THE CUMBERLAND ISLANDER «' With which ls consolidated the Cumberland -News. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 1923 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. MASONIC BALL NEW GOLF COURSE Annual Report Of The SPLENDID SUCCESS FOR COMOX St. John's Ambulance Lovers of the Royal and Ancient The officers and members ot Ma­ President Of Hospital pastime are to rceive a pleasant Association Examinations sonic Lodge No. 26, A. F. & A. M. surprise this season. Golfing enthu­ held their annual ball in the Ilo-Ilo To the Subscribers to the Cum­ low a rate as could possibly be ex­ siasts have long desired additional Dance Hall laBt Friday evening, when 11 Successful Candidates.—Re­ pected. facilities on north Vancouver Island FOUR SQUARE berland General Hospital. they entertained some three hundred cord for Cumberland. Seventy per cent of the patient to pursue tlieir pet pastime. The as­ guests, many of whom came from CLUB ENTERTAIN Gentlemen:— days treatment was under this agree­ sured heavy influx of vacationists r outside points. The hall was beau­ | The examinations of the members I beg to submit the annual report ment while ouly 44.5 /r of the total re­ from the East and South, prompted of st Jo! tifully decorated with the lodge col­ The Four Square Club of Grace j - 'n's Ambulance Association of the Cumberland General Hospital venue was received from the Medical quick action. ors, blue aud white and reflected Methodist Church, composed of young which were held recently, have been for tlie year ending March ,11st, 1923. Board. great credit on the Decoration Com. The'sole blemish to what otherwise glrlB, which was formed by Mrs. a glorious success, their being '41 suc­ Slut 1stles: Repairs to Buildings mlttee. Tbe guests were received by would make a perfect holiday ln the Kinney some time ago, entertained at cessful candidates. Too much can­ In Hospital. April 1st 1922 27 Very little repairs were done dur­ Mrs. E. T. Searle, Union Bay, Mrs. Comox district, namely, the lack of a j a Mother and daughter banquet last not be said In praise of the splendid ing the past year only $886.78 having Admitted during the year 329 A. R. Stacey and Mrs. J. A. Quinn. real gulling course, has happily been Friday evening. Green and gold co-operation and assistance given tho been spent on repair work. Discharged during thc year 316 Refreshments were served at mid­ removed. And tbe persons to whom streamers from the lights to the classes by G. K. McNaughton, Dr. E. There Is a considerable amount ot Died during the year 16 night, after which dancing continued the thanks ot all pleasure seekers, table made n pretty and effectlvo de­ R. Hicks and Mr. A. J. Taylor. It Is work to be done whicli the Board had In Hospital, March 31st 1923 .... 24 until 3:00 A.M. Music was supplied particularly golfers is due are the coration. Twenty four was the num­ largely due to tlieir efforts that such hoped to be able tn do this coming Number of Hospital Days treat­ by n ftve-plece orchestra consisting owners and management of the Elk ber sitting down to the excellent re. excellent results have been obtained. summer. ment 9442 of Messrs. W. A. Owen, Symons, Col- Hotel, Comox, B.C. past which the girls had prepared in The following Is a list of the success­ The heating system Is inadequate Average number of patients per ville Grchani, T. Plump and Ingham. .Mugnlllle«iit Situation honor ot tlieir mothers. A toast to ful candidates: lor the proper heating of the building dny 26 The new links Is a nine-holer, beau­ the King was proposed by Mrs. Kin­ .Men's Classes— during cold spells. The furnace re­ Major operations 34 Committees In Charge tifully situated on an approach over­ ney, responded to by tbe singing ot 1st Year.—J. Kirkbride, Wm. Wood. quires to be enlarged, n considerable "God save the King." A toast to II. Waterfield. Minor operations 205 The decoration Committee consisted looking Comox Harbor. Those who amount of new piping put in aud ad­ "Our Mothers" was proposed by 2nd Year— S. Hunt, W. Taylor. Obstetrical cases 41 of: Brothers G. Michell, H. G. Knap- have visited the course now Hearing ditional radiators placed in each Beth Horbury, Mrs. Cunlltte, respond­ 3rd Year—C. Nash, J. D. Davis, J. X-Ray examinations made 356 pet, T. Rickson, D. R. McDonald, A. completion admit that lt ranks room. The outside lining ot the build ing. Mrs. Bums offered a toast to Quinn. There is n slight decrease In the C. Lymn. F. Pickard, C. B. Wood, E. among the most magnificently situat­ ing from the floor level to the ground the "Girl's Club" and Edith O'Brien number of pat len I days treatment, Jackson, R. Gibson, and M. William­ ed golf grounds on the Coast. 