. News, Co.-op proposal defeated. Arts, Judy Collins fn . concert. EnJ ironment, Goose problem challenges -DNR· Native American Week ''T-ouch the Earth'' ,November 5, 1976 Off-campus 15; . tight-fisted r epresentatives for thoroughly nonprofessional for . any preventing student monies from type of election let alone a nat10nal falling into the hands of institutions ··Letters one. Later to find that these same that aim t~ benefit more than the im­ people had closed the machines and mediate university community ... the ward wi thout making any type of Perhaps, but I would think they w<hlld announcement as to whether or not be ashamed to admit it. any o~ the some 100 plus people !n the RonThums building were waiting m that hne to vote for the 8th ward. Making _sense It is not enough to say that one is sorry or that my one vote wouldn't have made a difference anyway. My To the Pointer, constitutional right has been denied This letter is directed at the Student and someone must be responsible Government column written 88 per­ enough to answer for that action. cent of the time by Jim Eagon. I If you as citizens of Stevens Point cringe each week to see good journal and throughout the country can place space being wasted on noncommital yourselves in my position an,d and irrelevant bullshit. If Jim question why something of- this Eagon's column is any indication of caliber has taken place I encourage what Student Government is doing, you to do so. If on the other hand I then we as a Student Body are being stand alone in my frustration and taken for fools . · anger, then I question the so called I have before me a copy of each Amending .campus American way of justice, freedom, column written this semester. Only and constitutional rights. Further 1 the September 24th issue about Text To the Pointer, question your concern as citizens of Rental, written by Rick Tank, is Stevens Point-the "first ad­ the United States in terms of standing relevant. Jim spent September 3rd mendment campus"? You have got to up for your own rights as well as your circling the term "self-governance"; be kidding! As a student on this cam­ neighbors. never with much coherence. Sep­ pus for three and a half years, I have Finally, if I do not receive an an­ tember 10th was spent eulogizing a always believed the University to be swer to this blatant negligence, I sin­ former employee of the University, an institution functioning as a fac­ cerely hope that I do not have to vote which in my opinion could have been ilitator of new and varied ,iieas. in the community of Stevens Point accomplished in a letter to the editor. Recent!Y I and number of otner four years from now. October 1st and 8th were devoted to people were confronted by students Kathleen A. Roberts the Buckley Amendment and how it who upheld the preposterous ruling of might affect us. My question is, what no solicitation in the resident halls on Thanks alot stand is Student Government taking. this University's campus. They seem to be standing outside Where else but in a University looking in, never becoming concerned should political discussion be en­ To the Pointer, or involved. Octobel:. 15th was the couraged, no matter if it's Last Sunday a resolution on best. Jim explains why student Democratic, Republican, In­ allocating $2500 to the Stevens Point organizations representing students dependent, Socialist or Communist? Area C0-0p was voted on by the have been eliminated from SGA. Instead of enc9W"aging students to Student Government Association. It That is great! Why.should-we as ac­ become informed and active in our was not passed, but an alternate sub­ tive organizations representing government w'e actually discourage .sidy plan, the SPBAC resolution was. students have a voice_anyway? The them by tpe bureaucracy demon- It is important for us to recognize this clincher is October 29th. Jim respon­ . strated on this campus. SPBAC resolution for what it is .a sop To equate the solicitation of soap ded to complaints he received. I to the students enabling our noble quote, "I also feel strongly that the and magazines to the distribution_of representatives to appear responsive representatives need to take information about political can­ to progressive resolutions while ac­ initiative on their own ; they should <lidates is the kind of thinking that is tually allowing them to continue expected to be found in kindergarden, playing " petty politicians." I believe not be constantly prodded and coaxed never-the-les:; to be found in an in­ C0-0p members and those that would into action." On the other hand they stitute of higher learning. Don't you have benefited from the initial Co-op should not, in my opinion, be in­ find it absurd that individuals can proposal (students and members of timidated by the executive board. solicit their bodies door-to-door and the community alike} deserve to· My impression was that the Student yet political ideas that affect the know who to thank for this farcical Government column was to be writ­ future of every student are found to turn of events. ten by the.SGA as a group not by one be more objectional? . Acknowledgement is due to Patty individual. My feeling is, if other It is astounding to realize the type Mather for introducing the useless members of SGA are not encouraged of system our University runs. Wake SPBAC plan. This is particularly sad to write this column it should be . up people! Don't you realize that this for Patty was working at the old Pat­ totally abolished. One man's opinion ruline is infringing upon• your con­ ch & Welsby store when I first began . is not necessarily the consensus of the stitutional rights? Wasn't it Chan­ to shop at the Co-op. At that time she _group. celfor Lee S. Dreyfus who said to a seemed to understand what Co-ops Dorothy A. Sorenson politically alert crowd awaiting were all about. A tip of the hat is due ----.:.'Senator Dole, that this University is to president Jim Eagon, whose Lousy concessiqn a "first admendment·campus" and 11brupt flip-flop two weeks before the that everybody has a right to their vote helped seal the fate of the initial To the Pointer; fair say?! proposal. Not to forget budget direc­ I don't · mean to accuse anyone of I find it disgusting that you can tor Sue Moore, who could argue with anything but after a call to the WWSP knock an any door in Portage County a straight face that the students radio station, this morning, some except those found on campus. would "value their membership correction to their news report must Gloria F ojtlk more" if they had to pay for them, bemade. .. Mary Haflenbredl _ rather than get them free, per the Co­ It was decided by the SGA last Sun­ op's proposal. And, lastly, let's not day night to not give to the Co-op any forget Bob Shaver, who voiced monies in exchange for membership. The american way serious concern that giving the Co-op The final decision was to pay half $2500 for 21,l, years· of free student membership for any student who paid To.the Pointer, membership would set a dangerous the first half. An ·amendment was Did you get a chance1to vote? My precedent whereby other establish­ then added to this placing a ~eiling on constitutional right to vote has not ments such as Hardees, Burger Chef the amount of money that would be only been challenged but has on this and McDonalds could approach our spent in this way, at $2,500. In occasion literally been stopped by student government reps to subsidize this way only one thousand-students some not too organized and con­ tlleir quarter-pounders. will benefit by this instead of every cerned· citizens of the Stevens Point I have to wonder ju:;t how many of university student, which would have Community. If you had been down at our representatives bothered to been tlie case had the SGA · voted to the Armory on Tuesday evening at check out the present store or the accept the second proposal and pay approximately 8:00 pm you might be future location, now under for the. · mell!berships in _one lump experiencing the same type of renovation, before the vote. Student aiding in the new C0-0p building fund. frustration and anger that I am as a Government, I don 't know the answer Since there is now a limit on the citizen of the United States ex­ to thatone, but I do know one thing ... amount of stijdents that can benefit periencing now . your ignorance of the matter and the by this decision, I would highly If you had waited in a line fot twen­ flip manner in which the whole issue. suggest that you all hurry down to the ty minutes only to find out that the was treated is a source of acute em­ poll workers of the 8th ward had been Co-op soon and buy a membership in· barrassment to myself and all others to a chance for better foods, cheaper negligent in their responsibilities to who like to think they have an idea of the extreme that Uie line itself was prices, less procllSSing, ' and an all I.he true purpose of a university. arround better way of living. inexcusably unorganized. chaotic and Perhaps some of us can thank our SteveFine • Pointer Page 2 November 5, 1976 points as to.
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