THE CRAWFORD CTTIZEW AMD CHRONICLE, THURSDAY; AUGUST II, to make that nu U floor that the i many of the position is strewn with hazards or Washington, but 1 others before the pub- REPORT TO THE PEOPLE cUl-fight Ui raaJa. prohlemt ire. _ How lie tnte ' To depending on one's uhdenUnding here that amendments can beoften we wrestled there with ques- know and appreciate the #\ 11 A FROM YOUR C0N6RESSW0MAH of. the legislative process and ex-offered and adopted completely tions of State funds to. match fed- at one level is toxbe better equipped, perience in its complicated day-by- changing the meaning of the bill eral grants, for instance, while to deal with therrKat another. '•• •: day operations. being considered. , ' : here, much of toy time has been Seldom would.,.this truism^'be FIORENCE P. DWYER - To know when to act and how, It's here that unrecorded voice spent with the Subcommittee on quite so true, perhaps, as it is In to understand where to go and votes' or teller votes or division Intergovernmental Relations work- the case of the formerN^ssembly- whom to talk with and what to say; votes (non of. which involves a ing on those complex problems woman from -Union CoUhty, now GARW0 0D KENILWORTH to appreciate what can happen to a roll-call where members* votes are from the opposite end. CRANFORD Experience—as everyone knows toh, Trenton or Tallahassee—to the Congress woman from^Union —is the best teacher, bill in the subtlest,way and at thepublicly listed) can upset a bill or Consider for a moment some of County. The move from Trenton shelter the people's representatives most unlikely, place—this, I be- speed it through and often with the pubic issues that directly as. MCond cUn mmil nuiitei >l And, as many of my colleagues as they deliberate.on the needs of to Washington, I have f< No. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2$ 1958 the Po«t Ofllev »t Cranford. N J 3<SectionS, 20 Pages—10c here will affirm, there is no sub- lieve, is the value of legislative ex- far less than half the. members affect you:, air pollution, commuter changed many things/But it didn 1 their constituencies and strive for perience,' ' present. This is WuV especially fares, aviation safety, _ stitute for legislative experience agreement on the best means of hjjhwayi, change the people I serve' or the if one intends to be a legislator. But the most important lesson of the last days of a session when juvenile delinquency, housing, district I represent. meeting them. which, once learned, never leaves speed is the order of the dayWand classrooms and scholarships, in- Many times during the past two The procedures by which legisla- when bills—-like apples during In that sense, my first term in anmitteeWm Study you or lets, you down, permeates flation and recession. ' ' • Washington has been made so years I've had occasion to be grater ture? and legislators function are every aspect and act of the legisla- harvest time—roll swiftly through None of these is an isolated mat- ful for the seven years I served in. also more alike than not. Every- much more, fruitful, my work so zation tive life. Never—the lesson goes— the House. ter, neatly boxed and beribboned, the State Assembly at Trenton. where—bills are introduced, re- much more a continuation of the 1 take anything for granted. Keep The House floor is the place to mean to be considered at only'one There are many differences be- ferred to committees (where they problems and causes with which.' jrant School Future your eyes open all the way... Learn be, that is, if you Want to be a full- level of "government—municipal, tween the Assembly and the Con-are sat upon or thought about), I identified Trenton. 10 anticipate what might happen. time legislator. ."""• :; , \ _'.'-. county. State or Federal. Not at A committee to study the disposition of Union; Junior Col-; gress, to be sure, but the similar 4 reported for consideration b,y the' For me, then—I am grateful to Read, listen, and watch—carefully! Not only are purpose and pro-all. Each of these governmental report—experience has been my ee's present building—thei former Grant Sdiool—has been Teacher Assignments Told ities are even greater. full body, debated, amended, and I believe I can illustrate what I cedure similar, i in Trenton and' Teacher assignments for ho 1958-59 school i Teachers will meet on Tuesday and/Wed- Much of it is in the mood of the passed, defeated or pigeon-holed. bodies has a role to play, each has best teacher. - .