4th Year—R. Reid, W. Whitehouse. is in very bad shape nnd should be responded. A special feature of the there being 112 less patient days than son. The following were on the re­ The location from the point of view 6th Year—A. J. Taylor, J. Taylor. entirely renewed. evening was a splendid address to In the previous year which was the freshment committee: Brothers, T. of accessibility is ideal. Less than Home .\iirslng Class:— Several floors require renewing the mothers and daughters by Mrs. largest in the history of the Hospi­ H. Mumford, W. Woods, R. Thomp­ five minutes' walk separates it from Second Year—Mrs. M. Hudson, Mrs. and some of the rooms require ktiiso- McKinnon. tal. son,!! J. Quinn. E. T. Searle, H. Tap- the Elk Hotel and it is In close prox­ S. Covert. Mrs. N. Marsh, Mra. B. miniiig and painting. Davis, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. M. Mc­ Financial Condition pin. A. Lee, and D. R. McDonald. The imity to the boat landing. .Musical Programme It was the hope of the Board that Allister, Mrs. M. Yarrow, Mrs. F. During the year ns will be noted Master of Ceremonies was Brother The Elk Hotel Is affiliated with the A short musical programme Ihey would have the necesBnfy funds Parkinson, Mrs. M. McAdam, Mrs. from llie financial statement ihe re­ A. R. Stacey. B. C. Automobile Association and followed In which the follow­ in hand this year to have this work M. Clark, Mrs. J. Ronald, Mrs, J. ceipts from all sources were $20247.40 members of the latter body will be al­ ing participated: Harriet Gomn, done. Unfortunately however owing Anderson, Mrs. M. Graham, Mrs. M. and Iho total expenditures were ways welcomed guests on this course. vocal solo; Ella Burns, recitation; to the Medical Board being unable to Lockner. $21760.42. leaving n net loss on the LAST OF SERIES Jessie Maxwell, piano solo; Beryl pay llieir full amount, It will be im­ Hudson, recitation; Elizabeth Cim- Boys Junior ('hiss:— year's operations of $1513.02. OF LECTURES | ANGLICANS TO possible with the funds In sight to llffe, recitation. These numbers W. Brown, O. Brown, J. Richard­ The llosplliil had a balance In the do any of this work. This work Is HAVE SALE OF WORK were well received and much appre­ son. A. Gonin, J. Bird, F. Lever­ bank to Us credit nt tlle beginning of Professor Utlow of the B. C. Uni­ badly needed hut unless Ihe money is ciated by the audience. sedge, A. Dick. J. Robertson, L. the fiscal yenr of $1907.08, but nt Ihe versity Extension Course delivered I The Ladles Auxiliary of Holy Trl- in sight it will be impossible for the The girls spared no effort to mnke Dauclo. close of tho fiscal year this was re­ Hoard fo do anything. the sixth nnd final lecture of the ser­ I nlty Church will Introduco some spe­ Ladles' Class:— ies for the season arranged by tho the evening a pleasant one for their duced to $394. S2. Receipts were Collections from private patients cial features at their bazaar to be 1st Year—Miss E. Hunden. Mrs. E. Cumberland Literary and Athletic As­ mothers, and Judging from tlio com­ $2663.78 less thnn in Ihe fiscal year have been good. Unpaid accounts , held next Wednesday, May 16th. An Shenrer, Mrs. M. Hughes, Mrs. E. sociation. Mr. Thomas Oraham acted plimentary remarks of ihe . latter, ending March 31st, 1922, and thc ex­ amount lo $625.00. Most of this Is of "Every-dny-in-the-week" atall ln Johnslnn, Mrs. J. Potter. as chairman for the levelling. "In their efforts were crowned with glor­ penditures woro nlso $1196.10 less recent date and ls collectable. $155.00 whicli the days will be represented as the Land of the Inca" was the profes­ ious success. J. D. DAVIS, Secy. than tlie previous year. The reduc­ Is considered uncollectible. "Wash day, Ironing day, etc. will be tion in llie amount received Is re­ sor's subject which was n remark­ n great attraction. Mark the date, Wc wish to express our apprecia­ sponsible for the deficit, and not in­ ably interesting one, and much en­ Wednesday, May 16th, and pay a vi­ REVISION OF CITY BY-LAWS CUMBERLAND TRIUMPH tion of the good work of the Ladles creased expenditure, tthe hospital joyed by a large and appreciative sit to this interesting bazaar. Com­ Auxiliary during the past year In OVER COURTENAY IN has been able lo meet all Its financi­ audience. It Is hoped that next sea­ mence,: nt 3:00 p.m. Thc Mayor and aldermen of the furnishing many comforts for the pa­ INITIAL CONTEST al obligations when due without re­ son will bring forth Just such an­ City met last Monday evening in the tients.
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