THE WEATHER NEXT MAILS Iweaty-four hours ending5 a.m., ^C^' J LfylS 9/fl^Maattlt. .Wednesday, pm, July 16. 01 SouTH .a, TKHH. MIN-THMP. UAR. IN. RAIN ™' -^ " WaV^-v ' 71.0 49.0 30.219 .. ^"-"-aMiinorfwJQ,. .v Sunday, 9 a. m THE DAILY Jffttitlmtu ' -"• (J*^vJJ*>\ .Monday, H u. m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist o* M. B. G. VOL.11. NO. 158 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS •nl 1 u ea T FEDERAL CANDIDA HAD NARROW ESCAPE ..~* SAWMILL PLANT NELSON MINER SHOT DEAD Dan Ronald Spent Eleven Hours BASEBALL SCORES Granby Co. Bought Machinery JAPAN MAKES TWO VERY in tho Water in Gulf of For Goose Bay Georgia. BY CONSTABLE QUINL1VAN Northwestern League GENEROUS CONCESSIONS Vancouver 12, Tacoma 1. The Granby Consolidated Min­ (Canadian Press Despatch) ing & Smelting Company of Grand Spokane 4, Portland 3. In Abrogating British Commercial Treaty Continues to John Suszko, the Victim, Had Bad Mood On—Stole a Vancouver, July 15.—Da i Ro­ Victoria 12, Seattle 8. Forks lias just placed in Vancou­ nald of this city, was rescued in Give Canada "Favored Nation" Terms Consents Revolver and Cartridges from Hardware Store, Pacific Coast League ver an order for a new sawmill Shot Up the Town and Defied Arrest the Gulf of Georgia by a tug Sacramento 5, Los Angeles 8, plant to be Installed at its new to Alter Anglo-Jap Treaty to Favor Anglo- yesterday. He had been trying Vernon 1, Portland 2. mine, the Hidden Creek group at American Peace Treaty (Canadian Preas Despatch) the latter pointing his gun at to keep on the bottom of an 'Frisco 8, Oakland 2. Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet, Portland Canal district. The plant (Canadian Press Despatch) The Alliance has been modified Nelson, July 15.—John Suszko. the Constable meanwhile. Upturned boat for eleven hours. National League will have a f-apacity of 40.(100 feet Ottawa, July 15.—The Cana­ to exclude the 1'nited States from a miner, is dead here from a bullet Shot Him Dead It seems Ronald upset the boat Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 5. daily. dian Government has been ad­ the list of Britain's possible ene­ wound in lhe head, inflicted by Quinlivan drawing his revol­ while sailing from here CO Victoria. Boston 7, St. Louis 5. vised by the Colonial Office that mies, and thc life of the alliance Constable Quinlivan during aatreet ver from his pocket fired without American League notwithstanding the abrogation of has la-en extended to nearly six taking aim, the bullet entering Another Record Breaker tight in which Qttifllivan shot in For rent after July Slat, base­ Philadelphia 1, Detroit (i. Japan's commercial treaty with years. M*I( defence. Suszko died in Grand Suszko' head. ment in Helgerson Block now New- York 3, St. Louis 4. The shoe that sets the pace Great Britain, to which Canada Forks Hospital last night, a couple occupied by William Grant. Apply Cleveland 4, Washington 1. for children is the "Classic". Soott, became a |>ariy several years ago, Some Fog Outside ol hours after the shooting. O. M. Helgerson, Ltd. Chicago 1, Boston 4. Frond & Co. have them. Dismal D. and D. Japan has promised to continue The weather report by wireless Wanted to Fight For having unfortunately im­ to treat Canadian products under this morning hinted at some fog bibed rather too freely yesterday the "favored nation" terms. on the water southwards and li is said that Suszko who was Conrad I.insett paid the five and towards Pacheiia, Triangle report­ iti a lighting mood went to a two penalty this morning at the Washington is Pleased ed rough sea and cloudy. The hardware store to huy a revol- command of Magistrate Carss. LICENSE BOARD NOW HAVE steamers Prince Rupert and State lver, asking for credit. When Washington, July 15.—Modifi­ He had been bailed out, and the of California were spoken on their ]tlii> waa refused, he grabbed a cation of the British-Japanese Al­ ball to that familiar amount was way south. l-ii.i|*nn and a box of cartridges estreated. liance treaty has created the great­ I antl il.i-.hul out into the street THEIR MINUTES EXPUNGED est satisfaction here. It is con­ A Total Wreck I Hnurishing thc gun and firing Travel southbound Monday by sidered that this has removed Don't get wrecked when iii the Idiots into the air. the new Princess Mary, the most Remark of Chairman Hilditch to the Effect That If It Is Not Law thc last obstacle to the con­ ("unstable Quinlivan who was modern and luxurious steamer summation of the proposed ar­ hills by wearing |nn>r shoes. Let I -Miiimi-mttl parleyed with Suzsko, on the Pacific Coast. to Have Bottle Licenses in Prince Rupert, It