Content Warning This issue of the Tufts Daily contains an article which includes quotes with specific, uncensored slurs about gay men and Black people. The article, about vandalism of Carmichael Hall, is on the front page of the issue and the slurs are quoted in the first paragraph of the article. This is a cover page provided by DCA to communicate a content warning for this item. The full issue is available on the next page of this PDF. Learn more about Digital Collections & Archives content warning policy on our website: https://dca.tufts.edu/content-warnings-protocol-for-digital-archival-material. THETUFTS DNLY - L. - [Where You Read It First Wednesday, January 3 1,1996 Volume XXXII, Number 7 MORE SNOW Carmichael graffiti vandal is identified mass student responsible for offense by KAREN EPSTEIN and nesses also told theDuily that three GREG GEIMAN, males were seen wondering the Daily Editorial Board hallwaybetween4and6a.m. Sun- A weekend guest of Tufts fresh- day. man Vikas Sood, John McPherson While Sood was cleared of all of Lowell, yesterday told Univer- involvement in the incident, sity officialsthat he participatedin McPherson and Geddes will be writing offensive graftiti on the held responsiblefor paying for the walls of Carmichael Hall, which damages incurred to the building, includedthestatement‘Tufts loves Sood said. faggots” as well as scrawled epi- Lt. Detective Charles Lonero thets such as “nigger.” of the Tufts Police Department McPherson, a freshman at the has been assigned to investigate University of Massachusetts at this case. Since the police were Lowell, arrived on campus Tues- not informed of the incident until day for a meeting with Assistant Monday evening, Lonero said he Director of Residential Life Amy must “catch up”on theevidence in Howard and Deans’ Assistant the case before he proceeds. He Veronica Carter where he admit- said he is waiting to speak to il IC ted involvement in Sunday Howard and Gardiner to assemble Photo by Shane Tiston morning’s vandalism, according the facts. Mondav night’s snowfall was not enough to deter students from their diligent studies in the library. to Sood, who also attended the Lonero said this incident can meeting. either be handled internally or ex- Carter refused to comment on ternally. If he garners enough evi- Former French President to speak the meeting and Howard did not dence against the individuals re- return repeated phone calls. In- sponsible, Lonero said he may terim Director of Residential Life bring the case before Somerville ablout development of Middle East Anne Gardiner acknowledged that District Court to request a hear- the meeting took place but said ing. by AILEEN CARR portant factors in the reshaping of the opportunity for a prominent she had not been briefed on the Another option, Lonero said, Contributing Writer western Europe at the time. “He politician to address issues con- outcome. is to make a reciprocal agreement Former President of France was one of themain instruments in cerningthe Middle East each year. Sood said MacPherson had re- with the University of Massachu- Valery Giscard d’Estaing will de- creating the European Council,” The series is funded by the Fares peatedly denied involvement in setts at Lowell whereby they would liver a lecture on Middle Eastern said History Department Chair Foundation, estqblished by Tufts the incident, but agreed to come mete out punishment. and European relations at Tufts Leila Fawaz. trustee Issam Faes. His son Fares forward after a phone call Mon- A third option would be to pros- next week. His lecture, part of the The topic for d’Estaing’s lec- Fares, who graduated from Tufts day night from Sood. Only one of ecute the perpetrators through Issam M. Fares Lecture Series, ture is “The Contribution of the in 1992, was commended by Sood’s other two guests -- Evan Tufts rather than the District will be held in Cohen Auditorium European Union to the Peace and Fawaz for his “loyalty to Tufts.” Geddes, also of Lowell -- will meet Attorney’s office. Lonero said an at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 8. Development of theMiddleEast.” It was his idea to start this lec- with Tufts officials this week, Sood internal punishment, for example ture series, which has brought both Giscard d’Estaing was Presi- He will be discussing political, told the Daily. the payment a fine to the Univer- dent of France from 1974 to 1981. social, and business interactions interesting and world-renowned Sood reported that the third sity, can often result in a harsher He is recognized for his involve- between Europe and the Middle speakers, well a great deal-of as as guest has been cleared by Tufts penalty than an external punish- ment in the creation of the Euro- East. Following the lecture, there visibility to the University, Fawaz because