COMPETITION AND COOPERATION IN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb i 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb iiii 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIA PACIFIC RESEARCH IN SOCIAL AND HUMANITIES, DEPOK, INDONESIA, 7–9 NOVEMBER 2016: TOPICS IN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences Editors Isbandi Rukminto Adi & Rochman Achwan Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb iiiiii 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK Typeset by V Publishing Solutions Pvt Ltd., Chennai, India Although all care is taken to ensure integrity and the quality of this publication and the information herein, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers nor the author for any damage to the property or persons as a result of operation or use of this publication and/or the information contained herein. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.tandfebooks.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Published by: CRC Press/Balkema Schipholweg 107C, 2316 XC Leiden, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] www.crcpress.com – www.taylorandfrancis.com ISBN: 978-1-138-62676-8 (Hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-21362-0 (eBook) AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb iivv 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences – Adi & Achwan (Eds) © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62676-8 Table of contents Preface ix Organizing committee xi Keynote speech Reconciliation after recognition? Indigenous-settler relations in Australia 3 A. Little Comprehending Indonesian transformation 9 B.S. Laksmono Contibutors The policy of community empowerment in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of a coal mining company (a case study of CSR implementation by PT BARA as a state-owned company) 17 R. Resnawaty & I.R. Adi Interpretation of social policy in Jatinangor, Sumedang 25 M. Fedryansyah & I.R. Adi Indonesia’s subnational competitiveness and preparedness for ASEAN economic community 2015: Mapping literatures 33 A. Virgianita & S.A. Choiruzzad Victimisation in tax collection in Indonesia 41 P. Harahap & M. Mustofa Local action for waste bank management through an environmental communication strategy and a collaborative approach for the sustainability of villages 49 D. Asteria, T. Santoso & R. Sari The relationship between political parties and women’s Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Indonesia, South Korea, and Argentina 55 A. Perdana Fishermen’s adaptation to aquatic environment changes in Jakarta Bay 65 T. Anugrahini & I.R. Adi Gender bias on structural job promotion of civil servants in Indonesia (a case study on job promotion to upper echelons of civil service in the provincial government of the special region of Yogyakarta) 73 E.P.L. Krissetyanti Tax amnesty policy implementation: The supporting and inhibiting factors 83 N. Rahayu & N. Dwiyanto The impact of microfinance as a community development program 93 E. Rahayu & I.R. Adi v AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb v 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Work-family balance: A dilemma for women workers in the manufacturing industry (case study at PT. Bintang, Tangerang City, Banten) 101 I.L. Fawzi Local wisdom of landslide disaster mitigation and change in ecosocial interaction at Bojong Koneng village 109 R. Raharja, F.G. Wibowo, R.V. Ningsih & S.V. Machdum Contestation of aristocratic and non-aristocratic politics in the political dynamic in North Maluku 115 I.R.A. Arsad Social enterprises policy approach for micro enterprises empowerment: Lessons learnt from the technology for region program in empowering micro enterprises in West and East Java, Indonesia 125 I.R. Maksum, A.Y.S. Rahayu & D. Kusumawardhani This is a sample paper Confucius for non-Confucians: Understanding China from “without” 131 R.L. Benavides Islam and the state: Political thought contextualisation of Hamka (Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah), on the state, religion and morality in Indonesia 141 H. Herdiawanto Halal tourism as Japan’s economic and diplomatic strategy 149 S.A. Wibyaninggar & S. Aminah Indonesian women in transnational marriages: A gender perspective on their struggles, negotiations, and transformations on ownership rights as Indonesian citizens 157 R. Prihatiningsih, S. Irianto & S. Adelina The struggle of women victims of child marriage in constructing the power of their body and life (case study in Ciasihan Village, Bogor District, West Java Province) 167 R. Kalosa, M.U. Anshor, I.M.D. Fajriyah & S. Irianto The contributions of Minangkabau women, who established intercultural marriages, in creating a ‘new identity’ of