Should Be Made bitration treaty between the States Scott. Froud ft Co. fit yo up In-fore and Great Britain. you go. Law as in Victoria are Removed from Records—Com­ I FIRST FEDERAL CANDIDATES missioners Say They Did Not Hear It IS CHARGED WITH KILLING ARE NOW IN THE FIELD At the June meeting of the ked OUt the particularly illumina­ As corroborating the shorthand Licence Board Alderman Hilditch tive sentence. notes of the City Clerk, which ARCHIE COBLE AND BRIDE IManitoba Conservatives Nominate Mr. G. H. Bradbury the Acting Chairman of Com­ "I have no recollection," he make Alderman Hilditch say "if to Contest Selkirk—Winnipeg Liberals Nom­ mission, was most emphatic that said, "of the chairman's having bottle licences are good for Vic Fiendish Double Murder at Rainier, Washington, Fol­ inate Mr. J. H. Aahdown to Succeed City Clerk Woods, Secretary of made use of the words mentioned, loria, they will be good for Prince lowed by the Arrest of Swan Peterson on Mur­ Mr. D. C. Cameron Who Becomes the Commission, should take full those Baying that if it is not law Rupert," and "if there is not law, der Charge—Waa Jealous of Young make it law," is the verbatim Lieut.-Governor shorthand notes of all that passed. to have bottle licences it should Couple Mr. Woods did so, and his minutes be made law as they did in Vic­ shorthand report of thc News (Canadian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, where today the Lib of the meeting read yesterday toria." reporter which further recorded (Canadian Press Despatch) ty jail, charged with ihe double \Viiini|K-g. July 15.—Thc first erals decided to put up Mr. J. were very full, much of thc busi­ Mr. Woods referred to his short­ the Chairman of the Licensing Tacoma, July 16.—A new sen­ murder of Archie and Nettie Coble. ness being given verbatim. Chair­ Board as saying: "My way of The double bitted axe which the |nominadon for the forthcoming II. Aahdown as the candidate for hand and read thc words of sation has been caused to thc Dominion election contest was man Hilditch's remarks that he looking at it is simply to see that murderer used for his crime will the seat now held by Mr. D. C. Chairman Hilditch, as recorded inhabitants of Rainier, where Ar Ini.ule ,u Selkirk, Manitoba, last favored Prince Rupert following in the minutes. Commissioner the city of Victoria has made it lie used as evidence at ihe trial. Cameron. Mr. Cameron will not chic Coble and his seventeen year •night, when the Conservatives nam Victoria's example in simply mak­ Smith maintained ihat lie had law whether it be law or not." Was Insanely Jealous be in the field at thc next election old bride were murdered on their |wl tlnir present member, George ing it law to issue bottle licences not heard them, and desired the However the offending para­ Peterson was acquainted with bridal I ail on Monday, by thc 111 Bradbury, to again become as he is slated to succeed Sir came in for conspicious attention. sentence to be expunged from the graph is expunged from lhe records the girl before her marriage, anil arrest of Swan Peterson, a section I their choice for thc next Par- Daniel McMillan as Lieutenant Commissioner Smith quickly pic­ minutes. This was done. of tin* Licensing Board. thc state's theory is that the hand. I (foment. Governor of Manitoba in Sep­ crime was committed during a Charged With Murder Winnipeg Follows tember when Sir Daniel's tenure fit of insane jealously, following Second for the horor comes of office expires. VAUDEVILLE THEATRE FOR SECOND AVENUE Peterson, is now in Pierce Coun­ thc marriage of the young couple. IBOTTLE LICENSES WERE Westholme Company to Erect a Handsome Theatre Next to the Continental Trust GENERAL CLEAN-UP FOR Company—Will Seat Over a Thousand People— Pantaget> Will Lease the ALL RENEWED YESTERDAY House and Supply Vaudeville -To Open First Week in October THE CITY HALL TODAY Work on a new 120,000 vaude­ provided for 1,100 people in the leading theatres in the western |A. J. Prudhomme Got Renewal for Savoy Hotel With­ AH the Formidable Array of Paila, Scrubbing Brushes, ville theatre will be commenced auditorium and gallery. The stage cities of Canada and the United out Further Demur Mr. E. J. Maynard Surren­ Soap Powder, Will be on the Job Thia After­ immediately by the Westholme will measure 21 feet by 30 feet!States to supply the acta. ders His Wholesale License to Take Retail and will be so designed and The first week in October will noon Greatest Clean-Up in the City's I umber Company, on the 50 by equipped that first class acta will see the opening bill.
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