Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 1 of 21 Page ID #:1 1 KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP DENNIS L. WILSON (State Bar No. 155407) 2 [email protected] DAVID K. CAPLAN (State Bar No. 181174) 3 [email protected] CAROLINE Y. BARBEE (State Bar No. 239343) 4 [email protected] 9720 Wilshire Blvd PH 5 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2018 Telephone: 310-248-3830 6 Facsimile: 310-860-0363 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC. 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 11 WESTERN DIVISION 12 13 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC., CASE NO. _______________ 14 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR: 15 v. (1) DIRECT FEDERAL 16 JOHN DOE 1 d/b/a Kopa Mayweather COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (17 d/b/a <Livestreamhdq.com>; 17 U.S.C. §§ 411(c), 501, et seq.); <mayweathervsmcgregor.livestreamhdq.c 18 om>; (2) CONTRIBUTORY FEDERAL 19 <mayweathermcgregor.livestreamhdq.co COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (17 m>; U.S.C. §§ 411(c), 501, et seq.); 20 <mcgregorvsmayweather.livestreamhdq.c 21 om>; and JOHN DOE 2 d/b/a Mickel (3) VICARIOUS FEDERAL Edwards d/b/a COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (17 22 <Floydmayweatherconormcgregor.us>; U.S.C. §§ 411(c), 501, et seq.); 23 <Floydmayweathervsconormcgregorfight. us>;<Floydmayweathervsmcgregor.us>;< 24 Mayweathermcgregorfight.us>;<Mayweat 25 hermcgregorlivefight.us>;<Mayweathervs conorlive.us>;<Mayweathervsconormcgre 26 gorlive.us><Mayweathervsmcgregor.us>; 27 <Mayweathervsmcgregor2017live.us>;< Mayweathervsmcgregorboxing.us>;<May 28 weathervsmcgregorbuytickets.us>;<May COMPLAINT - 1 - Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 2 of 21 Page ID #:2 1 weathervs- 2 mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs- mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs- 3 mcgregor-live.us>; 4 <Mayweathervsmcgregorliveboxing.us>; <Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 5 boxing.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 6 fight.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- online.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 7 ppv.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregor-live- 8 stream.us>;<Mayweathervs- mcgregorlivestream.us>;<Mayweathervs- 9 mcgregorlive-stream.us>; <Mayweather- 10 vs-mcgregorlivestream.us>; <Mayweathervs- 11 mcgregorlivestreaming.us>;<Mayweather 12 -vs-mcgregorlivestreaming.us>; <Mayweathervsmcgregorppvbuys.us>; 13 <Mayweathevsrmcgregorppvfight.us>; 14 <Mcgregorvsfloydmayweather.us>; <Mcgregorvsmayweatherppvfight.us>; 15 <Watchconormcgregorfightonline.us>; 16 <Watchmayweathervsmcgregorlive.us>; <Watchmayweathervsmcgregorlivestream 17 .us>;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorlivefi 18 ght.us>;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorp pvfight.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweath 19 er.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherliv 20 e.us>; <Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherlivestream 21 .us>; <mayweathervs-mcgregor.us>; 22 <mayweathervsmcgregorliveonline.us>; <mayweathervsmcgregorliveppv.us>; 23 <mayweathervsmcgregorlivestream>; and 24 <mayweathervmcgregorppvbuys.us> and JOHN DOES 3-10 inclusive, 25 26 Defendants. 27 28 COMPLAINT - 2 - Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 3 of 21 Page ID #:3 1 Plaintiff Showtime Networks Inc. (“Plaintiff”), complaining of Defendants 2 JOHN DOE 1 d/b/a Kopa Mayweather d/b/a <Livestreamhdq.com>; 3 <mayweathervsmcgregor.livestreamhdq.com>; 4 <mayweathermcgregor.livestreamhdq.com>; and 5 <mcgregorvsmayweather.livestreamhdq.com>; and JOHN DOE 2 d/b/a Mickel 6 Edwards d/b/a <Floydmayweatherconormcgregor.us>; 7 <Floydmayweathervsconormcgregorfight.us>;<Floydmayweathervsmcgregor.us>; 8 <Mayweathermcgregorfight.us>;<Mayweathermcgregorlivefight.us>;<Mayweatherv 9 sconorlive.us>;<Mayweathervsconormcgregorlive.us><Mayweathervsmcgregor.us>; 10 <Mayweathervsmcgregor2017live.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorboxing.us>;<Maywe 11 athervsmcgregorbuytickets.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs- 12 mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs-mcgregor-live.us>; 13 <Mayweathervsmcgregorliveboxing.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 14 boxing.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive-fight.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 15 online.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive-ppv.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregor-live- 16 stream.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlivestream.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlive- 17 stream.us>; <Mayweather-vs-mcgregorlivestream.us>; <Mayweathervs- 18 mcgregorlivestreaming.us>;<Mayweather-vs-mcgregorlivestreaming.us>; 19 <Mayweathervsmcgregorppvbuys.us>;<Mayweathevsrmcgregorppvfight.us>; 20 <Mcgregorvsfloydmayweather.us>;<Mcgregorvsmayweatherppvfight.us>; 21 <Watchconormcgregorfightonline.us>;<Watchmayweathervsmcgregorlive.us>; 22 <Watchmayweathervsmcgregorlivestream.us>;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorlivefig 23 ht.us>;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorppvfight.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweather.u 24 s>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherlive.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherlivestream 25 .us>; <mayweathervs-mcgregor.us>; <mayweathervsmcgregorliveonline.us>; 26 <mayweathervsmcgregorliveppv.us>; <mayweathervsmcgregorlivestream.us>; and 27 <mayweathervmcgregorppvbuys.us>; and JOHN DOES 3-10 inclusive (collectively, 28 “Defendants”), alleges as follows: COMPLAINT - 3 - Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 4 of 21 Page ID #:4 1 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 2 1. This lawsuit arises from Defendants’ anticipated knowing and 3 intentional violation of the federal Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. §§ 101, et seq.). 4 2. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §§ 5 411(c) and 501, and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331, and § 1338(a). 6 3. Venue in this district is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391. 7 4. Plaintiff is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that personal 8 jurisdiction in this District is proper because each Defendant, without consent or 9 permission of Plaintiff, is offering and intends to distribute over the Internet 10 copyrighted works for which Plaintiff will own certain exclusive rights granted by the 11 Copyright Act when those works are fixed in a tangible medium of expression 12 simultaneously with their first transmission. On information and belief, such 13 unlawful distribution is expected to occur in every jurisdiction in the United States, 14 including this one. 15 5. In addition, Plaintiff is also informed and believes and on that basis 16 alleges that Defendants are deliberately exploiting the California market for profit 17 and have entered into one or more contracts with California companies for services 18 that are necessary to keep the websites at issue in this complaint operating. 19 THE PARTIES 20 6. Plaintiff Showtime Networks Inc. (“Showtime”) is a company 21 organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, having its principal place of 22 business at 1633 Broadway, 16th Floor, New York, New York 10019. 23 7. Plaintiff is currently unaware of the identities of Defendant John Doe 1 24 d/b/a Kopa Mayweather d/b/a <Livestreamhdq.com>; 25 <mayweathervsmcgregor.livestreamhdq.com>; 26 <mayweathermcgregor.livestreamhdq.com>; and 27 <mcgregorvsmayweather.livestreamhdq.com>; (hereafter “LiveStreamHDQ”), 28 John Doe 2 d/b/a Mickel Edwards d/b/a, <Floydmayweatherconormcgregor.us>; COMPLAINT - 4 - Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 5 of 21 Page ID #:5 1 <Floydmayweathervsconormcgregorfight.us>;<Floydmayweathervsmcgregor.us>; 2 <Mayweathermcgregorfight.us>;<Mayweathermcgregorlivefight.us>;<Mayweatherv 3 sconorlive.us>;<Mayweathervsconormcgregorlive.us><Mayweathervsmcgregor.us>; 4 <Mayweathervsmcgregor2017live.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorboxing.us>;<Maywe 5 athervsmcgregorbuytickets.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs- 6 mcgregorlive.us>;<Mayweather-vs-mcgregor-live.us>; 7 <Mayweathervsmcgregorliveboxing.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 8 boxing.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive-fight.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive- 9 online.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregorlive-ppv.us>;<Mayweathervsmcgregor-live- 10 stream.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlivestream.us>;<Mayweathervs-mcgregorlive- 11 stream.us>; <Mayweather-vs-mcgregorlivestream.us>; <Mayweathervs- 12 mcgregorlivestreaming.us>;<Mayweather-vs-mcgregorlivestreaming.us>; 13 <Mayweathervsmcgregorppvbuys.us>;<Mayweathevsrmcgregorppvfight.us>; 14 <Mcgregorvsfloydmayweather.us>;<Mcgregorvsmayweatherppvfight.us>; 15 <Watchconormcgregorfightonline.us>;<Watchmayweathervsmcgregorlive.us>;<Wat 16 chmayweathervsmcgregorlivestream.us>;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorlivefight.us 17 >;<Watchmayweathevsrmcgregorppvfight.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweather.us>;< 18 Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherlive.us>;<Watchmcgregorvsmayweatherlivestream.us> 19 ; <mayweathervs-mcgregor.us>; <mayweathervsmcgregorliveonline.us>; 20 <mayweathervsmcgregorliveppv.us>; <mayweathervsmcgregorlivestream.us>; and 21 <mayweathervmcgregorppvbuys.us>, and John Does 3-10, who are, on information 22 and belief, assisting Defendant John Does 1 and 2 in the unauthorized live Internet 23 stream of the Coverage (as defined in Paragraph 12, infra), and therefore sue these 24 Defendants by such fictitious names. 25 PLAINTIFF’S RIGHTS 26 8. This action relates to the coverage of the highly anticipated 27 championship boxing match between the legendary undefeated boxer Floyd 28 COMPLAINT - 5 - Case 2:17-cv-06041 Document 1 Filed 08/15/17 Page 6 of 21 Page ID #:6 1 Mayweather, Jr. (“Mayweather”) and the reigning Ultimate Fighting Championship 2 (“UFC”) Lightweight Champion Conor McGregor (“McGregor”), which will occur 3 on Saturday, August 26, 2017 at the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Nevada (the 4 “Fight”). 5 9. The Fight has garnered widespread media coverage and public interest, 6 pitting a traditional boxing legend against a verifiable mixed martial arts superstar. 7 Mayweather is undefeated with a perfect 49-0 record, having earned nine major 8 world titles and headlined five of the six highest-grossing fights
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