• • VoILrne 14. Nt.mber 3 Ju~, August, Seplember 1996 3 CAHS Members Become Bards Jean Jolliffe ofWisconsin, Peler Julian of Ontario, and Susan Pellowe of Illinois, were invited to join the circle of Cornish Bards at the Gorseth in September. We congratulate them most warmly for being accorded such a high honor. lean and Sue are the fourth and fifth Bards in United States history! Peter was Bard number 1,000 to enter the Gorseth, for which there was a special little ceremony (Jean was 999). You read about Jean in our last issue. Her impressions of the ceremony follow. We hope to have future articles on Peler and Sue. What the Jolliffes did on their summer vacation Or • Did Jean make it through the Gorseth In 1994. Ron and I attended the Gorscth in sily and llhought that, wherever my ancestors were, they Cambome and were so very impressed wilh lhe were proud of this descendanL Since 1972. when I began ceremony and the feeling of unity willi everyone my research, J have learned so much about Ron's and my there. We were proud to be Cornish and proud ofour Cornish ancestors and the country they left behind (his in heritage. We planned to return to Cornwall in 1997, 1844 and mine close to 300 years before that). I have but this past May, a letter arrived inviting me to join sought to share this information and other bits and pieces Gorseth Kernow. Never, did I think I would have the I have collected with those interested. opportunity to join such an illustrious group. Every night we watched for Saturday's forecast. We arrived in early September. spending a We had never been to Cornwall when it hadn't rained -­ wcck visiting family and friends in North Cornwall until this trip. and "rambling~ around. Note: Cheese and Onion pasty and a saffron bun, sitting on top of Rough Tor Before the ceremony. we were able to watch after a vigorous climb. is a wonderful experience! folk dancers and browse the numerous booths (Walch the 9th Gathering sales table for a wonderful variety of As September 7th appf()a(;hcd. my initial Cornish merchandise). Ros Keltek (at our 8th Gathering) nervousness returned with visions of stumbles at the and Cam Kemewek (hopefully at a future Gathering) ceremony. We picked up my robe and headwear were dancing to lilting Cornish jigs and reels -- the black early so I could try them on to make sure the robe and gold of RK and the black and white of CK. inter­ wasn't too long ("You don't want to trip. do you?"). I spersed with the gold dresses and bl~k and white sashes hardly recognized this blue-robed person in the mir­ of the children's dance groups -- what a wonderful sight. ror. It struck me again how ancient our culture is . It was heartening to see the large number of children TItis attire was not uncommon centuries ago. I began continuing the folk traditions of their cWture. La1er Cam to think: about my own Cornish ancestors - perse­ Kernewck danced off to the side - accompanied by a lone • cuted Cornish Catholics who triumphed over adver­ melodeon player. I was struck their headwear, especially ,. T~Kemewek July, August, September t996 the white gooks with a flat black hal on top, and 17 new Bards were initiated into the Gorseth vibrant red cape$ over black dresses, Another im­ including the three of us from North America - Susan pressive sight on an impressive day - with more to Pellowe. Peter lulian (the 1000th Bard - a special come. honor). and myself, Bard Terry lones of British Columbia received the Paul Smales Award. Carol Ju­ Ron wore his kilt. He and the Jnl!.Dy others lian (Peter's wife) received the award for best song in in kilts made another handsome addition to the day. the Cornish language, Many other awards went to both adults and children. This information will be in a fu­ Soon it was time to join the other initiates !O ture TK. Wouldn't il be great if some CAl-IS members prepare for the Gorseth ceremony. The nervousness submitted entries in the various categories? rerurned, which I expressed to one of the Bards who was helping us.. She said, ''Not 10 worry. Everything After the ceremony, there were more conver­ is done as a group." PeLeT Julian and Susan Pellowe sations and congratulations. I could not believe il was had arrived by now, r---------____-----~------'about over -- so SO il was like having a LISKEARD 1«)96 much anticipation mini CARS meeting. and then excitement Moira Tangye and A sea of blue on a cushion of green. during the ceremony Howard Curnow Cornish accents, and Breton, Welsh, Bri.tish, and now -- 1am a popped in to offer AustTa1i,;m and North American too! Bard! AND I didn't congratulations. Bagpipe, harp