S7024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 17, 2020 Senate the pending cloture motion, NOT VOTING—5 firmation process during that same 42- which the clerk will state. Alexander Harris Warren year period. I can’t think of any other The legislative clerk read as follows: Grassley Scott (FL) Utahan in the history of our State who CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this has had anywhere near the kind of im- vote, the yeas are 51, the nays are 44. pact on the Federal judiciary as Sen- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ator Hatch. It is not just that he served ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The motion is agreed to. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby f on the committee throughout that time period that confirmed judicial move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR nation of Toby Crouse, of Kansas, to be nominees, whether to Federal district United States District Judge for the District The clerk will report the nomination. courts, to the courts of appeals, or to of Kansas. The legislative clerk read the nomi- the Supreme Court—he certainly did Mitch McConnell, James E. Risch, Joni nation of Toby Crouse, of Kansas, to be have a lot of impact there—but his im- Ernst, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Crapo, United States District Judge for the pact even went further than that, you James Lankford, Thom Tillis, Roy District of Kansas. see, because he sought to be a mentor Blunt, Roger F. Wicker, Pat Roberts, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mike Rounds, John Cornyn, John to people interested in the law and in Hoeven, Jerry Moran, Lamar Alex- ator from Utah. public policy everywhere. His service ander, Mike Braun, David Perdue. f had an impact certainly on me as one The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ORRIN G. HATCH UNITED STATES of countless lawyers and other people imous consent, the mandatory quorum COURTHOUSE interested in law and public policy in call has been waived. this country. Mr. LEE. Madam President, as in leg- I remember watching proudly and The question is, Is it the sense of the islative session, I ask unanimous con- with great admiration as he conducted Senate that debate on the nomination sent that the Senate proceed to the im- himself as a member of the Senate Ju- of Toby Crouse, of Kansas, to be United mediate consideration of S. 4902, which diciary Committee during the Robert States District Judge for the District was introduced earlier today. Bork confirmation hearings. He had a of Kansas, shall be brought to a close? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The certain commitment to the rule of law The yeas and nays are mandatory clerk will report the bill by title. and to fundamental fairness that would under the rule. The senior assistant legislative clerk be owed to anyone nominated to that The clerk will call the roll. read as follows: or any other judicial position, and he The legislative clerk called the roll. A bill (S. 4902) to designate the United was willing to make sure that the Sen- Mr. THUNE. The following Senators States courthouse located at 351 South West ate did its job and that it didn’t get are necessarily absent: the Senator Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, as the mired in the politics of the day. ‘‘Orrin G. Hatch United States Courthouse’’. from Tennessee (Mr. ALEXANDER), the He had a great quote on this topic. Senator from Iowa (Mr. GRASSLEY), and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without He said: ‘‘Politics must not undermine the Senator from Florida (Mr. SCOTT). objection, the Senate will proceed to the principles and standards we apply Further, if present and voting, the the measure. to every judicial nomination.’’ The Senator from Utah. Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ALEX- I watched over the years, in part, be- Mr. LEE. Madam President, this is ANDER) would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ the cause I had first seen him participate legislation that would name the Fed- Senator from Iowa (Mr. GRASSLEY) in the Bork hearings. That got me in- would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ and the Sen- eral courthouse in Salt Lake City, terested in the Senate. In part, because which was completed a few years ago, ator from Florida (Mr. SCOTT) would of that example, that got me interested have voted ‘‘yea.’’ after my friend and former colleague as a teenager to apply to be a Senate and also a longtime mentor of mine, Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the page. I later became a Senate page, ap- Senator Orrin G. Hatch. Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS), pointed by Senator Hatch. I got to see Senator Hatch, long before he be- and the Senator from Massachusetts him carry out his activities as a mem- came a statesman, was a lawyer—and (Ms. WARREN) are necessarily absent. ber of the Senate Judiciary Com- not just any lawyer, he was a lawyer’s mittee. And from then on, I always The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 51, lawyer. He was really good. He received watched with careful attention when nays 44, as follows: the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV he was handling a judicial confirma- [Rollcall Vote No. 234 Ex.] rating as a litigator. His skills as a liti- tion hearing. YEAS—51 gator were so good that they helped I watched through the years as he Barrasso Fischer Paul convince some of his friends and neigh- handled the nomination hearings of in- Blackburn Gardner Perdue bors that he ought to seek public of- dividuals including: Justice Thomas, Blunt Graham Portman fice. The first public office he sought as Justice Ginsburg, and, later, Justice Boozman Hawley Risch Braun Hoeven Roberts an elected official was to the U.S. Sen- Alito, my former boss. In each in- Burr Hyde-Smith Romney ate. He was elected in 1976. stance, he treated judicial nominees Capito Inhofe Rounds He then served in the U.S. Senate and literally hundreds of others like Cassidy Johnson Rubio Collins Kennedy Sasse from 1977 all the way up until 2019. them with dignity and respect but also Cornyn Lankford Scott (SC) During that 42-year time period, Sen- with the amount of thorough attention Cotton Lee Shelby ator Hatch had a profound impact not that lifetime appointment to the Fed- Cramer Loeffler Sullivan only on the U.S. Senate and his col- eral judiciary demands. Crapo Manchin Thune Cruz McConnell Tillis leagues here—and he certainly did; he In addition to this, he also liked to Daines McSally Toomey was a friend to everyone who knew try to foster in others a genuine inter- Enzi Moran Wicker him—but he also had a much broader est in the law. I remember, when I was Ernst Murkowski Young impact, one that will have far-reach- serving as a law clerk to Federal Dis- NAYS—44 ing, lasting, durable impacts on the trict Judge Dee Benson in Salt Lake Baldwin Hassan Rosen Federal court system. City—one of the brightest and most ca- Bennet Heinrich Sanders I took a look at a list of all Federal pable jurists ever to serve on the Fed- Blumenthal Hirono Schatz district judges—the trial court judges eral bench, whether in Utah or any- Booker Jones Schumer who have served on the Federal bench where else. He was a good friend, long- Brown Kaine Shaheen Cantwell King Sinema from Utah ever since our statehood. time ally and confidant of Senator Cardin Klobuchar Smith There are only about 20 people on that Hatch’s. I remember, while I was clerk- Carper Leahy Stabenow Casey Markey list. All but five of those came on to ing for Judge Benson, right after I Tester Coons Menendez the court either during or right after; graduated from law school, Senator Udall Cortez Masto Merkley Van Hollen in other words, with some input—sig- Hatch came by and just held a round- Duckworth Murphy nificant input from Senator Hatch. table discussion with all the Federal Durbin Murray Warner Feinstein Peters Whitehouse Senator Hatch has also been a part of judges. He not only seemed but was in Gillibrand Reed Wyden every judicial nomination in the con- fact conversant on all kinds of issues of VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:37 Nov 18, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17NO6.015 S17NOPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE November 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7025 the law—not just the hot-button issues The bill (S. 4902) was ordered to be fits, funding for the food stamps—the that people think of when they watch engrossed for a third reading, was read SNAP program? Our country is in des- the news, but he was delving into ar- the third time, and passed as follows: perate need of help, and they are cane details of the law that really S. 4902 counting on us. made me proud to have him rep- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- You would think a crisis of this scale resenting me in the U.S. Senate from resentatives of the United States of America in would be the first order of business for the State of Utah. Congress assembled, the Republican-controlled Senate this I got to know Senator Hatch even SECTION 1. ORRIN G. HATCH UNITED STATES week. Yet, while this pandemic con- better after I got elected to the Senate, COURTHOUSE. tinues to rage, too many Republicans and he and I had the opportunity to (a) DESIGNATION.—The United States court- in Congress refuse to even come to the work together as colleagues.
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