WEINER 247 .(9h. 77.) . f2.3cp Z1)11 145' 3)adItne Ruritoerlevr , 402 Catabfli J. $71, im toufe ter rut Deftest. epdseoffe, ifi nen leftienen, nub oneo ben 6 eittl in Ttpq , fo niie beo Xecteet nab Deoctituf In rdrao , la babes . Zrauer.(s.3cfauq imp Ocet*ofb? Zeicl)enbcgatigniffe. titer ftimmiger liiianneeMote, mit roittritbsi. vier 3.11erminen ebe, bee Ipionefoto u O ibeetOoren.5)14inureliPte einacriOttt Don 2q11.?)iitt:r v. k:13,o)fricb. &pure. t fl. Figure 9 Notice announcing the publication of the Trauer-Gesang bey Beethoven's Leichenbegangnisse, i.e., Miserere/Amplius — Equali 1 and 3. (Wiener Zeitung, 21 June 1827). The vocal versions of all three equali were soon reprinted elsewhere in Europe. Alexandre Choron published the Miserere and Amplius (Equali 1 and 3) in Paris in 1828; for four voices and piano (or organ), Choron's version disposes with the trombones and the German text (Figure 11). In November 1830 an arrangement of Seyfried's arrangement of the Miserere and Amplius was published with English texts in London in the Harmonicon (Figure 12); this edition was accompanied by an abridged (and rather faulty) translation of Seyfried's description of Beethoven's funeral." Already a few months earlier, in August 1830, the Harmonicon had published Du, dem nie im Leben (re-engraved on two staves) underlaid with Grillparzer's German text, with an appended English translation." The Musikalischer Haus-Freund: 1829 and 1830, a musical almanac published by Schott in Mainz, included the vocal version of equale 2 in its 1929-30 issue.' 248 HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY JOURNAL riltMJERKLANGE bei Vierstimmiger MANNER-CHAR, nach einer Original—Melodic aes. FERMIGTEN. NOWWW. Sea/WM•AM,",,,IONV1.010 Wlebry.Y1f. I ►eOrte • Orl Franz Grillparzer 2 le • (}:igetkrhum den Verlegem) WIEN i bei Tobias Haariu6er, neylage vora'a lige 146; mu.' k a 11 ze gr. r" Figure 10a First edition of Du, dem nie im Leben — Equale 2 (Vienna, 1829). WEINER 249 0 drin no Aaagin. Thin re ......=....111•■■■•=2 21111= ,.20.212112 im 2 L en . I u h Riatt Tenon II° 1lu,slenp nie :el Le x tint !naafi Basso I?• tient air irn Le, hen Itiolimm ol. 1F3 asso II! flu ojeni„nie Ian Ix hen Auhwtatl Pialinfurt-tr. !=racer &gin. Rohe Tux p rnlie word Lind peril un.lnaum. 1111,The nun in iirah rube 22■■■■•.2.222112■ 7•2121272==•120•122.4". ••••••••••■••••••••■, ,,s■••••••■ mbar I,■•••or mama. • .••• ■■•••••••■■••* •■• ■■••-••■••••• nand, n Heeed unit Haul+ udie nun int al Men urail rube Figure 10b First edition of Du, dem nie im Leben — Equale 2 (Vienna, 1829). 250 HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY JOURNAL _ 3 PP nun int im 44, pa r unriwenn PP nun ins I 01114.. &LP. 4ma i _ unit Werli, n4F nun im ToNde int Attlitn cri,Le &do, — undIxenn ••""..=■■ Alm sNa-w.=....."'"" nun int Toide aun, Atii GraAr aus i _ undw ■ or'',"•==''. =MI=•■■■■ ra'' ■■■'°""‘■ ■■il=====C■■ ■ ■■■ Mi; ••••,..,-,11=Mie •• •• 1.0• • •••• •••111 F' undea a = ge, t re,un+IeiKLige.. Frrkinde4 g SimmiliIMMIIM. Y.E=. ma &Emma Gm. mmi........441•MMINMINM MN vow mow imwMaii•••=r 1.