VOL. 33, No. 7 2005 CONTENTS COVERS 1 St raight and Level FRONT COVER: Ben Scott's big Stearman 4E was ordered brand new from the factory by his father. Learn more about 2 VAA News this Grand Champion Antique in Charlie Harris' article starting on page 14. EAA photo by chief photographer Jim Koepnick, Shot with a Canon EOS 1d camera. EAA photo 6 Reminiscing with Big Nick plane fiown by Bruce Moore. The 1947 Cleveland Air Races by Nick Rezich BACK COVER: The top honors for the 2005 EAA Aviation Art Competition went to Tom Kalina's oil painting entitled 8 The Vintage Instructor "South American Glory." One of the most beautiful color More Decisions schemes ever employed on the Douglas DC-7B belonged by Doug Stewart to Pan American-Grace Airways, better known as Pan­ agra, a joint venture created in 1929 between Pan Am and W. R. Grace Shipping Lines. Operating primarily along the 10 Drip-Dry Champ west coast of South America, Panagra was absorbed by EAA Chapter 1414 jumps into a recovering project with both feet Braniff Airways in 1967. The painting depicts N51700, by H.G. Frautschy Panagra's first of several DC-7B's, taking off just after sun­ set from Guayaquil , Equ ador circa 1955. 14 The Life and Times of One 1930 Stearman 4£ Junior Speedmail Ben Scott's family heirloom by Charles W. Harris STAFF Pub li sher Tom Poberezny Editor-in-Chief Scott Spangler 18 Harold Neumann's Monocoupe Executive Director/Editor H.G. Frautschy Restoring Little Mulligan Administra ti ve Ass istant Jennifer Lehl by H. G. Frautschy Managing Editor Kath leen Witman News Editor Ric Reynolds 20 Practice, Practice, Practice Photography Jim Koepnick For that forced landing that we hope and pray never happens Bonnie Bartel by Ev Cassagneres Production Manager Julie Russo Classifi ed Ad Manager Isabe ll e Wiske 22 Pass it to Buck Copy Editor Co ll een Walsh by Buck Hilbert Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw Display Advertising Representatives: 25 Mystery Plane ortheast: Allen Murray by H. G. Frautschy Phone 609-265- 1666, FAX 609-265-1661 e-mail: 1I1It'flmflrra,-@l11illcispritls.(om Southeast: Ches ter Baumgartner Phone 727 -573-0586, FAX 727·556-0 177 e-mail; cballlll///@lIlillilsprillg.colll 28 Classified Ads Cenlra l: Todd Reese Phone 800-444-9932, FAX 816-741-6458 e-mail: todil<'!!s pc-mag.colll Mounta in & Pacific: Keith Knowlton &: Associates 31 Calendar Phone 770-516-2743, e-mail: kkllow/t([email protected] GEOFF ROBISON PRE SIDENT, VINTAG E AIRC RA FT ASSOCIATION Volunteerism The time is fast approaching for for whatever reason, just never e Metalworking Shop: Steve Nesse the world's greatest annual avia­ took that first step. eAircraft Parking and Flightline Safety: tion event. If there was ever a more Whether or not you volunteer Michael Kosta or exciting time leading up to EAA in the Vintage area or elsewhere on Kathy McGurran AirVenture Oshkosh 200S it has the field is not really all that im­ eFlightline Training: Trish Dorlac or certainly escaped my memory. portant. The real point here is to Orlo Ellison As I have stated, Tom Poberezny just give it a try. If you do, I think eParticipant Plaque: Jack Copeland put it best recently when he said, you'll agree that it's a great way to eVintage Security Force: Tim Fox "You just got to be there." I have make new friends and gain a real eVintage Tall Pines Cafe: Steve Nesse been quoting Tom's remark about feeling for having partiCipated in or Clair Dahl AirVenture because it is a simply sustaining us as a strong member­ eType Club Tent: John Berendt stated fact. This is not the year ship organization. eVolunteer Recruiting Center: to miss out on Oshkosh! With­ We in the Vintage area are al­ Anna Osborn out a doubt, the aviation industry ways seeking out new volunteers eToni's Trolley: Steve Betzler is currently in boom mode. Cou­ for the various areas of responsibil­ eVintage HQ Tram: James and pled with all the special visitors ity. Following is a list of the more Mary LaFevre planned for AirVenture 200S, this critical areas and their individual will very likely make it one of the, chairpersons, so if you feel com­ You never really know what kind if not the, most memorable avia­ pelled to give volunteering a try in of experience you may have by vol­ tion events of recent times. So if the Vintage area this year, feel free unteering at EAA/VAA, but I can you haven't yet committed to "be to contact them in advance. The promise you it will be a positive there," it's time to get busy. See most efficient way to communicate one. On my very first visit to the you on the flightline. with these chairmen is bye-mail EAA Convention, a good friend The best-kept secret about Air­ through the Vintage e-mail address: who also happened to be my flight Venture is the ever-increasing