Linear Transformations on Affine-Connections Damianos Iosifidis Institute of Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece∗ We state and prove a simple Theorem that allows one to generate invariant quantities in Metric- Affine Geometry, under a given transformation of the affine connection. We start by a general functional of the metric and the connection and consider transformations of the affine connection possessing a certain symmetry. We show that the initial functional is invariant under the aforemen- tioned group of transformations iff its Γ-variation produces tensor of a given symmetry. Conversely if the tensor produced by the Γ-variation of the functional respects a certain symmetry then the functional is invariant under the associated transformation of the affine connection. We then apply our results in Metric-Affine Gravity and produce invariant actions under certain transformations of the affine connection. Finally, we derive the constraints put on the hypermomentum for such invariant Theories. I. INTRODUCTION restrictions on the hypermomentum. The most common example of the later being the projective invariance of the The geometric structure of a manifold, of a generic di- Einstein-Hilbert action [7, 10, 14–16] which implies that mension n, is specified once a metric g and an affine con- the hypermomentum has an identically vanishing trace nection are given. Then, the manifold is denoted as when contracted in its first two indices. Therefore we ( , g, ∇) and in general possesses curvature, torsion and see that connection transformations are very interesting non-metricity.M ∇ Setting both torsion and non-metricity to and Gravitational actions that are invariant under cer- zero, one recovers the so-called Riemannian Geometry[1] tain groups of transformations of the affine connection which is completely characterized by the metric alone will have associated matter actions that should also re- 1. It is also possible to impose vanishing curvature spect that symmetry. It is the purpose of this article and non-metricity and obtain the well known teleparallel to study such connection transformations and their rel- scheme sourced by torsion[2]. Yet another possibility is evance with functional invariance. More specifically, we to impose vanishing curvature and torsion and allow only state and prove a Theorem that relates the invariance of for non-metricity to arrive to a symmetric teleparallel a functional, under certain transformations of the affine geometry[3, 4]. More generally, imposing only vanishing connection, with the symmetries of the tensor obtained curvature one obtains a generalized teleparallel geome- by the Γ-variation of the functional. try admitting both torsion and non-metricity[5]. Letting The paper is organized as follows. We first define the all the above geometrical properties of the manifold un- basic geometrical objects of a non-Riemannian Geome- constrained we are in the realm of a non-Riemannian try. Then we discuss general and special transformations Geometry[6]. The corresponding Gravity Theory that is of the affine connection and introduce the nomenclature described by such a generalized geometry is called Metric- and the definitions that we are going to be using through- Affine Gravity(MAG)[7–10] and admits both torsion and out. We then state and prove our Theorem and derive non-metricity along with curvature. three corollaries that follow immediately. Finally, we dis- Metric-Affine Gravity provides a well motivated and cuss the applications of the Theorem in Metric-Affine important generalization of General Relativity, where the Gravity and we show how it can be used to derive invari- intrinsic properties of matter like spin, shear and dilation ant Gravity actions under connection transformations. arXiv:1911.04535v2 [gr-qc] 10 Mar 2020 contribute to the Gravitational field through the hyper- In particular we reproduce the results for the projective momentum tensor[11]. In the same manner that the en- invariant quadratic (in torsion and non-metricity) action ergy momentum tensor induces curvature, the hypermo- of [17] and we also derive the constraints for an enhanced mentum induces torsion and non-metricity which setup invariance. Considering a general class of MAG Theories a non-Riemannian arena for Gravity. Interesting models we see how the invariance of the Gravity action under of matter with hypermomentum (hyperfluids) have been certain transformations of the connection, imposes con- proposed in [12, 13] and their Cosmological implications straints on the sources and more specifically on the form are well worth investigating. We should note that if the of the hypermomentum. We then conclude our results Gravitational action is invariant under a certain trans- and also discuss