•■■ Frentillex ills • ge Freu it rlei IUa s ge Frrumi toriturs Freunilea Fi1a Freundrw Wag Frtuni1en 1 IsKe ....,.........,===.40.4.,...= ___- -m -=..-„... .. = , Figure 10c First edition of Du, dem nie im Leben — Equale 2 (Vienna, 1829). WEINER 251 •:t i 1,rr• [ilal, it au* ,barch r Worn J'ierA* P t ,. trill! ii r ;rid. hin :Am., linreli rig'nen Sang& ..... ........, =s-_al.":2 ■- ="...." ,..1`' —"°"" rtirld a . hers firxip hin r arer., horrh eig.n.41 Sang^ ■ P .." ......... -....-11.'" ••.... ....= •=r041aa reirini it .lura, dra c aaa,Iinrchrig'nen Malign _,-------....„ W***'"---.--- .'' ■-%"---""—• ,.......'....I..——= ... ........*4 Pr r ===Ls=rmik.16,tim— = .1. P —• Armilmor a Cmra Ame r. OCIPMMOONOO111. me Mil..........=zi= ,..... ilell.1 gin , .Nt . In Klill-K hi I IF 4 . ovartit in, AI i I Elen,A4 i1.1•11, Fla w.; del ...— — ..........—• ocomoire •••■•■■=q ....., *ii..ent Kiang 114111, erwavtli iltr sullen, ti tkirn Illompa 4.1. pp .11,,i.ent Kling WI, towarItt im atil:lenr e;IiIrlea ilia Ilii0 ILA yp. 01.. 9,1, ....... 17.1."'il*/.111■111•••• MO NM ocoaon....".. ZIEro=====.0="."'=..'■ =•*9-.- — =1=11 4111, .arm k Pan hall, ervraehl icll tililen, all !Arm Hall.! F, ...., 11•111■11 P0111 ............... io. 1---- • ',Err %.....ae• d 11 I a on, OC Yo•—■•• i5lit — 6.= t mil NC. Oc it , Figure 10d First edition of Du, dem nie im Leben — Equale 2 (Vienna, 1829). 252 HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY JOURNAL Tobias Haslinger also republished the vocal versions of all three equali; newly engraved, they are to be found in the appendix to Iganz von Seyfried's Ludwig van Beethoven's Studien im Generalbasse, Contrapuncte and in der Compositions-Lehre, which appeared in Vienna in 1832.42 The description of Beethoven's funeral is to be found there on pp. 50-53, the Miserere on pp. 55-59 (Figure 13), Amplius on pp. 60-61 (Figure 14), and Du, dem nie im Leben on pp. 99-101 (Figure 15). Seyfried's book was edited and published in a new edition in 1853 by Henry Hugh Pierson,43 where the description of the funeral is on pp. 46-48, the Miserere on pp. 74-78, Amplius on pp. 79-80, and Du, dem nie im Leben on pp. 88-91 (Figure 16). Parallel to this new edition, Pierson also published an English translation of the book under the title of Louis van Beethoven's Studies in Thorough-Bass, Counterpoint and the Art of Scientific Composition44 in which the description of the funeral is on pp. 39-41, the Miserere on pp. 56-60, Amplius on pp. 61-62, and the "Choral-Melody" Du, dem nie im Leben on pp. 70-75.45 Ignaz Ritter von Seyfried Ignaz von Seyfried was born on 15 August 1776 in Vienna. As a youngster he studied piano with Mozart and Kozeluch. After studying philosophy in Prague, he returned to Vienna to study law. According to his own testimony, he abandon his law studies in favor of a musical career just before earning his doctorate. He had instruction in composition withAlbrechsberger and Peter von Winter. In 1797 he became a conductor at Schikaneder's Freihaustheater auf der Wieden, later at the Theater an der Wien. In 1805 he conducted the premiere of Beethoven's Fidelio, his close friendship with