the Minangkabau diaspora 175 M. Elfira US foreign policy towards the democratisation of Syria in 2011–2014 181 S. Awal & I.F.R. Agoes Dynamic governance in managing the urban environment— A conceptual framework of urban water governance 191 W. Mulyana & E. Suganda Israeli women’s political participation in the peacemaking process between Israel and Palestine 199 M. Jamilah & Apipudin Black lives matter in the progress of the African-American movement 207 A. Gracilia, T. Paramehta, N.N. Soeyono & I.F.R. Agoes Asset management analysis and development strategy of Muara Angke fishing port 215 I. Iklina, A. Inggriantara & K. Djaja Female-headed households in Kampung Bidara Cina: Negotiation, spatial practice and reproduction of spatial structure change 223 I. Pratiwi & Herlily vi AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb vvii 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Constructs of vulnerability and resilience in the coastal community of Tanjung Pasir village, Tangerang 235 I.B.H. Gupta, A. Rahmat, A.T. Alamsyah & D. Syahdanul Trading-off pattern of marine stewardship council management in Indonesia 241 A. Notohamijoyo, M. Huseini, R.H. Koestoer & S. Fauzi Women’s position in Tara Bandu customary law: Case study on violence against women in Suco Tibar, Liquiçá municipality, Timor-Leste 251 A.D. Costa, S. Irianto & M. Siscawati Preliminary study of environmental risk from endosulfan usage during the Green Revolution: Case study in central paddy area of Jombang District, East Java, Indonesia 259 E.S. Harsanti, H. Kusnoputranto, M. Suparmoko & A.N. Ardiwinata Analysis of the implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures in the European Union (EU) on the export of Indonesian pepper and nutmeg 267 K. Triwibowo & T.A. Falianty The politics behind Alpalhankam: Military and politico-security factors in Indonesia’s arms procurements, 2005–2015 281 T. Chairil Pesantren education: The changing and the remaining. A case study of Bahrul Ulum Pesantren Tambak Beras in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia 291 M.L. Zuhdi Citizen engagement: An approach to sustaining Indonesian rural water supply and sanitation? 297 R.Y. Kasri & S.S. Moersidik Indonesian multi-track diplomacy for Palestine: Indonesian Red Crescent’s (Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia) support for education of Palestinians 307 L. Taqwa & M.L. Zuhdi The role of the Middle Eastern first lady in the public sphere: A case study of Queen Rania of Jordan 315 R.N. Fitria & Apipudin Study of recreational function quality of public green open space around Jakarta’s East Flood Canal 323 H. Septa & J. Sumabrata The optimisation of society as an environment conservation actor: Study of Citanduy upstream watershed conservation 333 H. Herdiansyah, A. Brotosusilo, H. Agustina & W. Berkademi Indonesia’s support for Palestine in international forums 339 N.S. Azani & M.L. Zuhdi Negotiating identities: National identity vs global branding and cooperation in the case of Real Madrid CF 347 V. Syamsi Spiritual ecofeminism of indigenous women in Indonesia: A celebration of women’s strength, power and virtue 353 G. Arivia The dynamics of Japan–ASEAN diplomacy: The significance of the 1991 Nakayama Proposal upon the establishment of the ASEAN Regional Forum in 1994 361 D. Afiatanti & I.K. Surajaya vii AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb vviiii 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Social transformation of Kuwaiti women and their contribution to Kuwait’s economic development 369 A.T. Hidayati & Apipudin A strategy of inter-state institutional cooperation for conflict resolution and maritime security in Indonesia 375 A. Brotosusilo & I.W.A. Apriana Waste management and waste minimization study in manufacturing (analysis of human involvement in the implementation of waste minimization in the auto component industry) 383 L. Handayani & S.S. Moersidik Author index 391 viii AACHWAN7_Book.indbCHWAN7_Book.indb vviiiiii 111/15/20171/15/2017 99:06:36:06:36 AAMM Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences – Adi & Achwan (Eds) © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62676-8 Preface This Conference Proceedings volume contains the written versions of most of the contri- butions presented during the 1st Asia-Pacific Research on Social Sciences and Humanities (APRISH). The Conference took place at the Margo Hotel in Depok, 7–9 November 2016. The main theme of the APRISH Conference was “Competition and Collaboration in Glo- balized World”. This book contains articles related to the Social and Political Issues and has been reviewed by peer reviewers. There are 56 articles in this book which can be divided
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