wtMPY W\MPY WrMPY 20LUME LXXXVII NUMBER 5 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER 19851 Major Housing T. Boone Pickens by Robin Wilson · Last night, T. Boone Pickens Jr. honored Cal:tech with a visit and enovatlonS a speech entItled "Who Owns RI America's Corporations?" Mr. ~~~ke~~~i~~e~O~~d%~ ~~~~~en~f Mesa Petroleum,dinn~r ~isarrived shortly n e 0 rk s before in private jet. As I th W a young CalIforma lIberal, I feared by Josh Susser electrical systems, all original I might not appreciate the famous and Peter Alfke equipment, were badly in need of Texas oilman, but during the ride There have been quite a few repair or replacement. A rather home from the airport, I developed umors flying around campus lately voluminous report on the possible ~ a great amount respect for Mr. :oncerning plans to restore or restoration of the south houses was ~ Pickens. econstruct the old student houses. prepared at that time, but in the fif­ .;: Recently, Mesa Petroleum fill­ N'hile everyone must agree that the teen years since, little progress has o ed the busines pages with an at­ iouth houses are in poor repair and been made. There have been at­ .s tempted takeover of Unocal. From ihould be fixed up, some of these tempts at restoration and renova­ ~ this and previous actions, T. Boone umors portend alarming things. tion, but efforts have been inade­ < f Pickens has become known as one rhe truth? The Faculty Committee quate, and most work has been i? of the foremost shareholders ad- )ll Student Housing has begun in­ either cosmetic or stop-gap. T. BOONE PICKENS LECTURING IN BECKMAN YESTERDAY EVENING continued on page 13 restigation, and according to com­ As Master of Student Houses, ~ttee chairman Dr. Glen Cass, Sunney Chan instituted a rehabilita­ however, that these efforts are in­ IThe real issue here is not whether tion program for the student sufficient, and that a consolidated, p restore the houses, but to what houses. Each summer from 1982 large-scale restoration should be 'egree, and at what level." to 1984, one house was closed for undertaken. i The south student houses were maintainance. These repairs con­ Last month, the Faculty Com­ nstructed in 1931, and no major sisted primarily ofindoor painting, mittee on Student Housing formed Student Center enovations have been made since. carpeting and lighting work, as a sub-committee to look into the s long ago as 1970, it was noted well as symptomatic treatment of problem. At the committee's re- by Matt Rowe ation away from house pressures? ~at the plumbing, heating and problems. It has become obvious, continued on page 13 It's 3:00AM. You need a Twix™ Wouldn't it be nice to have a fix. None ofthe vending machines new student center? on campus carries Twix™ bars. The idea has been tossed You could take half an hour, walk around campus for almost a to the Pantry or the AM/PM, pay decade, and enough people now an exorbitant price, and risk get­ agree about it that something is be­ Genius Director Real ting mugged or swindled on the ing done. Dr. Jim Morgan, the way back. Or you could suffer. Vice President for Student Affairs, Wouldn't it be nice to have an on­ is looking for suggestions for by Aloysius Crumb campus convenience store? facilities from both undergraduates You will often hear about the Or, say Fred comes around and graduates. Possible funding person who sets a precedent, and asking about the twenty bucks you options are being investigated, as it is a privilege to meet one. Wear­ owe him. He needs the money well as what type of remodeling or ing an androgynous beige Brooks a.s.a.p., you're broke, and the additional construction (and where) Bros. suit, with an efficient board­ house treasurer is in Tahiti. would be needed for a new student room demeanor Martha Coolidge Wouldn't it be nice to have your center. -director of this summer's finan­ bank's money machine right on There is little question of the cially successful and critically ap­ campus? need. Huston Hom, Director ofthe plauded feature Real Genius - ad­ Say you're just looking for a Caltech Y (situated on the secon dressed an OWC brown bag quiet place to do homework. floor of Winnett), says, "I think the seminar on Tuesday. You've got Black Sabbath on one present situation of the Winnett Here are some of her side, Black Flag on the other, and Student Center- namely, a vast, comments: concert-volume Philip Glass across dimly lit room with broken At one time Ms. Coolidge was the hall. There's a movie in the furniture - fails to communicate a . ashamed of being intelligent and lounge, all your studious friends positive attitude toward student would apologize