PLANNING APPLICATION NUMBER: P15/1626 Type of approval sought Outline Planning Permission Ward Castle and Priory Applicant Mr Philip Coyne, Dudley M.B.C Location: LAND OFF, TIPTON ROAD, DUDLEY, WEST MIDLANDS Proposal ERECTION OF AN INNOVATION CENTRE FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LIGHTWEIGHT RAIL VEHICLES INCLUDING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORIES (B1B), GENERAL MANUFACTURING (B2), CONFERENCE FACILITIES (D2), TEACHING AND TRAINING FACILITIES (D1), ASSOCIATED CAFE/RESTAURANT AND INFRASTRUCTURE (ACCESS TO BE CONSIDERED) Recommendation APPROVE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS Summary: SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1 The application site consist of an area of land which is bounded by Tipton Road to the east, the Castle Hill railway bridge to the south, Station Drive and the zoo car park to the west and an area of open land to the north. 2 The site was last used as British Rail freightliner depot but was closed during the late 1980s. Before this it was the site of Dudley railway station which closed in the mid 1960’s. It is understood that the site may more recently, have also been used for open storage. 3 Owning to the former use, the application site is comparatively level, although the adjoining land particularly to the south and east is considerably elevated above the application site, with extensive retaining structures to Tipton Road and the railway bridge to Castle Hill, the largest height difference being around 6m. The western boundary to the zoo consists mostly of a steep bank that contains groups of mostly self-set trees. 4 The site also adjoins the mothballed Stourbridge to Walsall railway line to its eastern side, with much of the railway track still in place. 5 The application site has started to regenerate, with parts of the site dominated by self-set trees and coppice. 6 The application site is not the subject of any specific planning designations although it immediately adjoins the Castle Hill Conservation Area and is close to Dudley Castle which is both a listed building and Scheduled Ancient monument. PROPOSAL 7 This is an outline planning application for the erection of an innovation centre for the design and construction of lightweight rail vehicles including research and development laboratories (B1b), general manufacturing (B2), conference facilities (D2), teaching and training facilities (D1) and infrastructure. 8 The Design and Access Statement outlines that the application site would be used as a centre to support the fledgling Very Light Rail (VLR) industry that it hoped will develop and expand from its Black Country start-up base and in particular it would; • Provide neutral space for pre-competitive research; areas where like-minded researchers can interact and where a cross fertilisation of ideas can take place. • Enable the coordination of strategic initiatives and ability to manage collaborative projects through provision of office / meeting spaces / IT etc. • Host industry related conferences, seminars and exhibitions with provision of flexible event spaces. • Provide education and support to the next generation of VLR engineers and researchers. • Train staff for roles being created in the VLR sector. • Provide an engineering hall and practical spaces / labs to enable the building of prototype vehicles and systems. • Make provision for the support of small and medium enterprises (SME). • Have provision for public exhibitions of future rail developments and relevance to the Castle Hill regeneration and wider Black Country transport strategies; becoming in the process an information and transit attraction. 9 The activities taking place at the centre would include research into, • Light Weight Structures (vehicles, infrastructure, standards) • Propulsion systems • Vehicle dynamics • Civil and infrastructure specific to VLR. • Command and control and communication systems. 10 The only matter which is currently being considered is access, with all other matters reserved for subsequent approval. 11 Vehicular access is being shown as being from the existing spine road from Tipton Road which is used to access the adjoining zoo car park. 12 The application has been submitted with an indicative site layout which shows the provision of one larger building to the centre of the site that would contain the main research building together with a conference facility, a further standalone building to the west, used for the storage of light rail vehicles and further detached building to the eastern part of the site which would be used for associated SME 13 The indicative layout plan also shows the provision of a footbridge linking Tipton Road to Station Drive, from which there would be public access to the proposed building. 