vintagea ircra([email protected]. Or you can instructor suggested to me that we number of people who graciously simply stop by and talk with Anna should set aside some time to vol­ volunteer their time to the event. Osborn in the volunteer recruiting unteer with the Vintage area. This I often remind people that there booth in front of the VAA Red Barn was my very first taste of what EAA/ is no better seat in the house than on the convention site. VAA was really all about, and now out in front of the flightline pro­ eConvention Management Team: Geoff I find myself serving the member­ viding crowd control during the Robison, Butch Joyce, George ship of the Vintage Aircraft Associa­ daily air shows. If you're a photo Daubner tion as your president. It all started buff, what better place to be than eAircraft Judging: through volunteering many years out in front of the crowds? Antique: Dale "Gus" Gustafson ago, and it has led to some of the Our volunteer numbers have Classic: Dean Richardson most enjoyable times in my life. been gradually increasing each year Contemporary: Dan Knutson Come check it out; you could have to a paint where we now have the eConstruction, Maintenance, a similar experience. lUXury of assigning folks to specific Pre-Convention Setup: Bob Brauer Let's all pull in the same direc­ shifts, so no one is faced with vol­ eVintage Headquarters: Ruth Coulson tion for the good of aviation. Re­ unteering for extended periods to eVintage Activities Host: Jeannie Hill member, we are better together. get the job done properly. I know eMembership/Chapters: Dave Bennett Join us and have it all. there are a lot of people who at­ eMerchandising: (Barn Store) Robert tend AirVenture who have often "Bob" Lumley and Georgia Sch­ thought about volunteering but, neider A~ VINTAGE AIRPLANE VAA AirVenture Area Map (~ To help members who fly '- ") ) Theater In The in understand the layout of WestSide­ ((j Woods the convention area adminis- ~ Vintage Aircraft ~ rl U VAA Camping Antique ( AREA tered by VAA, we've prepared Parking I ( r \) GENERAL this simplified map. As you ~ \ _(~ LAYOUT can see, camping starts at ~~0,., 0 \.:~v 'd f <>" Type Club & ROW 74 on th e eas t Sl e 0 J' Showers Workshop Tents the main north/south road Type Club Showplane/ Camper 0(\ ,---\ VAA Special Parking {) Registration V V Red Display Area (Wittman Road), with the ar- .,;:-,." Starts at Hangar D -r- Row 74 C f Barn eas to the north of that line_ ___ _ _ _ _ --" '--___a_e___---'==--_ ______ ---' set up to handle disPlay-only .,;:-,." Tall Pin es o VAA Past Grand Champions - parked along road vintage aircraft. That's why -r- Cafe­ Operations and in rows 60 & 6 1. Near Ultralights you may see open areas as Shack you taxi south to your camp­ VAA Large Special ing location. VAA PARKING - Interest CommD Center Once you arrive, you ' ll No Camping Aircraft/ Row 62 through Row 77 Antiques need to register your aircraft and / or campsite. In addi­ tion to roving registration Row 78 Rows 60 Row 50 & 61 vehicles, there is one main .,;:-,." EAST SIDE Anlique -r- Point aircraft registration building, VAA CAMPING AND PARKING ____-'---=:....L.....'--'--_________---L_-'-___ STARTS HERE. located just south of the Red CONTINUES TO ROW ISO Barn (see map). The EAA convention campgrounds be judged by VAA volunteer judges, you free VAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2005 Par­ are private campgrounds, need to be a current Vintage Aircraft ticipant Plaque , which you can pick up and are not open to non-EAA Association member. VAA contributes a in the rear of the Red Barn . EAA and members. Each campsite significant portion of the costs related VAA memberships are available at both must be registered by a cur­ to the EAA awards that are presented aircraft registration and at the mem­ rent EAA member. to the award winners. Another immedi­ bership booth located northeast of the If you want your aircraft to ate benefit of VAA membership is your Red Barn. VINTAGE AIRCRAFT OWNERS: EAA'S the folklore, crafts, and skills of old­ such as the balloon-bursting com­ GOOD Ol' DAYS WANTS YOU time aviation. Special attractions petition. Lodging is even available (AND YOUR AIRPLANE)! this year include airplanes such as in EAA's Air Academy Lodge located EAA is offering vintage aircraft two Ford Tri-Motors, a 1927 Laird adjacent to Pioneer Airport. owners a chance for a rare and Swallow, and the Pitcairn autogiro "We warmly welcome all vin­ exciting event, including landing Miss Champion , as well as vintage tage aircraft to EAA that weekend at the EAA AirVenture Museum's automobile displays and the resto­ for festivities that truly capture the Pioneer Airport, during this year's ration of a 1930 Monocoupe.
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