Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders MINING PLAN INCLUDING PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN FOR ROAD METAL & BOULDERS (Under Amended Rule 7 A of APMMC Rules 1966 & Rule 23 (B) of MCDR 1988) (Plan Period: 2017-18 to 2021-22) Over an extent of 2.50 ha. located in Sy. No.122, D.Polavaram Village, Tuni Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh State. Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy S/o Venkata Rama Reddy, Sri Sai Krishna Granite Metal Indutries, Gandi Center, D. Polavaram (V), Tuni (M), East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. INTRODUCTION Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy has a Quarry Lease for Road Metal & Boulders over an extent of 2.50 ha. in Sy. No.122 at D.Polavaram Village, Tuni Mandal, East Godavari District. Assistant Director of Mines and Geology, Rajahmundry has submitted proposals recommending for grant of 1st renewal of quarry lease for Road Metal & Boulders over an extent of 2.50 ha. in the subject area for a period of 10 years. The Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Kakinada has in principle granted the 1st renewal of quarry lease for Road Metal & Boulders over an extent of 2.50 ha in Sy. No.122, D. Polavaram village, Tuni Mandal, East Godavari District, A.P., in favour of , Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy for a period of 10 years vide Proceedings no. 273/Q1/2005 dated 17.03.2015 (copy enclosed as Annexure – I) . Thus, The Lessee has approached Sri Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, Geologist (RQP/NGP/511/2014/A) for preparation of Mining plan for the above mentioned area. Accordingly, Mining plan is prepared as per guidelines issued in Form – T in G.O.Ms. No. 56, Industries & Commerce (M.II) Department, dated 30.04.2016 under Amended Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 1 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders Rule 7 A of APMMC Rules ‘1966 and Progressive Mine Closure Plan under Rule 23 (B) of MCDR 1988 and submitted to the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Kakinada for scrutiny. 2.50 GENERAL Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy S/o Venkata Rama Reddy, 1.1 Name and Address of the Lessee Sri Sai Krishna Granite Metal Indutries, Gandi Center, D. Polavaram (V), Tuni (M), East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Status of the Lessee (Individual/ 1.2 Individual Private Company/ Firm) Mineral (s) which are included in 1.3 Road Metal & Boulders the Letter of Intent Nagisetti Venkateswarlu Name and Details of person RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 1.4 employed for preparing Mining R/o Pratap Nagar, Nagpur, plan Maharashtra Cell: 07720855315 1.5 E-Mail & Website [email protected] RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 1.6 RQP Registration No. & Validity (Valid Upto 30.10.2024) 2.50 Location and Accessibility Lease Details: 1 Village D.Polavaram 2 Mandal Tuni 3 District East Godavari 4 State Andhra Pradesh 5 Survey No. 122 6 Extent 2.50 ha Ownership of 7 Govt. Land Occupancy Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 2 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders GCP LATITUDE LONGITUDE 1 17°24'28.81"N 82°31'32.97"E 8 Geo Co-ordinates 2 17°24'25.38"N 82°31'33.54"E 3 17°24'22.10"N 82°31'25.77"E 4 17°24'25.34"N 82°31'25.27"E The quarry lease area is located at a distance of Location of the area 2.6 km due N of D.Polavaram village. The 9 and approach location of the area is indicated in Key Cum Location Map (Plate - I). The Cadastral Map certified by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Rajahmundry in favour of Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy, is given as Plate No. II. Google image of Quarry Lease area is shown below: 2.1 Period of Quarry lease =10 years Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 3 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders 3.0 Infrastructure and Communication The ground water level is 40-45 m Below Ground Level (BGL). Availability of The agricultural fields in the surrounds of the quarry lease area Water are irrigated by the canal water and ground water by using bore wells. Availability of Electricity is available in the surrounding villages. Electricity Communication Tele Communications facility is available at D.Polavaram Village. Network The subject area can be approached from Narsipatnam road Road Network which is passing at a distance of 0.8 km W of the lease area. Nearest Rail Head Tuni Railway Station is about 6.5 km due SE from the lease area. Port Facility Kakinada Port is about 60km from the site. Primary School Education is available at D.Polavaram village. School Higher Education is available at Tuni. Registered Pvt. Medical Practitioner is available at Tuni. Medical Facility Doctors, Nursing Homes & Hospitals are available at Tuni. Boundaries North Agricultural lands South Barren land East Barren land West Barren land Agriculture is important occupation of the local people. Further good potential exists for the employment of unskilled laborers in the existing Road Metal & Boulders quarries and allied small/medium scale industries. The area is falling in the zone of semi-arid climatic conditions with an average annual rainfall around 1100 mm. The local day temperature varies from 25° C in November to 48° C in April & May months. The general wind direction reported is SW to NE and SE to NW. Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 4 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders Details of Approved Mining Plan, if any No Mining plan was approved earlier. The Present Mining plan is for assessment of the quarry activity, Reserve Estimation, Proposed Method of Mining, Environment Management Plan including Reclamation and Rehabilitation measures to be adopted. Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 5 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders PART – A 2.50 General Details of the area/ Mining Lease: Topography 1 Topography The Quarry lease area is semi undulated land. The Eastern part of the lease area has a maximum RL 75 m and minimum RL of 35 m observed. Surface relief in QL area is 40m. ABM is fixed as 73 m RL at Boundary Pillar No. 2. 2 Drainage Sub-Dendritic Pattern in N-S 3 Vegetation The quarry lease area is part of the hill slope with some shrubs are observed within the QL area where very little soil exists. 4 Climate The quarry lease area is falling under hot to subtropical with very hot summer. The temperature recorded in this area is 25°C in winter and about 48°C in summer seasons. The wind direction is in SW to NE. 5 Rainfall The average annual rainfall is 1100mm 6 Soil Type The predominant soils in the area are red clayey soil and lateritic soil. Lateritic soils, deep reddish in colour, but differ from red soils in composition and are characterized by free drainage condition and acidic in reaction. 7 Land use pattern The lease area is located on the hill slope. Sparse vegetation like shrubs & bushes and is surrounded by barren lands. Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 6 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders 2.50 Geology and Exploration a) Brief descriptions of Regional Geology with reference to location of lease area. Regionally the lease area forms part of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt exposing all the characteristic litho units such as Khondalites, Chornockites and Migmatite. The Khondalite group is represented by Khondalite (Quartz-Feldspar-Garnet-Sillimanite- Graphite Gneiss), calc granulite Quartzite which occur as impersistant bands within the Khondalite. The geological succession is given below Geolological Succession Age Syste m Formation Lithology Recent - Sub- Alluvium Gravel, Sand, silt and clay, Recent Laterite Unconformity Mio-Pliocene Rajahmundry Conglomerate ferruginous, gritty, variegated, sandstone and clays Upper Deccan Traps Basalt, inter trappean beds and Cretaceous to intra trappean marl and shale Lower Eocene Lower Upper Tirupathi Gritty and ferruginous cretaceous to Gondw Raghavapura sandstone and clays Lower Triassic ana m system Raghavapura Sandstone, shale and m Conglomerate Gollapalli Sandstone and shales Lower Chintalapudi Sandstone shale and clays Gondw ana Unconformity Archaean Khondalites, Charnockites Granites and Gneisses Prepared by Nagisetti Venkateswarlu, RQP/NGP/511/2014/A 7 Lessee: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy Mining plan for Road Metal & Boulders b) Detailed description of Geology of the lease area The Quarry Lease area forms part of the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt and the rock type is Khondalite group represented by Khondalite (Quartz-Feldspar-Garnet-Sillimanite- Graphite), Calc Granulite and Quartz which occur as impersistent bands within the Khondalite. Litho-facies map of the area had been prepared on 1:1000 scale. The distinct mappable litho-units have been differentiated, traced and plotted in the Surface Geological Plan (enclosed as Plate III). c) Details of Quarry Lease Holder: Sri Sabbella Gopi Ramakrishna Reddy S/o Venkata Rama Reddy, Sri Sai Krishna Granite Metal Indutries, Gandi Center, D. Polavaram (V), Tuni (M), East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. d) Details of Prospecting carried out No prospecting operations were conducted; the quarry operations are active in the neighboring areas. e) Surface plan area on 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000 scale Topographical Survey The baseline is considered from the GPS reading in co-relation with Toposheet contours, the levels were taken using total station of LEICA with 5 cm accuracy covering the total area.
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