••,.. jointed by Dr- Thomas Roy Jones of WestGeld, chairman of mean. ear, which opens next Thursday, were an nesday to prepare for the opening'of Crari- place. Legislative halls, after all. But every step of that thorny As 1 described in this report sev-r Board^f Trustees. h o were- built for the same purpose path from, introduction to final dis- lounced today by Dr. Clark W. McDermith, i ford's public schools next Thursday, Dr. Clark eral weeks ago our Veterans Af<-^ i Named^to thejeommittee to determine the building's everywhere—whether in/vyashing- committee rooms, hearing testi- fairs Committee has- been investi- uperintendent of schools. W. McDermith, superintendent of schools, aru gating the questionable fund- ; were E. Duer Reeves of Following are the assignments for Crahford noulnced today. raising activities* of groups sup- d, Dr. Albert Meder of posedly helping veterans. We un- Ecs and Dr. William H. Committee High School: Administration offices in all covered a good deal of deception Of Dancing Principal, G. Frank Zim- chools are open throughout fcest'of Cranford. and brought to light a number-of merman; director of secondary :his week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. angles and devices used to exploit Union Junior College pur- Win Vacate Over 5,000 veterans and line the pockets of ged the building, which has education, Frank J. Martz; li- ;o register new entrants, con- those operating the fund-raising ENROLLMENT ALL • its home since 1942. txja the Paper Street trarian, Elmer Weber; guid- Enrollment er with" pupils and parents rackets. ord Board of Education to Township Committee introduced ince counselors, Charles Post, Mrs. ind to make other preparations for $20,000. Under tettns of The Committee staff drafted a on ordinance Tuesday evening.' for Hargarc.t Rhein and Robert or opening of the new school: i the college must offer the vacation of a •'paper street" es'-. Is Expected proposed report, on the basis of OFF Enrollment Th the Cranford Pub- ear. _ .which legislation was to be intro- ing to Cranford for $20,000 tablished three years after the Brown; school nurse, Miss Eliza- Ncw residents, wishing infor- •• SEPT• ^ . • 5• &• : SEPT"_; r 6 lic Schools is expected to pass the duced to prevent these abuses in , 4ny capital improvements be- Civil War but never opened for >eth Durrcll. mation regarding which school! 1 public use. 5,000 mark for the first time next the future. But reading this draft $1.75 e, disposing of it to any other English, Frank' Ramsey, Michael Thursday wriert thc.local schools icrvc their neighborhoods are re- I was struck by the looseness of • OLD AND NEW STUDENTS, Day. place, between Central ave- Glehnon. Miss Diane Horton, Miss lUestcd to call the office of the nue and Nonnandie place, will be open their doors for the .4958-59 some of its language. One recom- [the college has awarded eon- Mary King, Albert Kislin, Miss school year. uperihtendent, Dr. McDermith HO-WE nOITT mendation in particular was so' V BEGINNERS • INTERMEDIATES «cts (or a $1 milUoii building to abandoned if the committee adopts itoted- ' ane M.umford, Norman Orcnstein, A total of 553 .pupils already arc 1L'* '"•"• "\ the ordinance, up for final reading loosely drawn that it threatened to s located on its new, 28-acre cam- Eston Roberts, Mrs. Marie Parks enrolled to enter thc kindergartens Pupils entering the township prohibit the use of mailing lists by EGG SHAMPOO 5itc — the-former Nomahegan and public hearing at 8:30 p.m. ;ystem fo,r the first time should" • ADVANCED PROFESSIONALS September 9. md Frank Spnda; English and In thc six elementary schools and HOUSES such legitimate groups a» churches, Course. Construction is ex- late registrations by new residents resent, nt time of registerlnc, welfare agencies and "organizations Adopted was an ordinance va- ;peech, Miss Geraldine Weinblntt.' to begin next week with U. S. history.and world history, who have moved into the com- heir birth certificate, or an ac- ' But We Do Furnish Much Of of all kinds for the purpose of rais- • TEACHERS npletion, date set for Sep-cating parts of Cornell and Dart- munity during the sumrnt-r months :eptablc substitute, evidence of ing money to support their,worth- mouth roads at the intersection Stuart Goldblatt and John Drab- ble; modern and U, S. history,, arc expected to bring this figure imallpox vaccination within the The Material That Goes Into while and truly charitable activi- ptB 'developing plans for our with Gallows Hill road. Another near the 575 mark, , last five years and evidence of ties. Class and Private Instructions in Tap, Ballet; r building" - Dr. Kenneth C. adopted measure amended the re- Seymour Weiss; U. S. history, John There were' 223 seniors in last immunization against diphtheria Their Construction ... and It was a case of attacking a real 25c ay, presHlent, said, "we a$»cent' traffic ordinance to make the c,_JSdji)tarA_ Boyle, Edward June's Kraduating class at Cran- n thc form of a booster shot or ~*3 evil with a remedy so sweeping Toe, Hawaiian, Modern and Modern Jazz, penalty for violations come within o ind "Walter Wilson.
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