Beethoven dating from this time. Seyfried was also a prolific composer, whose stage works were very popular during the first quarter of the nineteenth century, and author. Articles and reviews from his pen appeared in the Leipzig Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, the Vienna Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, Caecilia, the Musikalischer Anzei ger, and Schumann's Neue Zeitschrift fur Music. Of Seyfried's many pupils the most famous is Franz von Suppe.46 Ignaz von Seyfried died in Vienna on 27 August 1841. Appropriately, Seyfried's arrangement of the Miserere (and most likely the Amplius, too) was played and sung during his own funeral procession. The Osterreichisches Morgenblatt reported on 1 September 1841: The solemn funeral of Ignaz Chevalier v. Seyfried, Professor of Music, Kapellmeister, celebrated opera director, honorary and corresponding member of many musical societies at home and abroad, took place this past Sunday at half past five in the afternoon.... During the procession [from Seyfried's residence to the church] a `Miserere' composed [sic.1 by the deceased for the funeral of L. van Beethoven (which took place on the same day [i.e., the 29th] in the month of March 1827) was sung by a large choir of men's voices, accompanied by four trombones.47 "WEINER 253 t'llANTS FUNEIIRES IAecute, rienne }mule le tier% ice de L. V. HI. FTlIttt KS VISVNFRF vcie Yeti # are 4— rr 514 f., t'sert r" t. 4'01'f Lt.. Prs s t 311../,'' A 1.mi? etierRofti, 14,- 4. v..g.,..rA N'69. N ■16.,F 1.1111161 • Af• K, Cr n Mil " reorr we: Dr - 1 t v14114.). 1&A.ti it •tr• ct)%1441. Iv IN( ) Fr.kgrE Figure 11 Miserere (Paris, 1828). Bayerische Stadtbibliothek, Musikabteinlung, 4 Mus.pr. 62261. 254 HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY JOURNAL OtV EVE, COMPOSED BY BEETHOVEN, MR/011,148➢ AS 619 FONEILLL,IMIL 9, 18:17. AohaTID TO ENGLISH WORDS BY ALFRED PETTET. 1/01441%111...•1911111111= 11•1=1•1■11 NIMIPIONEINWMINI■ aling...IMLJM Figure 12 Miserere (London, 1830). WEINER 255 2[116 Zretinneit't Tilmsectilite 6u bent oFigen Oiefirmidie mit Xcrt einrycricOlet ion 36it. 9titter Dolt earpfrieb., Andante. • ....-. ......-__ Tenare tries all - m-re- re me - i, . 1111- te- 11d4t trttiiirme tam = Der.,i4tr. P '.. ' Tennre l'I'^ •,--• • —...., • MI - sa-re-vn me ,- i , mi- se- 40. CTR0011•• erba . pfce, ontl, Cr. • P• .'.. Hem. tm —CI-1- .._ -fir=. r mi-ne-re- re met - i , , mi-ie - re . re . ltdb mbar= 6eb6 , Oa, Ad, es= bonnie P *., 00.0 2,1. ...--6....R- '- _ :-1-5---rr—^';'---s Mi -se-re- re rice - I, vni- se. Ict, crrt.arme GO r ofer g , tie; erg le r-0 m. • g-- detvim t) 9r Figure 13 Miserere (Vienna, 1832). 256 HISTORIC BRASS SOCIETY JOURNAL 60 Amplina, Pow saiienate. , , --rs-- Tenors I.. dui. A tn-pli-us la , vs nom oh i - tei - qui-- to ',to %et r !Urge Za r ter nuebotinun s on Mir Mt tdgi lb tier Tenon; I ?Gt).,0-,..,-.,&-cp, ---- ia—a---r_il l'--__,....._ — Aus-pli-ns trt - am ma ab i - ni - qui -ts -. to %el • at, ne 13p r tar mertNnitnnt vont:11s Die eekultd Der . I - nano MN= .01•11..1.
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