THE WESTFIELD LEADER HmYmr THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIMCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPE* IN WHOM COUNTY ToAU FOBTY-THIBD YEAE—No. 17 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1982 LYNN D. STUB SCHOd EMPLOYEES LICENSE BUREAU FAMOUS TENOR WILL MOTORMAN HURT NAMED TO FILL OFFICE HOURS Committee Plans Circle To ACCEPT 10 PER CENT SING HERE JAN. €AS TROLLEY JUMPS COUNCIL VACANCY SAURY REDUCTION Weekdays—9-12 and 1-6. Control Traffic At Plaza Saturdays—9-11:80 and 12: O. TRACK, HITS TREE 30 to 6. the westbound traffic and then thread Optra C-. Stiiiii Walter P. Apprtv* SaggMUM Of IMTJ Notice has been given that Dugcr Sfrti Wfl I* its way through the eastbound traffic •? J «• A on South avenue but will encounter « the office will close each night WitkidyiagOf no westbound traffic on the latter promptly at six o'clock. The Of •tflBCwMNI JM UuA Next fen* street. Paul Althouse, American tenor, will UttKcfc bureau is located on South Cars debouching from Spring etreet appear in recital on Friday evening, •rake* GIVM At CM» avenue, opposite the railroad which wish to move westward on January 6, under the auspices of the The problem of the routing of traf- Lynn D. Stiles of 722 Boulevard All employees of the Westfield station. South avenue will do so via the cir- Musical Club of W«8lfield. This is Fred Thompson of Stout aveaiw, fic through the South side of thclee; thus there will be no left turn the second in the concert series ar- was appointed couecilmaa from the Bchool system have accepted a ten Plaia in Westfleld is to be solved fay Lincoln, a motorman employed by tka third ward to fill the tiMKpired term at the intersection of Spring street ranged by the club through its con- per cent reduction of salary as pro-j-MMv CA( nlCTC, xrk the construction of a traffic circle. Public Service Company, receive* • of Walter P. Barclay who resigned and South avenue. Vehicles from cert director, Mrs. John J. High. Al- posed by the Board of Education, ac- TWO SOLOISTS TO This situation has been a matter 01 the north side desiring to enter Spring lan Jones the rising young American possible fracture of the skull a brak- by Mayor Frederick S. Tiptoe at the cording to an announcement made by \ great concern to the traffic commit- cn n0 n 1 street will not be carried into South tenor waaia scheduled to appear but! »*,« < «««•* »i»o» injuries whea meeting of the Town Council held last A. M. Lamberton. The acceptance j tee of the Town Council for the pas n0 1 night in the Municipal building. The avenue through the circle lane but was forced to cancel his engagement. " ™ »»>"«« Uaiion line tralkr was unanimous and followed a gen-1 APPEAR HERE IN two years and has been the subjec will find a passageway at the western tppolataeat tu confirmed by theeral meeting of school employees held of numerous conferences with the Mr. Althouse is regarded "^as one of jumped the trace* at the latarsartt— council. end of the western safety isle through the outstanding interpreters of Wag-of Summit and South aveauet short- Tuesday of last week. At that time New Jersey Traffic Commission, which which they can pass into and through Mr. Lamberton and Alan M. Cartter, CONCERT JAN. 10a few months ago was combined with nerign tenor roles and no matter ly after midnight bat aitfit, TW car Conatilman Btilec has lived in eastbound traffic on South avenue and where he appears, whether in opera catapulted across Bout* svenit* a*4 Westiield for seventeen yean and atvice president and chairman of tha the Motor Vehicle Commission. then enter Spring street. This pas- administration committee, gave facts or the concert hall, he never falls to struck a tree on the opposlt* side ef preseBt » aaiiatant to the president Sy-apkcar Orckcitra T» Have By mid-year it was determined sageway, formed by a small auxiliary give his audience a thrill of musical the hichway. Three f-ttf ia of the Horn* B. * L, Association. He and figures relative to the curtail- island, will offer a protected position ment of school expenditures. that the installation of a traffic circle pleasure. He first came into prom- the trolley car escaped serious lajwr- has feeea active in the social and fra- liagiu ASMI Maeitr* offered the soundest solution of thewhere a car may stand a few seconds, inence with the Metropolitan Opera ies. They were Mra. H. If. Parttaf- ternal life of the town, serving as The board members asked that problem and involved the least ex if necessitated by heavy ouatbound Company and later was associated ton of 630 Trinity place, O. A. Ho- masUr of Atlas Lodge, 126, F. * A each employee sign an agreement