Species Diversity Selections Spring Grove Nursery At Spring Grove Nursery, we are proud to have a diverse & superior selection of tree species growing in our nursery. We work very hard to select a mix of trees that are well suited for our landscape while at the same time offer a unique palate of colors & textures throughout the seasons. Our tree mix changes a bit every season, and we are always looking for new varieties to add to our nursery. We seek out the best liner suppliers to partner with so that we can insure that the trees we plant are of the best quality & heritage. Some of the trees on our list are ready to dig & sell now, and some are still growing in the field. Please check with us for the most current availability with pricing. SHADE & ORNAMENTAL TREES ACER / MAPLE Amur Flame Maple Sun Valley Red Maple Autumn Fantasy Maple A. ginnala 'Flame' A. rubrum 'Sun Valley' A. x freemanii 'DTR-102' State Street Maple Crescendo Sugar Maple AESCULUS / BUCKEYE A. miyabei 'Morton' A. saccharum 'Morton' Yellow Buckeye A. octandra Rugged Ridge Maple Commemoration Sugar Maple A. miyabei 'JFS-KW3AMI' A. saccharum 'Commemoration' Early Glow Ohio Buckeye A. glabra ‘JN Select’ Deborah Norway Maple Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple A. platanoides 'Deborah' A. saccharum 'Bailsta' AESCULUS /HORSECHESTNUT Fort McNair Horsechestnut Emerald Lustre Norway Maple Hot Wings Maple A. x carnea 'Fort McNair' A. platanoides 'Pond' A. tataricum 'GarAnn' Autumn Spendor Horsechestnut Korean Maple Pacific Sunset Shantung Maple A. x arnoldiana 'Autumn Splendor' A. pseudosieboldianum A. truncatum x A. platanoides 'Warrenred' ALNUS / ALDER Redpointe Red Maple Spaeth’s Alder A. rubrum 'Frank Jr' Crimson Sunset Maple A. x spaethii A. truncatum x A. platanoides Red Sunset Red Maple 'JFS-KW202' AMELANCHIER/SERVICEBERRY A. rubrum 'Franksred' Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Urban Sunset Maple A. x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' Armstrong Gold Maple A. truncatum x A. platanoides A. rubrum ‘JFS-KW78’ 'JFS-KW187' BETULA / BIRCH River Birch Burgundy Belle Red Maple Autumn Blaze Maple B. nigra A. rubrum 'Burgundy Belle' A. x freemanii 'Jeffersred' Heritage River Birch October Glory Red Maple Celebration Maple B. nigra 'Cully' A. rubrum 'October Glory' A. x freemanii 'Celzam' Call us at 815.448.2097 or find out more about us at www.SpringGroveNursery.com Spring Grove Nursery Species Diversity Selections BETULA / BIRCH CLADRASTIS / YELLOWWOOD JUGLANS / BUTTERNUT Dakota Pinnacle Birch Perkins Pink Yellowwood Butternut B. platyphylla 'Fargo' C. kentukea ‘Perkins Pink’ J. cinerea Whitespire Birch CORNUS / DOGWOOD LIQUIDAMBAR / SWEETGUM B. populifolia 'Whitespire' Pagoda Dogwood Moraine Sweetgum C. alternifolia L. styraciflua ‘Moraine’ CARPINUS / HORNBEAM Pyramidal European Hornbeam Golden Glory Dogwood Worpelsdon Sweetgum C. betulus 'Fastigiata' C. mas ‘Golden Glory’ L. styraciflua ‘Worpelsdon’ Frans Fontaine Hornbeam CORYLUS / FILBERT Slender Silhouette Sweetgum C. betulus 'Frans Fontaine' Turkish Filbert L. stryaciflua ‘Slender Silhouette’ C. corlurna Emerald Avenue Hornbeam LIRIODENDRON / TULIPTREE C. betulus '’JFS-KW1CB’ CRATAEGUS / HAWTHORN Tulip Tree Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn L. tulipifera American Hornbeam C. crusgalli v. inermis C. caroliniana Emerald City Tulip Tree C. virdis 'Winter King' L. tulipifera ‘JFS-Oz’ Firespire American Hornbeam Winter King Hawthorn C. caroliniana ‘JN Upright’ Arnold Tulip Tree EUCOMMIA / HARDY RUBBER L. tulipifera ‘Arnold’ Fire King American Hornbeam TREE C. caroliniana ‘JN Select A’ Hardy Rubber Tree MAACKIA / AMUR MAACKIA E. ulmoides Amur Maackia CATALPA M.amurensis Purple Catalpa GINKGO C. x erubescens ‘Purpurea’ Windover Gold Ginkgo MACLURA / OSAGE ORANGE G. biloba ‘Windover Gold’ White Shield Osage Orange Northern Catalpa M.pomifera ‘White Shield’ C. speciosa Princeton Sentry Ginkgo G. biloba ‘Princeton Sentry’ MAGNOLIA Heartland Catalpa Butterflies Cucumbertree C. speciosa ‘Hiawatha 2’ GLEDITSIA / HONEYLOCUST Magnolia Skyline Honeylocust M.acuminata ‘Butterflies’ CELTIS / HACKBERRY G. triacanthos 'Skycole' Common Hackberry MALUS / CRABAPPLE C. occidentalis Street Keeper Honeylocust Golden Raindrops, Prairifire, G. triacanthos ‘Street Keeper’ Profusion, Red Jewel, Royal Chicagoland Hackberry Raindrops, Sargent, Spring Snow, C. occidentalis 'Chicagoland' GYMNOCLADUS / KENTUCKY Show Time, Sargent Tina, Firebird COFFEE TREE Prairie Sentinel Hackberry Kentucky Coffee Tree METASEQUOIA / DAWN C. occidentalis ‘JFS-KSU1’ G. dioicus REDWOOD Dawn Redwood CERCIDIPHYLLUM / KATSURA Espresso Kentucky Coffee M. glyptostroboides Red Fox Katsura Tree G. dioicus ‘Espresso’ C. japonicum ‘Rotfuchs’ NYSSA / TUPELO True North Kentucky Coffee Afterburner Black Tupelo CERCIS / REDBUD G. dioicus ‘UMN Synergy’ N. sylvatica ‘David Odum’ Eastern Redbud C. canadensis HAMAMELIS / WITCHHAZEL Northern Splendor Black Tupelo Vernal Witchhazel N. sylvatica ‘Northern Splendor’ H. vernalis Call us at 815.448.2097 or find out more about us at www.SpringGroveNursery.com Spring Grove Nursery Species Diversity Selections OSTRYA / HOPHORNBEAM American Hophornbeam Hills Oak Ivory Pillar Tree Lilac O. virginiana Q. ellipsoidalis S. reticulata ‘Ivory Pillar’ PARROTIA Shingle Oak Ivory Silk Tree Lilac Ruby Vase Parrotia Q. imbricaria S. reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’ P. persica ‘Inge’ Bur Oak TAXODIUM / BALDCYPRESS PLATANUS / LONDON Q. macrocarpa Bald Cypress PLANETREE T. distichum P x acerifolia ‘Morton Circle’ Urban Pinnacle Oak Exclamation London Planetree Q. macrocarpa ‘JFS-KW3’ Shawnee Brave Bald Cypress T. distichum ‘Shawnee Brave’ POPULUS / ASPEN Cobblestone Oak Quaking Aspen Q. macrocarpa ‘JFS-KW14’ Green Whisper Bald Cypress P. tremuloides T. distichum ‘JFS-SGPN’ Chinkapin Oak Swedish Columnar Aspen Q. muehlenbergii TILIA / LINDEN P. tremula ‘Erecta’ Redmond Linden Crimson Spire Oak T. americana 'Redmond' PRUNUS / CHERRY Q. robur x Q. alba ‘Crimschmidt’ Little Twist Cherry American Sentry Linden P. incisa ‘Little Twist’ Streetspire Oak T. americana ‘McKSentry’ Q. robur x Q. alba ‘JFS-KW1QX’ Canada Red Chokecherry Greenspire Linden P. virginiana ’Canada Red’ Regal Prince Oak T. cordata 'Greenspire' Q. robur x Q. bicolor ‘Long’ Pink Flair Cherry Green Mountain Silver Linden P. sargentii ‘JFS-KW58’ Kindred Spirit Oak T. tomentosa ‘Green Mountain’ Q. robur x Q. bicolor ‘Nadler’ PYRUS / ORNAMENTAL PEAR ULMUS / ELM Aristocrat Pear Heritage Oak Princeton American Elm P. calleryana 'Aristocrat' Q. robur x Q. macrocarpa U. americana ‘Princeton’ ‘Clemons’ Cleveland Select Pear Jefferson American Elm P. calleryana 'Cleveland Select' Red Oak U. americana ‘Jefferson’ Q. rubra Trinity Pear Accolade Elm P. calleryana ‘Trinity’ Scarlet Letter Oak U. japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton' Q. x ‘Scarlet letter’ Jack Pear Triumph Elm P. calleryana ‘Jaczam’ ROBINIA / BLACK LOCUST U.'Morton Glossy' Purple Robe Black Locust QUERCUS / OAK R. pseudoacacia ‘Purple Robe’ New Horizon Elm White Oak U. japonica x pumila ‘New Horizon’ Q. alba SALIX / WILLOW Niobe Weeping Willow Emerald Sunshine Elm Swamp White Oak S. alba ‘Tristis’ U.propinqua ‘JFS-Bieberich’ Q. bicolor SYRINGA / LILAC Frontier Elm American Dream Oak Beijing Gold Tree Lilac U. 'Frontier' Q. bicolor ‘JFS-KW12’ S. pekinensis ‘Zhang Zhiming’ Beacon Oak Great Wall Tree Lilac Q. bicolor ‘Bonnie and Mike’ S. pekinensis ‘WFH2’ Call us at 815.448.2097 or find out more about us at www.SpringGroveNursery.com Spring Grove Nursery Species Diversity Selections EVERGREEN TREES PICEA / SPRUCE Norway Spruce P. abies Tried & True Selections Black Hills Spruce Spring Grove Nursery P. glauca ‘Densata’ Colorado Green Spruce Here is a highlighted list of trees we have found to perform P. pungens well in our nursery and in the landscape. These trees thrive in our fields despite the extreme climate fluctuations we Colorado Blue Spruce have experienced in recent years. We are always evaluating P. pungens var. glauca which selections seem to flourish despite a wide range of extremes, yet still offer ornamental interest in the Blue Diamond Colorado Blue landscape. Everything we grow here at the nursery is worth Spruce P. pungens var. glauca ‘Blue merit, or we wouldn’t grow it! These are just a few Diamond’ selections that have caught our attention in recent years: Fat Albert Colorado Blue Spruce • Redpointe Red Maple P. pungens var. glauca ‘Fat Albert’ • State Street Maple PINUS / PINE • Sun Valley Red Maple Vanderwolf’s Pyramid Pine • Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple P. flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ • Pacific Sunset Maple • Dakota Pinnacle Birch White Pine • Dakota Pinnacle Birch P. strobus • American Hornbeam • Northern Catalpa THUJA / ARBORVITAE • Common Hackberry Techny Arborvitae T. occidentalis ‘Techny’ • Eastern Redbud • Perkins Pink Yellowwood Nigra Arborvitae • Streetkeeper Honeylocust T. occidentalis ‘Techny’ • Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree Emerald Green Arborvitae • Royal Raindrops Crabapple T. occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ • Exclamation London Planetree • Swamp White Oak • American Dream Oak • Regal Prince & Kindred Spirit Oak • Streetspire Oak • Shingle Oak • Heritage Oak • Bald Cypress • Princeton American Elm • Triumph Elm • Vanderwolf’s Pyramid Pine Call us at 815.448.2097 or find out more about us at www.SpringGroveNursery.com .
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