A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Intern! Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage Aml impartiaUy Each Week Mepenbent - leabet PRICE EIGHT CENTS Entered »i Second OlitM Mfttter WOODBRIDGE, N. ^THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1955 vol.. XLVII-NO. 15 M, thu Pnut Offlce. WondbrldJW, K. B. ofE., Town Committee Asked by GOP Polio Shots $11,645,000 Estimated Sweetness To Meet Monthly to Guarantee Schools I . ..._»_!_ II -til May be Off and WOODBRIDGE — Monthly matins* b'ctwecn source of worry to us when we watch these chll- | ~ J the Board of Education and the Town Committee drcn—especially the little tykes—get up so early In the morning to attend classes. We, a* parents, no that "proper plans can be made for the fu- By B. of E. as Needed feel guilty that these children are going to school Until Fall ture to alleviate overcrowded conditions in the Light on a part-time basis, How can these children— school system" were suggested today in a state- f our children—meet the competition of students , (HARI-ES E. GREGORY ment luued by Arnold 8. Graham, Woodbrldse in othrr communities who attend schools on a Toton May Postpone* Use townthlp Republic? n Municipal Chairman. He' fujl-time bash? Of Sulk Ijioculations made the ftuffgtntlon In behalf of the Republi- To Meet School Costs llhv i will turn my eyes can candidate*, Lyle B, ftwb, Jr., for mayor and ''There Is no doubt, whatsoever, In our minds As Indecision Grows , ihr good and great d Letter E. Stockcl, Raymond F. Smith, Jr., and that the present Town Hall Democrats are re- WOODBRIDQE — From all In which men do. Harold L. Barr candidates for the Town Com- sponsible for present conditions. For it Is this LilU,s v dlcations, Woodbrldffe Township * * * mittee (rom the First, Second and Third Wards, clique that handed out building permits promis- children will not. be vaccinated Lists Program cuously without giving any, consideration as to This is Korea? v tired of the sordid with the Salk polio vaccine uniil TOW respectively. how .the youngsters would be educated. .., ii,r cynical, as everyone * * it the fall. Both Health Officer Harold J. < In Planning )llhl .,nd like to be re- "Some people might th nk it is too early irt'the campaign to issue statements," Mr. Graham said, "We know at this stage, there is no use crying Bailey and Superintendent of .shl,a bV the clean, fine over spilt milk. We do suggest, howevtr, that the , i the unselfish deeds but in view of the tremendous problems con- Schools Victor C. Nicklas stated Hoard Reply |lk n fronting the people of Woodhridge Township, Township Committee and the Board of Educa- yesterday they had received no ',nv fellows who seek no our candidates feel these issues should be dis- tlcn meet monthly,so that mutual problems of Word from the State Department who covet no fragile cussed early and out in the open, so definite deci- both groups can be discussed and solved. There of Health, but the opinion was WnOHBRTDQE In answer to a i(H(uist m«de by the Planning blW)1.s who ask only to look sions might be reached." should be proper planning for the future for the expressed the Township will so ,,.-,• .mals which the stars « • * best interests of the community. We also sug- along with Newark, Hackensack, Bonrd. the Board of Education to- gest that subcommittees be appointed by each il :iy presented a. school building I know that In us all The Republican statement continues: RKurefleld Park, Bogota, and Ijody that would meet as often as necessary— pnn'.rum schedule which it hopes "The biggest problem facing the people of Somervllle to avoid giving the In- . j; the capacity for euch even if It has to be five or six times a month. tu follow. It is estimated that the Woodbrldge Township is the necessity of provid- oculations during the approach- >, and grow weary when We firmly believe this type of planning Is ing polio season. It was also Wit ;il cost of construction needed ing proper educational facilities for the ever- in house all pupils adequately V'inlKT that we seduce sary right now—not next week, or next month, pointed out that school closings growing school population. We have children at- wilhm the nt'xt (our years will be ,ivis into accepting less. but now." are drawing near. ( tending Woodbridge Township schools and it is <i Sll.iUfi.OOO. liV1,l/;1iinn, I think, too Mr. Bailey also said yesterday Tl\r .schedule ps written by the s unworthy of the he will confer with the doctors In • ho,ml follows: ciit hopes which its Garbage Collection the Township today, but, he said, j 1. Alterations to present High Egan Tells Cops Gambling 1 can conceive. Yet, he felt they