to Vent At CM* Artittt pense. It will avoid the erection of traffic on South avenue, awaiting a with the Chicago Civic Opera Com- ne! of 636 Prospect street, both «f It., i» 1828 and as president of theaccept a flat ten per cent reduction! signal lights, with the possible excep- break in the line. pany where for several years he Iwld this town, aad Bradley Barrett, HI sCuoak Clsb ef Westfield the follow, and copies of the agreement were tion of a flashing light at the inter, I the role of leading tenor. He return- Beach avenue, Faiwtod. Barrett *•» ing year. He is secretary of Atlas The Westfield Symphony Orches- 14 Fe*t TraJfcc Lane distributed by each principal to all section of Westfleld avenue and South The traffic lanes about the circle ed to the Metropolitan Opera Com- taken to the Muhkiilmrg Hospital iW Lodge at the present time. - He also employee* of his particular school on tra will give the first concert of the avenue. Multiple traffic signals in- delineated by the safety isles will pany this fall and on November 8 1» observation when he complained tf served ia a prominent capacity during Wednesday, The following day every season on Tuesday, January 10, atvolve considerable expense not only have a width of 30 feet at the en- made an outstanding appearance in paina about the chest. the csMtouction of the Masonic Tern agreement was in th« hands of the 8:30 p. m., in the auditorium of the for installation but for maintenance trance narrowing down to 24 feet the leading role of "Die Walkure," a The car operated by Thompson was Pie- . board, signed by every teacher, prill Wagnerian opera. Roosevelt Junior High School, mark- since, under the state law, they should which will tend to prevent speeding traveling north and Is thought to hav» Councilman Barclay submitted his cipal, clerk and janitor. be operated 24 hours a day. gained considerable momeatam Ml ing the beginning of the thirteenth at these points by compressing traf-| His concert and operatic tours have resignation at the meeting of Decem- The splendid response to the board's *With the decision of the traffic com- fie slightly. The diameter of the Isrought the acclaim of all who hav« the down grade. Thompson claim** ber 12 to take effect December SI. request has been highly commended year of the orchestra's existence un- mittee to adopt the idea of a traffic land will be 116 feet. Traffic author. heard him. Last summer he toured that the brakes did mt hold is the Action was deferred pending the out-by the board and residents of theder the leadership of the conductor, circle the task of working out theities state that a Bpeed of 20 miles an Germany with such success that he car approached the curve. The cat come of a conference of a committee town. In commenting on the action Charles H. Seyfried. details was placed in the hands of hour may be maintained around a 100has been requested to return and take struck the tret with such force at «• consisting of Mayor Tipson, Council taken, Mr. Lamberton said, "I can [John T. Hopkins, town engineer, and foot circle without danger or disa- part in the entire operatic sea- sheer off two mala branches several men Henry W. Pleister and Robert S, not speak too highly of the fine spirit The Westfield Symphony Orches- Lieut. John R. Schreiber. comfort. Normally the width of son in Berlin. Tho dramatically pow- feet above the ground. Th« impact was so great that the trunk of tW MacCormack. Mayor Tipson stated of loyalty and co-operation shown by tra is fortunate in having secured Higkl, C.mm.»4~i br State lane of traffic should be greater on aerful and effective voice which has that all efforts to persuade Council the employees of the school system. circle than on a straight stretch. A brought this famous tenor world-wide tre« was driven threugh the front the assistance of two guest artists When thc plan was presented to of the ear demolishing the vestibule, man Barclay to complete MB present Westfield has always been fortunate the Stato Highway Commission it wai width of 24 feet thus allows ample approval Is heard to its most striking in having employees of the schools of unusual musical achievements. Wins were torn down aid police of- term wen of no avail. Before the Madam lrma Rea Biagini, dramatic received most enthusiastically. In space about the circle for two lanes advantage in the more intimate sur- resignation nu accepted it wawhi o are willing to help out when re- of vehicles. roundings of the concert hall. ficers guarded the mass ot live wires soprano, and Maeetro Vittorio Veree, fact, so impressed were the Highway on tha grouad.
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