14 The application is supported by concept images showing how the site could look, including views from nearby Castle Hill, which are contained with the Design and Access Statement and the landscape strategy document for the site. 15 Car parking for site is shown to the north eastern part of the site close to the roadway which serves the zoo car park. 16 The indicative layout shows the retention of a single network rail line to eastern part of the site, with an area of land reserved for the proposed Metro line to the western and north western parts of the site. 17 In addition to the Design and Access Statement, the application has been submitted with a landscape assessment, a flood risk assessment and archaeological assessment and a series of nature conservation reports. 18 The application is also supported by a ground investigation report, a tree survey, a mining report and a travel plan. HISTORY APPLICATION PROPOSAL DECISION DATE No. DY/57/210 Reconstruction Of Parcels Office. Granted 18/07/1957 DY/61/180 Internal Alterations. Granted 19/04/1961 DB/74/13721 Change Of Use To Restaurants Withdrawn 11/04/1974 And Bar. 81/51663 Change Of Use To Transport Granted 05/11/1981 Depot With Ancillary Vehicle 89/52517 Use Of Land For Holding Market Refused 14/12/1989 On Thursday Evenings. 94/51737 Use Of Land (Approximately 1,400 Granted 01/06/1995 M2) For Temporary Storage 97/51251 Breaking Up And Crushing Of Granted 15/08/1997 Existing Concrete Hardstanding P12/1005 Provision Of 85 M Length Of Granted 11/10/2012 Highway, Including New Round P12/1598 Creation Of New Car Park Granted 12/03/2013 Providing 600 Parking Spaces An PUBLIC CONSULTATION 19 One letter of objection received, following consultation with 17 adjoining neighbours, the posting of a site notice and the publication of an advert within a local newspaper. Main issue raised is: • The Stourbridge Line User Group opposes “any aspects which inhibit or prohibit progress of alternative rail based passenger transport schemes between Stourbridge and Dudley” OTHER CONSULTATION 20 Head of Planning and Development (Highway Engineer): No objection, subject conditions. 21 Head of Planning and Development (Land Contamination Team): No objection, subject to conditions 22 Head of Planning and Development (Landscape): Comments awaited, will be provided in pre committee notes. 23 Head of Environmental Health and Trading Standards: Comments awaited, will be provided in pre committee notes. 24 Lead Drainage Authority: No objection subject to conditions 25 Coal Authority: Comments awaited, will be provided in pre committee notes. 26 Environment Agency: No objection. 27 Severn Trent Water: Comments awaited, will be provided in pre committee notes. (Sewers are known to cross site) 28 TfWM: No objection in principle. 29 Network Rail: ‘Network Rail is supportive of the proposal. A basic services agreement is in place with the council; because of the nature of the project a Basic Asset Protection Agreement (BAPA) and/or an Asset Protection Agreement (APA) will be required. The Sponsor has received delegated authority from Network Rail for the project. Therefore, as the council is already liaising with Network Rail on the proposal we have no further comments to make’. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY • National Planning Guidance National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Planning Practice Guidance (2014) • Black Country Core Strategy (2011) CSP1 The Growth Network CSP2 Development outside the Growth Network EMP1 Providing for Economic Growth EMP6 Cultural Facilities and the Visitor Economy CEN4 Regeneration of Town Centres TRAN2 Managing Transport Impacts of New Development ENV 1 Nature Conservation ENV 2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness ENV 5 Flood Risk, Sustainable Drainage Systems and Urban Heat Island ENV 7 Renewable Energy ENV 8 Air Quality • Dudley Area Action Plan (Publication Stage, Minor Modifications) (2016) Policy 1 - Sustainable Development Policy 2 - Design Quality Policy 3 - Urban Structure and Built Form Policy 4 – Sense of Place and Connectivity Policy 5 – Landmarks, Views, Vistas and Gateways Policy 6 – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and Flood Risk Policy 13: Development Opportunity Site 7: Castle Hill/Tipton Road Policy 21 - Conservation and Enhancement of Local Character and Distinctiveness in Dudley Policy 23 – Castle Hill Conservation Area Policy 24 – Archaeological Priority Areas Policy 25 - Access and Movement Policy 30 – Landscape, Survey, Analysis and Design Principles Policy 33 - Nature Conservation • Dudley Development Strategy (Publication Stage) (2016) S1 – Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development S3 - Renewable Energy S4 - Flood Risk S5 - Minimising Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) S6 - Urban Design S7 - Landscape Design S8 - Conservation
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