will agree with the School Building for a Junior High ra,.,,i . is achievement which growing tendency in the State School. Alterations to Schools 7 Rules Laid Down to wait until fall. ! iitul 11 for elemuntary schools. Ad- umihv and which will en- Not to be Tolerated Mere • Woodbrldge TownshiTownship receivereceived ditional elementary school ac- 11V ;m(| which—when little WOODBRIDGE -- "I will not tolerate organized gambling WOODBRIDOE-New rules and itg ajlotment of the vaccme Over commodations for 250 to 300 ,nnht.s and acts have long In this Township." Police Chief John R. Egan told- the msmbers regulations for the collection of two ^^ agOi but was unable pupils. Alterations must be done "perished—will ever re- of th« Police Department ;it the annual police inspection Monday garbage, effectivffti Mondae Mondayy -wer, e -were t0 t start itVacoinatlonl ndins pending reg re- mostly when schools are not in announced today by Committee- approvai of the suppiy by the use. The project should be com- lim briiiht in memory. morn •ingIng. man L. Ray Alibani, chairman of united States Public Health Ser- pleted by September 1, 1956. This Any man who has any information on gambling should re- • • • * sanitation. The new rules are j t came is a must. Estimated cost, $200,- port It to me," the police head continued. "I will not tolerate any vlce The local sn pmeri made necessary due to the fact from tne Wyetl Laboratories Of 000. I.ati tho other afternoon, other vices, and you know what I that the incinerator will go into Marietta, Pa. If the Township fin- 2. Elementary School —Hoff- whined by our news- mean. No one has any strings on operation Monday, ally decides on-a postponement man Boulevard Site, 1& class rooms • me and I am sure that there are ofTicp in a monotonous Madison Ridicules From now on, householders the vaccine will be returned to plus one kindergarten room, ac- Itvami. Then, of a sudden, no strings on the rest of you. My must have two separate, covered the State Department of Health, commodations for 550 to 600 ,,, was a screaching halt office door Is always open so come containers—one for all burnable Mr. Bailey previously expressed pupils. Construction should start in at anytime to discuss any Resignation Story thr crins of a child shat- matter and the other for unburn- the belief that it might not be January l, 1956 and should be '•"(| ttw air. A pretty little problem." able matter such as bottles, glass, wise' to inject any polio vaccine completed September 1, 1957, es- Chief Euan thanked the men WOODBRipGE—Howard Mad- timated cost, $750,000, lay still and quiet in tin cans, metals, tires and ashes in the middle of the polio season for their cooperation dining the ison today emphatically denied i 3. Junior High School, New There will be an extra collection and starting now would mean street, as all about year and pointed out that when he will resign as Township En Dover Road site, 40 classrooms, .topped breathless and day for unbumable matter. that second shots would have to s one man on the department '"• gineer. be given during the summer.> accommodations for 1,000 to 1,150 "the If your regular collection days pupils. Construction should start f ,1 to look almost. She criticized by" the public. " 'I don't know who concocted Cnl. Robert .1. Baduske, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baduslte, Jr., are Monday and Thursday, the January 1, 1956 and be completed,, ,.nuc, beel n struck down by a whole department takes the rap." the story," Mr. Madison told the 208 Clinton Street, Woodbridgc, dints with screen star Debbie collection for unburnable matter by September 1, 1957. " • - ^M an-made demon which we Police Commissioner L, Charles Independent-'Leader, "but I can Reynolds, backstage during her recent tour of Korea. Badutke will be on Tuesday. For those Falsities Denied cost, $2,500,000, an automobile, and she Manglone told the officers they make a good guess, and so can is an Army photographer stationed with the 304th Signal Bat- are_cpnstantly in the public eye, who have regular collection days 4, Elementary School, Me SHLstill Township Engineer talion In Seoul, Korea. He entered the service In June of last |y limp on &e hard roa or ofTduTyr J orT TulsdIy""afIQ"lrrrdayr imtwm- Fur*Terrace-sit*; -Ifr das and I have nol Tendered irty resffi- .By Bus Operators year, Prior to his enlistment he wan employed by the Woodbrldge 'Despite some unfavorable pub- able matter will be picked up on. plus 1 kindergarten room, ac On the edge of the natlon," Publishing Co. He Is a graduate of Woodbridge High School and licity recently," Mr.
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