other possible applications. formation of the affine connection, this invariance gives II. GEOMETRICAL OBJECTS ∗ diosifi[email protected] The structure of a manifold is determined by the met- 1 As it is well known, in this case the connection is the Levi-Civita ric tensor gµν which measures distances, defines dot prod- and it is completely determined by the metric tensor and its ucts and raises and lowers indices and also by the affine derivatives. connection Γλ (oftentimes denoted just by ) which µν ∇ 2 defines the parallel transfer of tensor fields through co- metric tensor is not covariantly conserved, and exactly variant differentiation. In our conventions the covariant this incompatibility3 defines the non-metricity tensor derivative of, say, a (1, 1) type tensor reads Qαµν = αgµν (11) µ µ λ µ µ λ −∇ αT = ∂αT Γ T +Γ T (1) ∇ ν ν − να λ λα ν We can then contract the above in two independent ways, Continuing, we define the torsion tensor as the antisym- to get the two non-metricity vectors metric part of the affine connection µν αµ Qα := Qαµν g , qν = Qαµν g (12) S λ := Γλ (2) µν [µν] The former goes by the name Weyl vector, while the lat- which naturally arises by acting the antisymmetrized co- ter does not seem to have a particular name in the liter- variant derivative on a scalar ature. The general non-Riemannian space that has all of its geometrical objects unconstrained will be denoted as λ [µ ν]φ = Sµν λφ (3) Ln. In what follows we consider connection transforma- ∇ ∇ ∇ tions and expand on the tools we are going to use for the Letting the latter operator act on a vector uµ we obtain Theorem. µ µ µ ν ν µ [ α, β]u =2 u = R u +2S ν u ∇ ∇ ∇[α∇β] ναβ αβ ∇ (4) III. LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS OF AFFINE where CONNECTION Rµ := 2∂ Γµ + 2Γµ Γρ (5) ναβ [α |ν|β] ρ[α |ν|β] A general shift transformation of the affine connection is the so-called Riemann or Curvature tensor and the λ λ λ Γ µν Γ µν + N µν (13) horizontal bars around an index denote that this index is −→ λ left out of the (anti)-symmetrization. In non-Riemannian where N µν is a type (1, 2) tensor, induces changes on Geometries the only symmetry of the curvature tensor is the various geometrical objects of an Ln. For instance, antisymmetry in its last two indices as it is obvious by torsion and non-metricity change according to its definition. Without the use of any metric, we can construct the two independent contractions Sµνα Sµνα + Nα[µν] (14) −→ µ ˆ µ Rνβ := R νµβ , Rαβ := R µαβ (6) Qναµ Qναµ +2N (15) −→ (αµ)ν The former defines as usual the Ricci tensor while the respectively. Two immediate results of the above are latter is frequently refereed to as homothetic curvature the following; any transformation of the form (13) with and is of purely non-Riemannian origin. Once a metric N = 0 preserves torsion and any transformation of is given2 we can form yet another contraction α[µν] the form (13) with N(αµ)ν = 0 preserves non-metricity. Rˇλ := Rλ gµν (7) It is also obvious there there is no transformation of the κ µνκ affine connection that preserves both torsion and non- However, the Ricci scalar is still uniquely defined since metricity at the same time. In addition, under the con- nection transformation (13) the Riemann tensor trans- µν µν µν R := Rµν g = Rˇµν g , Rˆµν g = 0 (8) forms as − Going back to the torsion tensor, by contraction in the Rµ Rµ +2 N µ (16) ναβ −→ ναβ ∇[α |ν|β] last two indices we may define the torsion vector λ µ µ λ 2Sαβ N νλ +2N λ[αN |ν|β] λ − Sµ := S (9) µλ λ where µ and Sαβ are the covariant derivative and the which exists for arbitrary space dimension-n. For n =4 torsion∇ tensor computed with respect to the initial con- λ in particular we can also define the torsion pseudo-vector nection Γ µν . Let us now discuss vectorial transformations. In any ˜ αβγ Sµ := ǫµαβγ S (10) dimension, there exist three independent such transfor- mations4 where ǫµαβγ is the d dimensional totally antisymmet- − λ λ λ ric Levi-Civita tensor. Now, for generic geometries the Γ Γ + δ ξν (17) µν −→ µν µ 2 3 λ There are also the purely affine models where no notion of a If ∇αgµν = 0 for some connection Γ µν the metric is said to be metric is required[18, 19]. For applications of the later to inflation compatible with the connection. 4 the reader may consult [20] and references therein. Here ξµ, ζµ, and χµ are arbitrary one forms. 3 λ λ λ Γ µν Γ µν + δν ζµ (18) The above definition shall become clear with the fol- −→ lowing example. λ λ λ Example. Let Nαµν be a tensor that is symmetric in its Γ Γ + χ gµν (19) µν −→ µν first two indices, we then have which we shall call transformation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nαµν = SˆN Nαµν = N αµ ν (25) kind respectively.
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