß Haindorf, 15th–17th of November 1996 and at the Austrian Academy, Vienna, 11th–12th of May 1998, Wien, CChEM 1, Vienna. P. Å STRÖM (ed.), 2001, The Chronology of Base-ring Ware and Bichrome Wheel-made Ware. Proceedings of a Colloquium held in the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, May 18–19 2000, KVHAA Konferenser 54, Stockholm. V. KARAGEORGHIS (ed.), 2001, The White Slip Ware of Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Proceed- ings of an International Conference organized by the Anastasios G. Leventis Foun- dation, Nicosia, in Honour of Malcolm Wiener. Nicosia 29th–30th October 1998, Wien, CChEM 2, Vienna. M. BIETAK (ed.), 2002, The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant. Proceedings of an Inter- national Conference on MB IIA Ceramic Material. Vienna, 24th–26th of January 2001, CChEM 3, Vienna. M. BIETAK (ed.), 2003, The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC. II. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – EuroConference, Haindorf, 2nd of May–7th of May 2001, CChEM 4, Vienna. S. DEGER-JALKOTZY and M. ZAVADIL (eds.), 2003, LH III C Chronology and Synchro- nisms. Proceedings of the international workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, May 7th and 8th, 2001. Wien 2003. S. DEGER-JALKOTZY and I. LEMOS (eds.), 2003, Ancient Greece from the end of the Myce- naean palaces to the Age of Homer. Proceedings of the Third Leventis Conference „From Wanax to Basileus” 21–25 January, 2003. Edinburgh 2006. M. BIETAK and E. CZERNY (eds.), 2004, Scarabs of the Second Millennium BC from Egypt, Nubia, Crete, and the Levant: Chronological and Historical Implications, CChEM 8, Vienna. H. HUNGER and R. PRUZSINSZKY (eds.), 2004, Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited. Pro- ceedings of an International Conference of SCIEM 2000, Vienna 8th–9th of Novem- ber 2002, CChEM 6, Vienna. PETER FISCHER (ed.), 2006, The Chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Tell Deir cAlla . CChEM 12, Vienna. M. BIETAK and E. CZERNY (eds.), 2007, The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the East- ern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC. III. Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – 2nd EuroConference, Vienna, 28th of May–1st of June 2003, CChEM 9, Vienna. F. F ELTEN, W. GAUSS and R. SMETANA (eds.), 2007, Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchro- nisms. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at Salzburg, 31st of October–2nd Novem- ber 2004. Ägina Kolonna, Forschungen und Ergebnisse 1, CChEM 14, Vienna. I. HEIN (ed.), 2007, The Lustrous Wares of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, Conference held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 5th–6th November 2004, CChEM 13, Vienna. 2 SCIEM 2000 September 2008 S. DEGER-JALKOTZY and M, ZAVADIL (eds.), 2007, LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms II: LH IIIC Middle. Proceedings of the international workshop held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, October 29th and 30th, 2004. Wien 2007. P. M ATTHIAE, L. NIGRO, L. PEYRONEL, F. PINNOCK (eds.), 2007, From Relative Chronol- ogy to Absolute Chronology. The Second Millennium BC in Syria Palestine. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Rome 29th November–1st December 2001, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei–Università di Roma <La Sapienza>, Rome. M. BIETAK and E. CZERNY (eds.), 2008, The Bronze Age in the Lebanon. Studies on the Archaeology and Chronology of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. CChEM 17, Vienna. S. DEGER-JALKOTZY and A.E. BÄCHLE (eds.), 2009 in print, LH IIIC Chronology and Synchronisms III. LH IIIC Late and the Transition to the early Iron Age. Proceedings of the International Workshop at the Austrian Academy of Sciences at Vienna, Febru- ary 23rd and 24th, 2007, Veröff. Myken. Komm. (available Feb. 2009) I. HEIN (ed.), 2009 in print, The Formation of Cyprus in the 2nd Millenium B.C. Studies on Regionalism in the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Proceedings of a Workshop, held at the 4th Cyprological Congress, May 2nd 2008. Nicosia, Cyprus, CChEM 21, Vienna. (available Feb. 2009) CONTRIBUTIONS TO SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS 1403 B. BADER, 2003, The Egyptian Jars from Sidon in their Egyptian Context, AHL 18, 31–36. R.S. MERRILLEES, 2003, The First Appearances of Kamares Ware in the Levant, Ä&L 13, 127–142. T. B AGH, 2004, Levantine Painted Ware from the Middle Bronze Age Tombs at Sidon. New Material from the Lebanese Coast, AHL 20, 40–57. C. DOUMET-SERHAL, I. FORSTNER-MÜLLER and K. KOPETZKY, 2006, Egyptain Pottery of the Late 12th and early 13th Dynasty from Sidon, AHL 24. FORSTNER-MÜLLER and K. KOPETZKY, 2006, An Upper Egyptain Import at Sidon, AHL 24. F. H ÖFLMAYER, 2007, Ägyptische Skarabäen auf Kreta und ihre Bedeutung für die absolute Chronologie der minoischen Altpalastzeit (MM IB –MM IIB), Ä&L 17, 107–126 A. HASSLER, 2008 in print, Mykenisches in Amarna – Funde der Deutschen Orient Gesellschaft im Ägyptischen Museum Berlin, Ä&L 18, in print F. H ÖFLMAYER, 2008 in print, Das Ende von SM IB: Naturwissenschaftliche und archäologische Datierung, Ä&L 18, in print A. HASSLER, F. HÖFLMAYER, 2008 in print, Mostagedda 1874 and Gurob 23: Notes on Some Recent Radiocarbon Dates and their Importance for Egyptian Archaeology and Chronology, Ä&L 18, in print 1404 C. PELTZ, P. SCHMID, M. BICHLER, 1999, INAA of Aegean Pumices for the Classifica- tion of Archaeological FIndings, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 242/2, 361–377. Bibliography 3 P. S CHMID, C. PELTZ, V. M. F. HAMMER, E. HALWAX, T. NTAFLOS, P. NAGL, M. BICHLER, 2000, Separation and Analysis of Theran Volcanic Glass by INAA, XRF and EPMA, Mikrochimica Acta 133, 143–149. S. SAMINGER, C. PELTZ, M. BICHLER , 2000, South Aegean Volcanic Glass – Separa- tion and Analysis by INAA and EPMA, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chem- istry 245/2, 375–383. C. PELTZ, M. BICHLER, , 2001, Classification of Archaeologically Stratified Pumice by INAA, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 248/1, 81–87. M. BICHLER, C. PELTZ, S. SAMINGER, M. EXLER, 2002, Aegean Tephra – An Analyti- cal Approach to a Controversy about Chronology, Ä&L 12, 55–70. H. HUBER, M. BICHLER, 2003, Geochemical Correlation of Archaeological Sites Using Tephra from the Minoan Eruption Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53/SA, A439–A453. H. HUBER, M. BICHLER, A. MUSILEK, 2003, Identification of Pumice and volcanic Ash from ArchaeologicalSitesin the Eastern Mediterranean Region Using Chemi- cal Fingerprinting, Ä&L 13. 83–106. M. BICHLER, B. DUMA, H. HUBER, 2004, Application of INAA to reveal the chemical evolution of selected volcanic eruptiva from Santorini, Greece, Journal df Radioana- lytical and Nuclear Chemistry 262/1, 57–65. G. STEINHAUSER, M. BICHLER, G. EIGELSREITER, A. TISCHNER, 2006, Neutron Activa- tion Analysis of Pumice from Lipari, Italy, and the Identification of a Pumice Find from the Excavation at Tel Megadim, Israel Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 267/1, 3–8. G. STEINHAUSER, J. H. STERBA, M. BICHLER, H. HUBER, 2006, Neutron Activation Analysis of Mediterranean Volcanic Rocks – Ananalytical Database for Archaeolog- ical STratigraphy, Applied Geochemistry 21, 1362–1375. J.H. STERBA, G. STEINHAUSER, M. BICHLER, 2006, Application of NAA to Develop a Chemostratigraphy of Volcanic Deposits on Nisyros and Telos, Greece, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56, D283–D289. G. STEINHAUSER, J. H. STERBA, M. BICHLER, 2007, „Chemical Fingerprints“ of Pumice from Cappadocia (Turkey) and Kos (Greece) for Archaeological Applica- tions, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 65, 488–503. G. STEINHAUSER, W. HUJER, J. H. STERBA, R. SEEMANN, M. BICHLER, N. SYMEONIDIS, 2008, On Strontium and Barium Anomalies in the Sediments of Charkadiocave (Tilos Island, Dodekanese, Greece), Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, No. 1, 167–173. G. STEINHAUSER, M. BICHLER, 2008, Adsorption of Ions onto High Silica Volcanic Glass, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 66, 1–8. J. H. STERBA, G. STEINHAUSER, M. BICHLER, 2008, Cation-exchange Properties of Pumice – Taking a Sip from a Volcanic Cocktail, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 276, No. 1, 175–178. 1405 (2004 abgeschlossen) R. PRUZSINSZKY, 2005, Ein bibliographischer Wegweiser zur absoluten mesopotamischen Chronologie des 2. Jts. v. Chr., Ä&L 15, 181–202. 4 SCIEM 2000 September 2008 1407 O. CICHOCKI, 2004, The wooden plank from al-Hourriyeh cave, in: BEAYNO, F., MAT- TAR, CH., ABDUL-NOUR, H., Mgharet al-Hourriyé (Karm Saddé, Caza de Zgharta). Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises BAAL 6, 135 –178, Beyrouth. O. CICHOCKI, 2007/08. Analysis of charcoal samples from Early Bronze Age strata at Tell Arqa, Lebanon. AHL - Archaeology and History in the Lebanon 26–27, 99 –109. 1408 P. S TEIER, W. ROM, S. PUCHEGGER, 2001, New methods and critical aspects in Bayesian mathematics for 14C calibration, Radiocarbon 43/2, 2001, 373–389. C. BRONK RAMSEY, S.W. MANNING, M. GALIMBERTI, 2004, Dating the volcanic erup- tion at Thera, Radiocarbon 46/1,2004, 325–344. P. S TEIER, F. DELLINGER, W. KUTSCHERA, A. PRILLER, W. ROM, E.M. WILD, 2004, Push- ing the precision of 14C AMS, Radiocarbon 46/1, 2004, 5–16. S.W. MANNING, C. BRONK RAMSEY, W. KUTSCHERA, T. HIGHAM, B. KROMER, P. STEIER, E.M. WILD, 2006, Chronology for the Aegean Late Bronze Age 1700–1400 B.C. Sci- ence 312 (2006) 565–569. 1409 I. HEIN, 2001, Bilanz und Untersuchungen zur Keramik aus cEzbet Helmi, speziell Areal H/V, Ä&L 11, 121–147. C. MLINAR, 2001, Die Skarabäen aus dem Grabungsareal A/II-o/14–A/II-p/15 von Tell el-Dabca, Ä&L 11, 223–264.
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