for it. Ifsomeone are offgetting drunk, and Millikan amenities." The report of the Ac­ enthused about a "new" idea she has stiff chairs. Wouldn't it be nice crediting Commission agrees, had thought of herself five years to have a comfortable, well-lit, noting that "space for student ac- earlier she would say, "Oh, what open lounge for studying or relax- continued on page 4 a great idea." She has since learn­ ed to let herself be appreciated for her ability to think. There are no role models for ambitious women film directors; there is no "old girl network" to Core Changes he,lp them along; and everything you've heard about Hollywood is by Diana Foss nor any interest left in science, and true. There is a reason that so many Suddenly, everything seems to a program which burns out this American films are violent and full be about to change all at once. The many students has some serious of betrayals, back stabbing and reccomendations of the Ad Hoc problems which must be address­ exploitation - that is what the film Committee on Admissions Policies ed. There is also a feeling among industry is like. and Procedures (as reported two the faculty and administration that A lot of prejudice against ..9,' -0 weeks ago in the Tech) are soon to the undergraduate workload may women in Hollywood is blatant and i be followed by those ofthe Ad Hoc discourage potential applicants. Overt. It's not a big deal to be call­ ~ Committee on the Core Cur- Another aspect ofthe core cur­ ed "Honey" though many women .s"" riculum in what promises to be a riculum that the committee wishes hate it. After finishing a shot, an 8 major evaluation by the faculty and to examine is how well it meets the ebUllient cameraman pinched -2 administration of the quality of Institute's educational goals for its Coolidge's arse. She turned around ~. undergraduate life and education at students. Ofparticular concern are in surprise and looked at him for Caltech. The second committee's the freshmen and sophomore years a full minute before it struck him work is a logical extension's of the and how appropriate the content of what he'd done. His mortification first's: if Caltech can attract more these courses is, along with how at the realization was obvious, and MARTHA COOLIDGE, DIRECTOR OF REAL GENIUS AND VALLEY GIRL. DESCRIBES WHAT. IT'S LIKE TO BE A WOMAN BREAKING INTO A MALE-DOMINATED FIELD of the top students, what can we do well the classes are coordinated. nothing needed to be said, but un­ to keep them happy here? The Cur- Dr. Chan says that the committee conscious prejudious is ubiquitous They will not hire a woman direc­ this, Coolidge advises. Other peo­ riculum Committee hasn't for­ will consider whether the core cur­ and much more difficult to endure tor. They are not comfortable in the ple may hire you because they mulated any of the reccomenda­ riculum really "delivers" with with equanimity . The only way to presence of efficient, talented, in­ think it's novel or trendy to employ tions yet; indeed, much more input regard to students' educational discourage it is by making a joke. telligent, responsible women who a woman. Let them believe it! from students is needed before its needs. There are producers who have are getting on with the job while Once someone has hired a woman work is finished. In addition, the Ad Hoc Com­ women standing in line outside they're screwing around. It's too for the first time, they're more like­ Dr. Sunney Chan, the chair of mittee on the Core Curriculum is their trailers at lunch time - to "ser­ much like having mother looking ly to do it a second. the committee, says that there is concerned with giving Caltech vice" them - men who went into the over their shoulder. You have to be better than any deep concern among the faculty undergraduates a more balanced business seeking "glamour"­ On the other hand some men man for the job- and you'll still be and administration for how the core education, one which will address especially the company of genuinely prefer to hire women paid less welL Studios pay what the curriculum affects student life at the needs ofthe student as a whole glamourous women. You don't because they think they are less market-and your agent's negotia- Caltech. Far too many students person, rather than focussing soley have to worry about these men. threatening. Take advantage of continued on page 3 leave Caltech with neither degrees continued on page 12 2 THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER 1985 I---------LETTERS------~ a large corporation, but the intent is the same; preserve the common good.
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