and singing in the ancient language. trip. If I had, I might Golden wheat carried by the Lady of Cornwall. have been red-faced, Before long Purple heath, colorful daisies and wild flowers but still proud ofre­ a sea of blue moved held in small hands ceiving this great toward the lineup area honor for accom· - last minute instruc­ By young girls - two steps forward, one back. pJishing things I love tions - Merv Davey GleaDlirig copper around the neck of the Grand Bard. and never consider warming up the Cor­ Glimmering 8ilver of the sword of King Arthur, work. nish bagpipe - harp Rustling robe. of the Bard•. music emanating from Nervous coughs of the new initi.ates. Seeirig the ttK: Circle - pictures Hushed voices as each naDle is announced. Thomas' from being taken - relatives "Ystoryor Ryp Loghow Mur" - that's me! Canada was a pleas­ stopping by to say Moving forward with an overwhelming feeling of ant surprise (Carin is congratulations. So humbleness our Pedigree CoUee­ many things stimwat­ And Pride of boeing Cornish _ not panic as I feared. tor), as well as a few ing the senses at one "Bro Goth" sung in unison. correspondents over time. From Wisconsin Today _ From Cornwall centuries the yean; whom I'd never met. Lest you n.e proces­ ago. think the day was ______________________"Celtic Spiri.t - Cornish Pride". ..... over, the tea was the sion was led by the L colorful banners of next event .- onion the Gorseth and the Old Cornwall Societies, fol­ and cheese pasty again (we really think they're better lowed by Merv and his bagpipe, and the black and than been). saffron cake, sandwiches and restorative white of St. Piran's banner waving in the breeze. cups of hot tea. It was a time to visit, meet fellow Next it was our turn - aJphabeticai and two by two, Bards, renew acquaintances I never knew were Bards then the Bards (close to 200), and lastly ~ Gorseth - just a greal social evenL lfrM.r~ ar~ any Trevan­ Officials. As we moved toward the Circle, voices of _ ion's outlhen or ifanyont! knows 010 Tr~vanion, the spectators could be heard. bUI as we reached it, a plwse contact m~, hush came over the crowd. Only Bar4.s are allowed within the: Circle, so we initiates divided imo two After the tea, the Gorseth concert where the columns. The Bards walked between us and into the Loveny Male Voice Choir entertained us, along with Circle to take their assigned places. followed by the two superb soloists. Then the Troyl - vety similar to Grand Bard and the other Gorseth Officials. an Irish Ceili or dance. Ros Keltek provided the music and dance instruction, and it was also an opportunity to '1..iskeard 1996" spcak:s my thoughts as I was priv­ chat with more people. Bert Biscoe (who will be at the ileged to participate in (his 67th Gorseth Kemow. 9th Gathering) was there. 35 well as two young Cornish (Collrilllled 011 page J4} 28 Tam Kernewek July, August. September 1996 Dear Cousins, Thoughts from our President Dear Cousins. in a choir? POSSibilities are limited best be accomplished. "'" Many of us havo! been working onl)' by imagination. You should have received on the "}'3o Gatheliflg of Cornish Cousins Areas we may not have your first publicity on Ely from Linda aI El y. I arrive home to an average of louched: How about female singers? Fryer of the Ely Chamber of Com­ three letters every day about some as­Can you dance a Cornish dance? Can merce. Please be sure 10 let us know if peCt of the even!. you run a workshop on the Cornish lan­ you did no t. Also don't forgel we wi ll Offers to do presentations of guage? Is your Cornish pasty rec ipe be in Ihe last narrow neck of the woods. all sorts are rolling io but there is still "the best in the world'"? We are catering for 300 members and room for YOU. Quality of talks. handi­ ! hope you are looking for­ friends making the limitation of Ely craft events and music will be very ward to the General Meeting. Does accorrunodation is (;fUcial . Book hi gh. Good people from Cornwall and anyone ever? We have some interest­ early/if Nonh Americ.a havc offered their ser­ ing issues to discuss. What should our If you are not driving, proba­ vIces. dues reasonably be? Should we blend bly flying into Ely is best and I believe JU 5110 name a few - Did you local and CAHS dues? What privileges not impossibly expensive. There will give Moi ra Tangye your story last year can \.\Ie offer to members? Reduced be plenty of cars at the Gathering for for the Cornish Connection? Moira registration fees? Cheaper T - sh ir lS~ people (0 get lifts to all our venues.
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