he now says he can vouch ment. pean Council and the establish- will be an opportunity for the au- said. Last year’s Fares Lecture was given by former President of the for the fact that this guest was ment of a new European monetary dience to participatein aquestion- “This is an offense to public United States George Bush. sleeping at the time of the inci- system, both of which were im- and-answer period which will be morality,” Lonero said. He added - moderated by Univer- The attendance of many mem- dent. __L~- In an interview on Monday, that the police department will do - sity President John bers of the French community in Sood said he believed all three of everything it can to investigate the Boston area %expected, ac- this case in a thorough manner. cording to Bernice Siegel, assis- his guests were involved. Wit- tant to Vice President Melvin Bernstein. She said that she antici- pates the presence of French con- ‘9.‘ sulates and other prestigious mem- bers of the local French commu- nity. Also, students and faculty members of French origin have been invited to attend. Tufts stu- dents studying Middle Eastern is- sues may be invited as well. d’Estaing’s wife, Anne- Aymone Giscard d’Estaing will accompany him. She is known for her contributionsto children’s ad- vocacy. In 1977, she created the Fondation Pour L’Enfance, an or- ganization dedicated to prevent- Dai/y file phoro Leila Fawaz . Dai/y file photo The Fares Lec- ing child abuse and advocating In a meeting yesterday, UMass student John McPherson admitted ture Series provides children’srights. his involvement inSunday morning’s graffiti incident in Carmichael. Trial begins for NY subway bombing suspect Inside: way bombing. At least 48 people noticed Leary’s expression. Monday that they saw Leary Los Angeles Times-Washington ..................P- Post News Service were injured. He is also charged “They say that eyes are the riding a subway train earlier that Features 3 windows to the soul, and he day and that he was behaving Dan Tobin discussesknowledge and NEW YORK -A New York in aDec. 15,1994, subway bomb- whistling, plus some gift ideas for ing that injured several high looked like an evil person to me,” strangely. One witness, Olivia City woman testified Monday that Valentine’s Day and Off The Hill. minutes before a firebomb ripped school students. she said. Taylor, sat next to Leary on one through a subway car in Decem- Leary’s lawyer, however, ar-. Foster said that Leary was train and said that he was carry- ber 1994, she saw a man she iden- gued that his client was not re- standing near a brown paper bag ing a paper bag that reeked of A& E.. .......................... P. 5 tified defendant Edward sponsible because he was under in a doorway of the train. She said gasoline. Introducing Heavy Rotation -- the as Leary, debut column of Duy Linh Tu, and a who had “scary, shining eyes and the influence of a mix of anti-de- that as the train entered the Fulton Newbury Street exhibit. they looked like evil.” pressants and other drugs that af- Street station in lower Manhattan, “I thought I was sitting next to art Leary, 50, went on trial Mon- fected his thought processes. there was an explosion. someone who was carrying an day in State Supreme Court in The witness, Alma Foster, 66, “I could hear screaming and explosive,” said Taylor, who said sports ....................... P- 7 Manhattan on charges of murder, whose hair was burned, was the debris flying; it was like Judgment that she then decided to scrutinize A look at the latest happenings in assault and illegal weapons pos- first of the victims to testify. Fos- Day,” Foster testified. Leary in case she had to later iden- the NESA, and men’s track finishes a session in the Dec. 21,1994, sub- ter said she was reading when she Two other passengers testified tify him. strone second dace at Norwich. page two THE TUFTSDAILY Wednesday, January 31,1996 rm TWS DAILYLetters to the Editor Jessica N. Rosenthal Thanks for the truth pant, it is a pleasure to see the truth being Russell Breniner LA ‘96 . Editor-in-Chief written. By accurately depicting the infre- Grant I. S. Disick LA ‘97 about Greek life quently-mentioned positives of fraternity Seth Marcus LA ‘98 Managing Editor: John OKeefe To the Editor: life, he provides prospective rushees with Associate Editors: Dan Tobin, Samantha Levine Editorial Page Editor: Greg Youman We would like to thank and commend invaluable insight. While the Greek system Production Managers: Ryan Otto, Mike Blanchard for his recent article on may have its flaws, as do most campus or- Pratiksha Thakkar, Raquel Almeida fraternity rush (“Questions and answers ganizations, its members genuinely take Consulting Editor: David Meyers about fraternity rush,”Duily, 1/30/96).
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